بیماری‌هاپزشکی و سلامت

Elimination Disorders (Enuresis)

صفحه 1:
3) ) Elimination

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صفحه 3:
Definitions Enuresis refers to the wokrotary or tetectiocal voice oP rice. Primary enuresis: child never established urinary continence. Secondary enuresis: occurs after a period of urinary continence(roughly six months or more). Diurnal includes daytime episodes. Nocturnal includes nighttime episodes.

صفحه 4:
0 Dre potat prevdlewse ‏وا لا یت‎ DGO-1O-DR are °P pervedt oF boys onl 9 pervect of yids ut GS pears of age, 9 perved of boys ond O pervect oP yids by IO pears oP ace: Ody 0 percedt oF boys stil wet ot age JO pears of age, ood stil Paver is wet ot this oe. © Primary Couresis: Ode predowiccae, ‏ضيه علدب جوج دصل‎ 0 Gevowdey Couresis: Osudly equal ta bok. © Orwers 9% und O% vf school oye yids expericwe dovie جصمج وا رونت

صفحه 5:
مت اه جام و مه و ‎OGO-10-TR dso cies‏ وه ۲اه ور 9 اه مه و موم 4106 له مسسم © Geovadary ‏براجت نوم قحا جوملا رجه ك وه روت وه‎ beqjus betwerd S pears oP age und © peas oP ‏جه‎ QOvutd disorders ure presedt 1 CO% vf patients. ed Orting > ‏جنس مرول‎ Dypicd voours OO wisutes to O hows oPter sleep ‏اجه‎

صفحه 6:
‎oP chien wits Pouresis (particu) boys) bave 1‏ ۹۵ :لماص ‎deqrer retoive Puontiogal eouresis. ‎Octwratizcal ‏*توعكصاصاع‎ . ‎Ovatowird abuorwutiies vr ONG Crete teovutceure ‎Dedicatiogs ‎Cpidewivloyir studies kave shows ‏ای و‎ betwers psychological dsturbouwe ocd ecuresis. ‎Lick to exrvtiocal disturboaes. ‎ ‎rates oP bebaviord problews((Duxtety states, Opposincntliy,‏ نا ‎COW)‏ ‎Gevowkey Couresis related to stress, trou, or psychological prisis pr ‏اه‎ ...

صفحه 7:
75% risk where both parents have been enuretics as children PP) 45% isk wher only one parent 4!) has been enuretic 15% risk where there is no parental history of enuresis

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صفحه 9:
repected void oP urice duro the doy or ot cight toto bed or clothes Uhether tovchuatary or ietectiocraty the behavior is vloicdly siqaiPiccdt os wooested cu Prequeuny oP ot beast twice per week Por ot feust three couse cuiive woot or kypuiredt io socid, acadewic (oecupuived) or viher iportot ‏".موسا خم جوضن‎

صفحه 10:
0۵0-۳1017 ‏م0‎ )0 ۳) ©. Repeated verde of orice hiv bed or coker (whether Ruckntary or Kiecirad). ©. Phe behavior ip chicdly okmPocdt cs wraaPested by o Prequeay of ture a werk Por ot fet O creer ive ‏سس تون‎ preseure of ‏یطوط راو‎ or ‏راهم مس‎ exis (pom urdiond), or cher keportact areas of Puactckny. O. ‏هه لام‎ of cet S pare of axe (or equivdet developarrcid evel). ©. Phe behavor © wet he ‏اه سوام تس سا و‎ of ‏ریدم) لو و‎ u hires) or 3 second weded rntics (e.., dobetes, spat bide, ov a setzure deorder). ‎ype:‏ سوه باه مهو( ‎Onur oo‏ ‎Oorturcd ced choco‏ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎

صفحه 11:
عوویه۲) وم و() سا تمعن عصرم() عوجر 9 با و وه ولج ماو حلاو ۱۳۰ .ظ), ۱ ‏لا‎ pourger thao “P pears oP age ord of eust gare ‏لاه دا مت و‎ “Po years of age or ‏و‎ ۱), ۲۳۲ ‏اوه ان همجن و او ها موه‎ utacks or oP aeurdogicd iaovoitceace ord & ot ‏مرو ان رو سس ما تووویی سا خان ا هم وووواه ام مجموه اه و اس و‎ ‏له ال‎ ۵ ‏مه بت جا و‎ oP oy other peyohiairic disorder that wets the oiterta Por other IOO- AO rxteypries .. Qurctica oP the disorder ts of least 9 wvuhe

صفحه 12:
تاه متا رد روم ‎us vbstructive‏ اس امن نوتمه ad petits Onbetes weltius. Getwes, od side ePPevis of wedicuiva, suck os catipsychotios or hhuretios Oeruuse utcary trod iePevioes coo produce esuresis, ounces should be port oP every evaluation. Ostey radiographic procedures wis pootrast wedho ty detent oo ocaizeicdl or physiclogicd ore twosive ved poioPul, ocd the dhaapste vied t bw.( 9.2%)

صفحه 13:
* ‏و موه رای‎ ore Prequed betwerd O ood © peus uid puberty. rivary: high spootcoevus rewission, * Geooaday: Osuly begics bh ages G-O pews. ° Odolesvedt coset siqaihy wore psychiatric problews ud less Favorable vuteowe. Cowplcaivg tochide ewbharusswed, arger Pow ont pucishkweat by ‏طلست روم برط موه ,وه ور‎ oF overnight visits ord ۱ any vulbursts.

صفحه 14:
۱2 Ger een eee) ye oF chil QOeded couse has bero rued ut Rate oP spoutcevus rewssiva @ekaviord coodiccicgy wih bell ced pod ‏رالات اه‎ — Cqunly ePPevive os phornworviyiod ireokrent — bower rote oP relapse too with: phocwarddedicd treater — @xPer thon pharnwacvlyicd treakreot ‏موسوم لح ره بو‎ inervecion ts Deswopressia aretae (DDPOP) Oost servos side ePP ert (rove) is hypeodtrewin, beady to ‏یه‎ ‏ها او‎ a7 Imager Pirstice choice Por phorwacoloyicd treater, but cod be used Por ‏له رها‎ Corebieatica of bebaviord ‏ام اجه‎ apoyo” reared cao be aocsidered Por ‏رخا‎ ‏اد‎ « سح سوه اسك طاة عصخححصا بصو سوت با له مس ‎Qekaviord‏ ‏واه مهم ۳ bell ced pod ceted of ‏او وه او مت موس و وولو‎ oP 78%,

صفحه 15:
© General measures : - Restrict fluid intake 3-4 hours beforebedtime. - Empty bladder before rej -Keep a chart of wet and a - Reward for dry nights. ¥ -Avoid punishment/critic!

صفحه 16:
A. Behavioral therapy such as buzzer that wakes child up when sensor detects i / _ر‎

صفحه 17:
B. Psychotherapy not an effective treatment alone, but can be useful in dealing with coexisting psychiatric problems and emotional and family difficulties

صفحه 18:
Cc. Pharmacotherapy include antidiuretics (such as desmopressin) or Tricyclic antidepressant (such as imipramine) v نم و * Dost chides respod ia the PG- ty WEG-ry rere. ° © boselee elevirovandoqracn shoud be ‏اس شا لها لاه‎ wily ieipraice, cod wouioriog is advised above © .© ‏الب‎ °° rekatioa ty bled level! © Dke storrdard wart feat Por dosage is G wey body weigh.

صفحه 19:
لهاك 2000 ۶ ‏ویو‎ researck toto treater Por rouresis wolves the ‏اه و‎ 000 Review Grades: (0%-O0% success rote ‎coe the wedicatios is‏ عمج بو وی و ‎rewutced dry.‏ ‎us vay SP %‏ هجو ‎ ‎Dke wost coww0s side ePPevts were cosd stuPPicess, headache, epistaxis, ood ‏موه ار‎ pai. ‎Coxpbieation wits bekavioral wetkods works better.

صفحه 20:

صفحه 21:
° Cuvoprests | repecied pussaye of Peces ivio ‏ام موه‎ * atleast voce o wok Por ot east OD ‏اموب‎ ‎* the weotd or ‏امه‎ age oP the chit oust be ot feust P peas

صفحه 22:
Prevalence is about 1% of 5-year-old children. Prevddeuse decreuses with age © siqeiPhiccdt relotiod betueed euoopresis wed eouresis hos ‏معا مه‎ Poured Gcbkool age! Dule> Pewdle: C.G:0-0:0 Wiser votes ic OR ced Low soviverourwir chosses.

صفحه 23:
Etiology * Constipation with overflow incontinence can be caused by nutrition; structural disease of the anus, rectum, or colon; medical side effects; or endocrine disorders. Children without constipation and overflow incontinence often have lack of sphincter control. Inadequate training or Emotional issues. Emotional stress also may trigger encopresis. A child may experience stress from premature toilet training or an important life change — for instance, the divorce of a parent or the birth of a sibling.

صفحه 24:
OGO-10-TR Orccawstc Criterta Por Gacopresis 0. Repeated passer oP Peoes kip keppropriie pares ‏اوه ری‎ or Poor) wheter ‏بصم اسم‎ or kicctrd 0. @tleast coe suck ‏مرو‎ a wrk Por of becst O wrath ‎pears of axe (or eqaideat devebpwrectd evel)‏ ® ماه جا جيب مپسا( ‎0. Phe behavior is ot exctisively due to the direct physicloyicdl ef Pevis oP o substaace ), Uknvtives) or yecerd weded coudiivg, except through o wevhuaise voles mcstizatic: ‎(Onde as Polos ‏وه وله ای رای زط)‎ ‏ی تاه له ماه تمازط‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎

صفحه 25:
a Oicxpwsir Criteria Por Ovowrceiz 2 ‏طاو روص‎ ©. Dh 3 ‏سم ۲ موه نا ار ما موم رآ‎ (ear, ‏یه وه چاه نون لبط )رم و را لا و اه‎ ‏ما متخ و زورمین‎ ( (0. ۳ ‏وه ای له موه جلله‎ te ot east P pears oP oe .O. Vhere 6 ot ewst vor europretic evedl per ‏عادصب‎ ‎.0( . Qurctica oF the disorder ts ot beast O ‏ای‎ AB. Shere is oo ‏مس‎ coodica thot cvosttuies 0 suPPidect couse Por the ‏وه موس‎

صفحه 26:
‎Ovpelbwesicgiocele *‏ ؟ تسوا اس بطم مساو ‎Rect stewsis Oud Fissure ۴ Oud tna ° uxiety or Phobia *

صفحه 27:
له ,مرو علا ۲اه روط عا رصصجه عا مه مرول من ۶ ‎voexistog behavior problews.‏ ® Os coses a seP-icviticg, rarely cvoticuiag beyood wid CS % ov worbid ‏وه‎ ®) @spchiaiic or wediod o-worbidiy: war deterxpiccat ‏رو وه‎

صفحه 28:
موست ان و66 (سس ‎(sore‏ مسا Ovwrtecive Ootioca (lecst Precuect) © honak hetory & esseutd ba doouceus Prequewy, cure, ood ‏ام‎ oP ev iret hoe ‏مج چاه‎ Por reteuive subtype ‏امه رای‎ (Bducation cbout bowel Purity wits bok parecer orn chil ‎wits knees or coker ol‏ موس لوط ‎ ‎Orkwiord cowpooedt wi ite titervals 70 tle cod postive reicPorce wet

صفحه 29:
2 YD ke wost widely accepted Pirst hur of treukpedt is poe ‏موی‎ لو موه امه ماه جر وا مرو ‎Dke wool of‏ ۷ اه ارو Y Edurattag the chit ood Rasiy obout the disorder is carter ieportoct pod DP treukvet.

صفحه 30:
Sond ‏واصصيه‎ desiqaed ‏ده ها‎ bots he pores ‏يجيه اداح لحي‎ bowel Puoctico ood to dPPuse the psychologic teasiva thot way hove developed to the Pocoiy occu the eucopresis. ‎the chitt receives chy‏ ارت اه ,واه انوا اه نم دق که ‎doses of kasatives pr cicerdl ol.‏ ‎° Dhere ‏لوصوو تمت اممو فحاصتا ه ها فطل‎ te the ireakved, whirk ‏اوه‎ ‎OP daly teed tatervals oo the tollet wi: rewards Por success ‎0 PO% sucess rate

صفحه 31:
°° Dhere ore severd wethods Por ‏روا‎ he ool ood retevicg ‏:ولس اعد سكج ااعمكمج‎ لها عه اس ,وا امن ‎٠١‏ ‏لاه اس جه اصی روا واون ...رز ‎fi, (Recta suppositories‏ جوا .با 2 Dore orc Phuicds * Phonweovlodicd treokvedt wik imipeanice ds kas bers reported or

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