تجهیزات پزشکیپزشکی و سلامتتکنولوژی

نانومدیسین (نانوپزشکی) (An introduction to medical nanotechnology)

تعداد اسلایدهای پاورپوینت: ۲۱ اسلاید کاربرد نانوتکنولوژی در پزشکی (انگلیسی)


صفحه 1:

صفحه 2:
An introducti to medical nanotechnol )4 ات

صفحه 3:
عصان 0 ۶۱ ل تايا ۲ ۶ ۰۵ ۱۱۵۱۵-56۵ Application area Ba

صفحه 4:
Introduct 1 ‏ضحكت‎ Idea of using Nanotechnology in medicine: Nanorobots in human body 1999 Robert A. Freitas Jr Nanomedicine: 1 Use of nanotechnology to bring about improvements in healthcare By modified physical/chemical/biological properties of nano-scale materials Many biological mechanisms in human body also occur at nano-scale 1960 Zurich 2007 European Foundation for Clinical Nanomedicine (Switzerland)

صفحه 5:
1 Construction ‏لك‎ Celene aay 9 Ma ce یی رن ‎Of all human biological systems‏ ‎From molecular level‏ ‎Using engineered devices &‏ ‎nanostructures‏

صفحه 6:
عادء5 » Some physical laws > Different at Nano-scal 3 2 5 ۴ ناج ‎Surface/volume‏ 1 زک ‎Total surface‏ ‎esl 96 192 384‏ ‎‘Total volume 84 64 64‏ ‎Nanoparticles: ‘Surface-to-volume‏ » ‎ie 15 3 6‏ ‎huge surface‏ suitable for chemical interactions with biomolecules 4 biochemical reaction time Analytical devices > faster & more sensitive » Smaller devices: Lower invasiveness Possible to implanted within body. Small size of biological sample for measurement Viscosity = more effective at nanoscale ١-5 tinteraction with capillary walls

صفحه 7:
Nano ew scale — 10۴0 < 1/10۶8 A single human hair = 80,000 nm Typical protein size = 3- تست 6 — » Red blood cells = 6000-8000 Most | Nanopartictes Nanoparticulate systems: 0 ‏ع‎ Size ranging from a few nanometers 1 (micelles) 1 To several hundreds of nan te « ‏و‎ ‏سر‎ 20065( ١ i Nucleic Acid Fragment Biameter of Prokaryotie Celis Mobile Phone ۰

صفحه 8:
Application plication > 6

صفحه 9:
Medical 7 cw diagnostics In vitro diagnostic Traditionally > laborious task ۱ ‏رِ‎ ‎6 =>: Disadvantages: sample deterioration, cost, lengthy waiting times, inaccurate r@sults New generation of device: Smaller, Faster, Cheaper, Smaller samples, Accurate readings Smaller samples: tinvasive & traumatic methods of extraction 4 ] ۱۱۵00۵۵6۵۷ (Nanotechnol Test one sample for numerous diseases 47 Screen large numbers of samples for one disease ‘lab-on-a-chip’ devices,

صفحه 10:
diagnostics Biosensors a sensor contains a biological element such as an enzyme + ‏فم‎ ‎capable of recognising presence, Activity/concentration of a biological molecule in soli 1 specificity & sensitivity | New techniques in electronics . ال لل و مر 0 1 ‎ecg‏ ‎Miniaturisation of biosensorgar "2! =‏ Smaller samples ( Highly integrated ‏یوس‎

صفحه 11:
In vivo diagnostics Imaging techniques + implantable devices Nanoimaging: study of in vivo molecular event: Imaging techniques: optical imaging, nuclear imaging (radioactive), MRI, ultrasound, X-ray imaging Goal-of-in vivo Nano-diagnostics Create highly sensitive & reliable detection a Deliver & monitor therapy Molecular imaging = basic tool for monitorin: Traditional imaging techniques Vs. Nanotechnology at level of a single cell

صفحه 12:
ee living, functional tissues Repair/replace tissue/organ (loss function by age, disease, damage, congenital defect) Regeneration of tissues: ‎Implantation ea‏ جح مت ‎cells + biological‏ 5 ‎To support cell proliferation ‏مح‎ ‎0 Patient Growth factor, (Cells ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎Stem cells ‎Biomateria, Tissue Call ‎development expansion eo 3D scaffold 5 ‎ ‎

صفحه 13:
em mr Implants, sensors Swallowable imaging ‘pill’ 3 = New endoscopic instruments. Smart measurement of glucose + Miniaturisation for lower invasiveness

صفحه 14:
Nano-biopsy Brain tumours ~ Hardest cancers to dia| Biopsies > Benign or malignant Nanotechnology tinvasiveness mtDNA Sequencing aspiration 1 Collect proteins & cells by surface adhesiagingle-Cell Nanobiopsy *Remove small amount of “floating” cells & biomolecules “Without removing brain tissue -Without causing harm

صفحه 15:
sy ie Drugs: chemical/biological small/big molecules with 3 ره لا ‎Nanocrystal‏ 1< تا ‎Nanotechnology 1 4 © — — 8‏ \ =[ ۲ Nanoliposomes Direct & selective therapies at diseased tissues/cells jpsulation of drugs in carriers ne Nanopolymers » Behaviour of nanomaterials > should be demonstrated

صفحه 16:
‘Nanoparticle > Nanoparticulate drug delivery 1 Vector generations: * First generation vectors: ‏شاد‎ Hydrophilic drugs nanospheres & nanocapsules 90 Hydrophobic druge Hydrophiic shot * Second generation vectors: ۳ (Eo ee) nanoparticles coated with hydrophilic polymers such as polyethylene glycol LUpla-polymer hybrid NP * Third generation vectors: combining a biodegradable core + a polymer envelope nal chemotherapy- kill also healthy cells (advers« Conve Nanoparticles > as drug carriers for chemotherapeutics Direct delivery to tumor

صفحه 17:
Drug delivery (mechanical) devices >» Nanopump Miniaturised drug delivery pump based on MEMS chips im Implante for accurate dosing of various compounds with dedicated delivery profiles Nanopump for insulin delivery Nanofabrication & mic chniques Enable design & fabrication of ultra small devi With reservoirs, actuators, pumps To control accurately release of drugs Can be implanted within body, even in brain.

صفحه 18:
Nano- ‏هه‎ ‎rmaceuticals “= ۲ Theranostics, combined techniqu = treatment Contrast agents/probe development in drug delivery, toxicology, imaging technology Nanosystems © © © © © in vitro diagnostics techniquesetatic Protein Dendrimer Micelles Polymeric ‏656ددما‎ Lipid based NPs + in vivo nano-imaging @ THERAPY © chemotherapeutic drugs Florescent probes ie Lead to targeted tumor disrURLG Nucteic acids Contrast agents or removal Ge Pentides/proteins Quantum dots 9 arid 3 = _ Cancer Theranostics © o & ۵ Localised ‘surgery’

صفحه 19:
Nanotechnology ~ interface between bio (human) and non-bio (machine) new ethical issues Requires careful analysis of ethical aspects New nanomedical inventions Have to evaluated by ethical, legal and social a Principles: * Non-instrumentalisation * Privacy * Non-discrimination + Informed Consent + Equity ۰ The Precautionary Principle

صفحه 20:
Conclusio “ng Nanomedicine 1 In diagnosis, treatment and screening > Limited data about side effects of Nano-drugs Help to nono-drug release, optimal dose, side effects e o

صفحه 21:

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