پزشکی و سلامتطب سنتی

access to medicines in Africa

صفحه 1:

صفحه 2:
Overview ‏ماوت 1۳ از ۲و‎ ond strotesies Por uoeess to wedivices iat (Priva? Ouse studes Exppt, Oqoada ood Gout @Prica 1600 tic Egyptian priest-doctors al dveases Egyptian pharmacists dispensed al deus, Ineloding ops.

صفحه 3:
2/۳۳ 1۳0۲ ‏صصه ماه عه‎ “ia it oP ‏اس‎ = ip jet u sell pat oP the puzzle thet i kowperiay access to wedictes? 4. DRIPG-cexwplcct IP Law passed is CODE: WED Priewdy kw; 8. OG-P1O ‏واه نویه‎ Por a joey tere cow! IPRs issues ‏سوت‎ 91۳68 tissues ore ot deat wiki Oru, but rae though uoder-he-table- deds ondlor buck-door backwulog wikia he corporate sevir (Bx: Peg: foterPerva dPa Ga (Dice Phaw); ۰ ‏مه عمجم ی‎ Por aqrer thot (PRs have oot oPPevted their work! Duay dPRereut issues ure keeper 6060 “Lak oP vet ta the Dray auhomtes ool ta he loo peur C ‏متا سا مر(‎ & week, Prennvented, covery ~30% of the portion “Dp traxepared syste Por prick, oP ‏ات‎ ~Orry Ike Plekd research dove oc ‏زارت‎ oP (oP Pordabke) coehetces);

صفحه 4:
)/۷ ۵۳/۲۰ bessove ‏مورا‎ ره مر ‎Wage‏ نا توت امه نا بر مایت له ماه موه ‎diseuse, whe it werits‏ ‎hove u stribiogy bod sitratioc‏ ‎Oiseuse-spechic advocacy works work beter thos yeceral‏ ‎“oovess to wedicices” adver}‏ ‎however, voly to woke the‏ جر سس افیا سفق ‎but udless pou ore bebied poteats’ youps,‏ روتوم ‎wedi‏ ‎the wise dors ut fost;‏ ‎Oe tock exepiricd iePorewaticd oo ovalobiliy oP (cheaper! thevreticdly oPPordable) wedicices; ‎Phe vy 9 IP R-relted cases brought bePore the Ovurt hove bees wo by the yeverio wonwPacturers}

صفحه 5:
Oxunde und the COC Reqioa 16 ‏لین( مب‎ ore hPevied wits WOODS, O.S pervect oF ۳ Over OO OOO people (BO ‏موم‎ of those kt ‏اه وه(‎ ‏تمو یت امه رو‎ ‎tice‏ موی نا نطو ول( ان و عط() ‎۳ ۳ ihe debees, crore ond heat doeases; Over 90% of dl pedoiae Reports ‏ی ی و لو( و‎ Dhere oe? pharmaceuticals ‏وله‎ — butane ol yeceric ‎tack the Pores quatiy checizds-Orpka Pacton/}‏ هلو ‎Oade a cowernnicaion to the WTO Orarrd Por DRAPE oa tts priory‏ تور او له بجاو ‎errs Bor‏

صفحه 6:
تم( hee 9 puted kv posed ۰ 1965 ‏نا - سس ۳۵۲۵ بل ساسا‎ سس ۱ ۱۵۲۵۵ ‎tr OSE terkedery PRIPO,‏ مسب 0۵ تسب ‎] tee COOO t hoy beva havier nePore ‏بيدا 103 لمهي خاب‎ Wo beta ther kato ‎pepe with ۱۵۲۱۵ - ‏سا ما‎ Teketrd Property (il = Prot ready te parka ‏د‎ ‎5009 = w prowess tome! ‏بیان مه سره سا )سل ‎he Ord‏ لاه سا مت نوی بت با 6006 سم ‎procevees Por ww wee;‏ من من سس ‎Oil‏ - ‎ ‎wade;‏ موی مه من جات اب( ‎= Dot clear va hehe caturdly occ urrieny suber bua be putt; — Research exvepion ody provides Por exporter ver; ‎= Requires coweul Prow pout weer Por parched ‏وميه‎ ‏تفیل‎ wee oP court to eet Ob hicks ty keorghs

صفحه 7:
عصاسضصه سست + Ord COO Reyerra Pokey send Protenl ox Dikrotoa oP Pubke Tealts Retated OPO- DRAPE ‏مر( سا نمی سای‎ oP ‏ساسا بو اما لت(‎ 6000 ‎(ue)‏ 4 ينص حت سو لجس ) ۵00 سنسیال ‎ee ee ee‏ ‎shure.‏ ‎Robey: “reed cap”‏ 8 ‎Orel expkiwe pubk: heuiherekaeed DRIPC Phebe‏ = ‎to ba‏ ساسا ۱۵۲۵۵ ‎oP‏ ماوت با بت ‎Pranks poly revounnesnbtioce‏ - ‎Raber exe‏ ‎MRP Plerdbis have ox‏ مات ی تا لجی ماما 10 لح سم 1 = باه پم مس و مایا ان ‎wow‏ سامت مت 000 با ‎@rotentt prouske «nitkekes‏ + سم 060 لمن 16 سا ی - 56۵06 ۸ 1/۵/۵۹۵۵ ۵00 ‎Phe Ord‏ + وسسسلجميه تحصن أن - ‎BTL‏ ی الم ۰ تصاهان ماما مت نی ۵00 ‎٩‏ ‏(سسبی رجهجمت مت لب 0100) نموت 10 ۵ مس لس و ‎= Burwe of

صفحه 8:
Goutk @Prica Gout @Prica kus suovessPuly used poxwpetiive how to challeage the high post oP ROs oad uses lower vost ۱ ‏وت‎ versio. - In 2003, TAC, S27 and partners challenged the high cost of AZT and NVP sold by GSK and BI. (Submitted affidavits showing excessive pricing). CC found that pricing was excessive and referred to tribunal at which point 3-4 generic companies were licensed to sell each medicine. The cost of a AZT, 3TC, NVP regimen dropped from over R5,000 (US$700) per month in late 90s to less than R50 (US$7) per month today. After engaging with MSD (Merck) since 2002, TAC and S27 launched a complaint with the CC in 2007, that MSD was unlawfully refusing to license on lawful terms, which blocking entry of cheaper generics and FDCs. MSD responded by licensing 4 companies and the complaint was dropped. The price of EFV dropped from R166.90 per month to R40 today. In 2008, TAC and S27 filed a complaint around the merger of Aspen and GSK. The complaint identified that competition for ABC would be impacted by the merger when the medicine came off patent. As a condition of the merger GSK was required to grant at least 5 VLs to manufacture and sell ABC. The price halved in the 2011- 2013 tender from the 2008 - 2010 price.

صفحه 9:
(۳ the Pilon of sirvag cases hos worked ‏وه جوم مرخ و‎ ‏را با‎ his «vay ool be ‏لصو‎ 1١ ‏وومشوصم‎ oi bot oF rere ord resources by te OBO oad cnet be coried out oa a creditor by 00 bee, POC's cored casppuicne is ty aed the utes Bot to Pulp utilize ol PRIPG ‏:ناملا‎ * ‏مومس ران‎ und procedure © Groadards oF pateatabiliy ٠ Exaviciogy cod ppposiny poets

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