صفحه 1:
صفحه 2:
4s the power iu the
potou pr te the
7 ۳۳10
صفحه 3:
() ویر
Gtodects will be able to dismuss the history used
uses oP Crbicaced
» Gtadects will be uble ماه وان سا نصا با
2 Gtodeuts will be uble to support or deup chis
ubout Crobicaced based له وتو مس
» Gradeats will be uble to deoiPy products
وعددحكات 2 دتم هموص
صفحه 4:
* © votive plot to the عنام اوح oP Custera
Ook Owerca
© Vs cave vowes Prow the Breck word
evhiuv, weooiery یلع
٠ Drere ue three spevies: ©. purpured, ©.
لمه ,مناد لأصيمه C. potida
* 41 مو ونناصي rod books, proes, Pields, ood ict
dy, ۳
صفحه 5:
Cckicaved Wistory
۰ عدد!ة) هذا برط ءصادو جم وى ۶ 5
٠ Prev used if to fred بوصلاط عكادمك ,جصلاط اتجكو]
رادها صصمك رهام wounds, ۲۲7۳۲7۳5,
swwulpox, ond weustes.
* Wbecave popular io Curope ond @overica
duricy the (9090's us « Polk wedicice.
صفحه 6:
Chaos & Coww0a Ozer
٠ Dkot if وا رم owe systew tv help
Prevedt ced Pight Peviows
و( سین
5 م treat ced preveu colds, Phu, or vier
© Do stitute the ویو نموت in order to kelp
Fight oP evtions
صفحه 7:
Corvsiturds pP لب
Csseutdl vil
Paty uvids
Oitrvics D, O, ud C.
صفحه 8:
Oowpoveus of te Plot That are
1۳ to be Orurhivid
8 barge polysaccharides (icrutict)
wuy toreuse the production vP PD -vells ord
fooreuse عصللكا اه ان cell activity
٠ Pat Golvable dhlowides god coPPeic acid
صفحه 9:
Vhevreicd Busis
٠ )6 وجاورو عنصو وكا طاوصوط دعوو وان by
رححمك* عصان خم عادرها هذا بجوم صا whiok
wy inoreuse phoypopiosis, vetukar
respirdiory uriviy, od lephoopte uctivatiod
Prow the neleuse oP tuwor uevrvsis Puctor,
۰ص مس( له رال
صفحه 10:
(100) عه( صا
* Chase oP coturd proteus procures by the
Dells oP he koeruce syoiewe oP covet
كأ دده it respouse to chortle by
Poreiqa cues suck us viruses, buvteria,
purcusites, , wed tucson cells. ها
belpor te the forge chiss oP سرا
صفحه 11:
صفحه 12:
© Greek: Por “big واه
© Ore white blood vels, wore speviFicaly
phoyoovies, untiag io the wwuspevitic
dePeuse us well us the ماود رو
oysiew. Mheir role is to phoypopiize (eau
ued thea digest) aetutar debris end
صفحه 13:
° his the wost yeur-deuse revivd oP the
role ic the Keune رو wubb wun,
صفحه 14:
Cxanples oP Olycoproiieus
(عد اجام مسجو ) جع لدجاامه جه حاصك دصار جصات () 5
ینوت with را اه انار
٠ وصانجوان() oP the wor Kistoooopatbilpy
<<) OWC), whick ure expressed vo
the surPave oP cells ocd foteract wit T-cells os
صفحه 15:
Ouro & Gide GPPevts
© Ghoul ot be tokeo with حلص یخی
such us: TO, leivvsis, powseviive issue
disorders, oolaqeursis, hupus, und OBIDG.
© Gide ePPevts ore رات یط نها و
reuotivas suck us roskes ued usthwa.
٠ Prev usu) poour ia people dhersic to netoted
عم to the daisy ۰
صفحه 16:
درا هون ومیل مار
hove to say?
Ove ked siqePicoot feo وصاكد ادك موصت
(Pow products wisteud poomanvers ubout the pheuol
costed (Pheanls are the phot chewicds used tr jude
the qualiy oP Erbicaen)
0 produnt clove to have O-P% total polypheuls ard
اه دیجمت ۵
Olker produnts poctaiced less thar © 90, ©0096, لحم
2266 و their chicved aout oP pheuls.
صفحه 17:
@rodurts wad Pores
* Dre ubove youd pads ond roots ane wode
foto teas, NiDeS, extracts, or topiod Pores
© Products iuchide vapsules, teas, acd fuctures.
صفحه 18:
Orick: Crhicaced purured therapy Por the ادا
لا موی سا چم
* Qocdowized double-bhed, plamebo-cociched cticical tat ws
* Iavoved ICP panicipacts spit .صصص © ماد
٠ Ove you reveved (OO wy oP Crbicaed purpured urd
the viher .یووم و هروس وبحب
٠ @otk woups reveived doses O fives أل بول ه heir old
ws your or vot the ead oP UP dope. (1)
صفحه 19:
كلابب لاه موی سا اه هه Orie:
worehiced Crhicarra
٠ dO day reedowized double-biicd, سوام
ده ورب او هوجو
۱ Erhicaed us a
.حامج سا موس
٠ (SO peuple pontivipoted ced were split ico too ۰
© Ove your reveived u placebo od the جنب ويس اه
* @otk مس took P capsules O fives هد day.
° Whe use oP a O-poiat sode survey wos udkvivistered daily
fo detercviae the severity oP the ook. (C)
صفحه 20:
4a botk onicles reviewed there were كا له وم
sanyested Crbicares to be beoePividl.
The oticles did uot puppet clos wode نواه
0 وا ممطلی these Piodiag تیه ررض تاو و
Cchivares hee lithe or a7 ePPevt vo tracuiiogy rote. (QO)
Ob websites that provided icPorncivd about Erbicaed
(DOT PROOOCTNS) stated that it ix oot تلم
صفحه 21:
* Cokivuced is ot Poucd to be beoeP ictal ot this
* Ov wt weste pour wovrey oo Cohicaved
صفحه 22:
GoiedPic QePerewes
OdiewPP, 0. Crkivaced purpures therapy Por the
treukved oF the cowed ook: (B rondocized, double-
bled, phamebo-couicted choice trict. Cae
6006: 109: 9۰
Ouret, P., @., Crows, b., R., bockeu, K., &
Ona aR. ره
worehiced Cchicared: @ readowized, double-btcd,
.انا نامام Porat oP 1 م ل
9009: 491۶: 9959-08۰
.وح رو/) امه( Erba. Paericoa .@ رل
۰ ,9502009
Crbicaces treated Por the poowsood ool. ۵۰ رب
Ofeicd IPevious Diseusr.
صفحه 23:
OsePul Opbsites
Oxtiocd Oruter Por Covwpleweutary und @hercative
۱) ناص .كاك مضه
۱۱(( the Pree eoopolopedia.
eu. wikipedia.org ناه( اس
Werbd InPorxwatioa Oruter.
واه لوط اون بونج زر انل