اطلاعات کامل درمورد ضربان ساز قلب یا پیس میکر دارای عکس های مرتبط و حرفه ای این پاورپوینت دارای ۱۸ صفحه است که این پاورپوینت بصورت انگلیسی طراحی شده است (برای کلاس های زبان تخصصی و درس های تخصصی مفید میباشد)


صفحه 1:
Every things about Pacemaker Subtitle: Provider:

صفحه 2:
Qepword ۴۳3۵۳۵) ‏ضربان‎ ‏ساز‎ ‎Spigastriums)L, ‎Si ‎stimulates ‏تحریک‎ گر کاشته ۱۳0۳۱۳۲۲ شده

صفحه 3:
HISTORY The first attempts to create an implantable pacemaker occurred in 1958 in Sweden by Ake Senning and Rune Elmavist In their design, silicon transistors were used to generate a pulse within a device that was small enough to be placed in the epigastrium under the skin. In 1960, American scientist Wilson Greatbatch and cardiologist William Chardack developed a novel implantable pacemaker device that was instead -powered by zinc-mercuric oxide battery cells

صفحه 4:
OWUOT 16 ® POCEDOKER © pase wuker is oo isophooted wedicd device that discharyes oF eleviriviy, Wwhick mouse the hewt to beat io woseer very sisvitor to the cotucd heat

صفحه 5:
:Battery the pacemaker battery is the power supply. It is a small, sealed, lithium battery, that will generally last for many years (the average battery lifetime is 8 years). The energy from the battery is delivered as tiny electrical .impulses that stimulate the heart :Circuitry the circuitry is a kind of miniature computer inside the pacemaker. It controls the timing and intensity of the -electrical impulses delivered to the heart

صفحه 6:
:Connector block the plastic (epoxy) connector, which lies on top of the pacemaker's metal case, provides the connection .between the pacemaker and the lead(s) :Case the battery and circuitry are sealed inside a metal case

صفحه 7:
ST :The lead The pacing lead is an insulated wire that carries the electrical impulse to the heart, and carries information about the heart’s natural activity back to the pacemaker. One end of the lead is connected to the connector block. The other end is usually inserted through a vein and placed in the right ventricle or the right atrium. Either one or two leads are used depending on the type of pacemaker. At a heart rate of 70 beats per minute, the lead will bend about 100,000 times a day! Therefore, leads are extremely flexible and strong, so that they can withstand the twisting and bending caused by movement of .the body and of the beating heart

صفحه 8:
Connector block |

صفحه 9:
WOO OOEE © 20202020 2?DORK A pacemaker has two essential tasks: pacing .and sensing Pacing means that the pacemaker paces the heart in case the heart’s own rhythm is .interrupted, irregular, or too slow Sensing means that the pacemaker monitors the heart’s natural electrical activity. If a pacemaker senses a natural heartbeat it will -not stimulate the heart

صفحه 10:
Pacemaker Company vitatron - The Pace Makers LivaNova Medtronic Health innovation that matters ‎BIOTRONIK‏ @«-— موه ‎MAYO‏ ‎CLINIC‏ ‎GY

صفحه 11:
OLOT TYPES OP PCCIOG CRE PBARRE, your heart condition, your doctor will prescribe which chambers should be paced. Pacemakers are designed for either (rate responsive) single chamber or (rate responsive) dual chamber pacing In single chamber pacing, either the right atrium or the right ventricle is paced. Only one lead is used. The pacemaker senses (monitors) electrical activity in either the atrium or the ventricle and determines whether or -not pacing is needed

صفحه 12:
OLOT ٩۳۷۳۵ 06 ۳0۵۹/۶ ORE ۵ In dual chamber pacing, the pacemaker senses (monitors) electrical activity in both the atrium and the ventricle and determines whether or not pacing is needed. Dual chamber pacemakers help the upper and lower chambers of your heart to beat in their natural sequence. This way, a paced heartbeat mimics .a natural heartbeat

صفحه 13:
Single chamber pacing

صفحه 14:
21/00 18 ۰۲ ۳00 A programmer is a specialized computer used to monitor and adjust .the pacemaker The programmer is kept in a hospital or clinic. A nurse or doctor uses this specialized computer to see how the pacemaker is working and if necessary, to adjust the settings of a .pacemaker During follow-up visit, or during a hospital stay, a doctor or nurse may place the programming head of the programmer over the implanted device

صفحه 15:
21,۵۵ 1۵ 1۲ 0 :This allows the programmer to Receive information from your pacemaker The information received from the device shows how your device and your heart have been working. Based on this information, the doctor or the nurse may -want to adjust the therapy Send instructions to your pacemaker When the therapy needs to be changed, the nurse or doctor can send the new instructions to the implanted pacemaker es eae Ri ew ae ‏د جنم‎

صفحه 16:
20۳ ure the siqes pou weed ‏عوداه موعدم هن‎ Symptoms of sick sinus syndrome can tinclude a slower pulse than normal (bradycardia) extreme tiredness (fatigue) fainting (or nearly fainting) .dizziness or lightheadedness .shortness of breath .chest pain irregular or fluttering heartbeats (palpitations)

صفحه 17:
aker, you AVR void close or prolonged contact with electrical devices or devices that have strong magnetic fields Devices that can interfere with a :pacemaker include Cell phones and MP3 players (for example, iPods) Household appliances, such .as microwave ovens

صفحه 18:

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