صفحه 1:
Ub dt او
English class
صفحه 2:
Foreign language anxiety
Many learners experience
anxiety about their language
classes even though they are
not anxious in other seemingly
similar life situations such as
taking tests or speaking in public
صفحه 3:
Horwitz, Horwitz, and Cope
(1986) argue that foreign
language anxiety (FLA) is a
specific anxiety that some
people experience when learning
-or using a second language
They suggest that foreign
یت لكك 3 similar to
صفحه 4:
FLA possibly results when people don't
feel like themselves when speaking the
-other language
Witty people are not able to be as
amusing; warm people cannot express
their caring and empathy, etc
Most people sound less intelligent than
they really are or think they are when
speaking the second language
Language classes are typically more
public and more personal than classes
in other subject matters
صفحه 5:
A number of studies (see Horwitz,
Tallon, & Luo, 2009) have
suggested that about a third of
language students experience
some foreign language anxiety
Some of these students
experience mild anxiety, while
some can experience truly
debilitating levels of anxiety
صفحه 6:
While some anxiety increases
adrenalin and actually facilitates
performance, too much anxiety
greatly hampers performance
Given that classroom language
learning is already inherently
stressful, it follows that teachers
should seek ways to reduce their
students’ anxiety
صفحه 7:
One of the most effective
ways to help your students to
deal with anxiety is to attack
their negative thoughts
Many anxious students
actually provoke their anxiety
by setting unreasonable
standards for their
صفحه 8:
Teachers can help students
simply by identifying
perfectionist tendencies
that keep them from
recognizing their language
learning successes
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صفحه 9:
‘Tips to decrease anxiety
Use group work to give students
practice saying new phrases before
.asking them to perform individually
Acknowledge students' anxious
feelings and help them realize that
anxiety is a widespread phenomenon
Encourage students to concentrate
on communicative success rather
than formal accuracy
صفحه 10:
Ask yourself how it
must feel to be a
student in your
language classroom
from time to time
Teachers should plan
their lessons from
the students'