پزشکی و سلامتطب سنتی

Alternative to Integrative Medicine

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LRELCW SE EECECEVY UV Integrative Medicine 72 ۱۶ 2 7 — Ron Mosiello D.O. Osteopathic Manipulative ۱ Neuromuscular Medicine Southern Maine Medical ا ال ا ۲

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Alternative Medicine: Objectives * Grown out of “grass roots” or popular desire for a different approach to healing * Has many forms, (Plant/Herb, Energy, Structural Manipulation, Subconscious/Mind) * Traditional Allopathic Medicine does not have a monopoly on healing ° Difference between SERVING and FIXING a patient

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الكت ‎a a ne SI‏ سس Reactions in Hospitalized Patients. JAMA 1996;279(13):1200-1205. * 106,000 hospitalized patients die from properly prescribed drugs * Greater than two million suffer “serious” side effects

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Geriatric Challenges and Pharmaceuticals ° Polypharmacy *Decrease in GFR and liver metabolism with age *Increase in medication with age *Acute changes in mental status New med vs. infection, CVA, *Pain medication: Dizziness/Falls/Mental Status changes/Liver-Kidney toxicity/GI upset NSAIDs, Muscle relaxants, Narcotics Acetaminophen (Liver) *Financial stress (fixed income)

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heport, number 124, Vec 1U, 2008 Complementary and Alternative Medicine Use Among Adults and Children: United States, * In 2007, the C ‏تت‎ ‎20 commonly use .5. ‏عط مذ 01185ة‎ past 12 months were nonvitamin, nonmineral, natural products (17.7%), deep breathing exercises (12.7%), meditation (9.4%), chiropractic or osteopathic manipulation (8.6%), massage (8.3%), and yoga (6.1%).

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Adults. Children (2007) (2007)

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‘Therapies with significant increases between 2002 and 2007 are 2002 017 Deep 116% 127% 16% ۷ 50% 83% << 10 Most Common CAM Therapies Among Adults - 2007 1% »

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History of Medicine

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History of Medicine Medicine and the Ancient World China, Egypt, Rome, Greece, Medieval Europe, Africa, South and North American Indians, India, Middle East “Bone Setting” in early colonial and early America: folk tradition dating from 1500’s Pasture (germ theory) vs. Beauchapms (host theory of disease) 1900 Medical philosophies Allopathic, Homeopathic, Osteopathic, Chiropractic, Naturopathic, Sylvester Graham.

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History of Medicine * Allopathic Medicine in 1900: Medications Calomel (contained mercury) rapid cathartic Lead, Arsenic, Opium, Belladonna *Source: Merk Manual 1899 * Rockefeller, Carnegie, Vanderbilt invest in allopathic medicine in late 1800’s early 1900’s » Abraham Flexner’s report to US congress 1907 Financed by the Carnegie foundation Standardized medical education and practice 1904 160 medical schools in US, 1935 only 66

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Ea at tere te tel French Chemist/Microbiologist enw. eee ere اصمصصصه وه * Disease invades body through harmful Germ * GERMS primary 1۷۵9176/6۵ cause of disease * Adopted contemporary medical model « 0۲۵۵۵4 ‏تاعتط‎ ‎vaccinations for Rabies and Anthrax

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هک ی سم م سم اير سي مي انس Beauchamp (1816-1908) Chemist Biologist Physician 5557 ۰ Ceilneyarotcstteetecvonntet:) to germ infection * “Biological Terrain” * Germs are Opportunists | ‏لوت 1ت‎ and wellbeing Nutrition/Rest/Hygiene Exercise/Emotional wellbeing ° “The primary cause of disease is in us, always in us.” Antoine Beauchamp, 1883 * Theory ignored and feel into obscurity

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° Have you ever wondered why only a few people get a cold after coming in contact with someone that already has one? ° If Pasteur’s theory was right surely we would all ‘catch’ a cold with no exception?

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۵ AT Genetics Toxic Influence فاصم رز

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نا 01 11151001 اا * Question/Distrust authority * Take responsibility for ones own health ° Influx of Eastern Philosophy/Culture * Looked to Native a Americans guidance#-, *plant based medicine *organic farming é

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Numan Sody mensions hs

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History of Medicine (Ancient Cultures. ° Ayurveda (INDIA) * Chinese Medicine * Egyptian Medicine * African Medicine * American Indian ° Aborigines COMMON APROACHES *Herbal Medicine *Manual Medicine *Energy Medicine

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Manual Medicine * Osteopathy/Cranial- 92 ‏توج وده :”د 5لهنه مد‎ - 0 (muscles/fascia) * Chiropractic (Spinal articulations) * Rolfing (Fascia)

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Manual Medicine ° “The rule of the artery must be absolute, universal, and unobstructed or disease will be the result” - A.T. Still * Lymphatic return * Immune function * Neuroendocrine System/Homeostasis * Sympathetic and Parasympathetic (ANS)

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Right Vagus << Parasympathethic Innervation of The Vagus Nerves And Pelvic Splanchnic Nerve

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Manual Medicine: Structure and Function » “Disease is the result of anatomical abnormalities followed by physiologic discord” - A.T. Still M.D. * Macroscopic vs. Microscopic *sickle cell, Atherosclerosis *cytoskeleton *Somatic Dysfunction (musculoskeletal or visceral restriction)

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Somatic Dysfunction ° “Impaired or altered function of related components of the somatic (body framework) system: skeletal, authorial, and myofascial structures and related vascular, lymphatic, visceral and neural elements” Foundations for Osteopathic Medicine, glossary.

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Osteopathic Treatment and other Manual Medicines * Remove fascial restrictions * Fascia is connective tissue ligaments, tendons, durra, omentum, mesentery, all body membranes » ALL nerves, blood vessels, lymphatic vessels, are carried throughout the body in 1 * ALL organs (Brain, lungs, hart, intestines, stomach, liver, ect...) are incased in fascia ° FASCIA attaches to BONE

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عالا اماة ل ال ال تل رم مت ‎REMOVE RESTICTIONS TO‏ MOTION > improves RANGE OE MOmMON ‏للك تن‎ 01 clorencilizeg envigcle ceric chectrnicl <i jeter ۱۶۱۲۱۶۱22 ‏امین ۱ ۱۱۱۱۲/۱۱۱ زا رو ای‎ 2 joint ) Remove restmctions 10) proper llood tov, Venous/areiial mechallicall resticwons: ATLOnOMuC MELyVOUSs ‏ل‎ ‎| Remove restmctions 10 Lymphatic) FLOW, ۱۶۲ 21۱۱۱۱۴ ۲۱۱۱ ۳۶۱ 106۱9۶۱۲۲۶۱۵ Sy Sven 16001165 Unwanted tabverials) (ine chOusy daiidged, ‏را‎

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Types of OMT * Balanced Ligamentous Tension (BLT) * Soft Tissue Manipulation: Myofascial ۱5:2 ‏رات‎ Facilitated Positional Release (FPR) Counterstrain ° Articulatory: High Velocity Low Amplitude ana 17 g 7 * Cranial Manipulation * Visceral Manipulation * Muscle Strain: Muscle Energy, Trigger Point (01۵ * Biodynamic: Fluid fields, Membranes, fascia and fluid as one hole component

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Energy 2۹ Medicin 010 be scsi) «۰ 10 ۱ ‏6اة‎ |” (Biodynamic) * Homeopathy ۴ 7 ۱۱ 0 وم 7 ۱ . 7 12 ۱ ۱ سس كل

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Energy Medicine * Channels conducting energy (Qi or Ki) life force energy occur through out the body Blocking energy channels limits energy and enhances entropy and DIS- EASE Re-establishing energy channel flow will promote proper function

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Numan Sody mensions hs

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Energy Medicine * Scientific/Specific placement of Acupuncture needles * Direction of Energy through trained touch and intention * Touch is light/soft * May be augmented by specific breathing and posture by the recipient

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Energy Medicine ° American Cancer Society promotes Therapeutic Touch for cancer patients * Therapeutic touch abstracts for anxiety/tension headaches/pain ۰ ‏فحصتصصمی طمتعووو۲ متاصونمو صتواوع۱۷‎ eels Qigong reduces hypertension and the incidence of falling in the aged population. ° The Effect of Reiki on Pain and Anxiety in Women With Abdominal Hysterectomies: A Quasi-experimental Pilot Study:- Holistic Nursing Practice, 2006 - journals.lww.com ° Acupuncture is the most widely researched of all of the energy medicine modalities

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Herbal Medicine/Plant Medicine * Common in all Cultures * Developed from a different view/understandin g of Reality/Nature

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Modern Science Medicine ° Objective fact Only P * Scientific Trials * Consensus Opinion

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Native Natural Medicine * Dialogue of the 1 INNER and OUTER SS worlds aa * Subjective Faculties *Intuition. *Imagination * Humans are apart of Nature and the Natural Environment

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Doctrine of Signatures (Intuition and Imagination) * Nicolas Culpepper 1616-1654 (Botanist, Herbalist, Physician, Astrologer) English ° Paracelsus 1493-1541(Physician, Botanist, Astrologer, Alchemist) German-Swiss ° Emanuel Swedenborg 1688-1772 (Philosopher, Theologian, Scientist) Swedish ° Samuel Hahnemann 1755-1848 (Homeopathy, Physician) German

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Doctrine of Signatures (intuition and ۳ * INTUITION (helps us 9 see patterns in the : world) *Connect Herbs from ۱۱2۱۱۵۰۱۱۱۵ disordered condition * IMAGINATION *Images generated with oneself (Fantasies) vs. - images that come ۲ from beyond us 5 (Visions)

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Angelica * Found in damp 9۳۵07 1 ° Effect is warming and drying » Removes damp and cold from the system * Notable for long hollow tube of stalk * Resembles Tubes of the body

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Angelica (Treatment Use) * Remedy for bronchial tubes and blood vessels (red/purple stalks) » Removes stagnant blood and warms and stimulates the circulation * Delayed menstruation/cramping * UTl/urinary antiseptic ۰ Intestine peristalsis

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Albert Einstein oA en ‏ا‎ ‎IMAGINATION ‎۱ ‎AT Pea * “Imagination is more important than knowledge. For knowledge is limited to all we now know and understand, while imagination embraces the entire world, and ‏للا" تدعت عتدعط] للد‎ be to know and understand.” TS.

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Quantum Physics ۶ Theory *All matter was 7 “Entangled” or ۱ connected at the | ‏سس بت تس تست‎ moment of the “Big 9 ‎Affected‏ ی مه ‎the illusion that ۷ 5 0 there are separate here’ over there ‎objects ‎

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Quantum Physics * Heisenberg Uncertainty ‏ت۱۵‎ *by observing 7 something you change — 1 *What is Consciousness? *Is all Consciousness interconnected?

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ان ۰ ۱۷:۲۵ Subconscious Mind emotions, imagination, memories, and autonomic nervous system (all are very closely interlinked) *very powertul at dealing with many complex instructions at one time but is not ۱۱۱ ‏“دعن‎ ‎*has the reasoning of a four year old *has a strong desire to help and facilitate change but is very naive a to the proper way to do so.

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The Subconscious Mind * Capable of running multiple tasks simultaneously ° IT DOES NOT JUDGE, CRITICIZE, ANALYZE OR REJECT! * It excepts all thoughts the conscious mind thinks into it AND ACTS ON THEM * Repetition reinforces the suggestion * It is a Super computer

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Have you ever been ۱۶ ۱ * We are constantly given suggestions by Parents, teachers, peer pressure from friends politicians, religion, *Newspaper and TV: advertising tries to persuade us to do things...vote for someone, buy something *If you bought something from a salesman or an ad that you never thought of buying before or don’t really need - then you where hypnotized

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What is Hypnosis ° Being open to suggestions A intense state of relaxation and concentration, in which the mind becomes detached from everyday cares and concerns * In this relaxed state the subconscious mind is best able to respond creatively to suggestion and imagery. ° A state of deep relaxation and heightened responsiveness to suggestion

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So What is Hypnosis Good For? ° Reprogramming negative conditioning irrational fears smoking/addictions anxiety recalling forgotten memories

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Problems with “Alternative” ‏ع1‎ 5 * Lack of Research and Research funding * What works for one person may not work for everyone ° Out of pocket expense * Have an idea about the treatment/therapy that you refer a patient to ° Lack of “Alternative” practitioners in a community

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Serving vs. Fixing Maximize homeostasis and function Support Mental/ Emotional wellbeing Teach and Nurture Encourage independence as much as possible LISTEN

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Alternative Medicine * Grown out of “grass roots” or popular desire for a different approach to healing * Has many forms, (Plant/Herb, Energy, Structural Manipulation, Subconscious/Mind) * Traditional Allopathic Medicine does not have a monopoly on healing ° Difference between SERVING and FIXING a patient

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