صفحه 1:
Welcome A Presentation on Business Intelligence June 10% 2003 by Paul Balacky & Richard Fayers THOROGOOD Get the full picture

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Topics مه سوت یه ‎Oharwtersios of‏ © * Desk loves

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Introductions - Thorogood Associates Ltd " Established (OO? us Iedepeudeu! Dusicess oteliqeus Gpevinists " @S people Oe oe loved it Loadou, Wigh Oyoowbe, Oouckester ocd rivets DCO Oirvsvht Gold OrriPied Patuer Por Dusicess Teteligeure (S pews ‏نموه‎ ta the opphcaivd oP Busicess: Aetetigeure/OLOR tecurlodies Oe parteer wits key players ta the sarket

صفحه 4:
Chorunteristivs vP 1

صفحه 5:
Business Intelligence © Dke ter Dustaess ‏تناها‎ (B11) is retatively ce but the itis ‏صجمم رود‎ wits a rocce of uppicaizes thot hove ‏عونا لتحم مجصطا‎ yeas; — Osvivn supper syste ws = Cxenuive IePorwaioa Opstews — Oke Badlicd Provessiay (8.0 Codd eat) 90's) or wale ‎wodelicny‏ سود ‎" his the powwersivg oP dota tote fePorevaticg ft suck a Lay teat the: busteuess is uble to cose the ‏لو ای نت یب و واه‎ ‏نت‎ ‎2 ‎

صفحه 6:
ke 1 ‏عسر6‎ Qustuess 4htelliqe sce

صفحه 7:
BI Questions * Dbet oped? — Oko were our totd oder the covet? * Oku's hoppeins? = Ore pur ole yore up ‏تاره لا رنب‎ * Oh? — Ohy kwe des your dawa? "ket wal happen? = Porecwtay & Oka P Dodo "ket do 1 versa to hoppers? = Phrratery & ‏یه(‎ Gowrve: ill Dcker, Dicrovolt

صفحه 8:
Where is Business Intelligence applied? Operctiocd PP ivieay Custower Iateractioa = ERE Reporicay * Gale ‏له‎ ‎۱ ۶ ‏سس و‎ 0 0 ‏میسن « امه«‎ 0 * 060 ‏ماده‎ ‎« Ooiviy Based Coste * نوومم ‏با‎ )من * سوه رطق « ‎"legen‏

صفحه 9:
OLTP v OLAP " OLTOC systews wodel provesses * OLOP Pooses ve culput ced user ‏جاع رات لت رمتسم‎ require weds - Data warehouses support business decisions by collecting, consolidating, and organizing data for reporting and analysis with tools such as online analytical processing (OLAP) and data mining. (OicroseFt) = OLOC stl requires ‏موه امه وه و‎

صفحه 10:
Business Intelligence Software ۰ otexgratica oP — OLOP ‏اوه لین‎ — ‏رسمه عادو المع‎ - )1( ‏نكصاصكادها جاع‎ " ‏مامت ها الاو‎ «۶ ‏عصصا اجه ما رانا‎ views "Deb deploywent

صفحه 11:
Major BI\OLAP Vendors Orwrte ©: OLOP GHP CO Dierveokt GAL Gerver COOO & Ouse Gervices Wyperion Bssbose\ 10M Oiorvstrotecpy Cocos usicess Objevts

صفحه 12:
State of BI at the present time " Robust, scdeuble, web deployable 01 tecurlogies are avilable "robles ure thely to he to dota cowplexiy, process ued people ® Guowesshul topleswwectaicad dewords very close Wworktey beter the bustaess wed the spstesw providers ® Chovsiey products ip us kad as ever - Dhere's w suck ftog os 0 weed Ped ste (OL@P, Query & Reporte, RDOOG, CPL, Oaks Dieses) — CRE veadors oe ofPeriay 1

صفحه 13:
The BI market has been turned upside down in the last 4 years Oicroscht hus eutered the warket wits drocvatic ieopact Orde kos lost seocvectice ke produnts best uble to works wis DirrosvPt's phiPoren were ‏ره ور 6 نصا‎

صفحه 14:
1 ia @vtion

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صفحه 16:
How Many Matches Now?

صفحه 17:
Concept Ola Cube or Pivot 03 1 Date - May 2003 Table Region - South East [Measure - Sales, ‎Crt eet is Day DOT‏ سا فد سل اس( امه تساه ‎

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Oesina Cousiderctiivas

صفحه 20:
Things to get right at design stage " Goope of projevt = eter tp phase projert tro by berry * ‏مایق‎ ‎= Ounership wikia he (BO oad dear yoo "Over Pore ‎expecttions becowes very Report‏ و اه موم( ‎

صفحه 21:
Things to get right at design stage " Gourve dota = Ov we kwe worse? = OP ea ckta fa deparde svurces cud oot ‏هجو‎ = Is tthe save level ‏مد وی‎ way be Pormuktied of a higher ‏اجه مج عمط مه‎ hott ip sourced ot - Proves = Aha ced when does the dota cet hi the Darker? = Oko level oP cdot cermin & ‏اج سا رت متس‎ = Oke & resp?

صفحه 22:
Things to get right at design stage " Gourve dota = Ore we obey watch cuiputs tp fap = Dergtery cod cvaichiay of dota surrey = Requirewed ‏تاد ای موه ول بط وی و‎ ‏قبس اسمس ممق سق‎ = Wierachy woveweds over ‏صما‎ ‎= he weed tp restate or retaa historic view? - Divetoess oF det = Data ‏اس‎ = ALodhary oF ‏مت‎ valves oad ‏اما‎

صفحه 23:
Things to get right at design stage "Cee pou deliver the werl/bustaess requineweuts wits the tovls/shike ‏لاور‎ ‎= Gone thing thot look easy oe sieves ot - ‏اه مت‎ ‏و‎ hot de wot spew Roportadt to the developer ane ‏و ام‎ ‏هط‎ ‎— Porat = ‏و۳‎ ‎— Gore thro ull be stow becouse they are slow — Oven expectations 3 ها ملس -

صفحه 24:
Things to get right at design stage عنصرامی) جر ‎Reporte‏ ® ای رون ونا توي جنا حص رودن ری — ‎OF Perec tools‏ — ‎OPPereat upproak‏ — ‎OF Perea cudiewe‏ —

صفحه 25:
BI Design Parameters " Oubes = ‏ای(‎ of pubes — possibly dePiord by bustaess Pucctizs or seruriy = Deacber of dkveusions per cube, shared or private = Portions 0 0 00 speeds (cube processi iver) اجه امس جووو - وله امن - اه سوه م6

صفحه 26:
BI Design Parameters میم ۰ اس راما راو عم - ماما هجو( - كيين ایس ان ازیو سل (وسحاهه) ليس ها له و تیا لووسم ‎Dewber‏ — اما وی نت لاه ,عاصطا اه طمی() - ‎Werachy chenes wer Re‏ = = Reportey ews, srecries

صفحه 27:
BI Design Parameters ۶ Dive Onveusica — Olercaive ttre Keracchies — cdeadar, Prrcactal = 08 pericd peor — weeks wb period — Oucober oP levels

صفحه 28:
BI Design Parameters " Diveboess oP Dott - Red-ice - Orxt day — Oveky reviews (possible weekend ty process) — Dowty reviews (woot cod provessicry)

صفحه 29:
BI Design Parameters عسصی() " موه و ام( = سس سوسس ةا لصنق يت حاقد نا وس #القاق له وه و( ‎Ovstow rohups‏ — ‎Ove ocdiive cota‏ = ‎Previsioa, Porat‏ —

صفحه 30:
BI Design Parameters ® Oddevloted Deusures = ‏هه و و‎ = GOL vs ‏هی )زان‎ (pre cube build us post cube bud) = Coleutated cells = ‏لو وی و و(‎ to derive the ‏ومسحجدب لتحا‎ = Cureuy exchanp rites = Dstrbated processkny opporinities (server calos ve lect side ‏(صصلت‎ ‎= @ppheatira oF DOX

صفحه 31:
BI Design Parameters © Orite-Dack ‏نوی‎ ‎- locus \bredk buck requeweus, level oP dota eur) = Oud oy - ‏مهن‎

صفحه 32:
BI Design Parameters * Output requinswecis = Over report dePiiioes — Porat, youl, ‏مت‎ ‎- Dypes oP udhor ‏وه‎ ‎- ‏عو)‎ ‎- Requreweus Por priced pupu = Quouittive ve Qualiaive data pupal = @rowser\OPPie delvery — OLO® database dribikrougk to GGL Gerver — Ducober oP were — ‏موی و‎ — Geowriy

صفحه 33:
BI Design Parameters " Gevurity — Oube — Oxvewiod — Cell evel

صفحه 34:
To consider when building BI applications.. "| Osers coo Pull to ‏ام‎ how wurk foPo they requested — beads tr poor perceived perPorwouwe " Covoplerdiy due to horge cucber of dioeusives — users doo’ ‏امه طلست سا لحو اس لسن‎ ۱ © @erhornwowe vs storage — pvasider DOLOP/LOL@OP/ROLOO, oertke Ay versus pre-aggrequied tote

صفحه 35:
There is a strong case for a BI strategy عنامي ‎O14 cea dive siqaiPiccat‏ روا عازن مه زرا " - crosses Pucntiocal bourdaries — presses prysmivaiocal bouedaries: تلاصا روم مرو موه امن ‎prove‏ لجم) میت مامت فاص ‎Davtca 01 upplicives way‏ " ‎1's wort) ...‏ ‎way of‏ ۱ ‎dehvertoy Kigh retuce to the short ters without wvojor upheaval‏

صفحه 36:
Thank you THOROGOOD Get the full picture

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