پزشکی و سلامتطب سنتی

Chronic Hepatitis B and C

صفحه 1:

صفحه 2:
A Case, Study, Of Chronic Hepatitis, B & © Presented by; Hk.M:Ahmad Saleemi;

صفحه 3:
Hepatitis: Hepatitis is an inflammation of the liver characterized by the presence of inflammatory cells in the tissue of the organ. Viral Hepatitis: Viral hepatitis is liver inflammation due to a viral infection. It may present in acute (recent infection, relatively rapid onset) or chronic forms. The most common causes of viral hepatitis are the five unrelated hepatotropic viruses Hepatitis A, Hepatitis B, Hepatitis C, Hepatitis D, and Hepatitis E. In addition to the hepatitis viruses, other viruses that can also cause hepatitis include Herpes simplex, Cytomegalovirus Epstein-Barr virus, or

صفحه 4:
Hepatitis-B Chronic hepatitis B is a major global healthcare problem. Affecting an estimated 350 to 400 million people worldwide, 1,Chronic hepatitis B results in approximately one million deaths each year, 2 Making it the world's tenth leading cause of death. In the US,1 to 1.25 million people have chronic hepatitis B,and approximately 4000 to 5000 die each year of its complications. 3 The progression of chronic hepatitis B is variable, ranging from mild asymptomatic infection to severe chronic liver disease. In about 15% to 25% of patients, ongoing viral replication leads to serious complications including hepatic decomposition, cirrhosis, and Hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC).

صفحه 5:
Hepatitis-C - 170 million people are chronic carrier of Hep-C i.e.3 % of world population. - 2-4Million Persons in USA may be Chronically affected. - 5-10 Million in Europe. - 12 Million in India - 4-6 Million in Pakistan * Source: http://www.who.int/csr/disease/hepatitis/whocdsc srlyo2003/en/index4.html

صفحه 6:
Modes Of Transmission Hepatitis C affects up to 500,000 people in the UK, approximately 10 times more than HIV. Mystery surrounds this silent killer, with 90% of those infected

صفحه 7:
HEV 30 nm RNA Unkno wn Fecal ‘erence between Hepat 2-۳۹ ‏سس‎ ‎Size of Virus 40 42 30 40 nm nm nm nm Nucleus |RNA |DNA |RNA ۸ Type of Vaccine Available |Yes ‏وهلا‎ 0 No Mean Incubation |25 75 50 35 Days |Days |Days | Days Time Chronic Infection |No ۲۶۶ ۲6۶ /No Mode of Fecal |Sexua | Blood | Blood Transmission or it Tras | Trans oral |Trans

صفحه 8:
Signs & Symptoms ( ب جينى ب 4 ‎Malaisels‏ (بهوککیک می) (61[16 ۵00 ‎Anorexia (Poor‏ ( متلی لبکائیار) 56لا ۱۱۵ ( شکم درد)031 ۸۵۵00۳0۱۴۵۱ (نر می) 16006۲۳۳0655" (پثهاوجوژ درد )۴۵10 01۳6[ 6 ‎Muscle‏

صفحه 9:
۵0 26-۴ ety el Lethe ‏بولک رو‎ 4, Pepi Grate Pe sorte tn sh Le BL Bee re bigs ویر مت تمرم ورمگ‌سورت بل او ‎tle lei‏ سكاجا ثيل كسبل ‎ ‏ادویا تک ‎Seber‏

صفحه 10:
el O0*¥ Been B Sey tetdocte tn te ck Bem wt Siete BASLE ‏لات :سح دسب حص ريل ود صورت بل شا بآ دراه بات اقلا ای لت مل دستآ ده‎ spice HE? Bee ۳0 3 ۳ ‏سا‎ as ‎espe Nei Rese Hrus‏ حص لعو اوراد ست 3 نا لرددم كان ‏جاه (طب كر ‎ ‎

صفحه 11:
0 [۷ ne tree Kes) ‏موی 2 صفراوی‎ وی © سای ردیر ومو یک علا مایت :و رمرم یک‌صوررت ص Suk رن بو اون PAOLA els اشل‌ترالی + چرهس بان هلان ‎LS‏ چشاب‌سرخاورگ رها اد Tu tew bh vores

صفحه 12:
ا 1 © ورمجكرصغراو ىك علايات: ‎ediige Lorre sASet Anew ily‏ ذياك اس جترمكاردمرة ‎bathe te‏ زین ون موف سیک شرت نا بر bounty bl &

صفحه 13:
ا 1 © ورم فيك علاءات: يكلف ورم صورت عل ددزاذ ات ای ‎dni eg‏ پاخادکا یره چردادچره کل تکمیا مدز ‎cbt BI‏ که کارت نع ‎BD ease‏ یار سب هر بی) ورم‌ داد ی علاانت: ‎Hehe tapered alg thy‏ إن ددمكا نت مدت جوتو طور بعلا كسب ‎ ‎ro tlnino de Let ‎ ‎ ‎

صفحه 14:
B. ELISA (En C. RIBA, (Ré ‏كن ام‎ Liver Biopsy. F. Other Biochem 0 Bilirubin 0 ESR etc.

صفحه 15:
TREATMENT A. Mono therapy with alpha interferon. Work in 10 - 20 person out of 100. + Side effect profile is high Dosage reduced in 40 out of 100. Treatment withdrawn in 15. . Pregnant can not use. B. Combination therapy Interferon + Ribavirin Works in 30 - 40 out of 100 Ribavirin alone does not work. Serious side effects like severe anemia myocardial infarction

صفحه 16:
The challenge of science * Paracelsus, the Father of Pharmacology said.. “All that mankind needs for good health and healing is provided in nature.. the challenge of science is to find it!”

صفحه 17:
Herbal Treatment Main Ingredients 1. Glycyrrhiza (Mulathi) 2. Silybum marianum(Oont Catara) 3. Withania coagulans (Paneer Doodi) 4. Solanum nigrum Linn (Mako) 5. Piprum nigrum (Mirch sia) 6. Artemisia absinthium(afsanteen) 7.Chichorium intybus(kasni) 8.Aloe Vera (Kanwar Gundal)

صفحه 18:
Silibum marianum(Oont Catara) - Milk thistle has been used for liver problems for over 2000 years - It offers Hepato-protective action through a number of mechanisms - Anti-oxidant activity - Toxin blockade at the membri - Enhances protein synthesis - Anti fibroitic activity - Anti-inflammatory and - Immune-modulating effects.

صفحه 19:
Silybum marianum (Oont Cata Silybum marianum has been shown to have clinical applications in the treatment of toxic hepatitis, fatty liver, cirrhosis, ischemic injury, radiation toxicity and viral hepatitis. - Significantly reduces insulin requirements It also significantly reduces insulin requirement in cirrhosis related diabetes mellitus patients.

صفحه 20:
Glycyrrhiza glabra (Mulathi) OUTSTANDING EFFICACY IN L' * Glycyrrhiza Glabra offers out standing surveillance rate in liver patients. *Reduces The Risk Of Liver Carcinoma *Glycyrrhiza Glabra has reduced half the rate of hepatocellular carcinoma as compared to other supportive therapy. *Restores Liver Functions *Hepatitis treatment with Glycyrrhiza Glabra restores AST & ALT plasma concentrations.

صفحه 21:
Withania coagulans (Paneer Do IMPROVES LIVER FUNCTIONS * Increases thyroxine (T4), hepatic glucose and decreases liver lipid peroxidation. Anti Inflammatory Action -Anti-inflammatory action is comparable to hydrocortisone. + Reduces Hepatotoxicity + Hepatotoxicity is reduced by withania comparable to hydrocortisone.

صفحه 22:
er nigrum (Kali mirch HACK REPRE Ant, carmina antipyretic, anthelmintic, antiperiodic action whe internally and externally it acts as rubefacient, stimulant, resolvent. Pepper has long been known for stimulating the appetite and relieving nausea. In India it had been used as a medicine for variety of ailments from paralysis to toothache. According to Ayurveda it is useful in treatment of asthma, chronic indigestion, colon toxins, obesity, sinus congestion, fever, intermittent fever, cold extremities, colic pain, cholera, gastric ailments, diarrhea, piles, worms and sore throat. Externally it can be applied to boils and other skin diseases in form of paste. DETOXIFYING AGENT - Hepatotoxicity is decreased reducing lipid peroxidation, enzymatic leakage of GPT, AP and preventing depletion of GSH.

صفحه 23:
Chichorium intybus (Chicory) (Kasni) ۲ Chicory (especially the flower) was used as a treatment in Germany, and is recorded in many books as an ancient German treatment for everyday ailments. It is variously used as a tonic and as a treatment for gallstones, gastro-enteritis sinus problems and cuts and bruises. (Howard M. 1987). Inulin, the dietary fiber found in Chicory finds application in diabetes and constipation. Chicory has demonstrated antihepatotoxic potential in animal studies.,[

صفحه 24:
Artemisia absinthium (Afsanteen) ٠ Its active substances include silica, two bitter substances (absinthin and anabsinthine), thujone, tannic and resinous substances, malic acid, and succinic acid. It is used medicinally as a tonic, stomachic, antiseptic, antispasmodic, carminative, cholagogue, febrifuge and anthelmintic. It has also been used to remedy indigestion.

صفحه 25:
Compound medicine * Majoon Dabeed ul ward * Jawarish Amla * Dawa ul Qurkum kabir * Dawa ul Misk * Sharbat Deenar * Sharbat Kasni * Sharbat Bazoori + Hepta Care ٠ Akseer e Jiger Syrup & Tab + Aloe Care Cap & Syrup ۰ + Actirn Tab + Berisal Syrupetc

صفحه 26:
[Condition] Chronic Hepatitis B & C A combination of her! dients mainly Glycrrhiza, ‏اسل‎ Investigational Tests & frequency ۳۳۲۲۳ ‏حنطننا‎ ‎| Anti HCV PCR Quantitative Data collection pi L2eation ‏سس‎ = ۳

صفحه 27:
Clinical Trials of Herbal medicine on Hepatitis C Patients

صفحه 28:
Hepatitis C Study PATIENTS & METHODS All patients who were Hepatitis B surface antigen negative, and had impaired liver functions were tested for Hepatitis C virus antibodies. PCR was done in those who tested positive for HCV antibodies. Patients who had detected virus on PCR and abdominal ultra sound showed no stigmata of portal hypertension were included in the study. Hemoglobin SGPT (ALT), AST, White cell count. Platelets were done at the interval of every three weeks. Liver function test, Renal function test, PCR was done Pre and Post treatment. The study comprised of 18 patients (12 males, 6 females) The mean age was (40 + 15) Mean AST 105 + 30 (N > 40 uL/ml) Mean ALT 115 + 42 (N < 41 uL/ml)

صفحه 29:
Hepatitis C Study These patients were treated with a combination of herbal ingredients mainly glycyrrhizinate, silybum marianum, zinc compound, withinia coagulant, ginseng, Rheum emodi given in divided doses daily for one year. With serial monitoring of AST, ALT, hemoglobin and platelets. Of initial 18 patients 5 patients lost follow up. Of the 13 patients who completed this study for 6 months, a subjective improvement was seen in 12 patients (93 %). Out of 13 only 8 patients completed the study for 11 months ( Recommended duration of treatment is one year). The response to therapy with Herbal medicine depending on biochemical and molecular biological test (PCR) were as follows. Improvement in ALT & AST levels 12 (93%) Results PCR - Non Detected 5 out of 8 (62.5 %) (in patients taken the medicine for recommended duration i.e. 11 months) The Mean level of ALT, for the 13 patients who completed the study successfully, fell from (115 + 42) to 40 + 24 UL/ml and that of AST fell from (105 + 30) to 43 + 21 UL/ml.

صفحه 30:
Clinical Trials of Herbal medicine on Hepatitis B Patients

صفحه 31:
Hepatitis B Study All patients were confirmed Hepatitis ‘B’ surface antigen positive, and had increased SGPT & SGOT levels. PCR was done and willing patients (child bearing female exempted) were included in the study. Pregnant ladies and patients with diabetes and leumpensated cirrhosis were included. Hemoglobin, SGPT (ALT), AST, Blood chemistry were done at the interval of every three weeks , pcr was done pre & post treatment. The study comprised of 10 patients (6 male, 4 female) The Mean age was 40 MEAN AST 1300 (N < 40pl/ml) MEAN ALT 1950 (N < 42 pl/ml)

صفحه 32:
These patients were treated with a combination of herbal ingredients mainly glycyrrhizinate, silybum marianum, zinc compound, withinia coagulant, ginseng, Rheum emodi given in divided doses daily maximum 180 days with periodic monitoring of AST, ALT & CBC. At the initial stage 10 patients completed the study and showed 100% results within 180 days response was as follows. Improvement in ALT & AST 10 (100%) PCR Non Detected 10 (100%) (Mean period in which PCR became -ve in 155 days) Mean improvement in ALT & AST Before 1950 1300 After 22 20 (Mean period 60 days) No major side effect was reported.

صفحه 33:
Herbal Treatment Feedback of Hepatitis B Patients No. of patients registered for Treatment: - 100 patients Regular Patients: - 92 patients Defaulters: - 8 patients

صفحه 34:
PCR Test Reports From Aga Khan University Hospital — Abdul Hafeez Ali Nawaz DK #16719 _Not detected Muhammad aa 10 Sajid Hussain Noor Hassan 18 DK #16728 Not detected

صفحه 35:
PCR Test Reports From Aga Khan University Hospital Karachi Through Collection Unit Dhairki Not detected Not detected Not detected Not detected Not detected Not detected Not detected Not detected Dk # 16755 Dk # 16756 DK # 16757 Dk # 16758 Dk # 16759 Dk # 16760 Dk # 16761 Dk # 16762 Dk # 16763 Dk # 16764 26 30 22 20 22 10 25 20 18 1 Ellahi Bux Dhani Bux Yaar Muhammad Abdul Rahim Haji Ghulam Yaseen Shehzado Shaukat All Khuda Bux Abdul Rasheed ‘Abdul Wahid Muhammad islam Allah Yar Abdul Wahab Muhammad Ishage Nisar Ahmed Zubair Anmed Mai Zohra Shahzad Ali Ali Gohar ‘Muhammad Hanif 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20

صفحه 36:
PCR Test Reports From Aga Khan University Hospital Karachi Through Not detected Not detected Not detected Not detected Not detected Not detected Not detected Collection Unit Dhairki Ali Raza Muhammad Sadiq 16 DK # 16781 Walid ‏الم‎ Maula Bux 17 Dk # 16782 Sajid Hussain karim Bux 2 DK # 16783 Mai Rukhsana Qurban All 22 DK # 16784 Muhammad Zeesahn Ghulam Akbar 22 DK # 16785 Muhammad Amjad Ali Aslam 31 Dk # 16786 Muhammad Ameen Rehmat Al 42 DK # 16787 Abdul Latif Sher Muhammad 20 Dk # 16788 Daulat Ali Dahar All 23 Dk # 16789 Asad All ‘Anwar All 10 DK # 16790 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30

صفحه 37:
PCR Test Reports From Aga Khan University Hospital Karachi Through Collection Unit Dhairki Not detected Not detected Not detected Not detected Not detected Not detected Not detected Not detected Dk # 16831 Dk # 16832 Dk # 16833 Dk # 16834 Dk # 16835 Dk # 16836 Dk # 16837 Dk # 16838 Dk # 16839 Dk # 16840 38 22 15 30 17 18 30 20 18 20 Muhmmad Younis Bilal Shar Ameer Bux Muhammad Yaqoob ‘Abdul Wahid ‘Sher Muhammad Muhammad Yaqoob موس Jamal Din ‘Muhammad Usman Abdul Hameed Akhtiar Ahmed Atta Ellahi Kalsoom Meer Hassan Rizawan Saeed Ahmed Zahid Ali Bashir Ahmed Shehzado 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40

صفحه 38:
PCR Test Reports From Aga Khan University Hospital Karachi Through Not detected Not detected Not detected Not detected Not detected Not detected Not detected Not detected Collection Unit Dhairki Jahanzaib Shehbaz Ali 14 Dk # 16873 Mai Meerut Shehbaz Ali 30 Dk # 16874 Sadia Shehbaz Ali 10 Dk # 16875 Aneeta Shehbaz Ali 12 Dk # 16876 ‘Moomal Sain Dad 30 Dk # 16877 Sanawli ‘Momin Ali 16 Dk # 16878 Gul Hassan Somer Khan 25 Dk # 16879 Hussana Soomer Khan 20 Dk # 16880 Lal Bux Gul Muhammad 25 Dk # 16881 Noor Muhammad Gul Muhammad 23 Dk # 16882 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50

صفحه 39:
PCR Test Reports From Aga Khan University Hospital Karachi Through Collection Unit Dhairki 52 Amina Abbass: 40 DK # 16911 60 Naeem Ahmed Sultan Ahmed 16 DK #16919 Not detected

صفحه 40:
PCR Test Reports From Aga Khan University Hospital Karachi Through Collection Unit Dhairki Not detected Not detected Not detected Not detected Not detected DK # 16941 Dk # 16942 Dk # 16943 Dk # 16944 Dk # 16945 Dk # 16946 Dk # 16947 Dk # 16948 Dk # 16949 Dk # 16950 43 10 19 20 20 15 15 20 10 10 Allah Wadhayo ‘Anwar Din Lugman Sabzal Mitho Khan ‘Mohib Khan Qamar Din, Jeeand Khan Jeeand Khan ‘Abdul Malik: Qaim Din Shafige Ahmed Khalil Anmed Arshad All Khalid Hussain Mai willaitan Allah Wasal Farman Ali Insaf Ali Bilal Ahmed. 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70

صفحه 41:
PCR Test Reports From Aga Khan University Hospital Karachi Through Collection Unit Dhairki Not detected Not detected Not detected Not detected Not detected Not detected Dk # 16980 Dk # 16981 Dk # 16982 Dk # 16983 Dk # 16984 Dk # 16985 Dk # 16986 Dk # 16987 Dk # 16988 Dk # 16989 16 22 20 12 12 50 22 35 35 12 Muhammad Bachal ‘Muhammad Chhuttal Allah Bux ‘Manzoor Ahmed Muhammad Ramzan ‘Abdul Ghafoor Mir Muhammad Gul Hassan Ghulam Mustafa Roshan Lal Abdul Jabbar Faiz Muhammad Alb All Muhammad irfan Imam Khatoon Mai Hanifan Niaz Al Mai Sharifan ‘Akshay Kumar 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90

صفحه 42:
Herbal Treatment Feedback of Hepatitis B Patients Observations: Medication 1. 8 patients out of 100 didn't complete the course of medicine (7 patients left the course and 1 was Cirrhotic patient). 2. 82 patients out of 92 were healthy and feeling better than before taking the medicine. 3. 10 patients out of 92 patients had one of these problems like constipation, flatulence, weakness & insomnia.

صفحه 43:
Herbal Treatment Feedback of Hepatitis B Patients Observations: PCR Test Results: 1. PCR test of 90 patients was conducted to find out the Hepatitis - B virus in patients after treatment. 2. As per PCR Tests Report from Aga Khan University Hospital Karachi, in 66% patients (59 patients) Hepatitis - B virus was not detected. 3. Whereas in 34% patients (31 patients), Hepatitis B + virus was detected.

صفحه 44:
Herbal Treatment Feedback of Hepatitis C Patients No. of Patients Registered for Treatment: - 40 patients Results: - Treatment of Hepatitis C Patients under process - Treatment process will be completed till April 2011

صفحه 45:

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