صفحه 1:
صفحه 2:
Overview ve Rowe Education
* Corl Renble (PSO-3SO08C)
* Onweste ehucuica by porevis, esp. pater Porter
* @griedhird, dowestic, word, & cul chile, Por bots boye/aide
* Op stro cattocrad حصنا
* pure Ours = مد موم( معط
* bate Republe (BOO-DC)
۰ Boerqeure of wore Porcwd, tiered schools, by obtiyy > جيه
* Greek inPlucare sireagheos ww! private tuore, lieroture, higher ed.
3 Wet Qowan repent لو ,ها رت اه وت ما اه عاسب
“premio” shite
* Expire
* مكحا oF private shor
* Qore intercatiocd studeat body:
I didn’t learn geometry and literary criticism and useless nonsense like
that. | learned how to read the letters on public inscriptions. | learned
how to divide things into hundreds and work out percentages and |
know weights, measures and currency. Perris,
صفحه 3:
ای ی
* Prema Ocho (wl beercicr or coxnerter heh)
> Recah ope bere, hewmen ro مدق شب
و erect une bs & othe (OPED oo)
+ لمم gray tee eee ee الع
Sie ere eth ان سم ی بو me
(هسی لش سای تمسق ۰
nese تس كه 3 سس اس ويه
alpen = مرن روم ما با و6
* Ontory Geko!" Ovkee” (wl rhetr)
دا بت و lias
بوچ وس
6 م
صفحه 4:
Gckool LiPe
7 @radesic ‘/ rar
+ Berg Dak OF (Peet of Oxeria)
* 18 )مهوت رم عولاها نوی نج ارو 19-00(
* Gooner stot, Brlowed by hchlsrots & cheer
۰۶ Corpord Puviskwedt powers
* یی eure, hur, posterior oll Pair و
° Alone rePenred to hie jeocher Orbhe oso “pkreme” (hrocher!)
* Pedagogy
+ Ord ما موه dep ictios)
مج و اوه موه
* 0 حفصم (hein cowep) ue. تسم جوم ehntiows) ve.
سکب (berry) ch ra)
* ای مه اجه مرو و( ۳۰ BO
صفحه 5:
بب ۲۲
518 3
صفحه 6:
Fig.16 Waxed writing-tablets, strung together
صفحه 7:
صفحه 8:
Gckovl biPe 11
* Paeckeper (‘cht kok”)
4 ee
26 Education in Ancient Rome
0 اوق *
۰ مور Por older یه
"Ord Por otudeate tortor, ord
Wy gta expen ta pki,
مرن racic
صفحه 9:
۵۵10۱ ۵۵
0 pottery samples
صفحه 10:
° Gest his sva او و عجا() با عجو(]) his
اک ers Ge
۰ مان 09-00 HO) 2
* Qanne Pubs Quictiocus
و سسوم جز Qowe—awyer دا لو *
را سس کج
* thor oF شتا Oran, oa teckciod ports of
speech ann tron oP priors —
صفحه 11:
(Phutanch oo Cur the Cher
tacts سس wheg the child wos ofl eozudhs io read, Cutz بیط
read ced varie, eve though he ouvced وا مت charge ced fought
اوه لو we uocrwplished shove ...who wos 9 teacher ood
wor boys. ut uty did ont thick it proper Por his svc to be
ot stave or to hove hie ears tweoked by a shave wheo برط لا
he wos u stow teuruer, or ty owe to shove sv previous u yt os
Rie educaic. MherePore, Cato was his ready feucher, his ku
proobessor, his uhtetic ovack. ...We ose suve thot he wrote his
books fo hacge letters sv thot his svu wight have the vpportuciiy ot
howe to berowe Pocoiiar wits his society's cariedt rustows ocd
trodiicas. We wes corel to avoid todermedt frogquace ict hig soos
صفحه 12:
weeds Gutres oc teucker's sur
Obst qreanwotives ...ever receives the sotory whicl his hard
work deserves? Bad theg this anu, however sczall ( باه
fess thog a eter eorus) ts Pudker diicished by bribes to weedy
سا )مسر روموت و و( له سم ملسم
US pou yet باه 9 روم یو too classroos tt the widdle oP
وا مه مب له وا or wolworker would be oo the job!
Os too, os pou yet sowe wooey Por eodurag ihe stay oP vil
fase ( olive vil)..ced pet rarely de pou yet pour weep wihoulo
pow cose. (Dui stl he poreuts set nepossible stoadacds Por pou.
“fou wust how ی weworize
Ristory books und .. Mkeo the poreds suv, "De your job well,
wed whe the eed oF the peor cower, we'll pay you Por the
twelve spook period the sawe ospoudt thot a choriot ddver eorcs
iu vor race.
صفحه 13:
صفحه 14:
_. Fig.10 ‘Work hard, boy, lest you be thrashed’. A salutary warning, or an
1 imposition; written by the master and copied four times by the
صفحه 15: