سایرتحقیق و پژوهش


صفحه 1:
620۲۶ ۷ ۵0۵ وام

صفحه 2:
REQUIREMENTS DEFINITION |AND SPECIFICATION REQUIREMENTS ELICITATION, ANALYSIS AND NEGOTIATION Prototyping Documentation snd testing and validation The p rocess of determining requirements

صفحه 3:
کلب موه ‎First, the developing tea‏ و ‎pustowers to elicit he nequirewwedts, by ashi‏ ‎sive systews, or eve‏ مت ومیل ‎qnesiivw,‏ ‎ppolew.‏

صفحه 4:
۵۵ را دح ااي ‎Domain models‏ تت _ ‎ame‏ i و سمل ‎aan‏ ۳ Raking requirements ore or Reusable Suggested types Rew ponte: of rey urements / ‏وود ها ععبه از‎ Requirements template le requirements (Robertson and Robertson 1997) ‘Source of pos:

صفحه 5:
۵ 10/۲۰/۲۳۹۵ را

صفحه 6:
4۶0. ۵ © ‏با‎ require weuts dePiciiva domed is 0 powwplete proposed systes to do. 11 ‏وص‎ ot ‏وه موه عا مارب ان‎ pr wots, oer if ie

صفحه 7:
4٩۶0۰. ۵۵ م معا مهو جما و مه و و 0 1-7 | را و بر ‎write‏ ‏دوعسم وو ‎(esmecors per doesnot cea sree brs paren,‏ او ساوسو موه وه ما موم ‎designers. @ui oPea bots eer oP doracoecis ore aeeded, od te cord‏ و ابص وی ارجا و ‎ts foe‏ مها ‎thet or‏ 0

صفحه 8:
خاو عمط ملظ امد نو شید و the spstew © wo Pucntiood requireweds (DP Rs) deseribe ‏موه مه اوه‎ (e.y. sevuniy, rebabiliy, portubliy, soPety, perPorwour) ‎baci]‏ زر تا و یا يون ا صمي عمو م اد ‏اس ساوسو

صفحه 9:
0000102001١ 00 ٩ ۵۶ 00000000002001١ ‎oP the qecerd purpose oP the sysiew‏ نهر ‏مويو خا ‎the bockyrournd wed obievives‏ اه مسب و اجه مه امه ‎develppwedt (2.4. iP the sysiew is i‏ ‎wpprowh)‏

صفحه 10:
© Reqirewed 4۱.9.۸۰ 1/۳۹/۳۵ ۵ 1D@CE. Logicd provessiag shal be doar ‏هه‎ ۵۶ TPROCK OO IDOEGE. This shall have as foput WPOODOOER O@TO. This shall have as vulzut WO, GTOVE DONO ud IOPECE 10. This togical procession, whe uppropricte, sho ‏موه بو وه رام‎ oP IDOE. This lrgicd procession, wheo appropriate, shall ideaiPy the ype oP eutiy tostoare ‏عمصط جه‎ ID PGE OM TPROCK. DONE: a request Por pulses is wade by ‏منطو‎ a Porvoo record fata the WOT whick Peeds the palse-secnt procedures.

صفحه 11:

صفحه 12:

صفحه 13:
۱۹۹0 ۰ equine weds one ‏مرها امه و وا مرن ماه‎ where stueweuts moo hove wore tho poe wesc. (Pond requineweuts hrouages help reduce ‏ینارون‎ ۰

صفحه 14:
2۵ رها ۸ موی یحو او ‎Dhe‏ © ارب ,جوم منود لا چاه له سل( ‎desiqa‏ جك مسرم ور لاتادوصةعصسخا ۱ ‎utributes or extercal icterPaves ord‏ | موه ‎powPors to the powpoapy‏

صفحه 15:
۰ ۲0 ‏هچ واحاه “امور دوو ۲و عاممممجه‎ is "the product skould Kove a ‏لو‎ hucvad ioterPace". (or pxawple oP a veriPiable nequineweul is "Ihe systew wil respowd to a user request wii OO seve oP the user pressing the cuter key, 6006 ‏ان‎ the fico"

صفحه 16:
COOGIGTEDT Dkree types oP oooP ict whick coo cour oe: ©» ‏حون مها محرو ندل‎ Por the sae vbievt! Por ‏رام‎ ‎PCS" ced "a tors Porc" wight be used to describe the soe Pore. ‎oP pbjevts cooblint) Por exacvple, ica poe port of‏ موی و ‎the requirewees deposed, “cred fybt vil tocicote o Rout",‏ ‎while io canter port, “a bhoe tet will torciccte a Pout".‏ ‎© logicdl or texopordl Pouls: Por excple, "@ Pols " it vo ] aed @ ooour sicvutecezusly" i caiker.

صفحه 17:
0 Vee requirewedts domed should hove o vokereut ‏مه‎ wits a table Require wed stoteweuts should be averrederdcrat

صفحه 18:
© ‏مرن با‎ oP euck require wed should be clear, thus Paviltattacy ‏نطو‎ traseubiliy! to previous devisioas wade, werd 'Porwvard teaceubilip’ to off domueds 'spaweed' Brow the requirewects domed.

صفحه 19:
© ‏مج موه نوس با‎ should be designed ۱ iP oepessury woodiPied throughout the Pe oP the product. It should be usable even io the pperaiog ced woicteoca6e phuses.

صفحه 20:
۳86 REQOIREDEDTG © (oot the chests do ot Keo whet they vost © Dw upprouckes ty proipippicg throwaway ood ‏مارد‎ © 0 tow wy propre is svPiwore developed to bear wore ubout o problew or explore the Peosibtiiy or desircbiliy DF possible svluives. It is exploratory, ved it is ont ‏دا للجم‎ be used us oc -octud port of the delivered sR.

صفحه 21:
۵۲ ‎prope is developed to leur obout a‏ ارو ول و ‎problew ocd Porc the basis Por sowe or oll oP the delivered‏ ‎Por exanple, P oostowers ure ot sure what‏ .جمس امد ‎iad oP user ioterPace they vod Por their systew, pou oot‏ ‎build severd euchiiosary protippes Por thew ont cue oor‏ مسجت و ‎interPuce is chosen, the proiippe coo be developed‏ ‎ioterPuce ood delivered wits the nest oP the product.‏

صفحه 22:
0۵۵ ماما وحن موی ها تمه لا ان مد ‎requineweuts wil weet he custowers' weeds‏ سا ما و بت و ماما لجی هی امن با ‎wend wink‏ 5500 مكاسم ‎wwakewatrdl‏

صفحه 23:
ام بو با لممطلیی سوه نت وی لو چبومیین 0‏ ۰ ‎wert their ceeds.‏ اس ‎hey cou be sure he syste‏ ‎Orskess worners, why ove unkrstosnl the they oxmexueucey oP‏ مرو با وی له بط ‎boss Por develope ot‏ 0 جد صصص شوج ‎Orokners, who se the‏ موه ماو و بو اما و ‎vod‏ مكل ‎srk ae‏ او ‎soP aware‏ با نم مج ‎test suites io‏ لجه طل ابا مرو ون ویو بو لو ماود مور ارت دراه مرو و خر خه بو و و و جوا اما و رو وا مه ما موم وا روط جما تا و ‎view ond cophine the requineeds no way‏ کی ‎pb aks parte,‏ موم

صفحه 24:
Cowon wethods ue eter vie vier ‏نموه‎ ‎Observativa ‎Repertory Grids Ovuwept Duppicry loict @pphicaiva Desige Coctextuad Desicqet

صفحه 25:
۲ © ‏با‎ wost widely Used techoique ia requineweuts (Qolvets interview Putune users oP the systeuw ‏ان( وا ارهز‎ wut: ۰ What the preseu systesw does ocd © What chonyes oe ceeded.

صفحه 26:
۳۱6۶ GTEPG:

صفحه 27:
و من ولمم سح نان جوا ی او اه موه ‎wns or‏ ی[ ‏ممم حمل ‎py‏ ‎physics tet books‏ و کم لاه ‎your‏ مويص «تاتوديه ‎26 ۳۵0/۱۵4 ۵۳۲۲ 1۵۵0۵/۳۷۵ 0۵۱

صفحه 28:
00 06000010006رام) ‎GOVEDOLIOG‏ reper abet oF opis ond questions ty be covered to help posure trot Keportast points ore ool overlooked cad tral ire interview Plows ot bovierd pression. Ochedvhay iierviews should proceed Brow the top dow. © Whew of deporknedis or serio ore any fier ‏ها‎ ‏وروی‎ who repo io thew. © ote viewers should exphic the purpose ‏اج برش با چاه‎ anew ty be covered, ond the opproxkrae amour oF ‏او و‎ cover dl areas.

صفحه 29:
۱ © )]( ‏اس ی رتصواه ی با حجنن‎ ۳ poulusivas. © Quod dosed questives us the result oP this upprouk is sully thot the ioterviewers yive a brieP coswer to the questioo ood theo Wait Por the cext poe, ukvost os (Phe were beta ‏جب ماعل ه برط تیه‎

صفحه 30:
۱ Qotve tstectag ‏له سا موجه لا اوه سا عماج‎ ‏و۳‎ adequate Peedback Prow oslyst to ‏.هروه‎ ‎Phe ontive tsteciag techoique kos Pive key tools: ]0 ppew-euded questivas Osten uppropriate words und phruses ‎pues‏ جححهاوروصعه كانه ج9ومموم ] ‎sileure ePPevively‏ رو(

صفحه 31:
WOO TO ۳0 Obsed questo: (why, where, when, whick) ‏موه موه و و له اما ,را من جرا بو‎ provides هو خر موی و ‎prints‏ مر و اه وش و وا موی مر ‎or az Peedbacks‏ ون ره وراه و ای ‏ممعم مكالم تامسر وخا تم جيم تدم صل ‏مه او را و او ات و مهو

صفحه 32:
Oped questions: (what, why, how) “Dell oe what happees wheo a pion cals? are broad oad place Pew powsindeis 70 he Ker ieee ای راهن مره لوط و سوه مرول بر ‎cena!‏ ‎kam deck rerieey: core? ort‏ ماه مور ما او وله لو له سا صم وه بو روطچ و موه ماه مور ‎oud vader heory‏ و دنت تا میت

صفحه 33:
و ام جوم ۱ باه عولط موه نت شاه ولمم ‎Gitte‏ ‏تاک ‎pur.‏ Lookiec) of objents tothe roo or store pul the wiedow instead oP bobiery ot the fiteruiewer. ((Becouse this behavior sucuests thot the omdyet waukd rather be Weg ee renames oe eaten neces short. “Doki, excessive uies or visvaly reviewiay wies. (Ba ordyst who records rearrested oy writes. (Gitte to Por away or too close. (Gitte tor Par ‏ام موی اه پویه‎ the coals ts foteridated by the taterviewsr, while sitio too close way pout wo ‏موه‎ level oF ‏وهای نموه لیلج بو‎

صفحه 34:
جما ,تن ‎desorbtay 3 problew. (1 suck‏ & نها ‎Okeu he‏ ها مان مس ما ها موه متسر 0 (hea the ooayet wots to ‏مان اه یه ام‎ hear ‏اه وا رو نز لو ماه سا سوت )مت ما‎ ؤز ز ز ز [ ز[ز[ز ز [ [ [ |[ [ [ 0 0 وم اه و ‎po the sere tur.)‏ ] he osdyet wens to parang the fier iewer. (Restart ot peowpl he terviewsr io expand or ehborae oa what kas ber sic.)

صفحه 35:
Cohoray he hier iewer, Le. repeat pracy whol the Kier viewer beer ‏بجاو مس لو‎ it dPPerect words. (Bchorn bere very pbviows Pier the Pret Pew ives fl ooruns ued co wah the fier ewe racer Babe Ouenwty resktowed, Wwhick coo be dstrantiog to the toerviewer. lente or dstortay the weccicy toteoded by the toterviewsr. (BD restaieweu should be os close i he Kerviewee's wean) os possble.) QRustag the pick oP the voice of he ead oP a restatewedt. (This habit ‏يحي مایت فا یعاس سرت‎ abe by peo vr ae Relea ‏عل‎ ‎uu eviction Por he tier viewer 7 expoad ou kis or ker cowwedts.)

صفحه 36:
0۳ ‎to sel products to‏ مج ‎aterviewer Respouse. De‏ و ‎have ont port their bits.‏ ] ‎٠ CP fenive Restaewed. Mke syste processes orders 17 interviewer i expr.) ‎° TeePerive Restaewed. ky doo't you check the pvstower's credit status bePore provessiacy the order? (Oistorts interviewer's weucicy. ) ‎© DOCODEOMOG MLE REGOLTG = see website wies

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