پزشکی و سلامتطب سنتی


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۹4/0 ۱ (P0014 DOD Sale Ne ened cm Pt eat UN cael PNG ee hen Ie ACE AS IS Sr 172 71 DARN IR aU Daa Nee hn NEA PACA Ls CAN CaN ad ON aR a uae

صفحه 4:

صفحه 5:
۹۳۹0۳ ۱ ‏ار‎ acca (Les ad Oa KO COO aa ke eM Meme Saat oa Re 00 ‏كت‎ ‎eat‏ ل ا الل ال له رب از ‎a heed}‏ الي ل ۱ ل ل ‎

صفحه 6:
‎AA AC srs ON‏ اك ‎a Rreararae eod‏ ا ‎unt ee‏ لت ‎See OC mCal=(0)‏ ‎— Roto votes betwees C10 cod P20. (Woruick OD ot. oh, 909) al Ded eal mcrae ‏ار 0 مت عم مش‎ ۲6۱۹ OM CP cri im BK elele)) al ON a AAAS da Ca ns cae GK ‎(Daya Ockhopadkyava vt ol, O09) ‎

صفحه 7:
۱۹۵۹۱ OBIECTG OF MLE GTOOY 0 > Dp vet ‏ل ل ا‎ Pease رک يل اك لاسي ا

صفحه 8:
NCC CCC OO ‏لاا‎ ‎NE CS ne ea‏ مس هل ‎OO OD‏ وم متا ‎GELEOT1IOM OF COCGEG ‎* Goure - Obkidred Por the preset study were soreeced mut ‏میا‎ OLN Oak One ca MANN aC maa SOMOS AAC Tas a Cea REL Rr Ne aC RN Ne PA RN ac nL beac ‎٠ ‏بحب ج08‎ - OLN aa he A eM aa ee aa Por study. ‎0 ON ce Rie OREN Aaa ola OC men ‎

صفحه 9:
۱۹۲/۱۹۱۹ 6۱/۹۹۹ 1 tunes oes dra amiaataed recast tabuan neta ‏اس‎ ie Nene Gee ‏ايو كا‎ ١ 07 pees ٠ ‏و صم‎ - Dene Ren ete ‏امه سر‎ eed 0 oon ۰ ‏هم‎ - One COS aio ‏لدع م ام سره‎ ‏لجوج رطس وميد ول‎ 00 00 00 eee Oe n cate et ‏او‎ 9 This ‏ل‎

صفحه 10:
ماري الاك 0 ‏ال‎ se aeael WU ING Pas CAN varie ee Nene eae) D MA AOD) ‏لهس مه موم هه‎ ‏ما سمل مس مت‎ تفت مامت را ۱/۹۹0 م iia a ۱

صفحه 11:
پر مر 2( ناه روم اسب مصب‌اان ۰ ‎PAC NS A ACUI‏ ل ‎a Pao‏ ل ا ل ‎SN Raa SANS ZAC‏ ‎Se eae SIN DANS an rt PANG ara cs ‎

صفحه 12:
)۱( ‏مت‎ criteria ۱ Sar eca c a eee ۱ raPae NU ce Noe Mrae ica}

صفحه 13:
6 orierta * OGO -10 Oe me oa nem ODD ‏ا ا‎ oan ۰ ‏موس‎ neicd ‎Mest‏ لين ‎ONAI@ Roce ‎

صفحه 14:
Gide ePPect evdlueiod oriterta Oa aC See Reece eRe ee ce eee ome De

صفحه 15:
( يك ديول رس ۱۹۱ یت ما دمص ات دم سس ‎ct‏ م9 ۱۱۱ ۱ und poreus of the pulieus. OGO —10 -TR Crterta حیسم مس ‎Aa ah‏ جر ‎KE.‏ rer Oexterty @vard wi pios- Por assesswed of Ovior (Cra کاس امه ‎Md‏ م۱۱ تمهت

صفحه 16:
OCCT WTOC ETM Ca ‏لا‎ ی یی اع 0 cl (ze Recs ca) neat © Oveduhpard (Oruiets usiatiza) (Pat o @Ghiline hi (Chmalivhe pica ba ۱۱ (On er come cane) Raat OO (Gee eer (ORs) ‏ی‎ ‎۶ reel (eee ere ee Urey 4 ‏سر مس ا‎

صفحه 17:
BRAHMI MANDUKAPARNI ۶ (Bacopa Monnieri) (Centella as

صفحه 18:
SHANKHPUSHPI JATAMANSI (Convolvulous pluricaulis) (Nardostachys jatamansi)

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‎ASHWAGANDHA‏ ملاعملا ‎(Acorus calamus) (Withania somnifera)‏ ‎

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‎PIPPALI‏ ع2 ‎(Plumbago zeylanica) ‏ی‎ ‎

صفحه 22:
ل وت ‎(KGLEEROWVOERO)‏ ONT Nl ace CALS aca A aa Lc cd ‏ها‎ ELAN aS AEN CR OA aC 1 ‏ل ل‎ ‏و‎ 4 ۱ CASO ANGLO U SS oan sireuw over the Poreheud oP the potieots Por SO-FS wicutes daily Por CO weeks.

صفحه 23:
@LOCEGO ‎ea as DEA can cd‏ الك ‎OS iL EO REL‏ م۱ ‎mane we ed (Gants OOS)‏ ‎

صفحه 24:
CRITER10 OP CCC ae ee me NSC CAt Noa ei ‏ل‎ poe ceca a Oca a la ۱۳ ‏ا ل ا‎ ‏وا امجدوجرصصووا خام جتووجا جكلا مج لجدد ج55‎ ۱ ‏وصاصوج ةا) ,جدم©) جمنوهاةا) جز‎ 40007 0 ‏ام م۱0‎ ۱

صفحه 25:
RESULTS CO-EFFICIENT OF DIVISIION OF ATTENTION (o>) SNe Aen in Co-efficient of Division of Attention (CD) ۱6۵۴۱ ۶ a 7 ‎N %o 58 SE‏ نیت عنادلا عندلدلا 2 9 ‎BT AT sO iff.‏ ی ‎Group A 0.35 0.29 0.06 10 17.14 0.0306 0.0097 05.773 <0.001 Group B 0.34 0.27 0.07 10 20.58 0.0156 0.0049 14.2857 <0.001 Group C 0.33 0.32 0.005 10 01.52 0.0139 0.0044 01.1363 >0.10 ‎Group D 0.34 0.32 0.02 10 05.88 0.0145 0.0046 04.130 <0.01 ‎

صفحه 26:
CO RO Cau eam a CAA رات 9 ‎ae‏ Gow 8 Gow GouC Grup O

صفحه 27:
change in Reaction 5 1 هنت ‎eee)‏ تن 10 47.42 0.1715 0.0542 11.8753 1 10 55.83 0.0994 0.0314 21.3373 1 10 103.75 0.0610 0.0193 02.642 0 10 29.07 0.0897 0.0284 13.2394 1 Table Showing تزیرزنه توت سس ‎Groups‏ ‏لد كلما نا ‎GroupA 01.36 0.72 0.64‏ ‎GroupB 01.20 0.53 0.67‏ ‎GroupC 01.36 01.41 -0.51‏ ‎GroupD 01.29 0.91 0.38‏

صفحه 28:
ای تا فلت من بببره) ۱

صفحه 29:
Table Showing change in time taken in Finger Dexterity Test (FDT) ‎Pa‏ رمعه سر ‎(AC‏ یت عنادلا ‎a | a | ete‏ 1 19.1730 0.0387 0.1225 10:96 ىر 0.74 0603 0677 ‎ct‏ ‏1 36.0552 0.0398 0.1259 20.98 144 05.40 06.84 8 مم6 10 ‎GroupC 06.84 06.80 0.04 0.61 0.0816 0.0258 01.6280 >0.10‏ 10 ‎GroupD 06.62 06.511 2 01.85 0.1212 0.0383 03.2110 2‏ ‎

صفحه 30:
Oe ‏دا نا و‎ ta a ‏تا ندز‎ © Eres) ‏زات‎ 06 % cols =} do Ss 060 ‏تك‎ ‎oO — ‏لا‎ ‎Goup® Goup® GovpO Goup O

صفحه 31:
CO ee ea ۵

صفحه 32:
DISCUSSION »Maximum numbers of ADHD children (47.50%) were between age ranges 6-9 years followed by 37.50% in age group 9-12 years. The data suggest higher prevalence of disease in elementary school years and gradual attenuation of symptoms with the advancement of age.

صفحه 33:
»Study included maximum number of cases (70%) with vata-pitta prakriti . The symptoms of ADHD are comparable to that of mentioned in individuals with vata and pitta prakriti. Behaviors of predominantly vata prakriti individuals are more similar to that of ADHD. Predominance of pitta prakriti over vata is comparable to the co morbidities & associated problems with ADHD like ODD, Anti-social behavior, violence,

صفحه 34:
»Maximum number of patients (50%) were of Rajasika-Sattvika prakriti and 30% of patients were of Rajasika-Tamas prakriti. Predominance of rajas part thus may cause wide emotional swings, low tolerance to emotional changes and exaggerated emotional reactions that may manifest as ADHD. »Maximum number of cases (70%) had average or poor (20%) parent child relationship. ‏حت فقت‎ indicate that persistent cases of ADHD seem especially likely to occur where parent child conflict,

صفحه 35:
»Study included Majority of cases (55%) having fewer friends. Children with ADHD have immature interactive skills, egocentric selfish behavior, low frustration tolerance, increased sensitivity to environmental stimuli. All of these may lead to rejection by the peer group. »Maximum number of patients (22.50%) showed a positive family history of ADHD-_ alike symptoms. The _ findings

صفحه 36:
>» Academic underperformance was found in most of the ADHD children (85%). It can be concluded that the academic performance is the most commonly affected areas of child’s functioning in the school years having ADHD. >65% of cases had aggression and 57.50% had violence associated with ADHD. Anxiety found in 20% of cases. 15% cases presented antisocial behaviors. Self-neglect was found in 30% of cases whereas 25% of cases had limited social skill. Data indicate the

صفحه 37:
EFFECT ON CORE SYMPTOMS OF DSM-IV *Group B showed maximum % of improvement among all the four groups in all the core symptoms while group C showed minimum improvement. *Group B showed significant gain over group A and group D indicating synergistic effect Iga Aes MOND thos UCONN UA RRS *Groups A, B and D showed statistically highly significant change in Reaction 00 *Statistically significant advantage was

صفحه 38:
EFFECT ON COEFFICIENT OF DIVISION OF ATTENTION SPAN (CD) *Statistically highly significant change in coefficient of division of attention was observed group A and B (P<0.001). *Significant change was observed in-group D (p<0.01). *Statistical evaluation of differences of change in CD between all the four groups showed insignificant results.

صفحه 39:
EFFECT ON FDT Statistically highly significant improvement in groups A and B (P<0.02), indicating the efficacy of the individuals therapies in each group. *Only group B showed highly significant advantage over group C (p<0.001) and significant advantage over groups A and D (p<0.02 and p<0.01 respectively), indicating the combined effect of drug and sirodhara in ot

صفحه 40:
CONCLUSION *Both the study drug & Shirodhara were effective in alleviating the symptoms of ADHD, but drug combined with Shirodhara had much greater potential to ameliorate the symptoms of ADHD rather than the drug or shirodhara alone. وت تن ‎aes‏ ف ‎adverse eae‏ لم

صفحه 41:

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