پزشکی و سلامتطب سنتی

Alternative Medicine Defined

صفحه 1:

صفحه 2:
Alternative Medicine * What is Alternative Medicine? * How can there be an alternative to medicine? ¢ Is there alternative chemistry, alternative physics, biology?

صفحه 3:
Alternative Medicine Defined ¢ Alternative has two possible meanings. Correctly employed, it refers to methods that have equal value for a particular purpose. (An example would be two antibiotics capable of killing a particular organism.) When applied to unproven methods, however, the term can be misleading because methods that are unsafe or ineffective are not reasonable alternatives to proven treatment. To emphasize this fact, we place the word "alternative" in quotation marks throughout this book whenever it is applied to methods that are not based on established scientific knowledge.

صفحه 4:
Quackery Defined * Quack originated during the Renaissance when quicksilver or mercury was a popular remedy for syphilis. Wandering peddlers known as "quacksalvers" sold mercury ointment. They would claim that their agents would cure all diseases. The term was later shortened to "quacks," who became a symbol of evil medical practice. Dictionaries generally define "quack" as a pretender to special health-related skills. This definition implies an intent to deceive, which would not fit promoters of unproven methods who believe in what they are doing.

صفحه 5:
Other Definitions * Nontraditional incorrectly suggests that an unscientific method is innovative, while falsely suggesting that the scientific community is traditional (meaning staid, rigid and close- minded). Actually, science is an antagonist of traditional medicine as it destroys old myths and establishes new approaches to healing. "Traditional" is correctly used in reference to folk medicine. Folk healers, not scientific healers, are the traditional ones. A considerable amount of quackery stems from the commercialization of traditional folk medicine and ancient dogma.

صفحه 6:
Other Definitions * Complementary and integrative are claimed to synthesize standard and alternative methods, using the best of both. However, no published data indicate the extent to which practitioners who use these labels actually use proven methods or the extent to which they burden patients with useless methods. Typically these practitioners employ a "heads-I-win, tails-you-lose" strategy in which they claim credit for any improvement experienced by the patient and blame standard treatments for any negative effects. The result may be to undermine the patient's confidence in standard care, reducing compliance or having the patient wish to abandon it altogether

صفحه 7:
Other Definitions * Holistic implies that an approach is special and more complete because it treats the "whole patient" and not just the disease. However, good physicians have always paid attention to patients' social and emotional concerns as well as their physical problems.

صفحه 8:
Important terms ۶ه جمزعهعوم تمده‌ننجهنصذ هه عم ومزجممهتامنق صذ 0عصقع عز 4تتهع۳ 1 ‎of an unproven remedy for profit. Although the FDA definition‏ ‎enc‏ ۱۸| ‎erect er Gort bticc at)‏ ۱ 1600 Unscientific means contrary to scientific evidence. Nonscientific means not based on a scientific approach. 4 م لعفن عه عمل ممصت قصه تمدمت مع جصمع مل ‎denunciation of the method under consideration. Both of these‏ 6 60 كذ معصعلعد لمعتلعمد غقطا ترامس ترامكله؟ برهم 05م 1 CtnesteCcT Bearers Cl

صفحه 9:
Important Terms Cult is a health system based on dogma set forth by its promoter. SUC es RCM eee cremate ees rece ee me er ٩ Stein WL Cin Tee ۱ ۱ ‎ream een ao sts‏ ۱ 05 مناه امصصمء مم تحضف وول عام امص! لعطكتاطم ىه طلته غمعاكتقصمء لسة لهعذوه1 طات» امتقصمء صذ قصة لمعذوه1!: ‎Cort‏ ۱ Cena Non meet Ce Ra Wer setts esti U CT TACT Pree ss ‎tic Tg mn aco e entree erat‏ ی ‎mma iteRU CNR GEL Core‏ ۱ ‎clear that they have a low opinion of the method under consideration‏

صفحه 10:
Important Terms * Nontraditional incorrectly suggests that an unscientific method is innovative, while falsely suggesting that the scientific community is traditional (meaning staid, rigid and close- minded). Actually, science is an antagonist of traditional medicine as it destroys old myths and establishes new approaches to healing. "Traditional" is correctly used in reference to folk medicine. Folk healers, not scientific healers, are the traditional ones. A considerable amount of quackery stems from the commercialization of traditional folk medicine and ancient dogma.

صفحه 11:
Important Terms * Complementary and integrative are claimed to synthesize standard and alternative methods, using the best of both. However, no published data indicate the extent to which practitioners who use these labels actually use proven methods or the extent to which they burden patients with useless methods. Typically these practitioners employ a "heads- I-win, tails-you-lose" strategy in which they claim credit for any improvement experienced by the patient and blame standard treatments for any negative effects. The result may be to undermine the patient's confidence in standard care, reducing compliance or having the patient wish to abandon it altogether.

صفحه 12:
Twenty-Five Ways to Spot Quacks ‎ssa Am RIOT rear‏ ل ‎Story.‏ ‎2. They Claim That Most Americans Are Poorly Nourished. RPM MCMC mM i eee merci ite Tomes Cee cadre coe ‎CR eee Cee oe te COR rT ne Ce and Can Be Treated with "Nutritional" Methods. ‎5. They Allege That Modern Processing Methods and Storage Remove all Nutritive Value from Our Food. ‏30120۲ صز ما۴۵ بمز۲/۵ د 15 6۴ ۲32۶ حصنقان م1۳ :6 ‎7. They Claim That Fluoridation Is Dangerous.

صفحه 13:
Twenty-Five Ways to Spot Quacks 8. They Claim That Soil Depletion and the Use of Pesticides and "Chemical" Fertilizers Result in Food That Is Less Safe and Less Nourishing. 9. They Claim You Are in Danger of Being "Poisoned" by Ordinary Food Additives and Preservatives. BIA Wit Otter (MM LMC Cetra Allowances (RDAs) Have Been Set Too Low. 11. They Claim That under Everyday Stress, and in ‏عاصمزا ۱ بو ۱۱۵۵0 ولا روم‌عممعزظ صنهاهون‎ ۶ Increased. 12. They Recommend "Supplements" and "Health Foods" for Everyone.

صفحه 14:
Twenty-Five Ways to Spot Quacks 13. They Claim That "Natural" Vitamins are Better than "Synthetic" Ones. 14. They Suggest That a Questionnaire Can Be Used to Indicate Whether You Need Dietary Supplements. 15. They Say It Is Easy to Lose Weight. 16. They Promise Quick, Dramatic, Miraculous Results. فياف الل ل ا لا ‎“Dietary Supplements" as Part of Their Practice.‏

صفحه 15:
Twenty-Five Ways to Spot Quacks 18. They Use Disclaimers Couched in Pseudomedical Jargon. 19. They Use Anecdotes and Testimonials to Support Their Claims. 20. They Claim That Sugar Is a Deadly Poison. PR UDC wee eat CM alae Atel by Responsible Scientists or Educators. 22. They Offer to Determine Your Body's Nutritional State with a Laboratory Test or a Questionnaire.

صفحه 16:
Twenty-Five Ways to Spot Quacks 23. They Claim They Are Being Persecuted by Orthodox Medicine and That Their Work Is Being Suppressed Because It's Controversial. 24. They Warn You Not to Trust Your Doctor. 25. They Encourage Patients to Lend Political Support to Their Treatment Methods.

صفحه 17:
More Ploys That May Fool You "We really care about you!" Although being "cared about" may provide a powerful psychological lift, it will not make a worthless remedy effective. It may also encourage over-reliance on an inappropriate therapy. MAR a ccm nim ‏".أسعتاهم عامط‎ There is nothing wrong with giving due attention to a patient's lifestyle and social and emotional concerns in addition to physical problems. In fact, good physicians have always done this. Today, however, most practitioners who label themselves "holistic" are engaged in quackery and embrace the term as a marketing tool. Few actually "treat the whole patient."

صفحه 18:
More Ploys That May Fool You “No side effects" DNs ‏ا ا‎ Ca ۹ cee Came ‏كذ غذ صعكاه قصة -- عبط عدوم نط‎ 0 rer ach eee vme Cea ۱ Ce cere Min Oe TSR IE Lee tc enough to cause side effects. FDA approval requires evidence Pa Cena reise lee cena aceite cist ۱ ae eect a فط معنت اده أمه للتتو مل ترفطا مع تفط قط ستماء كماعقتر .وكلة؟ كذ ستقك كنط؟ .واطنهع عصتطدة غمعوعمم مكلة تلثم غبط غمعسلتة ‎Macs biaclabettnme Clee we stele mics iT!‏ 0000 ‎Sei Meo Cia une CuCE amc Curren rotkod‏ ‎which are unknown. Scientific medical care can prevent‏ .كتفطاه عتامضة؟؟ وستغاون 02 0 1

صفحه 19:
More Ploys That May Fool You “We treat medicine's failures." It is often suggested that people seek “alternatives" because doctors are brusque, and that if doctors were more attentive, their patients would not turn to quacks. It is true that this sometimes happens, but most quackery does not involve medical care. Blaming doctors for quackery's persistence is like blaming astronomers for the popularity of astrology. Some people's needs exceed what ethical, scientific health care can provide. Some harbor deep-seated antagonism toward medical care and the concept of a scientific method. But the main reason for quackery's success is its ability to seduce people who are unsuspecting, gullible, or desperate. Several years ago, a survey done in New Zealand found that most cancer patients who used "alternative" therapies were satisfied with their medical care and regarded "alternative" care only as a supplement [1]. A more recent study found that only 4.4% of those surveyed reported relying primarily on alternative therapies. The author concluded:

صفحه 20:
Signs of a Quack Device It is said to use little-known energies that are undetectable by ordinary scientists. It can diagnose or cure people living miles away. It has a convoluted yet scientific-sounding name. It was invented by a "world famous" doctor that is not actually well known. It has bright lights that serve no apparent purpose. It has knobs and dials that serve no practical purpose. It shakes, rattles, rolls, sucks, shocks, or warms your body.

صفحه 21:
Signs of a Quack Device It supposedly can cure just about anything. It is available only through the mail or at special ‏نانك‎ You can't find one at a regular doctor's office. The manufacturer isn't exactly sure how or why it works. To get results, the patient must face a certain direction or use the device only at unusual times. You're supposed to use it even if there's nothing wrong with you. The FDA has outlawed it.

صفحه 22:
8 Quackery ROR) SOLE ge oc Ae Bn ‏یه سا‎ (Oats ‏اقش كا ا ا اك الك‎ ۲۹۱ 1۱ RO AER TI CMCOCR ‏ل ل‎ ۱ ‏لاعنتج وك لععم صمل 1 .فص‎ 20867. ۱۰۱۱ ‏ا‎ tata Immortality Device is the most important invention in human history. eR rCUNe ec soir peel tits UaME Nee genres 1 EMCI STAI Nee Nr CRIN scaring to me. Sol am teaching everyone how to build the device. I am also ‏علمعنالة 6غ غصماعمصصة نجع كاغذ علصتط 1 .مع صمة غبده دمعتتتعل عط وصتطو‎ ‏م صمتتصع حص كنطا غصهيه ع'صمل 1 .مم مع كهذ برعم كط غتامطة عاصمعم‎ 2 forgotten because this invention is the most important invention in Pitta te tetramer etek onc ci Ertl chart e (escent ۱ ee

صفحه 23:
7ل ل الل اال ‎PO 01000 rePuse to tet we sell this‏ ك ا ‎FN CASAS CANS RPA EAs ne Aa‏ ‎RRS DR hs IS MN IPAS a oN a a Pca ec‏ ۳ ‎aS a Oe ne ed Daca cd‏ ار( ‎Pe eae Bee Boner aca 2‏ SE ae as A acd ۱ Me Thomas A, Edison http://www.alexchiu.com/ Albert Einstein

صفحه 24:

صفحه 25:
@LEX CW10'S IDDORTOLITY ‏لف اك‎ Ok ‏تم ا يي‎ ‏ا ا يي وس سل لب‎ Ae ee ‏لاا دا‎ 017 OUR TESTIMONIALS HERE! @tx Chu hwws who vases FR Re ee Re ‏کت همم سا‎ Md Ras wed dd cies A ca @tewod! Sou vad ub reves PREC ‘kowortaity Ris P pou hel ‏لس‎ Cone Ad oe aT eC ‏ما ای وج‎ 0 REE cas hee ek et RO aoe tee ne ee eee cee ee Pe Ne ‏حاحب عصطات‎ their ow rien or bout the devices Brow we.) Phe search conic tes ‏بان جمدت جلا‎ Oo Oe acne eee

صفحه 26:
CO OG ae aca a Pea he ate ad cera PAO eee 0 Os. is ‏ی اک ادا کم‎ eed * ®OGOGR: Once a while, some nice hearted people will spend some money and buy the devices from me. I don't need so much money. All I need is enough money to pay for rent and food. I believe that the Immortality Device is the most important invention in human history. But now, so many people are laughing at it. This invention is so incredible, it makes people laugh. But this invention is so important to me. So I am teaching everyone how to build the device. I am also giving the devices out for free. I think it's very important to educate people about this new invention. I don't want this invention to be forgotten because this invention is the most important invention in human history. I must educate everyone and make sure everyone knows how important this invention is.

صفحه 27:
Common Misconceptions About Quackery * Although most Americans are harmed by quackery, few perceive it as a serious problem and even fewer are interested in trying to do anything about it. Many misconceptions appear to contribute to this situation: * Misconception #1: Quackery is easy to spot. Quackery is far more difficult to spot than most people realize. Modern promoters use scientific jargon that can fool people not familiar with the concepts being discussed. Even health professionals can have difficulty in separating fact from fiction in fields unrelated to their expertise.

صفحه 28:
Common Misconceptions About Quackery * Misconception #2: Personal experience is the ‏اعور‎ RO IAA A TS ROCA IT TEL ۷۲۵21, ۱۷۷۵6۵ you feel better after having used a product or procedure, it is natural to give credit to whatever you have done. This can be misleading, however, because most ailments resolve themselves and those that don't can have variable symptoms. Even serious conditions can have sufficient day-to-day variation to enable quack methods to gain large followings. In addition, taking action often produces temporary relief of symptoms (a placebo effect). For these reasons, controlled scientific studies are usually necessary to establish whether health methods actually work.

صفحه 29:
Common Misconceptions About Quackery + Misconception #3: Most victims of quackery are easy to ۱ ‏عق للأم غعتل "عتوهصس" مه عاموط غعتل عه ترتاط مطن‎ ‏01لا0؟ قطن عارمعم ترصقدد ععة مد لص .عاطتللني قععلمذ ممه معطامصة‎ ‏'زأكه زهم فط غناظ .عنومة صذ عع 1205 عع قطن‎ 02 Ueto cise ‏عقن عمعتافط م هدع فادرمع8 .وصتاءهمكتاكصن ترا سعط ممه كمستاعت‎ Ppa Cran ‏غتاوطة وله هاناعتعدم -- مدع10 عقني لص‎ ‏رع عقني 05 منمدن عوعها معطامصة .مدع ط ووعن ممه -- دمع اتام‎ ‏عمط جه مبمخرمو هط مطم علقتگزرن‌صز ۵۶ عومجم وز مامت‎ ۱ ‏عتمم فعة مدمطهه ,0 بتسهمد -- عاصرمعم 8660 صعتلة .عممط كولاه عمط‎ 1۳ ‏ی‎ n To sCHamcn renee ‏عترم‎ Cras tiaeratteci Cross crea crews (ecto 1 rin om eee rime Com ۱ Me lecm Tomi lecciccC BTM ned tcteatiteme cman item ‏قصة كلمه؟ عله مطبد وذمطا ما عاطمععصلت؟ صسعط لقص كأعتافط طعيك‎ 000 ‏ا‎

صفحه 30:
Common Misconceptions About Quackery * Misconception #4: Quackery’s victims deserve what they get. This is based on the idea that people who are gullible should "know better" and therefore deserve whatever they get. This feeling is a major reason why journalists, enforcement officials, judges, and legislators seldom give priority to combating quackery. As noted above, however, most victims are not gullible. Nor do people deserve to suffer or die because of ignorance or desperation.

صفحه 31:
Common Misconceptions About Quackery * Misconception #5: All quacks are frauds and crooks. Quackery is often discussed as though all of its promoters are engaged in deliberate deception. This is untrue. Promoters of mail-order quackery are almost always hit-and-run artists who know their products are fakes but hope to profit before the Postal Service shuts them down. But most other promoters of quackery seem to be true believers, zealots, and devotees whose problem is lack of criticism -- a failure to apply skepticism to the favored therapy, very much like a religious person who blindly accepts "the faith."

صفحه 32:
Common Misconceptions About Quackery SPIRAL Oa Ce am mE veo Quackery can seriously harm or kill people by inducing them to abandon or delay effective treatment for serious conditions. It can also wreck the life of people who are so thoroughly misled that they devote themselves to promoting the methods and welfare of the quack. Although the number of people harmed in these ways cannot be determined, it is not large enough or obvious enough to arouse a general public outcry. Most victims of quackery are harmed economically rather than physically. Moreover, many people believe that an unscientific method has helped them. In most cases, they have confused cause-and-effect and coincidence. But sometimes an unproven approach actually relieves emotionally related symptoms by lowering the person's tension level.

صفحه 33:
Common Misconceptions About Quackery + Misconception #7: "Minor" forms of quackery are harmless. ‏5ذ صعقط لمعت ةبرطم مد قصة تزعصمص ؤهن سنك لتقصد ومتعامحه بورع لمهت‎ ‏"ععممعتاكصة دمتاتسابص" ممه دءامسمدع .ودع لمصقط كه لمعا معلكه‎ ‏.عتاتعطاعة «ه؟ غفاءمقعط «عمممه 2 ومتعمع نه قصة كللام متسماته طاتيي‎ is ۱ aksas Cuan! vulnerability to more serious forms of quackery. There is also Renton mV CnC RCS Camiice te tuig ۱ ace tie cena ty) Gitomer M ‏ل‎ ‎rag itememncecl cme tiin(rarscetran tow CN * Misconception #8: Government protects us. Although various ۱ C RnB ite etteme tte capers ۱ Men Tommy ‏ان تب‎ effectiveness.

صفحه 34:
۳, )/ BELLO CBPCOR وت ۱9 اک رادار ‎DLE‏ * ‎liad OF‏ گر رگ پیت رای وا رگ ات بت 0۷۵0۵۵۸۵۵06 ,0۲۳۵۵1۵۵ ‏اک رک ‎OC NC)‏ 006 ‎COGT: OP TO $S6OO0O / DOOTW‏ *

صفحه 35:

صفحه 36:
۳, )/ BELLO CBPCOR ‎CLIDICOL ۲۳۹۱۵۵ ۵0۵0 0‏ * لل ل لك الاك رگا ۱۳۱۷۱۵

صفحه 37:

صفحه 38:
۳, )/ BELLO CBPCOR 8 ل يف را اك لي ار لي ددا * OLOT BBOOT TLOGE OWO On VOC a OO C Ole) OTOL OA a HC NUTS avd

صفحه 39:

صفحه 40:
Natural Substances are Poisonous 426666 ۵۵۵ ۹ ۹ Ca TONG)

صفحه 41:
Common Misconceptions About Quackery * Misconception #9: Quackery's success represents ۷ (cima tat katte ce) Greta cen erent wate rt mua Cnmen Gmc tata doctors were more attentive, their patients would not turn to quacks. It is true that this sometimes happens, but most Ceinetel ‏ا‎ ‎attention to the emotions of their patients and make a special effort to explain things to them. But blaming medicine for quackery is like considering the success of astrology the fault ۱ ‏بلمعتطة غقط‎ scientific health care can provide. The main reason for quackery's success is its ability to seduce unsuspecting 000 armel nn mN (ari Entel found that most cancer patients who used "alternative" therapies were satisfied with their medical care and regarded 19 ‏ال‎

صفحه 42:
Common Misconceptions About Quackery * Misconception #10: "Alternative" methods have moved toward the scientific mainstream. In 1991, Congress passed a law ordering the National Institutes of Health (NIH) to establish an office (now called the National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine (NCCAM) to foster research into unconventional practices. It remains to be seen whether any useful research will be done as a result. Meanwhile, of course, "alternative" proponents have been labeling the very establishment of the NIH office as "scientific acceptance" -- and media outlets have been repeating this claim without bothering to investigate whether it is true.

صفحه 43:
Ten Ways to Avoid Being Quacked ٠ Promoters of quackery know how to appeal to every aspect of human vulnerability. What sells is not the quality of their products but their ability to influence their audience. Here are ten strategies to avoid being quacked:

صفحه 44:
Ten Ways to Avoid Being Quacked 1. Remember that quackery seldom looks outlandish. Its promoters often use scientific terms and quote (or misquote) from scientific references. Some actually have reputable scientific training but have gone astray. 2. Ignore any practitioner who says that most diseases are caused by faulty nutrition or can be remedied by taking supplements. Although some diseases are related to diet, most are not. Moreover, in most cases where diet actually is a factor in a person's health problem, the solution is not to take vitamins but to alter the diet.

صفحه 45:
Ten Ways to Avoid Being Quacked EM ance Cece nce ttc 1 ‏مضت صة‎ 000+ remedy, ask yourself and possibly your doctor whether there ۱ ‏ا‎ tatr MU Grid eMe te rletcme aster Ream Me cc Roamer meee nytt ٩۱ ‏دمتسم نوم عدتو مطم عاصوعم 81054 .كلمتععم عمعأنمده مصدرد‎ 0 treatment as well as unorthodox treatment, but give credit to the latter. Some testimonials are complete fabrications. CM acta rar Coe tr Glare oe ree ‏ا‎ ‎promise to "detoxify" your body, "balance" its chemistry, release its “nerve energy," or “bring it in harmony with Putte meas sets) 0594 ‏كتامتسة 02 "5ددع سعلدة»"‎ See ‏ا‎ tateserrntsts acon ‏عمط وصنتطامد طوتمطا جمبه 8مصتعام عط م عومممنه فعلطعده‎ 00

صفحه 46:
Ten Ways to Avoid Being Quacked ee Ma CUM ‏ل ل‎ Cr ta Coe Unconventional practitioners often claim that the medical profession, drug companies, and the government are conspiring to suppress whatever method they espouse. No evidence to support such a theory has ever been demonstrated. It also flies in the face of logic to believe that large numbers of people would oppose the development of treatment methods that might someday help themselves or their loved ones.

صفحه 47:
Ten Ways to Avoid Being Quacked 6. Forget about "secret cures." True scientists share their knowledge as part of the process of scientific development. Quacks may keep their methods secret to prevent others from demonstrating that they don't work. No one who actually discovered a cure would have reason to keep it secret. If a method works- especially for a serious disease-the discoverer would gain enormous fame, fortune and personal satisfaction by sharing the discovery with others.

صفحه 48:
Ten Ways to Avoid Being Quacked 7. Be wary of herbal remedies. Herbs are promoted primarily through literature based on hearsay, folklore and tradition. As medical science developed, it became apparent that most herbs did not deserve good reputations, and most that did were replaced by synthetic compounds that are more effective. Many herbs contain hundreds or even thousands of chemicals that have not been completely cataloged. While some may turn out to be useful, others could well prove toxic. With safe and effective treatment available, treatment with ۱۱۱29۰۰۹۱۵ coool

صفحه 49:
Ten Ways to Avoid Being Quacked ] ۳ toy cate Ome TNR MOET ‏عط 0غ‎ effective against a wide range of unrelated ‏عع‌عهه‌عنل ا ا ل 0 نا‎ ۲2 276 ۰ There is no such thing as a panacea or "cure-all." 9. Ignore appeals to your vanity. One of quackery's most powerful appeals is the suggestion to "think for yourself" instead of following the collective wisdom of the scientific community. A similar appeal is the idea that although a remedy has not been proven to work for other people, it still might work for you.

صفحه 50:
Ten Ways to Avoid Being Quacked ‎ClepiCort al‏ ا ل ا لا ات ا ال لك" ‎If you feel that your doctor isn't doing‏ ‎enough to help you, or if you have been‏ ‎told that your condition is incurable and‏ ‎don't wish to accept this fate without a‏ ‎struggle, don't stray from scientific health‏ ‎care in a desperate attempt to finda‏ ‎solution. Instead, discuss your feelings‏ ‎with your doctor and consider a‏ ‎consultation with a recognized expert.‏

صفحه 51:
Why Bogus Therapies Often Seem to Work 1. The disease may have run its natural course. 2. Many diseases are cyclical. 3. The placebo effect may be responsible. PCR ETC ete ticker ‏وصتط وصمعم عط‎ 5. The original diagnosis or prognosis may have been incorrect. 6. Temporary mood improvement can be confused with are Pe rot Cb cen rosa ‏ا‎ ‏قصة‎ 6.

صفحه 52:
Case History-Debbie Benson + My good friend Debbie Benson died july 15, 1997, at age fifty-five. I had known her for thirty years, Her official diaqnosis was breast cancer, but she was. a ‘Victim of quackery. Conventional ee ee a ened her, but a tod. ee other oncologist ear to ‏سامت‎ Healers + Debbie was a registered nurse at the Kaiser hospital in Portland, Oregon, but she had a deep distrust of standard medical practice. She didn't have a mammogram for nine years, and when she did in March 1996 ~-it showed a cancerous lump in her breast. She had the lump removed, but she refused the additional treatment her doctor seus ‘went to @ haturopath who gave her ~ among other tings some "Pesticide Removal

صفحه 53:
Case History-Debbie Benson ۱3 coe ‏ا‎ ‎Ca ek ecg” ۱ encore ۱ en Pec Nai returned to her oncologist at Kaiser Tes areas ata a 5 Ree eer ‏فط 6غ قصناهة قصة‎ Coe ON ecm eres 4 pe ercomutec Ceara iateg Lerten eee Cee TS ‏.فوط عفط غنامطوناوعطا وستفهعممه‎ Cerone Reese enon aca 8 area. One even claimed to diagnose ۱ Crit) 0 0 00 tater ees coats 000 mca ‏.05م ط اعم‎

صفحه 54:
Case History-Debbie Benson Seen emt SECC ceo Kg ۱1 1 econ ts ‏عط دعل 6 لعدومصتاك كمد‎ 0 ‏ده 5056 صعمه نزوت مه لعكتاوع‎ ‏عفط رعس علطا بر8 ؤممععط عط‎ ‏غاع2 فده قصة ومتلتةة عدي مم11‎ ‏هم طاهم‌مستاهده 1۳6 بیقر‎ ۱ ۱ ‏عأططة معطلا .مععلة ممص عو‎ 00 meee تفط 2ه معسعصتسصة عط قصة معط 3 Cerio Comey | se ‏وستتتو" ده عكمته قط 0 مصيط‎ 9

صفحه 55:
Case Mistory- Matthew S WDD, ‏مت موی بو هب‎ ot Bearers a Crear Ti Tepe em ‏هن ده‎ Swan, both lifelong Christian Scientists, 0 ‏ی‎ 1 an illusion caused by faulty beliefs, and ۳ Perego Cee eee | aie eres 56 Renate ere eee ‏هل قفتي‎ rer enemies) repeatedly said they were healing him and Reema reir’ eit eae cae ee ‏وطن‎ ‎Erste einen ts 1 1 0 | | 0 ‏م‎

صفحه 56:
Case History- Matthew swan * After nearly two weeks of ‏«مصوناتا مرج ۵ ,عوهصل عامتدهو‎ said Matthew might have a ‏أقط قصة عقصمط مععاموط‎ Christian Scientists are ۱ leteiter ee ‏.دعصوط معكامعط ,0 وستاامد‎ 6 Swans took Matthew to a ٩۱ 0 ۱ | ‏د ع2 4ع1!‎ ‏مط .عههء عتعص عا صذ صل عاععي‎ Christian Science ۱/7 1 Cem

صفحه 57:
THE DI BELLA AFFAIR BE (eho a elo id KC: Dad * DLE “CORE” COR THOOGROOG: COMO ACA ORC Ae On ORT SO. 0.0.4 liad OF 0۲۳۵۵1۵۵, 0۷۵0۵۵۸۵۵06 اک رک ‎OC NC)‏ 006 ‎COGT: OP TO $S6OO0O / DOOTW‏ *

صفحه 58:
Dietary Supplements Blue-Green Algae Ses ner eC RS CoM tea eS ete etter yt) IEICE ETM eT NeW eto sO NCCT CRN tele el URC MO ae MCT RLU ‏ا‎ mc sit ‏كتاضع اصع حاكن وكناقء 16 160ممع معفط وتقط معطا ملنطها ,000 ود‎ 0 Neto ‏"كلام أعتل عكمه" "بلمعتغهه لله" هد كه غ1 لعتامصدممم عسوم‎ 000 ‏اا‎ 7 ‏واطتةعععص صة" كقنن غذ نهد مكلة فلعتاعة قط ".اموه علتاعممة قط جره‎ ۱ Cie sel sne te Coe CEMA Colm ۱ mM U NR aDy Wieteeey tonsCc ma ECan ECE Cy ‏صه كه ع#تاععلء 5ذ (عستمقلها يمعطم ه) ممتلتصامه غقط ععمعفتيع.‎ ‏ل‎ aR OD) WCCO nim neve Mis Poco URS EN W een tel ‏تفط 6 وصتلطمععة مععلما رعدنوءفط دوه‎ FESS ort ee M ec teee scsC Ce ance toro Cr ete |

صفحه 59:
Dietary Supplements Blue-Green Algae * At the trial on January 9, 1986, the government introduced additional evidence of the widespread use of blue-green algae Manna products, and of the therapeutic claims that were made for these products. Victor Kollman denied that he had made therapeutic claims. . . . Nevertheless he continued to claim his product has a beneficial effect on the human body . . . as a food, and not a drug. The government showed that taken at the recommended. dosage of 1.5 grams, its value as a nutrient is negligible. Further, the cost of the defendant's products, which exceeds $300 per pound, is so high as compared to other sources of the same nutrients that it is apparent that these products are not intended to be used as a food.

صفحه 60:
Dietary Supplements Blue-Green Algae Spirulina / Blue Green Algae ۱۱ Coa nap OCT ER PSC MCC EMe eg Pat cee CRs M ar amece Uc Relay ee tents tic keer B ۳ ‏تومه 1000 4عغدعمععهم ,كنم عانم ]دمص قط كذ‎ 6 00 Trt ee CC RUM S NTCUTTneCee Neel NCR TCE nutraceuticals. Spirulina is the best whole food source of protein, 1 co TMM C CMEC Nico ‏بقااط بشلق8 ,كعسترعصة بصتصةترعمءء رطم ,عكماكناحستك عدن وميك ,كلنصنا‎ TCI 3 ‏ا ا‎ cro yeas Aging Alcoholism Allergies Anemia Anti-aging Arthritis Breast POTATO TOIT OF Ve TONT- EVAN SSD eects ON NONE MONAT ATE 0 CM ETM CMe ttt pririnstiey Meriter aU Cattaa acre es Cr muti poisoning Hypoglycemia Immune problemsLiver disease Mononucleosis Nutrition Obesity Ovarian cancer Pancreatitis Senility Skin careSkin ‏كسرعاطمدم‎ 55655 OCCT STN Sonn rinse

صفحه 61:
Spirulina: Health Food or Fraud? Low protein source For instance, it’s claimed that spirulina is a rich source of protein. True, 1 PIM 6896 ‏وصناعة برط 155 قصوم؟ لأننامير عباط صنع هرم‎ Reg tT ‏كعوط صقع! عغتطتن مه (8096) صعاعتط بصتعاممم 9796 كقط طاعتطى طفق‎ )7990(. 0 Crt T MOSM Ghatintirc tt r Mia) VTC R Geass ten tity eee CMe OL mts nme directed by their labels. Some products advertised as spirulina have no 0 ۷9 US Sanne eC ‏غناظ .كستسمان» طاته؟ لمعاعهم‎ Pine n eee Cra ee Can Gr mC Cerne Nemo eter tment Reece Doe ea a CCR No Regine Rn CeR Reet rg gram. They may be surprised to know that sugar contains 4 calories to the ۱3 ‏ل‎ ‏بةستلتصاصة‎

صفحه 62:
Spirulina: Health Food or Fraud 0ممهنصسمادهه ا ۱ ‎Tey enw resem ta‏ عمو انمق مطن ‎neem ee esc‏ ما 65064 ‎prem‏ ‏منلعتاط غة وططعفط عه تواكرم تان لع ممعم 0210 ه ۱ م بواستقده فيك كذ تمعكصم 812 متسمات؟ 5'فستلتصامة لتقد ,تكلكرو تمل contamination with insect or animal fecal matter. This is not surprising since spirulina grows in open lakes and ponds and is not thoroughly washed before 115 ‏مضل‎ 000 ‏کی‎ ‎CMe ‏بلنوءة طغلمة1؟ أكصتدوة لتعصنامن لقدمتاهل! قط أن‎ namo yw ‏لممتقكصى وصصدة صعميه منلظ للق اعنوممم عقلتاوم ممه ه‎ "15 0 Orc w hie nen Cow Smokes equivalent maggots, 59 maggot fragments, one ant, five ant fragments, one ‏عناه؟ ركعاعنا عصتط ,كاسمعصروم؟! أعوكصة 763 يقصنام ملعك فده يفمعك البق‎ tte Nec ee og eS een C Meese mcr tg barbules, and 10,500 water fleas." Some strains of spirulina also have toxins ‏کتهتام مگ همعط ل اقطا‎

صفحه 63:
Toxic Algae Causes Tumors, * "In test animals injection of the toxic algae causes tumors, and larger doses can cause death within minutes. Batches of contaminated spirulina have been seized by the FDA. Since the toxins are not routinely tested for by all manufacturers, it would seem that using the algae is like playing Russian roulette," according to nutritionist Kurt Butler in A Consumer’s Guide to Alternative Medicine. * Spirulina promoters are apparently aware of this but tell their customers that these side effects are signs that their products are working and "cleansing" the body. In truth, you're probably poisoning yourself without knowing it.

صفحه 64:
ورگ از | oe ate eRe ‏ا‎ ew OKO] 00.0. ‏جز ,(بولدوصسرو0 خان سصاتيل)‎ 0162©. red eet ee cree ee et eee ene Le ceca ne ae ee cere aa one Oe ee Nee ee ee a ene a aad oe ave) [eR Oat eae ee ete ens oe tees cee eens eeecoed mene) ۱ aes ccs eee ee ed ieee cadena ha aser nape ae Ae ee ee) | ‏لمماتيمي نيا رضحف خمصهع فصا حابصو طعط بي معطي‎ ن١‎ ee een ea ل ا 0 _ 0 نص ببلطحا تفي , ممسمكلاك بصي تمعن تمطحممم انيقي لعي ,بعتم وعميهها باتصاما مسو ل متا ‎acc)‏ ا ۱ ‎en eee‏

صفحه 65:
The San Francisco Medical Research ‏ل ا‎ Board of Advisors ۱ Vee Se TCC Recs Cae tet es Once Creo erat Co Richard Kunin M.D. ,Founder The Orthomolecular Medical Society Society Peas BS Coeen a ee LPM MTU Coe aes TC Lar Cee DOES CET ‏تلقدمتامع كما عه بكسمعماععم‎ 5م وكنهك غ810 دوه8 11117 #مطاية ططط تعمترد8-لخ تلق ۱۳ ‎tec oe ated‏ ا ا | «مطاتة , .14.5 ركقدك1 دمولع «مطانة ,. 81.5 ومصسقط5 لممطعتي See ieee ‏ل‎ ‏ل‎ Cees Matec orem Coe :0 .ظ.ظظ روصتصفوظ صطمل Michael P. Joseph, D.C. 00 William Lavelle 0.M.D. L.A.c. عنصنام ا عتنط1 بعمامعظ :681 ۸.ظ ا عمتعدومل! مكنا ببوه]ة ممطعتاطنه ماع86 علتما3

صفحه 66:
The San Francisco Medical Research ‏ل ا‎ Board of Advisors Scott Minor, Editor Well Being Journal Bernice Strock, Editor Publisher iTo Your Health Magazinei Paul English, Publisher Free Spirit Magazine Tasos, Artist Musician Ivan Dryer, President Laser Images Inc. Michael Hutchinson Author, iMegaBraini Patricia Kramer, Director World School of Massage and Advanced Healing Techniques Ursala Hanrahan, Spiritual Healer Rev. Harpreet Sandhu, M.S., CHT, President, Inner Revelations Inc. Mark Johnson, C.E.O. Trinity Water

صفحه 67:
The Ligth Party and Da- ۷10 * http://www.lightparty.com/ index.html

صفحه 68:
Do Viruses Cause Disease? Dear Karl, My doctor tells me that the HIV (virus) is the cause of AIDS and that Creat eee tee eee ct scree .ءتصتط) نامر غقطى معط 6غ ععلثا 1'4 00 معام ,۲۱6162 عوط ۱ ‏ا ل ا‎ Cots The word "cause" is the key to the question -- and the answer. Re ee Ce eect Ra em acne ee i eee Ce ‏ل ا‎ ce Aes a te ee eee mee eas CCE eee Oe RCAC RCS SOR CML aR nat ۳ RRO ‏ا ا ا‎ Be Ce eas ce Te ۱ a PT ‏ل ل‎

صفحه 69:
Do Viruses Cause Disease? Would you say that "Helen hit him in the face!" or "Helen's hand hit him in the face!” Your hand is not "you" but is Pee rt are The stone is not even "part" of you, but it is simply a tool cc ‏ل‎ s It was a mistake? OK, but "who" made the mistake, and how can a "mistake," suddenly, cause the stone to become cause? I've thought a great deal about this and actually wrote on HNO NPC eT Set Te ۲ 6 ۱۱۱۸۱۲۰۵ ۰۱۱۲۰ (۰۱۰۱۱۹۰۱۹۸۱۱۰۵ 6۱۸۰۱۱۹۰۵ ۱۵۵۰۱۵۱۵۵ ‏ا‎ ‎called: “Let's Kill Stones!" The idea of "killing" stones seems foolish, and it is. But the 1 ania ts sir my Comrie t | of "stone" you speak of the "virus." The virus is no more alive than a stone, and therefore cannot cause anything.

صفحه 70:
Growth Hormone Scams * The Bottom Line * Although growth hormone levels decline with age, it has not been proven that trying to maintain the levels that exist in young persons is beneficial. Considering the high cost, significant side effects, and lack of proven effectiveness, HGH shots appear to be a very poor investment. So called "growth-hormone releasers," oral "growth hormone," and “homeopathic HGH" products are fakes.

صفحه 71:
Growth Hormone Scams * Human growth hormone (HGH) is a substance secreted by the pituitary gland that promotes growth during childhood and adolescence. Growth hormone acts on the liver and other tissues to stimulate production of insulin-like growth factor I (IGF-I), which is responsible for the growth- promoting effects of growth hormone and also reflects the amount produced. Blood levels of circulating IGF-I tend to decrease as people age or become obese [1]. Many marketers would like you to believe that boosting HGH blood levels can reduce body fat; build muscle; improve sex life, sleep quality, vision and memory; restore hair growth and color; strengthen the immune system; normalize blood sugar; increase energy; and "turn back your body's biological clock." This article traces the history of these claims and why you should disregard them.

صفحه 72:
Growth Hormone Scams * In 1990, The New England Journal of Medicine published a study that attracted mainstream media attention. The study involved 12 men, aged 61 to 81, who were apparently healthy but had IGF-I levels below those found in normal young men. The 12 men were given growth hormone injections three times a week for six months and compared with 9 men who received no treatment. The treatment resulted in a decrease in adipose (fatty) tissue and increases in lean body (muscle) mass and lumbar spine density [11]. An accompanying editorial warned that some of the subjects had experienced side effects and that the long-range effects of administering HGH to healthy adults were unknown. It also warned that the hormone shots were expensive and that the study had not examined whether the men who received the hormone had substantially improved their muscle strength, mobility, or quality of life [1].

صفحه 73:
Growth Hormone Scams + Despite the warning, the study inspired many offbeat physicians to market themselves as “anti- aging specialists." Many such physicians offer expensive tests that supposedly determine the patient's "biological age," which they promise to lower with expensive hormone shots and dietary supplements. In 2001, NBC's Dateline showed what happened when a 57-year-old woman visited a Cenegenics clinic in Las Vegas, Nevada, where she underwent $1,500 worth of tests and was offered a hormone and 40-pill-a-day supplement program that would cost $1,500 a month. She was told that although she tested at "age 54,"her hormone levels were "sub-optimal" and that optimal would be the level of a 30-year -old [12].

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