تجهیزات پزشکیپزشکی و سلامت

An introduction to future drug delivery system

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An introduction to future drug delivery system By: Ali khorramdust

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"که نالک آ۵ +The sine range ot interest berween’a few nanomevers. and 190.9m js-one ‏سروس‎ وه هو وود دامع ممواه ‎eenaeree eta‏ وه 7۵ | ‎ata‏ ی رو( مرک یی و و موجه مرو عوبطم سر وج ‏زد یه تسا مر سورع ‎Tie Vita‏ بعلي أب نامرون

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Nanotubes: ibes are smaller then nanopores. half the diameter of a molecular of DNA also help to identify DNA changes assox ۱66۲ 6۰ 5 to exactly pin point location of the changes.mutated regions associated with c ged with bulky molecules.using a nano tupe tip,resembling the needle on a reco sical shape of the DNA can be traced.a computer translates this information intc ‏ور‎ Quantum Dotes(QD): are tiny crystals that glow when these are stimulated by ultraviolet light. ex beads filled with these crystals when stimulated by light,emiit the color that 1ence of interest. j as sort of spectral bar code.

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Quantum Dots:

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Nanoshells(NS): are another recent invention.NS are miniscule beads coated with gold. ost useful nanoshells are those that absorb near infrared light that can easily ps ‏ا ل ل وت ریا یت‎ ation of light by nanoshells creates an intense heat that is lethal to cells. yratory cultures the heal generated by the light-absorbing nanoshells has succe: imor cells while leaving neighboring cells intact. Liposomes: mes are self-assembling spherical closed colloidal structures composed of lipid ‘round a central aqueous space. me based formulations of several anticancer agents have been approved for th nt of metastatic breast cancer and Kaposi's sarcoma.

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Liposomes 1 a ۷ 0 AN al TTT

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Caltilevers: ars anchored at one end can be engineered to bind to molecules associated witt id be possible to tell whether the cancer molecules are present and hence detec n the development of cancer cells. Dendrimer: ber of nanoparticles that will facilitate drug delivery are being developed. ped dendrimers can be manipulated to release their contents only in the preser trigger molecu;es associated with cancer.following drug releases the dendrimer: ‏.كاعومةغ عأفط ومتلالما /ااانةأددعععنك عند لإعطع معطغع انها زعوط غره‎ Nanopores: ores(holes)allow DNA to pass through one strand at a time hence DNA sequenc! Miele Male ‏.أمع‎ ‎issage of DNA through a nano pore can be used to decipher the encoded inform g errors in the code known to be associated with cancer.

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‘Dendritic Catalyst for Reactions of Anionic Nucleophiles in Water

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lon BEAM SCULPTING ۳ ‏ال اس‎ 7 5 5 لماك تن لق الها وه ‎Nag‏ 2ك Nanopores:

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ent advances in nanothechnology in cancer Treatment escent Nanoparticles: nosis and treatment of cancer have been greatly improved with the recent 2nts in nanotechnology one of the promising nanoscale tools for cancer diagnos t nanoparticles(NPs) such as organic dye-dope NPs quantum dots and upconver nable highly sensitive optical imaging of cancer at cellular and animal level. clonal antibodies and Nanobodies: past decades the mainstay of systemic therapy for solid and haematology malic otherapy nevertheless this modality has the drawbacks such as drug resistance ver cytotoxicity in normal tissue. \erapeutic monoclonal antibodies(mAbs) are deemed to be a class of novel ager ically target and disrupt molecular pathways underlying tumorigenesis.the mAb yy a single clone of B-cells and are monospecific and homogeneous. combinant antibodies have been reduced in size rebuilt into multivalent molecu with different moities such as radionuclides toxins enzymes. 's on implementation of the mAbs and nanobodies fragments for cancer therapy

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omedicine: jechnology has been extensively merging into biomedical research to develop a 1 field Nanomedicine. ects of gastrin messenger RNA(mRNA) down-regulation on growth of human pai FeRAM Seo ‏ات یت ات ات یت‎ tase-polymerase chain reaction and peptide expression was assessed by immu Gastrin was down-regulated using either stable transfection of an antisense gas shRNA(short hairpin RNA) constructs Stable transfection in gastrin antisense or C-3 cells resulted in clones with more than 90% reduction in gastrin mRNA ofluorescence analysis confirmed that gastrin peptide levels were decreased in NA tumors. :1 اع 201 ng nanotechnology has already developed various innovative nanomedicines mblies of block copolymers are promising nanomedicines for targeted drug deli stimulus-responsive targeted nanomicelles are designed to release drugs on ba uch as PH temperature redox potential magnetism and ultrasound.

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on Nanotubes: majority of applications are based on CNTs raging from miniaturized biosensors ation Nevertheless the complexity of biological systems poses a significant chal ing CNT-based tissue tissue engineering applications ali khorramdust focuses or levelopments of CNT-based tissue engineering where the interaction between li Is/tissues and the nanotubes have been transformed into a variety of novel tect nal analyses of water-dispered carbon nanohorns with antitumor activity were 2d to explore their potential as drug carrier for local cancer chemotherapy.water 1 carbon nanohorns were prepared by adsorption of polyethylene glycol-doxoruk te(PEG-DXR) onto oxidized single-well carbon nanohorns(oxSWNHs).PEG-DXR be Hs were administered intratumorally to lung cancer-cell NCI-H460-bearing mice. ) studies showed that carboplatin-filled CNTs inhibited growth of bladder cacer c ; unfilled opened CNTs barely affected cancer cell growth

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| Nanoparticles: »chnology has used to provide advanced biomedical research tools in diagnostic apy which requires targeting of nanoparticles(NPs) to individual cells and subce 6۰ ; show that the cellular uptake of gold NPs is dependent on their size and surfac were transported in vesicles of 300-500 nm diameter within the cytoplasm.the and diffusion coefficient of the vesicles containing NPs were 10.2(+/-1.8) micror rom 2/hr respectively Analysis of the time dependent intracellular spatial distrib ۰ ‏رت یا رت ات یت رلیرت‎ oprotection by nanoparticles: ysis of water generates a series its radical decomposition products that inactiva s and damage cellular lipids proteins and DNA postirradiation protection is anott h to reduce or reverse deleterious effects after exposure to ionizing radiation nes (C60) diminished toxicity of radiation on zebra fish embryos by reducing ge ive oxygen species fulleronols (C60[OH]X) protected unicellular eukaryotes orga gamma radiation Cerium oxide nanoparticles(nanoceria) increased longevity of g hydrogen peroxide and ultraviolet radiation induced injury Autoregerative reat »3+«Ce4+ occurs on the surface of the ceria nanoparticles:changing oxidation : 3+ to Ce4+ might scavenge free radicals produced by radiation.

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ring toxicity in real time using novel impedance technique: ‘tion of mammalian cells with surfaces and focus on the kinetic aspects of this enon is of great for science Cell attachment is an important parameter to asses: sntial for metastasis and tumor healing caused by their dynamic interaction witt es and drugs. -cell communications were studied by injecting a dye lucifer yellow to a single c a microelectrode: electrical characteristics of the cells were measured with the isfer of the dye from the single cell to its neighbours by cell-to-cell gap junctions d in cell monolayers. The method that applies external electrical field to sense ¢ 1g upon artificial surfaces in real time is referred to as Electric Cell-substsate Im, (ECIS) gh the ECIS technique has been first described by Giaever and Keese rements using ECIS of repopulation of mechanically disrupted cells in culture ha suggested as wound healing assey. ‘IS technique is becoming a well-stablished technique to study chemical and ph’ and other dynamic processes. هر یک ‎ntum dots: around 6uM for Cd 98uM for Zn 154nM for red CdSe/ZnS 240 nM for‏ ‎For the cadmium selenide and telluride quantum dots toxicity could be assigne’‏ ‎of free cadmium.for quantum dots and gold nanoparticles were not toxicity 200‏

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