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Cae deere disable chron - ال
Seeing the same doctor: determinants of satisfaction with specialty care for disabled children
NeBreslau, EA Mortiner Jt- Medical Care, 1881 -joumals.hww.com
{AF though strictly speaking the disabled chit-dren were the clinics! patients, we refer to mothers!
Fatig oftheir». can be expected, for example, that in a cinic where medical eare is delivered by
humerous specialists, contiuty of phys clan would not be as nigh as ina cic
Cited by 75 Related aricies All 4 versions. Importinto EndNote Save More
Care co-ordination and key worker schemes for disabled children: results of a UK-wide survey
\V Greco, P Sloper - Chic eare, neath and development, 2004 - Wiley Onine Library
Finaings report (Department of Heattn 2003) notes tat ‘agencies snould work in a co-orainated
‘Way wt eare delivered py mutiaisciptinary teams’ and int for disabled children Key workers
{or Famiios wen high levels of need are seen as a way of achieving good co-ordination
Cited by 42 Relaledaricles AllS versions —Importino EndNote Save More
Primary care performance in fee-for-service and prepaid health care systems: results from the
Medical Outcomes Study
DG Saitan, AR Taslov, WH Rogers -JAMA, 1994 -jama jamanetwork.com
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Care of empowerment? A disability rights perspective
‘JMortis - Social Policy & Administration, 1997 - Wiley Online Library
w= economy oF on goods and services in the formal economy made or delivered by low .. We are
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Year Dicheonic Pain in Breast Cancer Sunavors: Companson of Psychosae| Surgical, and Medical Characterist
Page 652862 بود موسج ean iis ابيا lave cata “Tel cf and
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‘Saad: Use Cscian's Search Query Daa ta Meter inuenta Epes
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tional Institute for Health and Clinical
nce (NICE) (www.nice,org,uk) has a section
ing clinical guidelines’.
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dds NCEPanways RL cakiane standart ana wa بط ند یل
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Help to reduce unnecessary use of antibiotics
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ع اهاز تماقا مه
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Guidance @_ standards and ina 1خ
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Lists of NICE guidance, including publishes guidance, in developme
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= evaluation guidelines
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their search
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Fie ih Yew Foubes Tock Ye
هوهق سوه | مسيم يو
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BIOME: Incorporating the OMNI Service
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Lisa Gray reports on recent inoue? نكل عق Resource Discovery Network (p-wor do
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Looking for quality Internet resources in the health and life sciences? oe Article t
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