صفحه 1:

صفحه 2:
Complementary & ternative Therapy غ+131116 ونكاج5 ‎Kathy Cress-Waugh‏ ‎Kendra Miller‏

صفحه 3:
“Curing the soul; that is the first thing” -Socrates ‏بعمأقغممع ملعك و8)‎ 2005(

صفحه 4:
rience Your Enengy ee =a - یتست (Fontaine, 2005)

صفحه 5:

صفحه 6:
ass Will be able to compare the positives / is. the negatives of integrating alternate ierapies into nursing practice 3) The class will distinguish for themselves after the presented material whether they support or are against the use of alternative therapies 4) The class will be able to list ways that they can integrate these therapies into their nursing practice

صفحه 7:
توعد 9 2 رد۲1 (1596-1650) Sir Issac Newton (1642-1727) Mechanistic/ reductionistic =“ (Fontaine, 2005)

صفحه 8:
112 Chronic/ debilitating (56 (Fontaine, 3005)

صفحه 9:

صفحه 10:
| ۵11۲ ۱۵1105, ۱6۵۲۲, 2110 head in ng healing environments : entific skills & spiritual 0 Attitude and perspective Holistic Take care of yourself (Fontaine, 2006)

صفحه 11:
> a ‏الا‎ Balance Spirituality Energy 121 (Fontaine, 2006)

صفحه 12:
۳۳ Cm Traditional Chinese Medicine Ayurvedic Medicine Native American Healing and Curanderismo (Fontaine, 2006)

صفحه 13:
Aromatherapy Homeopathy Naturopathy (Fontaine, 2006)

صفحه 14:
۲1 ‏رآ زراءزر‎ Te ۲1/۱۱۶9 ۶ 8 06 Pressure Point Therapies = =Hand-Mediated Biofield Therapies Combined Physical and Biofield Therapies (Fontaine, 2006)

صفحه 15:
۳ ‏رمت اا‎ and Guided a = Dreamwork = Intuition Biofeedback Movement-Oriented Therapies (Fontaine, 2006)

صفحه 16:
(Fontaine, 2006)

صفحه 17:
۱0 5 ۵۱۵۵۱۱۲0۲۲۱۵0۱66 Detoxifying Therapies Animal-Assisted Therapy (Fontaine, 2006)

صفحه 18:
Juenci OF CAT O ‏روز‎ of legitimacy, efficacy, and benefits Knowledge & experience Nurses stress and environmental stressors (Tracy, Lindquist, Savik, Watanuki, Sendelbach, Kreitzer, & Berman, 2005)

صفحه 19:
WG background ‎affiliation‏ راو روز ‎sOther sociodemographic factors Concerns about legal issues Ethical issues Lack of equipment, time, training

صفحه 20:
pes! > Foden CevanlesnleclaVAreli(c| ative Misco, Story sitive attitudes Physiological and psychological benefits Combination with conventional medicine Cost-effective (within hospital) “Specific to patient and not the disease” (Helms, 2006).

صفحه 21:
ا هر ۱ دحي برط لجل رصرظ) » ‎SOc aN cic‏ تم ‎ANN ace‏ اكد

صفحه 22:
Gons of ‏یبیل پبینی‎ Alternative Thera or icine(GAT/CAM) 002-2- Unreported use Safety Adverse Drug Reactions Money/ Expenses Nurse related issues

صفحه 23:
ge negative feelings. "=47% of patient use CAM. 1/3 unreported AM can effect clinical disorders, and can have adverse reactions with conventional medications. Mantle, 2006

صفحه 24:
“Ihave to say had a different impression of what Holk ell abOUL Mantle, 2006 Practitioners are always educated on linical disorders Adverse nutrition and 92-122 ‏3ات‎ ‎Side effects of CAM

صفحه 25:
۶ ۵۳۸9 50 ۷ ‏ا‎ ‎۱۰ ۰ able blood pressure control Unstable diabetes aaa remedies (over the counter) 12 adverse drug reactions in 24 months Mantle, 2006/ Jose, Rao, Kamath, & Jimmy,

صفحه 26:
{Of the pocket expenses Imany limitations to insurer reimbursement Consumer demand proven efficacy cost effectiveness Grimaldi, 2008

صفحه 27:
ll 0 5 5 0 he £ () ae 9 aS 17 — 3}

صفحه 28:
Eack of information in nursing education related to CAM Not enough time Not enough training Not enough Knowledge Ethical issues Reluctance of peers and physicians غه لإعة1 /2006 ,وصماعم ‎al, 2005‏

صفحه 29:
و بت مر نیاو رت ‎Complementary‏ Curricula =Provide complementary and alternative =Inedicine (CAM) learning opportunities for faculty through workshops, seminars, and online learning modules. « Revise course objectives to reflect CAM interventions in patient care. eae

صفحه 30:
۳0 ‏ان‎ courses and clinical experiences. or inclusion of CAM in textbooks before Aclude CAM articles as part of required readings. “Provide adequate library resources, such as CAM 0 Include basic CAM principles on tests.

صفحه 31:
1060 about CAM! http://www.youtube.com/watc h?v=ig3lyCB4ytg

صفحه 32:
O12) WwW. © you perceive as the barriers to Using these therapies? 22 Would anyone like to share their personal fence where alternative therapies have ca used? Beneficial or non-beneficial? 4) How would you integrate these therapies into your nursing practice?

صفحه 33:
—_ سس

صفحه 34:
Boosts the immune system Lowers blood pressure Use 2 tsp of powered or grated root per cup of boiling water. Steep 20 mins, strain, add juice from half a lemon and honey for taste. Drink hot up to 3 cups a day. (Fontaine, 2006)

صفحه 35:
‌ ۱5۳۴۹۱۵65 ۱۳۱6 0196511۷6 ۳۵ ۴560 ۲۵ treat colds, cough, & fever For infusion: use 1 tsp of fresh herb or 2 tsp of dried leaves per cup of boiling water. Steep 10 mins, strain, and drink up to 3 cups a day. (Fontaine, 2006)

صفحه 36:
اي كيم ا 2 ix Oils together and use in any of these ways: Several drops in a diffuser, 2 drops on a tissue and breathe in the aroma, 4 drops in a bath, add 8 drops to 2 tbs of massage oil and massage the chest, back, neck, forehead, nose, cheekbones. (Fontaine, 2006)

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