85 صفحه
8856 بازدید
06 اسفند 1396


صفحه 1:
‎Veadextaq wad Woshiaq‏ :00 بان

صفحه 2:
حارط :6 سین + ] Oruwepts Ordered dedices: @t-Tree ‏)لها‎ ‎-Vree ‘lerdex Pies Grate Wreeststercy Operas Washers ‏موم(‎ oF Ordered Terdentacy cred Wcrsttercy 4edex DePicaticg tr GGL Outipe-CKepy Borers Ceedwe Oyetre Ovweyt- O* Crore, Ours 18, OOOO. wo ©Sbervehnts, Cork ced Cnakershe

صفحه 3:
Owe Cowepix BE fexkestny wevkuuisre ‏یه رف لخن بل‎ wy cboied duu. © Gx, author oxide ia troy ۳ Geach (ey - otrbute ty ort of other weed 7 book up records in Pe. BE 1890 ‏بجحل‎ Me ccs of records (called fodex euiiee) of the Pore يا ی | ل باس ‎Be Oe‏ سلس 1 © ‏اه ما تا مر‎ entices? © Ordered ‏له‎ search heys oe stored ia sorted order بحص ساسا مه رام وتات لا ‎Alek tedees? search heys ore‏ © مت اس و 1 Ovweyt- O* Crore, Ours 18, OOOO. wo ©Sbervehnts, Cork ced Cnakershe

صفحه 4:
edex Cuchnios Derics Bl cress res supported efPictealy. Cg. © reves wih 0 speoPied voke tothe utrbute © oe reves wil on otdbute volue Pubog too specPied rrage oP voles. Oovess tere ‏جوا یو‎ Deters tee Gpove pverkeud Ceedwe Oyetre Ovweyt- O* Crore, Ours 18, OOOO. we

صفحه 5:
حصله) لسن ‎techoiques evolvated oa baste oP:‏ فطل ‎۲ doco ordered todex, idex eutries ore stored sorted va the search hey vohe. ‏نی ری‎ voto to brary. ‎© Creowy tedex! 0-0 sequedichy ordered Pie, the todex whose search hey spevPies: the sequecitd order oP the Pte. ‎© bp vale chetertoy td ‎© Whe search hey of o primary fedex is sucky but at oevessundy he priory hey. ‎© Gevoutey todex: oo dex whose search hey specPies oa order dPPeredt Pro the sequectal order oF the Pie. ‏ای تاه‎ ‏سسوم‎ ‏.عتما تممه لت اوه لطس با اس ۲ ‎1 Ovweyt- O* Crore, Ours 18, OOOO. wo ©Sbervehnts, Cork ced Cnakershe

صفحه 6:
+ ‏بت بت‎ Piss ۱ ‏و لوا ان(‎ uppears Por every seurck-hey vote ‏و‎ the Pile. Brighton Downtown Downtown Mianus Perryridge Perryridge Perryridge Redwood Round Hill wo Brighton Downtown Mianus Perryridge Redwood Round Hill Ceedwe Oyetre Ovweyt- O* Crore, Ours 18, OOOO.

صفحه 7:
Gpursve Vadex Pies B Gporse dedext protdus tides records Por voy soe searct-hey vdues. © Oppledble whea revords oe sequedidly ordered va search-hey 19 185 lore ‏سا راو ات لس و‎ we: ۶ Pied fodex record wih largest search-hey voke < ۲ © Geach Me sequecidly startog of the record to uw hick the fades revord pots: © bess spare und lees wore overhed Por fesertoas ond deletion. (Geaerdly slower thoa deuse todex Por bovateey records. © (Boed radevPP: sparse fede uty oo terdex airy Por every block ta Pie, porrespoudiag ty beast searck-hey value to the block. Ceedwe Oyetre Ovweyt- O* Crore, Ours 18, OOOO. wor ©Sbervehnts, Cork ced Cnakershe

صفحه 8:
Brighton Downtown Downtown Mianus Perryridge Perryridge Perryridge Redwood Round Hill wo Brighton Mianus Redwood Ceedwe Oyetre Ovweyt- O* Crore, Ours 18, OOOO.

صفحه 9:
+ امطالل() ۲ 18 ‏ی رو‎ does oot Pit ‏وه زر و‎ bevowes expewwie. BD reduce ‏ره اه‎ dish uovesses ty trdex records, treat priory iedex ‏اس‎ ‏ال من‎ os 0 sequedid Pile oad cocstrunt o sparse todex ‏.لمم‎ © onter dex <u sparse todex oP primary toda © eroer tordex — the privvory tendon Pie BP eveo outer aden ‏وا ما‎ to Pit io woke wewory, vet carter level of ‏له‎ ‎eee be credited, und ‏و‎ Aedes of levels wt be updoted oo iesertiza or deleia Pro the Pile. Ceedwe Oyetre Ovweyt- O* Crore, Ours 18, OOOO. wo ©Sbervehnts, Cork ced Cnakershe

صفحه 10:
سا0 لح 0 لا سواه 1 QOndevel Vadex (Ovci.) ‘data block 0 index block 0 ‘outer index inner index Ceedwe Oyetre Ovweyt- O* Crore, Ours 18, OOOO. 10.00

صفحه 11:
0 سب + 1 deleted record wos the oly record fo the Pile wil ts poricular search-hey voter, the search-hey i deleted Proc the tedex cov. 18 ‏اماب(‎ tedex deletion © Deer indices — debivd of seurctehey is skvitor to Ple record deletion. © pase iedves — * Pao ery Por the searck key exists to the todesx, its deleted by rephictery the euiry to the todex wit the cent search-hey ude to the Pe (10 search oo) * OP the ‏مج‎ search hey volue dready has oo todex ur, the roiry te deleted fosteud oP beter rephiced. Ceedwe Oyetre Ovweyt- O* Crore, Ours 18, OOOO. ‏وه‎

صفحه 12:
+ ‏با‎ “keertoa تم ی اما( ۲ © ‏و روص روط امه عا روف مطلما و ممطبظ)‎ the revord to be ‏اس‎ ۱ — Phe seurciehey vdue does oot upper te the tod, tosert a. © Gpurse tedives — P index stores oo euiry Por cack blocks of the Pie, oo ‏رون‎ weeds ty be cade to the index uoless a oe block ts ‏لصو‎ جك ما دصرت عنامي ترداص هد إصذذا جا لصت ط خاصطاط نيد و 48 ‎١‏ ‏له صما مد لحفوصم دا جامصاط بيج BD devel ‏جه ) بمشحص‎ wel oe deletion) ckprtheos ore skople extesizar of the ‏او ام مومت‎ 1 Ovweyt- O* Crore, Ours 18, OOOO. 40.00 ©Sbervehnts, Cork ced Cnakershe

صفحه 13:
+ Ovoonkey ‘heboww 1 Crequdl), ove une ty Prod of he records whose udker ino certo ‏ای‎ ‎(hick ts ot he searokchey off he primary ‏تاه له‎ secre rec. © Cxaope 0: Ie the arr rebtive sored sequecidy by avout oober, we wey usc to Pod oh aoazucts to particu broads © Greople G2 os ubove, but where we ust to Prod ‏ه كلابب جتسخصص للك‎ ‏ولا اه مت مه ولا امد‎ ۲ ) ‏جد كلابب “جلما توول موه و سم موی‎ des record Por euch seurch-hey uch © fedex record poicis to bucket thot ovotaius poiciers ‏اجه سل له نا‎ records wil that paricuar seurch-key ‏ای‎ Ceedwe Oyetre Ovweyt- O* Crore, Ours 18, OOOO. 10.00 ©Sbervehnts, Cork ced Cnakershe

صفحه 14:
4 Geovadury ‏لها‎ va bobrace Pekd oP osovuot 750 500 600 700 400 900 700 700 350 Brighton, Downtown Downtown Mianus Perryridge Perryridge Perryriclge Redwood Round Hill A217 2-01 A-110 A215 ۸-2 ۳۳ A-218 A222 A305 Ceedwe Oyetre Ovweyt- O* Crore, Ours 18, OOOO.

صفحه 15:
ها رد سوت ای بر و + ۲ ‏و تا وا جوا له لین‎ 4edices OPP er substoctd beoePits wheo searchiag ‏و‎ 19 Whew o Pie tp wodPied, every todex oa the Pe ost be updated, Dpdatiors torches ‏.مص لت ال مه لسن موم‎ © Gequectd scoc usiey pricey index is ePPicieot, ‏یه چیه و لها‎ ust 7 sepoutary todenx ‏و و‎ © cack revord uovess way Prick o ew block Pro cet Ceedwe Oyetre Ovweyt- O* Crore, Ours 18, OOOO. ‏سا0 لح 0 لا سواه 1 موم‎

صفحه 16:
جسن تن + ‎tdexed-sequectal Pes.‏ صا وشم جد مد جمد له مب ‎18 ‏ور تا سمل اه منت(‎ deqrades up Pe yous, ‏سا ان مس و۳ لصو بت اما ناه بوون ود‎ required. ‎۲ duane of tree idex Pes! cuiocwaicdly repryaaizes tse wils owl, food, changes, fo the Pace of toserices ond ‏ی همم )تاو‎ Pie te oot required to ‏سوم ی‎ ‎© Osudvootage ‏لاهن ماود له متسه هه )چاه‎ space ‏موی‎ ‎۲ 1 ‏سل(‎ of trees ‏ی‎ disadvantages, vod they ore used exteusively. ‎Ceedwe Oyetre Ovweyt- O* Crore, Ours 18, OOOO. 10.00 ©Sbervehnts, Cork ced Cnakershe

صفحه 17:
+ ‏)بت ی‎ (Ove) ۵ ‏اوه سا تمسق‎ the Polowiee properties! 08 pas Brow root ty beck ore of ‏ی بط‎ fete (Back are thot i oot arnt or a kek hor between [dQ] ond ochkdres. © beck code ber between [(c 1/2] ocd ‏امج‎ ches ‏سس لس‎ OP the root te oot a eck, thos of bet © ‏ماه‎ OP ke root po ek (bro, here ore wo cher order iw he tree), too rave betes oxnd (ol) cher. Ceedwe Oyetre Ovweyt- O* Crore, Ours 18, OOOO. ‏سا0 لح 0 لا سواه 1 جووه‎

صفحه 18:
OT ree Oude Cinwire 8 Vp wde 0 her © @ 9 porters to chides (Por cecrect! cede) or potters ty records or buckets oF records (Por let cater). 19 Phe searches roan ‏مجلس و‎ ‏ب >> کبک‎ 1 Ovweyt- O* Crore, Ours 18, OOOO. ‏سا0 لح 0 لا سواه 1 هوه‎

صفحه 19:
+ Led Odes ۰ 0 Properties oP ‏یی اه‎ 8 @wi=G,©,..., 2, porter P, ether pots too Ale ‏بوم امعد كلابب لجوج‎ uadue (Cor toa bucket oP potters to Pe records, cack ‏اوه روا لس‎ udue Only ceed bucket structure P searck-hey dees oot Por a priory key. BPD, bore ef ates ot 1S 5, be searthey ches oe less how b's search hey voles 8 OO, porte to cent leo? code to search-hey order Brighton leaf node Brighton Downtown Downtown Ceedwe Oyetre Ovweyt- O* Crore, Ours 18, OOOO. ‏سا0 لح 0 لا سواه 1 موم‎

صفحه 20:
+ Ovwled Orde ta 8 Trees B® Occted? andes Por o wultlevel sparse iodex oo the led? odes. (Por a or fed? onde with 07 porters: © Oh ke seartchers in he ebirer to whic P, potas ore ‏مضا دجما‎ © Por © <1 0-0, dhe searchers in he bier to whick ®, porte hove uckes ‏ی‎ thos or expr OC, ord bos tert ‏بي‎ Ceedwe Oyetre Ovweyt- O* Crore, Ours 18, OOOO. ‏سا0 لح 0 لا سواه 1 موم‎

صفحه 21:
| | ‏میس‎ Downtowe| [ Mianus © *4ree Por orm He (« = 9) Ceedwe Oyetre Ovweyt- O* Crore, Ours 18, OOOO. ‏سا0 لح 0 لا سواه 1 موه‎

صفحه 22:
۳ (© <م) سا مس سب لس ‎obec? ades wnt hue betwerd O od‏ © ‎wits 7 = S).‏ ,4و لمی [/(0عم)]) ‎order cher that root cast have betored © ond 6 chides‏ لب( ‎=S).‏ 7 اس امه [/)]) ‎B Root met howe ‏اه © عدا هك‎ ‎1 Ovweyt- O* Crore, Ours 18, OOOO. ‏موم‎ ‎ ‎

صفحه 23:
لا + عا سوه لها ,حصو روا یل و ون طسو با یت ۲ اه ‎seed wt be “physically”‏ BOD he corded? levels of the Bree Porn o hierarchy oP sparse ‏ی‎ BD be O*ree ‏خن موی | اه مه‎ levels (locemttsoric tc the oP the «voto Pie), thus searches con be coudurted efPiciecly. ‎othe se Bis oom bre Keri enh), or re ker‏ لمم همي لحي یو ‎koe (cr we oho ser).‏ عامج صما جا لو سا موی ‎Ceedwe Oyetre Ovweyt- O* Crore, Ours 18, OOOO. ‏سا0 لح 0 لا سواه 1 موم‎ ‎

صفحه 24:
۵ بت سس + ۲۱ Pied oh records wik ‏اه هی ولو و‎ k. ‏لت و با ارت وچ‎ ۱ ‏عا < صم وروی ای با ۲ له با موم‎ AP suck a voke exits, weve tis , Thea Polio P, to the chit ‏علج‎ ‎where here ore a porters in he ode.‏ ری < ۲ مان ‎‘Dhea Polaw @,, to the chk cde.‏ ‎1۴ the code reached by Polputey the potter obove te ont ed? ode, repedt step (oo the ode ‎0 Clee we have reached a leo? onde. ‎(APB Por swe 1 hey = Polo potter P, to he desired record or bucket. ‎(se wo record wih seant-hey vie kextsts. ‎Ceedwe Oyetre Ovweyt- O* Crore, Ours 18, OOOO. ‏سا0 لح 0 لا سواه 1 مهمه‎

صفحه 25:
+ Queree va 8" Trees (Ova) da processkny a query, 0 poh is traversed to the tree Proc the root to sve feo ‏.عل‎ 19 ‏تا رامیت )6 و ما‎ tothe Pe, he pok te oy ‏و‎ thas | ‏)دج‎ © 0 cede & eer he soe ste ‏جد‎ 0 dok bick, riod hicbyiew, ood ori ‏امه رد‎ JDO (PO byes per index euiy). Wik d wales searck key vohew ond 7 = (DO, vt soe bra (1,000,000) = @ codes ore coreseed Ka bow. 15 Ovatrest this wk o bukmed brary Pree ik (willed search key vos ‏س7‎ ‎rand 0 codes ore ‏صخاصا د ما لت‎ © ‏سمخ مس‎ fp skeiPicod stave every ode acess way eed o dish VO, ‏امه موم‎ OO wilserveds! Ceedwe Oyetre Ovweyt- O* Crore, Ours 18, OOOO. ‏سا0 لح 0 لا سواه 1 موم‎

صفحه 26:
وا ۵ 2 لا + Prod the feo? onde ‏لا مان و‎ searct-hey vohue would uppear OP the ‏ویو‎ voke ts dread) there to the leu vde, record is udded ty Pie cad P cepessry 9 potter te teserted tty the bucket. HP the searct-hey vole ts ont there, thea odd he record ty the ooo Pie ox orede a bucket Poecessary. ”! ‏:مضا‎ 0B here te ron ihe be onde, eet (her-icke, poten) pair ia he be cache © ‏ببستي‎ opt he orde (doo ah he caw (hey-vchue, porter) pci) <r denen ste oa ore, Ceedwe Oyetre Ovweyt- O* Crore, Ours 18, OOOO. ‏سا0 لح 0 لا سواه 1 موم‎

صفحه 27:
+ Opies va B*Trews! “keerton (Ooct.) 1" ‏مار‎ 0 ace: © ‏اد‎ he oseurrtchey veh, potion) pairs (lakh the oo beter keseried) fr sorted order. Phere the Pret | ‏ان | له‎ ortcicr ode, ood the rest feo ew ode. © tethe cow ode be p, ood bet Abe the leost key vokue inp. Ieeert (hy) tothe ‏.او رما له با و اور‎ IP the parcot te Pull split ced propagate the split Purter up. BO Vhe splitay of aodes proceeds wpuvards iil a orde thot is ot Pulis Poured. “Ic the worst cose the root ode coy be spit ieareastay the height oP the tree by (1. ۳ Ts 0 1

صفحه 28:
+ Opdkies va 8*-Trees: “keertva (Ova) Perryridge| Brighton] |Downtown| Mianus lRedwood] {Round Hil Ceedwe Oyetre Ovweyt- O* Crore, Ours 18, OOOO. ‏سا0 لح 0 لا سواه 1 موم‎

صفحه 29:
+ ‏میت‎ tc ®*Trewe (Ova) Read poeudboode to book! Ceedwe Oyetre Ovweyt- O* Crore, Ours 18, OOOO. ‏سا0 لح 0 لا سواه 1 موه‎

صفحه 30:
+ Opdder va ®*Trewe: Ostia Brad the record to be deed, ond recone t Bron the craic Pie ocd Brow he bucket (P prasad) ۲ Reem (peartchey uke, porter) Prow the bef! onde Phere ts oe bucket or she betes ‏سس ما نمی‎ ۳ ‏ارم بط وا سل موه رن ما با تب‎ nnd the euites to he ode od coher ‏مت با‎ a score arte, fe © Newent dhe searchey udker tn he tur codes fir a stice orde (he oe oc A), ocd delete the ober ode. © Debts te par (Ko, P), where Pe the potter to the deleted cede, Prox ‏جا‎ ‎pore, recursively wien the ‏.ص وم موی‎ Ceedwe Oyetre Ovweyt- O* Crore, Ours 18, OOOO.

صفحه 31:
+ Opts va B*Trewe: 0 B Otenwise, P the ude hos to Pew eurtes due ty the rewoud), ood the euirier it the oode ood a sibhoy A toy a stage ode, theo © Qedsinbur the poidters betwees the ode ood a sibtay suck thot bik hove ‏ی وه وی موه با ها ون‎ ۶ ‏اوه موه الم(‎ vole in the pareut oP the ade. ke cede deletes way coer upward tla ode whick koe [o/@ | or wore porters ts Pov. Phe root weds kee cy oor potter Per delete, tir cebted cna he ole chi becowes te rot. Ceedwe Oyetre Ovweyt- O* Crore, Ours 18, OOOO. 10.00 ©Sbervehnts, Cork ced Cnakershe

صفحه 32:
مها او os ood oPier deteto “Dewsirua” “Dowrtousa” ded ot result i Clearview لا Mianus BV he reward of the le? ode ovatataiery * ts poreat kavien; tov hile potters. (Gu the cascode deletices stopped tly the deleted leo ‏وس لو‎ Ceedwe Oyetre Ovweyt- O* Crore, Ours 18, OOOO. 666

صفحه 33:
+ Oxaopes oP O'-Tree Osletra (Ova) لا 355 Brighton] |Clearview| Mianus او ‎Proc result oP previo‏ لوط و مت( ‎Bede with “Peryrike” beovay venerPull (ached) exopy, ta ther special exer) od‏ ‎werd ut ty tbh.‏ Be arena "Peryrtke” ade’ parca bevewe vederPd, cod wes weryed wits ‏ص‎ ober ] eciny une deleted Prow fete pared) BH Root unde hea hod poly vee ob, ood way debted oad ity hdd bevuwe the caw root are Ceedwe Oyetre Ovweyt- O* Crore, Ours 18, OOOO. ‏سا0 لح 0 لا سواه 1 ه66‎

صفحه 34:
انا Bae [Downton ‎esrview‏ | | لین ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎(ePore and Pier deletion of "Perryrke” Prow eorer exarple Bored of eck ‏پم‎ Peruri ‏ره اما امه ی سا‎ Bron te Ie blr ‎© Geantehey ude tothe poreo!s parrot chouges os a result wor ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎Ceedrwe Oyetrer Ovweyt- O* Orare, Ours 1, OOOO. ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎

صفحه 35:
+ ©*-Vree Pie Orqrtzcioa ۲ dadex Fle degradation probiew is svlved by ustay (B*-Tree iodices. (Dutt Pike deyradaiza proble ts svlved by ustey (B*-Tree Pte Orcacization. BOD he leo? urdes tao "tree Pile oryocizaiva store records, icstewd oP potters. © Gre reves ore hever tho potters, the worxrue ouober oP records thot wan be stored too led? omde ts tess thao the cucrber of potters ‏لت و و‎ amd. © Lech odes ore sil required ty be ho Pub. Bose ood deleiog ore hooded fo the sare way us tesertiog ood deletion oF ‏له )و ما ی‎ 1 Ovweyt- O* Crore, Ours 18, OOOO. 666 1 ‏سا0 لح 0 لا سواه‎

صفحه 36:
(GST) (KD [Le (MATIN Po) (AD] BS) (CHO [Ey a) TOS) Cxanple of tree Pte Orceaizatica © Gord spore uilzaiva keportod stare records use wore spore thot poiiers. 8 Vopr spore uiltzaion, tevolve wore sibbes order fe redistiributica ‏لاد رسد‎ wed wares © avon © ‏باه‎ to redetrbutos (7 word eplt/ were where posable) وج 22/3 Ez vests to each ode bovtagy ot ket Ceedwe Oyetre Ovweyt- O* Crore, Ours 18, OOOO. ‏موم‎

صفحه 37:
عب متها + واه و را اون 19 ید لبون © حم هی بت امه ‎Ose spare vilzoticg a7 orterica Por‏ © © Prefix cowpressica © (ey uthes ot itera udder coo be prefixes of Pal key: * (Keep swank chores ty detoquick eurries to the subtrees separcied ‏صم بصا صا برط‎ ~ €.x. “Gites” od “Giberschotz” voc be separced by “Gib” Ceedwe Oyetre Ovweyt- O* Crore, Ours 18, OOOO. wor ©Sbervehnts, Cork ced Cnakershe

صفحه 38:
©O-T ree ‏وعاذ) +جلدا”‎ وه و لس موی موه ‎but‏ ره و ‎Grote‏ © ‎keys.‏ ویو اه موه اذل واه زو راو مه سوه اج اه ون ون ‎andes‏ ات و سا میت ۲ چا اس لت لت و روا سوه وی لا ور ال لاس وم لس اس سا ‎i ore‏ ول( ۲ 1 Ovweyt- O* Crore, Ours 18, OOOO.

صفحه 39:
Round Hil Round Hill bucket ليا / Downtown/ Re bucket bucket | Porryri bucket Mianus Mianus bucket [Clearview \ Clearview bucket

صفحه 40:
+ ©-Tree “kadex Piss (Oou.) B Odvoctaes of @-Pree todos: © Dy se bess ree odes thao ou porrespoadiag Bt-Tree. © Cowetwes possible to Ped search-hey vdue bePore neuchtoy led ode. © Oudvaciages of 0-Tree iedices: © Ody sol Prontod oF ol searctehey voles ore Pourd cory © Wowk? andes oe hover, ov Parva p redued. Thus, “Drees ypc ove qrecier depts than correspoadicy (B*~Pree ‏وت معط له ی و‎ oopliccied thas it (B*-Prees ۱ ‏.جب ]لك +3) مجلا‎ 18 ‏ان ججومسطى ,سجر‎ 3-Prees de oot cut weigh disudvoatages. Ceedwe Oyetre Ovweyt- O* Crore, Ours 18, OOOO. wero ©Sbervehnts, Cork ced Cnakershe

صفحه 41:
+ Dupe Key ‏هت‎ ۲ Ose nips teers Por certs types of queries. ۱ ‏تست‎ ‏همست مور‎ Brow orev where broack_ocnre = "Perryrike” wad bokrare = DOO ۱ ‏محر وت ایو‎ query usta ‏واه و مه‎ ۰ Ose ‏و مه ام مس و من بطم‎ 90000: ‏و سوت اما بسا‎ 8. Ose ‏مسا همطل‎ Prod ascents wk bores of SAD OO; test ‏وس سم‎ 9. ‏صا جمجامم لت بل ولمم مو()‎ dl records pertotcioy ‏ما‎ the Cenurtke brook. Gieolody vee todex oo ‏خام مه ۳ ول‎ bok sets oP potters ‏:لاه‎ Ceedwe Oyetre Ovweyt- O* Crore, Ours 18, OOOO. 10.60 ©Sbervehnts, Cork ced Cnakershe

صفحه 42:
ره + اف مس بط سوت فجن روها ‎ory seurvk‏ روا یه وین ‎Bl‏ ‎Gx (browh ence, bok)‏ © BE ‏تس مورا‎ (ay, 9) < (by: ba) B ether ear ويطك يه اعد يمح © 1 ‏مسف “9 - حابس سا ساي‎ Ours 18, OOOO. wre ©Sbervehnts, Cork ced Cnakershe

صفحه 43:
+ ‏طرش( مس لب‎ Biriniew روط او اه هط مه ما سب و 0 اه مات با ۳ 0 2 لت سس و سا جوا هجا حسمي رات ‎weed to‏ با مه (ما )من مه با ‎ere‏ ی بای ‎waa records‏ تا رون رن سس تمستاای بیط ۰ حطه یبیل © | ‎BE Oca ube fre) eed‏ ‎where broark_onre = “Perryricke” wad bokrare < (DOO‏ رخا من ۲ 0 2 ی پم و۳ > و و وان ‎Dey Pek uxny revo that subeh) the Prot bul oot the second eventos‏ © Ceedwe Oyetre Ovweyt- O* Crore, Ours 18, OOOO.

صفحه 44:
+ ‏وت سر رل و‎ Kags ۲ ‏تسم‎ ‎© Bacher oa separde block (bad ide) © Diet oP tuple porters ‏لابب‎ each ey > Grint code ty browne boo Hot ١ Deletion oF a turks oo be expeceive > bow spare overheard, ‏امه مه و‎ heres © che search hey eign by addon & recorded ١ ‏لاه موه موق‎ Por keys © Gropler code Por ‏وجا وميم‎ > Okkeb wed Ceedwe Oyetre Ovweyt- O* Crore, Ours 18, OOOO. ‏موی‎

صفحه 45:
سا جیار + ون ۲ © Oxi extra atrbues kk ov (seer) queries ous werd Petchien he utd oa ۲ @orticdady use Por secoadery todos ~ Oh? © Coo store extra otter ody of eo © ‏ی وولو له ما لس‎ ۱ dl seoredary iedices thot store record pointers have tr ‏ال سا‎ © Onde splis ta Bree Pile orguoizaives becowe very expeusive ۱ tosteud oP potater te secoedar torte * @xtea traversd of ‏له نموم‎ te locate record ‏را‎ cost Por queries, but uede spl ane chew * Odd recorded iP prccary-teden search hep is orerucique Ceedwe Oyetre Ovweyt- O* Crore, Ours 18, OOOO. wero ©Sbervehnts, Cork ced Cnakershe

صفحه 46:
Graco Wesker HO brctet is out oP store couche oe oF wore records (3 bucket ‏ها‎ ‏ار اه رو‎ Bao hook ‏با ماه بت مه طخ‎ bucket of «record drei Brow te ‏وی سل راوید‎ ot hash ‏,یت‎ 60 عصا راو له چاه وه با مت مت مج مد را © ‎set oF of bucket addresses )©.‏ Bosh Puuntivg is used ty lorie records Por access, keertiva os well os detec. © Records wih dPPered seact+hey voles way be wapped to the sue bucket; thus eutre bucket kus to be searched sequecidly te locate o record. Ceedwe Oyetre Ovweyt- O* Crore, Ours 18, OOOO. wero ©Sbervehnts, Cork ced Cnakershe

صفحه 47:
+ @xavple oP Lesk Pie Orqratzaiva (Ova) ook Bie orgectztiza of arcu He, wk brot_onnre or key (Gee Prqure ta cea okt.) 18 ‏بطساصط (00) حي حصا"‎ “he bicory represectatiog of te i choronter ts ‏.ل عصيجا با مج‎ © Vhe hosk Puontio retires the sunv of the bicory represectativos oF the ‏مدب مور‎ 000 ۰ ‏ام 6 - هب۵‎ =O ») ‏مجم‎ - 6 1 ‏مسف “9 - حابس سا ساي‎ Ours 18, OOOO. wer ©Sbervehnts, Cork ced Cnakershe

صفحه 48:
دی ما اسر تن ماو سنا + | (ee previo side Por detaks). 7 hacker 212 AGT Perryrdge 15 | 33 bracket 23 Manas picket 3 backer 8 22۳ ۳ 2101 395 | Round FL 1 picket 4 ‏تسد‎ ۱ wwe ©Sbervehnts, Cork ced Cnakershe

صفحه 49:
Wek uw B® Worst hosk Puontica wops ll searck-hey voles to the sucve bucket; this coher ‏وا وه‎ proporticgdl to the oucpber of searck-hey uchues ter the Pie. © Qc ded hash Pucniivg is uoPore, ie. pack bucket is ussiqued the sue cuber oP search-hey values Prow the set of oll possible voles. Wed husk Puuntiog ip rondo, 97 euck bucket wil have the suce oveober of records ussiqaed te ilinrespenive oP the ontual detrbutica oP seanck-hey vakues tr the Pie. ما توا موه مه موه وا ‎kek Pumice‏ ۱ ‎oP the searck-hey.‏ © Cor exnople, Por ‏جملا ,رصح جد كماد د‎ bcary represectaicas of ofl the choraders ta the sires ovukd be added ced the suc sarduly the cumber of buckets ood be returced. . Ceedwe Oyetre Ovweyt- O* Crore, Ours 18, OOOO. wwe ©Sbervehnts, Cork ced Cnakershe

صفحه 50:
+ Abert oP Bictet OverPowe © chet werPow oo voor bernie oF © ‏سا ملس‎ ۶ ‏توص ما طا صل و مه !1" .جلسووم و ماد نجاق)‎ ۱ ‏موی( سا وولو‎ produces orudPorn detdbutod oP key vohues © though the probubttiy of bucket overPlw co be reduced, it core be ‏لها‎ tt ts hooded by ustacy overAeuy buckets. Ceedwe Oyetre Ovweyt- O* Crore, Ours 18, OOOO. ‏سا0 لح 0 لا سواه 1 موه‎

صفحه 51:
+ AWandiag oF Bucket OverPlows (Ovd.) Quer Row chotctes — the pverApu buckets of a qived bucket are chotced together ‏الا و و‎ © Oboe ochewe b&b oled closed hohion), © @adtersuive, cdled ‏موه‎ hushiog, whick does wt wee overPpw buckets, ‏جا‎ ‎swt suittble Por dotobose ‏اون‎ مهو packet 2 ۵09 سطه مج -.

صفحه 52:
Wek ‏له‎ ۲ ‏سا ی را‎ weed ont voy Por Pie orysratzation, but doe Por tedex-structure ‏مه‎ ام ام لس ‎the search heps, wih heir‏ موس تا ی ۵ 19 ‎Pile structure.‏ اس و و له وله موس و ی ما له رارق © بل اس روم ع وود و ‎is oryeoized usieg hoshioy,‏ اس عا با ‎ihustey the suxve searctchey ip unecessary.‏ © AWowever, we use the ter kook iodex to rePer to bois seooadory iodex strudtures ood hash orquctzed Pies. Ceedwe Oyetre Ovweyt- O* Crore, Ours 18, OOOO. 666 1 ‏سا0 لح 0 لا سواه‎

صفحه 53:
‎lerdex‏ بلصهر" و واممبوب) ‎pucker ‎bucket 1 ‎ae Brighton, ‎Downtown‏ جح ‎Downtown)‏ ‎Mianus‏ ‎Perrvridge‏ ‎Pereyeidge‏ ‎pucker 2 2-07 Alo ‎pucker 3 Porryridge ‎227 Redwood ۸-2 1 racket 4 ‎۳3 ‎pucker 5 ‎racket 6 Aa ‎ ‎Ceedwe Oyetre Ovweyt- O* Crore, Ours 18, OOOO. ‏سا0 لح 0 لا سواه 1 ه66‎

صفحه 54:
+ DsPorwtes oP Onto Toshio ۱ ‏وا‎ hoshieg, Pucrtioa A waps searckhey volues too Prod set oP @ oF buchet addresses. © QDotbwses grow wit koe. TP toital overber oP buckets te tov sacl, perPorwccce wil degrade cue te to auch overPaws. ©0418 Bie ste of swe pict in he Puture is coipipated ood cucpber of buckets cdhomoted armored), stoiPiccat cc77uct oF space ull be ‏اه وت‎ ©1P dktcbuse shricks, onic spore will be uated. © Ove pion tf periods re-orqsaizatiog oF the Ale wilt 0 aew hash ‏ریخ‎ but Wis very expewsie. 19 Vheee problews coo be avoided by ‏ی‎ tevhotques thot dieu ‏ام امس ها‎ buckets to be sordPied dyaccnicdy. Ceedwe Oyetre Ovweyt- O* Crore, Ours 18, OOOO. woe ©Sbervehnts, Cork ced Cnakershe

صفحه 55:
Oveuws ‘besa © (Boed Por dotdbose thot rows oad shrtohs to ste 18 @lows the hosk Pucntog to be wodPied ‏رام‎ ‎۲ ‏لب‎ heshiay — 7ae Por ‏او دج‎ © Week ‏موی مش(‎ voues over u hore ree — ippicdly ‏,رکه ماس‎ ‏رد‎ 99۰ © tow thee use odly o prefix oF the hosk Puortion to fades toto a table oP bucket addresses. © Let the ‏سا‎ of the prefix be this, D <1< 98. © @ucket uddress tubke ste =O" “itchy = ۶ ‏ی و عون‎ ocd shriche os he size of the ‏ما‎ gros und ‏.مهاد‎ ‎e ‎۰ Ovtigle eoites to the bucket address toble soy potat ‏صا‎ a bucket. hus, octed auceber of buckets is < C! ۱ "(۳ ouber of buckets dev changes dvoonicdly due ty oodesrtegy ord ‏اه مارد‎ buckets. 4 Ceedwe Oyetre Ovweyt- O* Crore, Ours 18, OOOO. 666 1 ‏سا0 لح 0 لا سواه‎

صفحه 56:
+ (Beard Casals Lak Gristre hash prefix i 00 bucket 1 01 10 11 bucket 3 bucket address table 415 ‏جا‎ pinche, ‏را را‎ < ۱ whereas = 1A (pee ent oie Por etal) Ceedwe Oyetre Ovweyt- O* Crore, Ours 18, OOOO. ‏سا0 لح 0 لا سواه 1 موه‎

صفحه 57:
+ Ove oP Oxteukbe Task Ornotre B Owk hehe jotres uke ff dl he euires hu pot iy he sue bucket hove he exnve Uohew oo the Prot j bis. To bout he bucket ovotacin sewok-hey 4. Onxeprte b(K) = ©. Doe the Prot this order bis of Cae 3 depkrewent ty bucket uklrese ‏,ناما‎ ‎coed Pollo he potter to appropri: bucket Do wert a record wih ‏ی روط‎ © Polow su0e provekee ov boh-up unl bout he bucket, ‏ز روت‎ OP here tp rome ta he bucket jeer reverts ke backer. © Che the bucket wat be oplt ocd keertoc remuitewpted (sient oie.) > OverPiw ‏مامت لت لوط‎ sore copes (ull see shorty) Ceedwe Oyetre Ovweyt- O* Crore, Ours 18, OOOO. wor ©Sbervehnts, Cork ced Cnakershe

صفحه 58:
+ ‏سل‎ ta Oxterkble Lak Ornctre Do ‏ان وه بت لو یه از امه ود‎ OC: ۲ ‏ی زد‎ thos owe porter ‏ساسا‎ ( © horde ‏سلطا تنج و‎ 2, oud set jon #7 the od 4+ CL. ‎ae be chen arth bbe pone pete rt pee‏ ام تیا ‎he sree‏ ی ‎© rewove ond rekeert pack revord ta bucket i © reer pue sew bucket Por OG aed keer reper he bucket (Ruther split fe required P ke bucket toil Pl) BP 1 =} (ooh ove porter to bucket /) © orewedt fond double the stze of the bucket adhere tobe. © ‏سحام‎ puck euiry fo the toble by tur euites thot potato the sone bucket. ‎ble eciry Por‏ له یط نب موم ‎Wow 1> 1 sv 5 he Prot care oboe.‏ ‎Ceedwe Oyetre Ovweyt- O* Crore, Ours 18, OOOO. 666 1 ‏سا0 لح 0 لا سواه‎

صفحه 59:
+ Opdktes ta Oxteadable Wok Girwture (Ovd.) © Ohkes ieertoy ovo, P the bucket is Pull oPter several splis (thot is, freuches: swe het 6) orede ost ‏سوه‎ bucket iesteud oF splitay bucket eciry table Purtser. BV delete a hey uch, © toote it ta te bucket aed rewove i. © he buhet tee co be rewoved Pit bevower ewpty (wih oppropricte updates to the bucket uddress table). ۶ Conesriey of buckets moa be dour (coo podesre voly wil o “buddy” bucket ‏بو‎ une dhe oF ‏1ت سود لع‎ prefix, Pit ts preseci) © Devreustey bucket address tuble size is dev possible: ١ ‏روط :ج000‎ bucket address tuble size te on expeusve ‏ای مش‎ should be ‏ما ای اس ما مسا ان اس ۳ رای سول‎ stze oP the table Ceedwe Oyetre Ovweyt- O* Crore, Ours 18, OOOO. 666 1 ‏سا0 لح 0 لا سواه‎

صفحه 60:
h(branch_name) 0010 1101 1111 10110010 1100 0011 0000 1010 0011 1010 0000 1100 0110 1 1100 0111 1110 1101 1011 1111 1010 1111 0001 0010 0100 1001 0011 01101101} 0011 0101 1010 01101100 1001 11101011] 1101 1000 0011 1111 1001 1100 00000001) bucket address table bucket 1 ‎Wark structure, bucket size 2 0 Ez‏ او ‎Ceedwe Oyetre Ovweyt- O* Crore, Ours 18, OOOO. ‏سا0 لح 0 لا سواه 1 همه‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎

صفحه 61:
+ ‏سس‎ (Ovw.) Block ‏خام میا اه مس‎ coe Brighios ocd two Oowaiow records x A-217 [Brighton 750 1 A-101|}Downtown | 500 A-110|Downtown | 600 ash prefix 1 bucket address table Ceedwe Oyetre Ovweyt- O* Crore, Ours 18, OOOO. ‏مهو‎

صفحه 62:
@xawple (Ova.) bask structure oPter tesertica of Dieu record Brighton Downtown Downtown bucket address table Mianus Ceedwe Oyetre Ovweyt- O* Crore, Ours 18, OOOO. ‏سا0 لح 0 لا سواه 1 موم‎

صفحه 63:
+ ‏سس‎ (Ovw.) 1 A217 [Brighton prefix 2 A-101 [Downtown ۸-110 [Downtown A-215 [Mianus 3 3 A-102[Perryridge] 4 A-218 [Perryridge | 700 ۸-201 [Perryridge lbucket address table ‎structure oPter tosertioa oP three Per yridee records‏ وا ‎Ceedwe Oyetre Ovweyt- O* Crore, Ours 18, OOOO. ‏سا0 لح 0 لا سواه 1 موم‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎

صفحه 64:
@xawple (Ovu.) Wok structure Per ‏ما‎ oP (Redwood ood Roued Wil records Pemyridge| ©Sbervehnts, Cork ced Cnakershe [Brighton JRedwood Downtown] [Downtown] Mianus Round Hill Perryridge Perryridge fo a hash prefix pucket addres Ceedwe Oyetre Ovweyt- O* Crore, Ours 18, OOOO.

صفحه 65:
+ ‏ساب‎ Lehaqus. Ofer Ortewer BE ‏ام تس‎ hashien © Aceh perPorannce does oot dear wth ruth of Pe © Oricon space overteod ۲ ‏مت‎ of extractable hosiery © Bair bevel of iechrevion to Pied depired record © Bucket address ble way tee becowe very bis (larger hoa wewory) ١ Deed a tree sieht bre desired record ‏اجه سا‎ © keener ste of bucket adress table fs on expeceive opera Bo biceor hoshieg i oo uheroaive werhoaisw whick awoide these deodvactrces ot the possible cost oP wore ‏سای اس‎ Ceedwe Oyetre Ovweyt- O* Crore, Ours 18, OOOO. ‏سا0 لح 0 لا سواه 1 موم‎

صفحه 66:
+ Oowpareva oP Ordered tadextay aad Washiag ل سا تا له ی اه روصم ‎(QRetiive‏ مومت و سوت سا و سا و موه و و ای 1 ۲ ‎wrens te?‏ ۲ xpected pe oP queries! © Aheehieg ie yeurrdly beter ol retrieved revords hevien, o speried due of the key. ‎ordered tedives ore to be prePerred‏ و ‎queries ore‏ و 1۳ و ‎Ceedwe Oyetre Ovweyt- O* Crore, Ours 18, OOOO. ‏سا0 لح 0 لا سواه 1 موم‎

صفحه 67:
حیمنوا" عومج ةق ۲ ‏لو لت اه عم لس وه له ما‎ ۲ eP Picea! queryiegy om ‏وا ای‎ © Reve oo rektivs oe aenved ty be cubered sequedidly Prow, say, D © @veas wncber ot onet be eu tp retieve record © ۱ ‏رنه رلولو()‎ P records ore oP Pred ste © Oppicable vo ‏ادن اس و سای اوه لها و من له فا ما‎ ۶ ‏رت رت ی و‎ «.. ‎eeeetevel (eeowe brokeo up tiie a sad cuber oP levels suck oe‏ .8.0 و ‎IODOO19999, GOOOO-GOOOO, SOOOO-‏ ,0-9999 ‎eBay) ‎19 0 boop ts stop) oo ory oP bie ‎ ‎Ceedwe Oyetre Ovweyt- O* Crore, Ours 18, OOOO. wor ©Sbervehnts, Cork ced Cnakershe

صفحه 68:
+ @row “kxbes (Oru) Bate skoplest Pore o bicvop fedex oo oo otibute has o bievag Por eurt votue oP the ‏اس‎ ۶ ‏ما مق‎ oe ery bis oe revo © ‏رز سل بط ما وم‎ the bt Por a record te (the record bros he ‏صخي‎ ‏اه با و زر‎ ord i ober Tncome| Bitmaps for gender Bitmaps for address | _level ‏[و1001] هه‎ Perry! 10100 Perryridge| LI 2 7 Brooklyn | ‏شا‎ 01000 Jonestown | LI 0 0 1 Brooklyn | L4 Perryridge | 13 Ceedwe Oyetre Ovweyt- O* Crore, Ours 18, OOOO. ‏موم‎

صفحه 69:
Oro ‘ketoes (Ovw.) ‎airbus‏ جارج من ‎kop ides oe We Por queries‏ الا ‎eet erent oe ce pert)‏ ‎Bl Qeeres oe crewered very bisvoy operciene ‏ی‎ ‎© wn (or) © Completion (ce) ‎Gack thes tun btonays oP he sxnie size nd opptens the operate ox ‏ملم بسحت‎ bis to vet he rel bia ‎© Ex. 00000 ۵00 000000 ۶ 0000 ‎100004060 00 00000000 - 0 MOT 000060 < 0 ‎8 ‏.را مرها سس کات عطه()‎ 1000060 BODO 00600 ۶ 00 Ooo thea retrieve required tuples. ۲ ‏اه امه ممو()‎ crotchtery tuples ts eved Poster ‎Ceedwe Oyetre Ovweyt- O* Crore, Ours 18, OOOO. 666 1 ‏سا0 لح 0 لا سواه‎

صفحه 70:
+ @row “kxbes (Oru) § Otrup titers ‏موی اه بر را‎ wih reba size © Gx. Prevod & (OO byes, spare Por a sede bieoay i WOOO oP spare ‏مصتساد بو لصا‎ یه ما اه 19۵ رای تا ما ,0 ها عطق سط خاه طلسم 1۳ + بلجوصم للم ان یت مها ۲ ‎bisa to ante B here i a uckd revord of o record foro‏ © معد اوسن ‎Deeded Por‏ © ‎(P=): (DOP bicrre-P-v) POO Brite Prem‏ > ‎uch‏ له مه ری با متا با الما ۲ ‎DOT (P=‏ ۳ مه له ا۵ سط اه و © (0 سم 001 لابب شججم سجاه سس« 1 Ovweyt- O* Crore, Ours 18, OOOO. 20 ©Sbervehnts, Cork ced Cnakershe

صفحه 71:
+ GPPoed hope weciaiva oP ia Opertiows Bl Oke ore packed hiv words; 9 oko word ond (a bse OPO keet-urton) ‏امه ویو‎ oP OC or OF bie ot ore مقصصصا (901,6©0 ‎it‏ نت ال سا من سوت سمل بر © ‎trick?‏ ه ‎oP (ls cao be door Post by‏ اه رن ۲ © Ose euck byte to aden ioe 0 precowpied ara oP CGO eleweruis ruck stortay the coud of Us to the ‏بصصطط‎ represectaiva ۲ ‏ول‎ use pairs of bytes to speed up Pudher of a higher wewory ost © Odd up the retrieved coun © @ikoops coo be used iestead of Mupte-10 tists ‏او را یا و‎ O*trees, Por vdues thot hove a horge cueber oP aotchieg records © Worhwhie P > WOR of the records hove thot ude, esucvieny 0 fuple-id is OF bite © Cbove teckoque werces bevehis of bia ond ree techies Ceedwe Oyetre Ovweyt- O* Crore, Ours 18, OOOO. ‏سا0 لح 0 لا سواه 1 موه‎

صفحه 72:
adex OePiciva ١ OGL © Creo on dex <صم تاک ‎pa‏ موی لک بط و (<ساصحاه»>) ‎brouk(browk_ance)‏ من امتح جلما ی نوج ‏لا لت سا وتا اجه راد رال نا بل هو حفص ‎Ose‏ ‏وا دمج هط بصا عند موی و روا او ‏فک © ‎wo ied‏ و ۲ ماک لها سل ‎1 Ovweyt- O* Crore, Ours 18, OOOO. 70 ©Sbervehnts, Cork ced Cnakershe

صفحه 73:
Gad oP Okaper

صفحه 74:
اس سا میم مها ۱ ‏ای مه لول ره ره و اس را‎ utiibute oF the ‏سور‎ بو مه اه و و( ‎(Py, ay...‏ ما روط سوه 0و سس ۲ ‎eee)‏ م ‏سا بلس( سای لاور ‎(Oca, Lareva) 0000‏ 40 0000 (ماسظ) ‎(Oca,‏ ‎(Pak, Pdr Pr) OAD OAD‏ ( ‎(Grin, Brockia) — DOA DOA (®kra, Poe Blo) ID 0 ‎© ‏وه و‎ equip query co stage atibute, ved ty look uy cuticle buckets. Gteddar io eP Pert to ortd Pies. ‎Ceedwe Oyetre Ovweyt- O* Crore, Ours 18, OOOO. ‏سا0 لح 0 لا سواه 1 موی‎

صفحه 75:
Brighton Downtown Downtown Mianus Perryridge Perryridge Perryridge Redwood Round Hill 70 Ceedwe Oyetre Ovweyt- O* Crore, Ours 18, OOOO.

صفحه 76:
he Ostetoa oP “Pevryrike” Crow te 0'-Tree oP Pique 06.06 1 ‏مسف “9 - حابس سا ساي‎ Ours 18, OOOO. 70 ©Sbervehnts, Cork ced Cnakershe

صفحه 77:
Brighton Downtown Downtown Mianus Perryridge Perryridge Perryridge Redwood Round Hill Ceedwe Oyetre Ovweyt- O* Crore, Ours 18, OOOO.

صفحه 78:
750 500 600 700 400 900 700 700 350 Prue 16.8 Brighton Downtown Downtown Mianus Perryridge Perryridge Perryridge Redwood Round Hill وجوه Brighton Downtown Mianus Perryridge Redwood Round Hill Ceedwe Oyetre Ovweyt- O* Crore, Ours 18, OOOO.

صفحه 79:
Clearview Ceedwe Oyetre Ovweyt- O* Crore, Ours 18, OOOO. 70 ©Sbervehnts, Cork ced Cnakershe

صفحه 80:
+ que 10.60 227 730 201 AAO Mianus 400 ۸201 | Perryridge | 900 | 700 A-305 | Round Hill | 350 he Ceedwe Oyetre Ovweyt- O* Crore, Ours 18, OOOO. woo ©Sbervehnts, Cork ced Cnakershe

صفحه 81:
1 Pre 16.99 Ceedwe Oyetre Ovweyt- O* Crore, Ours 18, OOOO. ‏سا0 لح 0 لا سواه 1 موه‎

صفحه 82:
Ord Piss § Gtrwtwre used ty speed the provessiny oP year wuliple search-hey queries: fevolvies) ‏وس‎ 9 operons. © ODhe rtd Pie hos o stage grid ray ood coe fora sole Por pack search-hey ‏ماش‎ The ord array hes cucober of ‏اس و اجه حول‎ of seartchey ubibutes. ‎array cam pot to senor bucket‏ لحي ‎vals oP‏ ان( نا ‎Do Pied the bucket Por a search-hey ‏تا رصان‎ the row ced oobi oF tie ell wetog the toear scutes ood Polos potter ‎Ceedwe Oyetre Ovweyt- O* Crore, Ours 18, OOOO. ‏سا0 لح 0 لا سواه 1 موم‎

صفحه 83:
Bi ali ۱ 1 Townsend / ۱ ۱ ‏زو عوهت‎ Mianus ۱ ۱] 1 2 5 Bi inear scalefor ft 3 ‏ای‎ ‎ik [3K [5k | 104 | 506 0 Buckets 1 2 3 4 5 6 Linear scale for halance Ceedwe Oyetre Ovweyt- O* Crore, Ours 18, OOOO. ‏سا0 لح 0 لا سواه 1 موم‎

صفحه 84:
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صفحه 85:
Orid Plow (Ova) © Ouray iesertiva, Po bucket bevowes Bul, cew bucket coc be ‏لصو‎ P ore thea vor cell potas tot. © deo stvior tp exteudable hashioy, but oa wutiple deoeusion © AP ody vue vel poids 7 1, ether on overPow bucket wet be crested or the ord stze wet be rece BE bre ‏ويه‎ anet be chosen ty Pore dette records carves orks. ۶ ‏شمان‎ there wil be too aay over Bow buckets. 8 Cenede re-onprintion i kere oid size wal help. © Oct reonnntzdion cas be very expose. BG peer overhead of ord array con be kick, Be Rts (Okwter C9) or on ‏هم‎ Ceedwe Oyetre Ovweyt- O* Crore, Ours 18, OOOO. 666 1 ‏سا0 لح 0 لا سواه‎

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