تعداد اسلایدهای پاورپوینت: 23 اسلاید


صفحه 1:
Sa مد ‎The Nervous System:‏ ‎General‏ ‎Principles‏ ~<a

صفحه 2:
Understanding CNS CS central Nervous System & لا

صفحه 3:
CNS S Synapses. types of connectio

صفحه 4:
ور 0 و ‘Axon terminal (presynaptic. ‘lemon Secretory, granules Synaptic 0 مه nee ee Y actions of psychoactive drugs Y causes ofmental disorders ) Y neural basis of | Cearningandmemory

صفحه 5:
Figure 5.1 ‘A gap jinetion. (2) Nourites of tuo cell connected by a gap junetion.(b) An enlargement showing channels called connexare, its called connexins, which bridge the cytoplasm of the two cells, Ions and small molecules. ‘channale, Electrical synapses Connexins that makeupa connexon Gap junctions Ionscanflow bidirectionall y cote ۱ cytoplasm, pen i me size=2nm 6 ‘small molecules by pores in ‘each membrane

صفحه 6:
Presynaptic Terminals a * Mitochondria(ATP) + Presynapticmembranecontains large numbers of voltage- gatedcalciumchannels emit ee wesicle eareens vesiclesin tt oe oo potential

صفحه 7:
Neurotransmitters 1. Amino Acids ~ synapticvessicles 2. Amines ~ synapticvessicles 3. Peptides © carton ~ secretory granules. ‏و‎ © Peptidesmay exist in the 3 Ach NE ‏سسالا‎ sameaxonterminalsas Hysrogen aminoacidsandamines. ‏و سود‎ Fast transmission uses Aminoacidsor ACh. SCow transmission may use any of the three types of neurotransmitters ‎Pro Lys Pro Gin Gln Phe Phe Gly Leu Met‏ وم ‎0 Substance P ‎

صفحه 8:
Neurotransmitter Synthesis andStora: ‘cyte nd tare fet ype of tara 0) ee: Alcina ah ough ER ‏ی تم ا‎ ‎tre ene mere mo yma ce berm whe‏ ی ساسا ‎Synthesis of peptide neurotransmitters ‎‘ete pepe ‎ ‎ ‎Pras ‎ree ‏مس‎ ‏3 0 مسصمسبيحة موادت 1 ‎ ‎۳4 Avery tine | na \ Siete ۶ ‏مهب‎ Synthesis ofamine ‎andaminoacids ‎Pot mip noe |

صفحه 9:
Postsynaptic Newron Ligand-gatedIon Channebis: * Ligand binding domain. * Consequence depends on the specific ions that pass through the pore. Na+ and K+ channels cause depolarization and are excitatory. * Cl- channels cause hyperpolarization and are inhibitory. * Activation is generally rapid and is mediated by amino ids and amines. 0

صفحه 10:
GProtein-Coupled Receptors rin coupe recap. Te io of rerio eee wads the atone ne 0 at gene

صفحه 11:
۱۳ nae. The poli rae emroe sols chr tore by aching Bhotbate re to مس موی ‎ee‏

صفحه 12:

صفحه 13:
Excitatory Postsynaptic Potential (EPSP) Excitatory Neurotransmitters: AChand glutamate i (©) ۱۳۵۱۵۵ ‏هی وم مریم‎ ee)

صفحه 14:
(1۳5) )ماما معط 1۳6۲0 Inhibitory Neurotransmitters: GlycineandGABA , ‏اميم متسل‎ اسم ~ ato pst ie)

صفحه 15:
Presynapticinhibition Y Release 0 substance onto the outsides the presynaptic nerve fibrils before their own endin, terminate on the postsynaptic neuron 9 PARA (chloride ions to diffuse into the terminal tbril) OIn sensory pathways of the nervous system, adjacent sensory nerve fibers often. mutually inhibit one another, which minimizés sideways spréadand mixing of signalsinsensorytracts ion at an Axoaxonic Synapse

صفحه 16:
Figure 5.17 ammtion. 3) A re eeepc Tndividunl EpSbe act together (c) Tempel sustain af EPSPs: When the presynaptic iter lite setlon potential in qulck succession, te Individual EPSPs add together [(@=16 synapses fring Acton poterta | ©—8erapae eg 2-20 3 5 ‏وم‎ Exctatoryposteynapic ‏تن‎ ‎4 ‎“Resting membrane if a ‏و و‎ 6 5 ft 6 8 0 12 14 46 oy time ‏متا‎ “Spatial Summation” activating multiple terminals onwidely spacedareas of the neuronal membrane Temporal summation” Successive discharges froma singlepresynapticterminal, ij they occur rapidly enough

صفحه 17:
a Facliated zone Lie * Discharge zone Input nerve fer, ‘The neuronal area sti Bd by eachincoming nerve fiber iscalledits stimulatory field Osuprathresholdstimulus Osubthreshold stimulus O sacilitationoftheneurons

صفحه 18:
Source Convergence trom ‘muttiple separate sources interneurons of the spinal cord singlenewron Convergencemeans signals from Souroe لهب + لا Convergence trom a single source Weaksignalsenteringa neuronal pool showldexcite multipleinputsuniting toexcitea far greater numbers of nerve fibers Ceaving the pool 1 ی 2 ۳ Diver ۸ ‏از‎ e tract Divergence into muttipigitpets |

صفحه 19:
> Most DendritesCannot Transmit Action Potentials Gut TheyCan Transmit Signals by Electrotonic Conduction: passive spreadof charge insidea newron. >Decremental conduction: Whenit spreadsafongastretchofmembrane,it becomes exponentially smaller Passivemeans that voltage-dependent changesinmembrane conductance do not contribute

صفحه 20:
Prolongation of a Signal bya Neuronal Pool—‘Afterdischarge (1) Continuousintrinsic neuronal discharge * Themembranepotentials of the neurons of the cerebelCumand the interneurons of thespinal Cordeven normally arehighenough toemit impulses continually (2) Continuous reverberatory signals * Positive feedbackwithin the neuronal circuit that feeds ba tore-excite theinput of the same circuit put Impuleoe por socond 52-0 ۳ لك < د

صفحه 21:
Stability of Neuronal Circuits * Inhibitory Circuits ~ Inhibitory feedback circuits that returnfrom thetermini of pathways back totheinitial excitatory neurons of the same pathways Neuronal pools that exert grossinhibitory control over widespreadareas of thebrain (basal ganglia) * Synaptic Fatigue Fiovor reflexes dlecromental raspancas Flexor muscle contacton force () cs 8888 stimu $ © © Seconds

صفحه 22:

صفحه 23:
Denar cable 5 066 سد 0 ی ‎wo Snare‏ اا

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