صفحه 1:
Polymorphism and Overloading
Lecture 10 Polymorphism,
ae ae
صفحه 2:
-relude> [1,2,3] ++ [4,5,6]
[1,2,3,4,5,6] :: [Integer]
Prelude> [‘a','b','c']++I['d','e','f]
"abcdef" :: [Char]
Prelude> "abc"++"def"
"abcdef" :: [Char]
Prelude> ["abc","def","ghi"]++["uvw","xyz"]
["abc","def","ghi","uvw","xyz"] :: [[Char]]
What is the type of ++:
[a] -> [a] -> [a]
Lecture 10 Polymorphism,
صفحه 3:
lengthList [ ] = 0
lengthList (x:xs) = 1 + lengthList xs
Main> lengthList ['a','b','c']
3 ::
Main> lengthList [1,2,3,4,5,6]
6 :: Integer
Main> lengthList [['a','b','c'L['d''e!,'f 1, ['g' L('h7']]
4 :: Integer
Main> lengthList ["abc","def"]
2 ::
What is the type of lengthList?
[a] -> Int
Lecture 10 Polymorphism,
Overloading figher
Dane its هر
صفحه 4:
olymorphism: “has many shapes”.
A function is polymorphic if it can operate on many
different types. In
polymorphism, the same function definition is used for
all the types it
9 type variables are used, as in:
is ap to.
[a] -> [a] -> [a]
[a] -> Int
(a,b) -> [a]
The variable a stands for an arbitrary type. Of course
all the a’s
in the first declaration above stand for the same type
wheras in the Lecture 10 Polymorphism, 4
loading and Higher
۹ ای اس ام هه ی
صفحه 5:
Overloading is another mechanism for using the
same function name on different types.
overloaded function has different definitions for different t
(a,b) = = (c,d)
would require different
definitions of “= =".
(a:='= C) Sb(D— — 0)
Lecture 10 Polymorphism, 5
Overloading and Higher
kn سد ردن
صفحه 6:
Higher Order Functions
Lecture 10 Polymorphism,
ae ee
صفحه 7:
her order function takes a function as an argument or retul
ion as a result.
When we apply a function to all elements of a list, we
say that we have mapped that function into the list.
There is a Haskell built-in function called map that is
used for this purpose.
map f list =[f x|x <- list]
map f []=[]
20 (first-rest) =f first: map f rest
[6,24,120] Lecture 10 Polymorphism, 5
Overloading and Higher
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صفحه 8:
Type of map:
input function input list output list
map ::(a->b) -> [a],
[b] \
Elements of the list to \
which the function is Elements of
applied the output list
that the
Lecture 10 Polymorphism,
صفحه 9:
A function which doubles all the values in a list of
double :: Int -> Int
double n = n*2
doubleAll :: [Int] -> [Int]
doubleAll []=[]
doubleAll (first:rest) = (double first) :
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A function that squares all the values in a list
of integers:
square :: Int -> Int
square n=n“2
squareAll :: [Int] -> [Int]
squareAll []=[]
squareAll (first : rest) = (square first) : (squareAll rest)
صفحه 10:
A function that returns a list of factorials of all the
numbers in a given list of integers:
fact :: Int -> Int
fact n = product [1..n]
factAll :: [Int] -> [Int]
factAll (first : rest) = (fact first) : (factAll
There is a pattern that is repeated in all these
definitions. Here is where we can use a higher order
function. We may write a general function:
doAll :: (Int -> Int) -> [Int] -> [Int]
doAll f []=[]
doAll f (first : rest) = (f first ) : (doAll f rest)
All we need is this one general definition and the
definitions of each of the functions to be applied to 5
Lecture 10 Polymorphism,
each element. Overloading
ths ا
صفحه 11:
double :: Int -> Int
double n = n*2
square :: Int -> Int
square n=n“2
fact :: Int -> Int
fact n = product [1..n]
doAll :: (Int -> Int) -> [Int] -> [Int]
doAll f []=[]
doAll f (first : rest) = (f first ) : (doAll f rest)
صفحه 12:
Alternatively, we could define all the functions in one
line each using our higher order function doAll:
doubleAll2 :: [Int] -> [Int ]
doubleAll2 list = doAll double list
squareAll2 :: [Int] -> [Int ]
squareAll2 list = doAll square list
factAll2 :: [Int] -> [Int ]
factAll2 list = doAll fact list
Lecture 10 Polymorphism, 12
Overloading figher
نز رین
صفحه 13:
We could even have used the built-in function map:
doubleAll = map double} Main> doAll double [1,2,3,4]
where double x = 2)[2,4,6,8]
Main> map double [1,2,3,4]
Main> doAll fact [1,2,3,4]
Main> map fact [1,2,3,4]
Main> doAll square [1,2,3,4]
[1,4,9,16] :: [Int]
Main> map square [1,2,3,4]
Lecture 104[1,4,9,16]
eA ee as Ade
صفحه 14:
We can think of map as a function which takes a
function of type
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ht associative
So, we can define the following functions which return a
doubleAll3 :: [Int] -> [Int ]
squareAll3 :: [Int] -> [Int]
factAll3 - = = map fact
Lecture 10 Polymorphism, 14
ا ths
صفحه 15:
Function remove (removes an element from a list):
remove []=[]
remove element (first : rest) =
if element = = first then remove element rest
else first : (remove element rest)
‘We may want to wr}
a function that rem|
all even or odd ele removeOdd (first:rest)
= if odd first
then removeOdd
or elements that safj
a certain condition,
else first :
صفحه 16:
Main> removeEven
OVveEven [ ]=[ ]
removeEven (first : rest)= if even
then removeEven
e can write a generaléunction that does all of these.
removeAll p []=[]
removeAll p (first: rest) = if p
then removeAll p
else first:
صفحه 17:
Main> removeAll odd
Main> removeAll even
<عضع]ژ2ع_سط_ )11,2,3,4,5,6
We could have used filter to do all this rather than
defining removeAll. This is another useful built-in
function. It takes a property and a list and returns a list
ts that have that property.
Lecture 10 Polymorphism, 17
andi eho
صفحه 18:
output list
a-> Bool) -> [a] -
Elements of the
input list, the
output list that the
function returns
and the type that
the property works
input list
Type of filter:
input function
filter ::
> fal
The property is a
function that returns
a Bool
Lecture 10 Polym8:Bhism, 18
صفحه 19:
Definition of filter
Fortunately, filter is a built-in function. If it wasn’t a
built-in function, we could have defined filter as
filter :: (Int -> Bool) -> [Int] -> [Int]
filter p []= []
filter p (first : rest) = if (p first)
then first : (filter p rest)
else filter p rest
An Example:
IcaseLetters و = map toLower (filter isAlpha s)
Lecture 10 Polymorphism, 19
ا ths