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0 Vcd

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Ohkat is TAPAS EA PA ‏فص 001 رصع اوددوس‎ *\It is a group of diverse medical and health care systems, practices and products that are not presently considered to be part of conventional medicine.

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Ore vowplewedy wedour ond ۰ ‏چد هر 9 هت بر که ده‎ ٩ ‏که کی کته هط‎ viker?

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لمعكنا ذأ عاك أل0ع22 لالقغادع ددع | مره ؟* ‎together with conventional medicine. An‏ ‎example of a complementary therapy is‏ ‎using aromatherapy to help lessen a‏ ‎patient’s discomfort following surgery.‏ * Alternative medicine is used in place of conventional medicine. An example of an alternative therapy is using a special diet to treat cancer instead of undergoing surgery, radiation, or chemotherapy that has been recommended by a conventional doctor.

صفحه 7:
۱0(( the wupr types ve po wple weary ‏لجن‎ ohercnoive Naat a ee

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OCCOO ‏رورت‎ ‎i eee‏ م ‎NS PAS EAS SF‏

صفحه 9:
. Alternative Medical Systems. e.g. Traditional Chinese Medicine and Ayurveda . Mind-Body Interventions. e.g. prayer, meditation, art, music, or dance. . Biologically Based Therapies. e.g. dietary supplements & herbal products . Manipulative and Body-Based Methods. e.g. chiropractic manipulation & massage . Energy Therapies. |. Biofield therapies. e.g. qi gong ll. Bioelectromagnetic-based therapies.

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٩۱۳2 ‏مور‎ ard

صفحه 11:
* Medical herbalism is the use of plant remedies in the prevention and treatment of illness. *Today, medical herbalism, practiced by medical herbalists, draws on traditional knowledge, but increasingly this is interpreted and applied in a modern context.

صفحه 12:
Ospevts oP wedicd herbulsaz Herbalism takes an holistic approach. Herbalists select herbs on an individual basis for each patient. Herbalists aim to identify the underlying cause (e.g. stress) of a patient's illness and to consider this in the treatment plan. , Herbs are Used) to stimulate the body's healing) capacity, to) Strengthen: bodily systems ana to) correct) disturbed body functions rather than) tO) theal presenting Symptoms, (2/۸ ۰ ۱۱۶۱۱۵5 ۱۸۵۷/36 50 1۵ 6101/1028 ۹ relief trom the Particular condition,

صفحه 13:
* One of the tenets of herbalism is that the different constituents of a herb act together in some way that has beneficial effects. These could be: 1. Additive effect: The combined effect of two drugs is equal to the sum of their individual actions. 2. Synergistic effect: The combined effect of two drugs is greater than the sum of the individual clei

صفحه 14:
ا ا 07 Medical herbalists treat a wide range of acute and chronic conditions. e.g. Irritable bowel syndrome Premenstrual syndrome Menopausal symptoms Eczema Types of arthritis Depression Acne and other skin conditions Cystitis (/nflammation ofthe urinary bladder) Migraine , Chronic fatigue syndrome, ۵ فا مه لب ند نب ‎So‏ ند تشر

صفحه 15:
Werbulst's Ppresvripiow Generally, a combination of several different herbs (usually 4-6) is used in the treatment of a particular patient. sometimes, a single herb may be given, e.g. chasteberry (vitex agnus castus) for premenstrual syndrome and dysmenorrhea. Each patient's treatment is reviewed regularly and is likely to be changed depending on whether or not there has been a response.

صفحه 16:
مه ۳ ۱6 بردمك اصابوام Rational phytotherapy Seek evidence that synergy or additive effects occur between herbs. لله ‎Preparations mainly‏ . formulated as tablets and capsules. . Single-herb products used ا . Using standardization. . Science-based approach. ۰ ابیتااتوتزر . Assume that synergy or additive effects occur between herbs. . Holistic prescribing. . Preparations mainly formulated as tinctures. . Mainly uses combinations of herbs. . Opposition towards standardization. . Not scientifically evaluated.

صفحه 17:
* Generally, medicinal herbs fall into two basic categories: tonic and stimulating. * Tonics help cells, tissues, and organs to maintain tone, or balance, throughout the body. Some tonics activate and invigorate bodily processes or parts. Other tonics supply important nutrients that cells, tissues, and organs need to function properly. Tonics ordinarily are taken regularly for three to nine months ata time to gently strengthen and improve overall health and/or Celtali 0۱۱۱ 5۰ ۱۱۱۱ ‏رت رت را ار‎ and are used to treat particular ailments. They ‏کرت ویتکا عط لانامطد‎ herbs, and for shorter periods of time.

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Homoeopathy was founded around 200 years ago by Samuel Hahnemann (1755-1843), a German physician and apothecary. »-106061, 8901100 ۳۱۵۱۱۱۵۵۵۱۱۱۶ ۱۹۱۱۱۵۵/29 6 60117

صفحه 22:
400 ‏ل‎ Paced ea ‏و‎ ‎۱ whirl Porc the busis oP classicdl A eee ais 1. A substance which, used in large doses, causes a symptom(s) in a healthy person can be used to treat that symptom(s) in a person who is ill. For example, Coffee, a remedy prepared from the coffee bean (a constituent, caffeine, is a central nervous system stimulant) would be used to treat insomnia. This is the so-called ‘like cures like’ concept. 2. The minimal dose of the substance should be used in order to prevent toxicity. 3. Only a single remedy or substance should be used in a patient at any one time.

صفحه 23:
2 سر رم( * Hahnemann’s principles of homoeopathy still form the basis of modern homoeopathic practice, with the exception of the single remedy rule, which is ignored by many homoeopaths in favor of multiple prescribing. * Modern-day provings have involved rigorous study design (randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled), while Hahnemann did not USE ۱۱۵۵۵۱۱5 study design,

صفحه 24:
۵ ‏وم ار‎ ۱۱ an ECA Lee . That illness results from the body’s inability to cope with challenging factors such as poor diet and adverse environmental conditions. . That the signs and symptoms of disease represent the body’s attempt to restore order. . That homoeopathic remedies work by stimulating the body’s own healing activity (the ‘vital force’) rather than by acting directly on the disease process. . That the ‘vital force’ is expressed differently in each individual, so treatment must be chosen on an individual (holistic) basis. ۲ نم w 5

صفحه 25:
۰ cod * Homoeopathic remedies and herbal medicines are often confused and/or deemed to be similar. The fundamental differences between the two types of preparation are: . Homoeopathic remedies are (mostly) highly dilute whereas herbal medicines are used at material strengths. . Many homoeopathic remedies (around 65%) originate from plants, whereas by definition all herbal medicines originate from plants. a iN)

صفحه 26:
® Many of the plants from which homoeopathic remedies are derived have a history of medicinal use. * Other types of material used in the preparation of homoeopathic remedies include animal, insect, biological, drug/chemical and mineral. * The starting point for the production of most homoeopathic remedies is a mother tincture, usually an alcohol/water extract of crude plant material. The mother tincture is then diluted according to either the decimal (dilution steps of 1 in 10; denoted by D or X) or centesimal (dilution steps of 1 in 100; denoted by C or cH) scale to form homoeopathic remedies or potencies.

صفحه 27:
® For example, on the decimal dilution scale, a 1X (or D1) remedy is prepared by taking one part mother tincture and adding it to nine parts diluent (dilute alcohol) and succussing the resulting 1 in 10 dilution. A 2X remedy is prepared by taking one part 1X remedy and adding it to nine parts diluent and succussing the resulting dilution, which is now a dilution of 1 in 100, and so on. The centesimal scale uses the same procedure except that each step involves adding one part mother tincture to 99 parts diluent so that the first step produces a 1 in 100 dilution (1C or 1cH), the second step a 1 in 10,000 dilution (2C) and so on. ® There are also LM potencies which involve serial dilutions of 1 in 50,000 at each step.

صفحه 28:
(eas oA AS AROS PTL cas PAR PAs] * Homeopathic remedies come in pellets, tablets, and dilutions (liquids). * The potentizing (mixing) affects the way a homeopathic medicine works. Generally speaking, the lower potencies, such as 3x or 6x, have a greater effect on the organs and are suited to acute illness. Medium potencies, such as 12x and 30x, affect the senses and nervous system. High potencies, 60x and above, affect mental condition.

صفحه 29:
توا مر رم ‎The‏ ون /حریتا دوه ‎Dosage‏ One dose every % hour to every 4 61015 06 2 02۷ ۲۵ 3 times a day Once a month to Once a year What It Affects Body organs. Used for symptoms of acute conditions Body organs plus the senses and nenvous system, Used for symptoms of chronic conditions Body organs, ‏در‎ ‎system, mind) and moos توص له عم Potency 6x, 12x, 6c, 12¢ 30x, 30¢ 200x, Im, 10m, LM

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* A typical dose of a homeopathic remedy is 3 tablets or 10 pellets for adults, 2 tablets or 5 pellets for children. * Remedies should be taken on an empty stomach, @ jhe tablets should be placed under the tongue and held there for as long as possible while they dissolve, If possible, you should not swallow the tablets,

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صفحه 32:
Aromatherapy is the therapeutic use of aromatic substances extracted from plants. The most important group of these substances is the essential oils. How essential oils are obtained ? . Distillation . Enfleurage . Solvent extraction . Expression « Se ee ‏ا‎

صفحه 33:
ی ¢ Typically, essential oils contain around 100 or more chemical constituents, mostly present at concentrations below 1%, although some constituents are present at much lower concentrations. Some essential oils contain one or two major constituents, and the therapeutic and toxicological properties of the oil can largely be attributed to those constituent(s). * The composition of an essential oil will vary according to the plant's environment and growing conditions, the plant part used and on methods of harvesting, extraction and storage.

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The constituents of essential oils are largely volatile compounds which are sensitive to the effects of light, heat, air and moisture and should therefore be stored in a cool place in tightly closed, darkened bottles. * There is the possibility of adulteration and contamination occurring during processing. Gross adulteration can be detected using established analytical techniques such as gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS). * Essential oils should be referred to by the Latin binomial name of the plant species from which a particular oil is derived.

صفحه 35:
۱ . Aromatherapists believe that essential oils can be used not only for the treatment and prevention of disease, but also for their effects on mood and emotion. . Aromatherapy is claimed to be an holistic therapy. . Aromatherapists believe that the constituents of essential oils work synergistically. . Essential oils are described not only with reference to reputed pharmacological properties (e.g. antibacterial), but also by terms that are not recognized in conventional medicine (e.g. balancing, energizing).

صفحه 36:
۳۹ ۵ Oporkks * Essential oils are believed to act both by exerting pharmacological effects following; i. Absorption into the circulation. 2 Ihe effects of their odor on the Olfactory system).

صفحه 37:
تم مر بر روز ¢ Aromatherapy is widely used as an approach to relieving stress, and many essential oils are claimed to be ‘relaxing’. # Many aromatherapists also claim that essential oils can be used in the treatment of a wide range of conditions. For example: digestive problems, eczema, headaches, insomnia. ¢ Aromatherapy is also used in a variety of conventional healthcare settings, such as mental health units and in specialized units caring for patients with HIV/AIDS, physical disabilities and severe learning disabilities.

صفحه 38:
۱۱2۹ oP Ostay Gsserutd Oils Inhaling through vaporization .d Bathing .© Compress .O Massage .F

صفحه 39:
مر هر رش *Some oils should be avoided by people with certain conditions, such as: 1. High blood pressure 2. Epilepsy 3. pregnancy

صفحه 40:
Table 1. Some Essential Oils Commonly Used in Aromatherapy (eet ed Uses Lavender Sedation Bergamot Eucalyptus Stimulation; uplift Address congestion; coughs Antifungal Stimulation; enhance concentration Enhance meditation practice Tea tree Rosemary Frankincense erated Lavendula angustifolia Gtrus bergamia Eucalyptus gobulus Melaleuca alternifolia Rosemarinus officinalis Boswellia carterii

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