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‎Kevin Dai L Ac MRR‏ و ‎Introduction‏ ‎¢ Acupuncture for quitting smoking is to remove the craving for tobacco through regulating the nervous system and improving the functions of lung. With acupuncture treatment for quitting smoking, the patient will feel thirsty and have a bitter taste in ‎mouth, without desire for

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‎Kevin Dai 1 Ac RE‏ الام . عاج مع جاع ع نا 1ع يز ناج نا عظ . إلا إلا للا ‎ ‎Treatme Various ways of acupuncture to nt ‏يكو عه اندي‎ Body points Used in Electro combination -needling to Strenthen the Quit stimulation -smoking point: ‎To enhance the ‎ ‎effect. ‎Thread ‎-embedding to 1 Psycholo consolidate -gical treatment ‎To calm the mind ‎

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WWW. ACUPUNCTUREPEOPLE.COM Kevin Dai LAc RR Ear therapy ¢ Ear acupuncture falls in the category of micro-acupuncture system. Ear points are closely related to internal zangfu organs through channels and collaterals. That the corresponding regions and points are stimulated to regulate the zangfu organs for the purpose to reduce the addiction to cigarettes and to treat the complications is regarded as the method of first choice for quitting smoking.

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Www. ACUPUNCTUREPEOPLE.COM Kevin Dai L Ac MRR Ear therapy—— main points: * Lung, Trachea, Subcortex, Mouth, Throat, Inner Nose, Sympathetic Nerve, Shenmen, Stomach, Large Intestine. Select 5-7 points each time. * Apply ear-acupuncture or seed-pressure. The seeds stuck to points can be kept for 3-5 days for stimulation. Two ears are used by turns. The first three days the treatments are given everyday and later change to every other day, seven treatments as one course. * How many courses should be given is determined by the quantity and history of eeeA ee AP HAE

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WWW. ACUPUNCTUREPEOPLE.COM Kevin Dai LAc RR Body acupuncture with ۷ electrastiniulationysacc is manifested by the local symptoms and disorders of zangfu organs. The points Lieque (LU 7), Chize (LU 5), Feishu (BL 13), Fenglong (ST 40) and so on can be selected for acupuncture every other day, the needles can be retained for 20-30 minutes each time. * Proper frequency and waves of electrostimulation can be used for enhancing the therapeutic effect. Generally, in the first course of treatment, the continuous wave is used and in the second

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1 Www. ACUPUNCTUREPEOPLE.COM Kevin Dai ‏عو عم‎ ‏حت‎ ee lie 1 وتات معا بك ( ۰ J 5 3هه8هه19(8 «0)

صفحه 10:
WWW. ACUPUNCTUREPEOPLE.COM Kevin Dai L Ac MRR New discovery: quit-smoking point * The experts discovered that a point on the wrist, a little above the transverse crease of wrist, is effective for quitting smoking, so it is called quit-smoking point. It is located in the depression between Yangxi (LI 5) and Lieque (LU 7). Electric stimulation is applicable.

صفحه 11:
Www. ACUPUNCTUREPEOPLE.COM Kevin Dai LAc. 1 thee ‘One of the negative and positive poles of wire Connect with quit-smoking ppolnt and the other with. Lieque (LU 7) or Chize (LU 5) to form the loop of tlectrie current. ‎Chize (LU 5)‏ ه ‎Lieque (LU 7) ‎ ‎gpoint ‎Yangxi (LI 5)

صفحه 12:
WWW. ACUPUNCTUREPEOPLE.COM Kevin Dai ‏عو عم‎ Thready embedding Principally, thread embedding can be done at all the points that can be punctured with needles. But the points at the extremities, because the muscles here are not rich, the thread for embedding should be shorter. Clinically, the points Feishu (BL 13), Fenglong (ST 40) and Chize (LU 5) are selected for embedding for consolidating the therapeutic effect of quitting smoking. It is especially important and good for heavy smokers.

صفحه 13:
Www. ACUPUNCTUREPEOPLE.COM Kevin Dai L Ac MRR ) Psychological treatment * Psychological treatment should be applied for those smokers with a long history. Although acupuncture is miraculous in effect, the result will be not good if the will and desire of patient to give up smoking is not strong enough.

صفحه 14:
{ ie! WWW. ACUPUNCTUREPEOPLE.COM Kevin Dai LAc RR ) hanks for your view!

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