کسب و کارعلوم مهندسیمدیریت و رهبریمهندسی صنایع و مواد

Decision Support and Business Intelligence Systems(Chapter 1)

صفحه 1:
Decision Support and Business Intelligence Systems 0د : Chapter 1: Decision Support Systems and Business Intelligence

صفحه 2:
Changing Business Environment =" Companies are moving aggressively to computerized support of their operations => Business Intelligence =" Business Pressures-Responses- Support Model = Business pressures result of today's competitive business climate = Responses to counter the pressures aoe ‏به يت‎

صفحه 3:
Business Pressures-Responses- Support Model Business Organization's Decisions and Environmental Factors Responses. Support — Globalization Strategy Analyses Customer demand Partners’ collaboration Predictions Government regulations, Reabtime response Decisions Market conditions Agility Competition Opportunities| Increased productivity Etc, New vendors New business models Integrated computerized decision ‘support Ete. Business ttelligence 2 25000 Pramre 35 0-0-1 —_—_

صفحه 4:
The Business Environment =" The environment in which organizations operate today is becoming more and more complex, creating: = opportunities, and = problems " Example: globalization =" Business environment factors: = markets, consumer demands, O00 Prove 7 ‏ور ی‎ Lod

صفحه 5:
Business Environment Factors Strong competition Expanding global markets Blooming electronic markets on the Internet Innovative marketing methods Opportunities for outsourcing with IT support ‘Need for real-time, on-demand transactions Consumer Desire for customization demand _ Desire for quality, diversity of products, and speed of delivery Customers getting powerful and less loyal = Technology More innovations, new products, and new services Increasing obsolescence rate Increasing information overload Social networking, Web 2.0 and beyond Societal Growing government regulations and deregulation Workforce more diversified, older, and composed of more women Prime concerns of homeland security and terrorist و ۹

صفحه 6:
Organizational Responses " Be Reactive, Anticipative, Adaptive, and Proactive =" Managers may take actions, such as = Employ strategic planning = Use new and innovative business models = Restructure business processes = Participate in business alliances = Improve corporate information systems = Improve 9 se

صفحه 7:
Managers actions, continued = Improve customer service and relationships =" Move to electronic commerce (e-commerce) = Move to make-to-order production and on- demand manufacturing and services = Use new IT to improve communication, data access (discovery of information), and collaboration =" Respond quickly to competitors’ actions (e.g., in pricing, promotions, new products and services) = Automate many tasks of white-collar employees

صفحه 8:
Closing the Strategy Gap = One of the major objectives of computerized decision support is to facilitate closing the gap between the current performance of an organization and its desired performance, as expressed in its mission, objectives, and goals, and the strategy to achieve them

صفحه 9:
Managerial Decision Making =" Management is a process by which organizational goals are achieved by using resources = Inputs: resources = Output: attainment of goals = Measure of success: outputs / inputs =" Management = Decision Making =" Decision making: selecting the best solution from two or more oe Precare Td

صفحه 10:
Decision Making Process =" Managers usually make decisions by following a four-step process (a.k.a. the scientific approach) 1. Define the problem (or opportunity) 2. Construct a model that describes the real-world problem 3. Identify possible solutions to the modeled problem and evaluate the solutions 4. Compare, ‏اس‎ and ‏لامك‎ 3

صفحه 11:
Decision making is difficult, because = Technology, information systems, advanced search engines, and globalization result in more and more alternatives from which to choose = Government regulations and the need for compliance, political instability and terrorism, competition, and changing consumer demands produce more uncertainty, making it more difficult to predict consequences and the future = Other factors are the need to make rapid decisions, the frequent and unpredictable changes that make trial-and-error learning difficult, and the potential costs of making ‎sd‏ زد انح ‏وج ۹ و 5000 ۱5 2 :1 ‎

صفحه 12:
Why Use Computerized DSS =" Computerized DSS can facilitate decision via: = Speedy computations = Improved communication and collaboration = Increased productivity of group members =" Improved data management " Overcoming cognitive limits ® Quality support; agility support 9 ۳

صفحه 13:
A Decision Support Framework (by Gory and Scott-Morten, 1971) ‘Type of Control Managerial Strategic ‏وت یبا‎ Control Control Planning Accounts receivable L4] Budget analysis 2 | Financial management L3 Accounts payable Shortterm forecasting | Investment portfolio Structured Order entry Personnel reports Warehouse location Make-onbuy Distribution systems Production scheduling L4} Credit evaluation 5 Building anew plant LS Inventory contro! Budget preparation Mergers & acquisitions Plant layout New product planning Semistructured Project scheduling ‘Compensation planning Reward system design | Quality assurance Inventory eategorzation | HR policies Inventory planning Buying software 7} Negotiating 8} R&D planning ‏لكا‎ ‎‘Approving loans Recruiting an executive | New tech, development Unstructured | Operating ahelp desk | Buying hardware Social responsibilty Selecting a cover fora | Lobbying planning magazine سس سس و و یسیو سس وی بو ‎ee‏ ‏_—_— وج ‎O00 Premre Oder, he.‏ © = 13

صفحه 14:
A Decision Support Framework - cont. =" Degree of Structuredness (Simon, 1977) = Decision are classified as = Highly structured (a.k.a. programmed) = Semi-structured = Highly unstructured (i.e., non- programmed) = Types of Control (Anthony, 1965) " Strategic planning (top-level, long- range)

صفحه 15:
Simon’s Decision-Making Process Intelligence Environment scanning) Problems or Opportunities Analyzing solutions

صفحه 16:
Computer Support for Structured Decisions = Structured problems: encountered repeatedly, have a high level of structure = It is possible to abstract, analyze, and classify them into specific categories = e.g., make-or-buy decisions, capital budgeting, resource allocation, distribution, procurement, and ‎control‏ نوه معام ‎6 =— BDU Preven ۹ ‏که سا‎

صفحه 17:
Management Science Approach = Also referred to as Operation Research = In solving problems, managers should follow the five-step MS approach 1. Define the problem 2 Classy the problem into a standard category 3. Construct a model that describes the real-world problem ee identify possible solutions to the modeled —__

صفحه 18:
Automated Decision Making = A relatively new approach to supporting decision making = Applies to highly structures decisions = Automated decision systems (ADS) (or decision automation systems) = An ADS is a rule-based system that provides a solution to a repetitive managerial problem in a specific و ۹ 18

صفحه 19:
Automated Decision Making = ADS initially appeared in the airline industry called revenue (or yield) management (or revenue optimization) systems = dynamically price tickets based on actual demand = Today, many service industries use similar pricing models = ADS are driven by business rules! و ۹ و7 ۱55007

صفحه 20:
Computer Support for Unstructured Decisions = Unstructured problems can be only partially supported by standard computerized quantitative methods =" They often require customized solutions =" They benefit from data and information = Intuition and judgment may play a role

صفحه 21:
Computer Support for Semi-structured Problems = Solving semi-structured problems may involve a combination of standard solution procedures and human judgment =" MS handles the structured parts while DSS deals with the unstructured parts = With proper data and information, a range of alternative solutions, along

صفحه 22:
Concept of Decision Support Systems Classical Definitions of DSS = Interactive computer-based systems, which help decision makers utilize data and models to solve unstructured problems" — - Gorry and Scott-Morton, 1971 = Decision support systems couple the intellectual resources of individuals with the capabilities of the computer to improve the quality of decisions. It is a computer-based support system for management decision makers who deal with semistructured ۰ Creare Tod — 7 او و

صفحه 23:
DSS as an Umbrella Term =" The term DSS can be used as an umbrella term to describe any computerized system that supports decision making in an organization = E.g., an organization wide knowledge management system; a decision support system specific to an organizational function (marketing, finance, accounting, manufacturing, planning, SCM, etc.) وج ۹ و7 ۱55007 2 ود

صفحه 24:
DSS as a Specific Application = In a narrow sense DSS refers to a process for building customized applications for unstructured or semi-structured problems " Components of the DSS Architecture " Data, Model, Knowledge/Intelligence, User, Interface (API and/or user interface) = DSS often i tti created b 2 lad

صفحه 25:
x High-Level Architecture of a DSS | سس الم من | Knowledge User interface

صفحه 26:
Types of DSS = Two major types: = Model-oriented DSS = Data-oriented DSS = Evolution of DSS into Business Intelligence = Use of DSS moved from specialist to managers, and then whomever, whenever, wherever = Enabling tools like OLAP, data warehousing, data mining, intelligent systems, delivered

صفحه 27:
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