43 صفحه
4871 بازدید
06 اسفند 1396


صفحه 1:
حجه() اطل-۳۰۵) :00 !0

صفحه 2:
+ Obnper 00: Padi! Oukbwes مسلسی له ‎VO‏ Aterquery Pardietow Aoarcvery Pardew ‎(Herb‏ مووي وا وه( میا سیر لهج مج ‎Oxsdrer Gyetrw Oneewpe -O* Crim, Gui O, OOOO. ‏سا0 لح 0 لا سواه 1 همه‎

صفحه 3:
محا لح + لاه اجه مت عقی مسا چم ان لو ۲ 4 ۱ © Repent decking orputers Peuture cvuliple processors ued this tread is ‏اه با سور‎ ۲ ‏ره موی و ی(‎ kaye © ‏دمل مصاصمصصس خأن وسوس ام جروا‎ ore oolevied ued sored Por hier ordlsir. ‏سل و اوه راما بو سوم سا سرا مج‎ BE borgesrde parcel chicbase sysiews ‏ای اس‎ Port © ‏سا بو‎ vokaves of dota ۶ ‏مومس مومس مسر‎ queries © ‏مس وكا تجوايعحصها كلها بوملخصم‎ سا0 لح 0 لا سواه 1 همه 0

صفحه 4:
@ardebsw ۲ ‏ححصولت()‎ ۴ ‏عمط مه ام با مه ما‎ dike Por parcel VO. 0 امس ام روط ‎dota coc be ponticosd ond euch processor coe work‏ © ‎pw 0‏ © Qheres oF expressed fa high level loon (GGL, trocstated to rebatiocral ukyebra) © coches pordetzation easier. © OO PPered querer coo be roo to pordiel wits each oer. Orwurewy varied! toes core of ‏ای‎ © The, dotcboses coturdly lead thecweebes to pardiete. Oxsdrer Gyetrw Oneewpe -O* Crim, Gui O, OOOO. ‏سا0 لح 0 لا سواه 1 ممه‎

صفحه 5:
VO Cardeisw مسوم رجا حاص وخا ‎Recher the eve required to retteve rehire:‏ 19 لسلس و من ما با ‎Bh‏ ۱ (Lortgootdl portiicoiay — tuples oF a rebica ore divided ‏حاصب ۳ اس جحاصك روم پمو‎ tuple resides vo oor cist. ‎of chokes =‏ نادصي ) ‎BL Porticaicn teckoiques‏ :ملس او ال وا مس ما یی ید | ‎Gerad the‏ سوم ار لحاس رم اه اه و و و سول ۶ ‎Raton fi roe D...0-‏ سا ان ۰ ‎© bet idewwte resul oF kesk Pucwioa fopphed i he portiiccicn, otdbute ‏وه سا‎ tuple. Gerd tuple to disk & ‎ ‎ ‎Oxsdrer Gyetrw Oneewpe -O* Crim, Gui O, OOOO. ee ©Sbervehnts, Cork ced Cnakershe

صفحه 6:
+ 4/0 Padstow (Ova) ل سا هی نا تم ج؟ ۲ اه موم ‎Choose os otirbute os the‏ © ۳ [چی رت بت ریت ‎pontticcing vevior‏ © © © Let be he partion cinbute ude of «tuple. Puples suck that 1; S rgg 7 todek 7+ ۰ Duper wah ‏عد‎ > 1, 07 to deo O ond hires wth 7 > 1, ‏طاص‎ ‎tok rfl. فق خا صلب ‎(Ud), «tuple wks particcieny ottbute‏ 6[ ی پم و ‎wah‏ وق چات ‎ull ty bok 00, «1 Ape wats uke © wl 9p to desk, whe 3 tuple‏ ‎inke CO wilep i dekO.‏ Oxsdrer Gyetrw Oneewpe -O* Crim, Gui O, OOOO. ee ©Sbervehnts, Cork ced Cnakershe

صفحه 7:
وا یگ در ون + ی اس ماه هی سا بممممو۵ :1 لت ۵2 ره ۶ تسه ه لت عطا تاه ی و ‎oll tuples suck thot the vdue oP‏ بدتدصورا. © ‎queries.‏ و — سر .06 > هع > 00 .© * سا0 لح 0 لا سواه 1 مه 0

صفحه 8:
+ Oowpwisoa oP Portiociny Packages (Con.) © pot ‏لحري‎ Por sequecid scan oF ‏من ماس هی‎ rack query. © @lidsks hove ckovst oo equal cucpber of tuples) retrieval work is thus well ‏ما لول‎ disks. 11 Rone ‏فا بت سوه‎ proces © We vheterke pkey ore soutered unrees ul doko Oxsdrer Gyetrw Oneewpe -O* Crim, Gui O, OOOO. oe ©Sbervehnts, Cork ced Cnakershe

صفحه 9:
ee ©Sbervehnts, Cork ced Cnakershe + Cowpartera oP Particaay Techaquee(Ovn.) Areek portiiocicrs: © Good ‏اوه‎ access © @ssunnieg has Pucca is qood, cod porttivoicy otrbuies Porc a hey, tuples wail be equaly destibuted beter disks © Retard work hea wel boknerd betwera debe. ۲ Gord Por ‏اه وم من و حدم‎ © Caachi side doh, lean there avakble ‏و اه متسه و‎ ی له ماما موی بحاصل و اما سا من اه روم لیا 8 اه ‎wore‏ ۲ ‏له مه ,ماه ون‎ to ower rooge queries Oxsdrer Gyetrw Oneewpe -O* Crim, Gui O, OOOO.

صفحه 10:
+ Ovwparecn oP Partiociag Tevkdques (Ovc.) Rene porticiny: Provides deta chester by portiociony ctr vo. (Gord Por ‏سوه سوه‎ (Bord Por pot queries a portinciny inbute! ody ou dok ceeds ty be coveverd, (Por reek queries oo pontiivotoy atibute, var too Pew disks way ured to be ‏و‎ © Rewaisiog disks ore available Por vier queries. © Booed P result tuples ure Prow vor to a Pew blocks. © 12 ‏تيه‎ blocks ore to be Petched, they ore oil Petched Pro vor to Pew disks, ood poteatdl pardkelicw ‏ال و‎ access te uceted * Cxecople oP executiva shew. Oxsdrer Gyetrw Oneewpe -O* Crim, Gui O, OOOO. eae ©Sbervehnts, Cork ced Cnakershe

صفحه 11:
وت هب و ۱ ] rettiog too state cist. Bo bone rettives ore prePercbly portivced ucrvss ull he avatuble disks. BR a rekon cette of «7 dek boche ond here ore dike ‏ره‎ to the sume ‏او )مي اس سا امه ما ما‎ Oxsdrer Gyetrw Oneewpe -O* Crim, Gui O, OOOO. ence ©Sbervehnts, Cork ced Cnakershe

صفحه 12:
+ ‏وسور‎ oP Clow BD he distrbutivg oF tuples to dishs way be skewed — thal is, svwe disks hove * Gowe udues oppeor to the portico otiributes oP acay tuples; oll the tuples wil the sawe vdlue Por the porticcice, otdbute eed up ic he sare porta. » Coa porwr wil ‏ولج روموت‎ © Comer skew. * Ol ree-ponticcicy, body choseo ‏ماو‎ verter ‏رو ما مه بو‎ ‏و با لد‎ portizes ood tow Peuy to ‏واه‎ ۱ bess they wih hosk-ponticatog Po good ‏واه و میا‎ Oxsdrer Gyetrw Oneewpe -O* Crim, Gui O, OOOO. ‏سا0 لح 0 لا سواه 1 ممه‎

صفحه 13:
+ ALeediay Gkew ia Racne-Pariiocicry BP orede a bekneed portions vevior (seexrk ‏صطه سم‎ Borers 3 key of te rekon): © Gor the relics va he portiiccio citric. © Corstrunt the portiicg vevior by scosatay ihe retaica it sorted order us ‏تساو‎ * ORter every U/c8 of the retatiog hos bero read, the ude oP the portiicciog vttribute oP the ‏موم‎ tuple te added to the portiiza vector. © odeutes the anvber of portions to be coostrurted. © Ovpticdte cuites or kvboraves can rest P duplcdes ore preset ‏روم و‎ ‏.وج جا قد‎ مس ذا لحب وص جاه جب لیا سم شح صا 19 0 a0 ©Sbervehnts, Cork ced Cnakershe

صفحه 14:
+ Ninny Glew ern beogace BE Ochre parte ‏اه و‎ remand Pro herman ‏امه راما وم‎ ۶ ‏بط موی و‎ idk euch rane of te Keira ‏و۱‎ ua be ‏سا باه را پم بجا لت‎ cout) tuples of te retain frequency 1-5 6-10 11-15 16-20 21-25 55 ka Oxsdrer Gyetrw Oneewpe -O* Crim, Gui O, OOOO. enor ©Sbervehnts, Cork ced Cnakershe

صفحه 15:
Warndiag Ghew Osiay Ortud Provessor Cortiodag Bl Chew terrane portioctag con be koaded elec uskry viral processor ‏سس‎ ‎۶ ‏بوم) وج اه واه من‎ UD ۰ 60 ‏ام سا سود‎ of ‏اس‎ ‎© poke vind processors i partion ether in rannbrobis Paskira or bosed pa esikated ovst oP provesiey park virked portinn ۲ 8 ‏حص‎ eu! © 9P oy word poniicg would have bees skewed, itis very tkely the shew i> spread over a cuober oF virtual ‏او‎ © Chewed virted portions yet spread uorvss uo ‏اه طلسم‎ processors, 57 work ype distiribuied evedy! Oxsdrer Gyetrw Oneewpe -O* Crim, Gui O, OOOO. a0 ©Sbervehnts, Cork ced Cnakershe

صفحه 16:
محاط دن ی + ای و ‎ta pordel wits‏ وت ساسح «أجتص 9 19 ماه و و و ار لح زوا مش 1 ۳ ‎oP irnsurines per seven.‏ وی ها نموه وا و مور او مص لحمصاد د ها ‎ty supper, portadady‏ تون اه موس ‎BE‏ ‏اه سوه هط سوه ره ما لول ۳ Bl Qore ceopketed ty kopkewect oct shoredtdtok or sharechortiens © Lockie ‏مها سوم رس رو ال با اس وا لو‎ ‎of coher processor.‏ ال مسجو روجا روج مكلجا يسما ص صا ‎© Occkecohereuy her ty be wotcktued — reads oud wrtes of data ta bP Per cet Pre kites! version of cha. ‎Oxsdrer Gyetrw Oneewpe -O* Crim, Gui O, OOOO. ‏سا0 لح 0 لا سواه 1 موه‎

صفحه 17:
0 ‏واد‎ Ockerewy Protocol :ممصو عاص لوجاك عرذأ أمصصاصم برص امت یی و چم( 1# © ePore reudkry/umitey oo page, the page dst be locked tt shored/exchisive woe. © Octechiey 3 pace, the page wet be read Pro dk © @ePore uniochieg 0 paye, the page west be writes to disk Pt ues wodPied. © Qore cowplex protoonls wil Pewer dik reuds/urites exist. © Cocke wherewy protools Por shored-onthiey systews ore svar. Bock database paye i ‏سا و له‎ processor. Requests te Petck the paye or write tte disk are sect to the howe processor. Oxsdrer Gyetrw Oneewpe -O* Crim, Gui O, OOOO. ‏سا0 لح 0 لا سواه 1 جوم‎

صفحه 18:
+ teireqery Prardobow 9 ‏سس ذا بحصي ملعك د خا مسحمرة)‎ oa wuliple processurehtehe! separa Por ‏هو رواب ولد‎ ۱ ‏روموت تا‎ Pore of isiraqery pordiciow : © Ieireopersion Pordebr — pardiebe the exevuioa of ruck ievicked operatic ihe ery. © ‏موسي‎ 6 ee ed Mie eee expressive i pared, the Pirst Porw soles beter wih tooreusiny pardheise bers ‏اه امه سا‎ tugles processed by cack operative te typicdly wore thao the cucber oP pperdicas toa query Oxsdrer Gyetrw Oneewpe -O* Crim, Gui O, OOOO. ea00 ©Sbervehnts, Cork ced Cnakershe

صفحه 19:
+ Pardes! Provesetay oF Rektivad Operaiow © Ow dsrssiva of pardlel cots ‏تیه‎ ‎© reahoob queries: © shored-oohtey achieve ۰ ‏سم‎ P,, ‏و نت امه‎ P. و 11 © ‏مس للم رات لاه سا ماه ملسم‎ shared my shored-dsk systews. ۶ ‏اسب‎ Por shored-orhioy systews can thus be nuevo shored-wewory cand shoredtdsh spsiews. © Aowever, sowe vpicrizaicas way be possible. Oxsdrer Gyetrw Oneewpe -O* Crim, Gui O, OOOO. a0 ©Sbervehnts, Cork ced Cnakershe

صفحه 20:
يما معدا ‎do sorter.‏ اکن ك جو سار ۵ رن ‎ ‏تسس ماس سنا ‏« را جوم ال ۲ ‎۱ ‏مه ,اه و نت ی موم ین‎ sonic ott ies ‏و‎ ‎© dpe that he inthe romp are seul io provessor P, ‎© Pptores the tuples treveived tewporariy oa dst D, ‎© Okie step remuires VO ocd cxemanicdion pverkead. Bl Cock provessor ۵ sorts ts portion of he rekon broly. ‎Bh Bock processors exentes suxwe pperdtioa (sor) in pordel wih oher processors, wih cy kieracioa wik he vers (chia pardietrw). ‎Bind werye opercion i tivid: romge-ponicoiy exeures thot, Por (ja, the hey vokes ft provessor (Pore dl fess thoa the key vduew io P, ‎ean ‎Oxsdrer Gyetrw Oneewpe -O* Crim, Gui O, OOOO.

صفحه 21:
+ @ordel Gort (Ova) ‎Oot Dore‏ تسه الم ‎Bl Qem noe he rektion kay dren been portivoed wren dks Dy. Do (bs‏ ‎wwhetever axxner).‏ ‎Bock processor P lordly sorts the skis oa dk D,‏ ۱ ‎BL Phe sorted nue oo euck processor ure hea weryed yet ke Piso sorted‏ ‎rir.‏ ‎Bl Pordiekze he wercien of sorted nine oe Polos!‏ صما جه ‎ke sored portions ot cack provessor P, ore rene portioned‏ © ‎processors Py oy Pag.‏ ‎Cock processor P, perPorws a were on he sireums ce they ore‏ © ‎received, 7 vet a okie sorted nin.‏ ‎Dhe sored nine oa processors Ppyiy Pg are cocextecrted to opt fe‏ © ‎Prd rend.‏ ‎Oxsdrer Gyetrw Oneewpe -O* Crim, Gui O, OOOO. ‏سا0 لح 0 لا سواه 1 »مه‎

صفحه 22:
تسه مها BO Dhe fon operaioa requires pairs oP tuples ty be tested to see P they suttoPy ‏جما‎ ‎Jpn coerdiiza, ced P they do, the pair te added te the iota cup. © Pardee ckerthes otlewpt ty spit he pairs ty be tested over ‏اوه‎ ‎processors. (Buck processor theo oowputes pot of the iota lool. 198 ‏تاه اد‎ step, the resubs Pow puck processor coo be colerted toyether i produce the Pic resul. Oxsdrer Gyetrw Oneewpe -O* Crim, Gui O, OOOO. ‏سا0 لح 0 لا سواه 1 مومه‎

صفحه 23:
@ortiowed ota مه اد لو ‎is possible to portica ke two‏ رم ی اوه نو و ۲ میم انس ‎he pia boul‏ هجوت وی مس ‎the‏ ویو وه و ‎ond wae ann‏ ماس مود ‎he‏ اج ‎bet rand‏ ا Brand seach ‏او بو‎ hiy opartions, dewied ry, 7) « ‏ی‎ ae ۴ Oua we ciher rome portray or husk particu. Brand sonst be patioged oa her pia oirbues nan 2@), veknp he sae nee ‎Pucca.‏ اس ی او ‏,6 موم و ده ولج بر له مم ‎Be Bock processor Prd yen Bp Baw oF he stank‏ ‎Xl ‎wethods coc be used. ‎Oxsdrer Gyetrw Oneewpe -O* Crim, Gui O, OOOO.

صفحه 24:
@orticaed Iota (Ovc.) Oxsdrer Gyetrw Oneewpe -O* Crim, Gui O, OOOO. ‏سا0 لح 0 لا سواه 1 مهمه‎

صفحه 25:
(Pragqeecbou(Rep pas Upia ۳ ‏وود‎ ot posable Bor scene i ‏وم‎ ‎© exp, renin comin, ‏سرجه ماسج‎ < 9.0. © Cor pes were portiogiag is ot upplicuble, porulekzaica ‏را امه سا موی‎ Preqeoet oad replicate ‏سس‎ © Depicted va cent side ۲ ‏سب مسا مسرب سم میدن‎ © Ove of the retiioas, 5015 is pontticoed; ‏اور بو‎ techoique roa be wed. © Dhe vher rebaivs, 5, & repiooted umves ull the processors. © Processor Pea bbouly copter the joie oP wih of ‏مامز روه يحاص د خا‎ ‏جات‎ Oxsdrer Gyetrw Oneewpe -O* Crim, Gui O, OOOO. ‏سا0 لح 0 لا سواه 1 مومه‎

صفحه 26:
‘@ السو نی (a) Asymmetric (b) Fragment and replicate fragment and replicate

صفحه 27:
+ 0 222 2 Bl Beverd mee! redices the sizes of the rettiows of pack processor. 8 rte partied ‏صما‎ o Parties rp, Fy oF yoie B portioned tty a7 partion, Cys jen cern xy ponticatay techoique way be used. here onvet be of beust ‏ب‎ * 0 provevsors. .., P. oan Pyar Py 0۳, ۰ ۰ © Lebel he processors oe 5 oor “mar se Poo 90۰ 9 ۵ ‏و هس رخا مج سا عمجم‎ order to-do 90, nie replied 7 Poo, Py Pgs hte ot rephxted ‏رو‎ ۵ On ap 7 Poa, © ‏مسجت روط‎ con be wed of rack processor P,, Oxsdrer Gyetrw Oneewpe -O* Crim, Gui O, OOOO. ‏سا0 لح 0 لا سواه 1 جومه‎

صفحه 28:
+ 0 222 2 Bok versioae of Praceecbernbrephrde work wah aay pis ooaion, stare every ‏جاه‎ ‎fa r-co be tested wih every tiple ko ‏بح‎ ۲ Dendy kas ot hither pret thos poriiectes, stor por oP he rekiiocs (Por ‏مه‎ ‎Prexeveubanhreviouy) or bk rekaie (Sar qouerd Brangreurarnbrepioe) have be rephrcted. امس سم یواسم با موب پمپ سا له ‎i‏ اه سا رو ۱ ‎Cx, ow ot odd ond ris ane, ond dead) portioced,‏ © حاط جما مج لمجم ‎aorzss ol processors, ther thas reparticg‏ = سار اه Oxsdrer Gyetrw Oneewpe -O* Crim, Gui O, OOOO. ‏سا0 لح 0 لا سواه 1 مومه‎

صفحه 29:
Cote Cadel Woek=loia (Porciiebates porrtioced bach joka Bl Qe ance ote swoler fron rowd hereore ote chose or the bull rekon. BE ook Ruanton fy thes the iota otic ‏جايس‎ oP each ture fs = od cape thir tuple to oe oP the processors. Bl Bock processor P reuse tuples of or that are oa ter desk D, ord sends eck unle to he oppropriie processor based oa hock Rumrioa fy. Let =; dewote te ‏ماود‎ of rektioa oth ae ped to processor P, © 0s tps oF rektiog 5 ore reveived of the destoaiva processors, they ore ‏لاور‎ Pudker ustey camher husk ‏ی و لح و ان ری رش‎ the (0) ها ملس Oxsdrer Gyetrw Oneewpe -O* Crim, Gui O, OOOO. ‏سا0 لح 0 لا سواه 1 مومه‎

صفحه 30:
+ Cwted Pade! Lotro (Oru) Bl Ocer he tuples of shave bees detrbted, the larger rehtion ris recotrbuted ores thew processors ern the husk ‏پا مش‎ © bet, dewte the tuples oP rebates thot ore seu iy processor P, Behe rps are revewed ot he devintion processors, hey ore repartioced “unten he Pucetiva A, © (het oe the probe retaiog tp porttivged int the sequectal kask-pic okpriher). ۱ Bock processor P executes the bukd ond probe phases of ‏مجامج جما‎ chprthey po he bel pariows ‏تناس لع سر‎ rod stp produce a portion of the Prod rend of he ‏ماسجا‎ Bl Oot: Week-pin opikotzatoce can be opphed to be pardlel cae جما اه وه اس و لح سا مه نموه باس تلو ‎ep, the‏ © دادم ای ما رت اه او با له لو موی و ود رس ‎theo bark ic.‏ Oxsdrer Gyetrw Oneewpe -O* Crim, Gui O, OOOO.

صفحه 31:
‎loin‏ مور لسنوو() اطل۵<) ‎ ‎۲ ‏جوا‎ thot ‏ما‎ sis work ‏.)ددسم برط له ات نا امه ما ما اه‎ ‎0 there is oo fedex: oa joi otribute oP reticg mot each oF the portions of ‏ع مهار‎ ‏اجه ,لاه بای ما ات ,ولو مر ‎Ose‏ ‏ما اه رام ماه سا روص ‎© Gtk processor P where ‏مور اه ما و‎ = ty stored reads the tuples of rehticn = stored to OD, od rephowtes the tuples to every uber provessur P, ‎© Otte ead of this phose, relation = rephooted of dl ster thot store tuples oF ‏ع مهار‎ ‎© Gtk processor 0 perPorns ‏اه و سل له مه‎ netics = watts the ‏ع اه ماو‎ ‎Oxsdrer Gyetrw Oneewpe -O* Crim, Gui O, OOOO. ‏سا0 لح 0 لا سواه 1 مهمه‎

صفحه 32:
Olker (Relipod Operdipes Grkvka ‏مايه‎ ‎BP 0 bof be Pore 9, =v, where 9 ‏لحي صحاف جه جا‎ vu uch. (AP re ‏مسا بط و بلط‎ & pePorwed ua ski ‏موصي‎ BP 0 bof be Por <= y <= u (e., 0 ‏جا‎ arennp sekotira) onl he rekios koe bere ‏مت ساس سح‎ © Gelevioa is perPorwed of cack provessor whose portiicg pverkaps ust the 4a db her ‏ماه سا تم‎ is perPorwed to pordlel of oll the provessors. Oxsdrer Gyetrw Oneewpe -O* Crim, Gui O, OOOO. ‏سا0 لح 0 لا سواه 1 مومه‎

صفحه 33:
+ Ober Rrktvad Operciow (Ovu.) ممصا جاص 0 11 وا بو امسصم جلا خان سجصلات مج روا موی ۶ ‎oe they ore Rove carter soe.‏ كمد جد ماص ل ‎riko‏ > © Ceci dby partion ie tuples (woke ether roses or kusk= porary) ond ‏وا جرب سوم‎ leroy ot perk peters 8 Preevivn © Creevics wihou duphodte ‏موی ماو‎ be perPorwed os tuples ore recd ta Prog desk i parcel. © 112 ‏مجقصاصاح صتتصاصك‎ is required, coy oP the ubove duphrote eerie techoiques con be werd. Oxsdrer Gyetrw Oneewpe -O* Crim, Gui O, OOOO. ‏سا0 لح 0 لا سواه 1 مومه‎

صفحه 34:
Croup Oqgreqaiva © Conic the rebaica cathe yecupteg atributies oad thea cocpuie the cpp ec valves locally ot rack provessor. BE Oca ether cost oP ineePerriog ples dure partivaiey by pany ooxop ater ‏رم انا سای مقس وی‎ ۳ ‏ور اسف مشچ موی توا‎ (ua those pkey sre ‏ال مس‎ 0 + ‏نج‎ fo ‏ی و مره وم ات ری‎ provessor. له روا میا من لحم ع موی ما سا ‎Result oP‏ © ‎(P, to yet the Prod resul‏ سس ره نب وت لور موه © ewer tuples ceed to be sect to ver processors durtay portiizcicr. Oxsdrer Gyetrw Oneewpe -O* Crim, Gui O, OOOO. ‏سا0 لح 0 لا سواه 1 جومه‎

صفحه 35:
4 Oost oP Pardls! Guchnioa oP Operuiow OP there ts ow shew io the portticgiog, oad there is 07 overhead due to the parcel evolvaiod, expevied speed-up wil be (sr BAP chew ond overheats oe dbo ty be token hip arco, he ‏ناميهلا دجما‎ pened ‏ام یس با و سیم‎ ‎Dea)‏ )در ی اس مس اس تا 9 ط ‏ مامت و سا با تاره و ‎© ‏مور و مرن سا و ما سر با با‎ P, ‏صم ع لو رنه عمجت و بل لو با با له ‎his‏ ۱ موی و لور ‎Oxsdrer Gyetrw Oneewpe -O* Crim, Gui O, OOOO. ‏سا0 لح 0 لا سواه 1 مومه‎

صفحه 36:
حاط ی + دمم لس © تا سم( و مه سین ۶ ‎re‏ ال كا وك ودج اس و عم سا سا مه ما وم وق ۶ ‎es ee ee‏ . tor 2۲ ۵ ۳ ۱ ۱ 9 ۲ ‏ابو - وس اه مس ۲ اسوبی‎ rg » @ad PS be usstqaed the cowputetion oP temp re © Govk of hese opercives coo execute it pordtel, ‏اه قح ره‎ ۷ ‏جملا جا ون‎ uext pperdicg eyes op itis copies Parte remus * Provided 0 pipetocuble pia evdativa dyoriher (e.g. tidexed vested bop pk) & wed Oxsdrer Gyetrw Oneewpe -O* Crim, Gui O, OOOO. ‏سا0 لح 0 لا سواه 1 مومه‎

صفحه 37:
حاص صا جلاتججم سوه رات طلوه ۱ ‎pordletow tp verP dl stave‏ ی( ۲ ۲ ‏ای ای ان خی(‎ oP provessors, but doer oot sod up well wil ore processors. Our recsve is thot pipelor chotos ‏را میتی اه بت و‎ ما عم و له لس تج ‎Coco pipetoe vperciors whick do oot produce‏ © له سوه وم له ۱ ‏جاصعانب صا تناد‎ oe pperdor's exevuiva ovet ts wud higher thac the vers. Oxsdrer Gyetrw Oneewpe -O* Crim, Gui O, OOOO. ‏سا0 لح 0 لا سواه 1 جومه‎

صفحه 38:
۳۹ Tadspeated Padstow few, Bl tadepeudedt pardietow © Consider a prt of ‏اس‎ rq Pr DX rg Dd rep Let P, be copied the cocputaion of 1 568 ١١ 9-1 000 ‏موس سا لو صا‎ oP ee = ro Re ١ Bud @, be wokned he erwp ction ‏السرم خات‎ ١ Py aed ‏و رخ‎ work tedepeudeddy to pardlet ©, bee tb wait Por ep Prow ®, od P, ~ One pipekee ouput ob Py ond Pt Po, coxobroisny kndepeodect ‏ماس‎ ‎ord pipetoed‏ طلسم ‎© Ove wt provide a high degre of pardlctsw ۱ ‏نها ه خن لخاسی‎ degree oP ‏ام‎ ‎* lees useful eo highly pardlel systew, ‎eae ‎Oxsdrer Gyetrw Oneewpe -O* Crim, Gui O, OOOO.

صفحه 39:
Query Opiwirdiva © Qhey opiezaivg to pordel databases te stqaPicadly wore ‏ما وی‎ query vpitrizaiog tr sequecital databases. ‎See ence ae eres‏ د نس يه ل ‎wosts ond issues suck os shew ood resvurce pooieaic.‏ ‎© Okeu scheduleg exevutivg tree fo parle systew, wet decide? © bow te pordielize ruck ppercica ced how woey provessvrs te use Por i. ‎© Oho operciccs to pipeter, whol operatives to execu ideprudediy it ‏له الوم‎ whol pperdicas tv exemue sequecichs, vor Per the vier. ‎© Oeterninteg he aout oP ‏موی وا ماه و تم‎ operon te 0 problew. ‎processors thee oped core result ist highs‏ سوه اه وق و اوه مش وین رو بت بط ‎Lowy pipetoes should be avoided us the Pied operatic way wat a‏ 18 ‎previous resvurces‏ لامها ‎hte‏ ‎ ‎Oxsdrer Gyetrw Oneewpe -O* Crim, Gui O, OOOO. e186 ©Sbervehnts, Cork ced Cnakershe

صفحه 40:
رن تاه هر ‎Gravy‏ + ی ان ‎the cxeober oP sequectd evokvatioa‏ © DherePore hewtotos ore ceeded while opivtzatira BP ive ohercave ‏مها‎ Por chovetey porcilel phos: © We pipebutcy aud ‏موس‎ pipehta) Net pordiekae every operuioa aoriss oll provessurs. © Pretax best phe ae cur ester = use stoscard ‏فا ,جنس مرت‎ uals cow woot seeded ” Okan pardlel ‏من سول‎ the echoage-opersior wd! ‏ما تحص ۵ بو تنم‎ query pee Wp portoa od detrbute tuples ~ eek pperaiva works tedepeudedly va lycud chta oa eack propessor, ta parle wuts viker copies ‏من سا ان‎ © Pret chovee covet ef Pied sequectd pho od thea hover how best pardiekze the ‏مرش رن‎ ter teat ‏.مهام‎ * Coa explore pipetoed pardleksw as aa opi BL Okoeorny a pod physi or gstzuirn (partizorny lechokne) ۰ Kopp tect epee ‏بف‎ ‏ی‎ Oxsdrer Gyetrw Oneewpe -O* Crim, Gui O, OOOO. ‏سا0 لح 0 لا سواه 1 مهمه‎

صفحه 41:
+ Dvstqa oP Pardel Opeewe (Gove tesues to the design oP parclel systews! © (Parddel Ioadiog of dota Brow exterodl sources ts oeeded fo order ty horde harce ‏مكلك مرس اه ماو‎ © ‏سا نا مایت‎ of sowe ‏معا مه و‎ © Probubliy oP soe disk or provessor Pater is higher ito parle ‏وه‎ © Operctos (perkops wil: dearaded perPorcmaace) should be promi te oper of Poke. © Redvadkrony uchieved by storey extra copy oP every dots tec of crazier provessur. Oxsdrer Gyetrw Oneewpe -O* Crim, Gui O, OOOO. eee ©Sbervehnts, Cork ced Cnakershe

صفحه 42:
+ Ovetqa oP Pade! Opstrwe (Ovu.) ۲ Ocrke reorprizaion of cht ond schewa champs cnet be supporied. ها ول موی سل سره وه مه لت ‎Cor exnople,‏ © ویو ‎days eyed ooo pordhel‏ ١ Deed i dlow oer process (Itserioce/tebices|arkiew) to be perPorwed oa rektioa ved oe inex tr bein ‏یو‎ © weir dew! index cousirurtivg tracks ‏کل ی له ماه‎ vo chores ot the eo. Bb ceed spp Bor ore repantionkny ad achewa choses (exerted oma nreddy wth ober provesskni)- Oxsdrer Gyetrw Oneewpe -O* Crim, Gui O, OOOO. ‏سا0 لح 0 لا سواه 1 مجمه‎

صفحه 43:
Gad oP Okaper

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