صفحه 1:
Chapter 7 Enterprise Databases, Data Warehouses, and Business Intelligence

صفحه 2:
Objectives O Advantages of shared databases. O Compare relational vs. object oriented databases. O Describe the differences between schemas, views, and indexes. O Shared vs. distributed databases. O Data warehouses and Business Intelligence.

صفحه 3:
Enterprise Data - Scaling Up QO Database: A collection of data and information describing items of interest to an organization. O Enterprise Database: A collection of data designed to be shared by many users within an organization.

صفحه 4:
Both Actual Data and Schema are Shared ‎ee‏ سس ها مس سل سر لت هن 52 تا تسس ‎‘ee ar] 208 venice Rd‏ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎

صفحه 5:
Database Mangement O The Functions of Database Management: ۲ Integrating Databases Reducing Redundancy Sharing Information Maintaining Integrity Enabling Database Evolution

صفحه 6:
DBMS in Systems Figure 7.2 Relationship of DBMS to Other Programs in Computer Memory Application pgm fequests DBMS progam to West ana retieve data ‏ماو مه‎ predetined Etructure called schema DBMS interacts perating system and network ‘operating system Remote totransmit data database ‘over the network

صفحه 7:
Enterprise Data Model O Enterprise Data Model/Entity Relationship: A graphical representation of the items (the entities) of interest about which data is captured and stored in the database.

صفحه 8:
Schema O Schema: The structure of a database. O Schema for Relational Database ® Relational Database: A database in which the data are structured in a table format consisting of rows and columns.

صفحه 9:
Relational Schema Status Balance Telephone Figure 7.4 Schema for Customer-Order Relationship Customer relation [scouts] Nae atresia Cove DATABASE SCHEMA

صفحه 10:
Object Orientation O Schema for Object-Oriented Database ™ Object-oriented Database: A database that stores data and information about objects. ™ Object: A component that contains data about itself and how it is to be processed. ® Action/Method: An instruction that tells a database how to process an object to produce specific information. 10

صفحه 11:
Object Oriented Schema Figure 7.5 Classes in an Object-Oriented Database Featuring Customer and Order Objects, Object class Attributes | Actions (Methods) 11

صفحه 12:
User views O View: A subset of one or more databases, created either by extracting copies of records from a database or by merging copies of records from multiple databases. 12

صفحه 13:
Enterprise Database Structures Views (Continued) 13 Business | sales | withholding tax due" | tax due” * Value determined by calculation Business tax number Personal tax WW'number™ | 1D

صفحه 14:
Indexing ۲ 9 A data file that contains identifying information about each record and its location in storage. O Record Key: In a database, a designated field used to distinguish one record from another. 14

صفحه 15:
Enterprise Database Structures Indexes (Continued) Figure 7.8 Using an index w Rewieve Data Search index for 1D. record key. a> 6 ۰ _ ‏وی | میا‎ ‏رسد‎ | | Ta oe 255-39260 ( 5 ‏دم‎ | Wes Retrieve copy of data from database and place in main memory 15

صفحه 16:
Integration O Web-based Integration: Makes data from enterprise databases available to users connecting through the Internet (including enterprise intranets and extranets). 16

صفحه 17:
Databases and the Internet Figure 7.14 Web-F

صفحه 18:
Distributed Databases O Shared Database: A database shared among many users and applications. O Distributed Database: A database that resides in more than one system in a distributed network. Each component of the database can be retrieved from any node in the network. 18

صفحه 19:
19 Partitioning and Replication QO Partitioning: A method of database distribution in which different portions of the database reside at different nodes in the network. ™ Vertical ™ Horizontal O Replication: A method of database distribution in which one database contains data that are included in another database. ™ Real time ™ Cascade ™ Batch

صفحه 20:
Distribution Strategies O Geographic Distribution Strategy: A database distribution strategy in which the database is located in a region where the data and information are used most frequently. O Functional Distribution Strategy: A database distribution strategy in which the database is distributed according to business functions. 20

صفحه 21:
Designing a Distributed 6 O Database Directory: The component of a shared database that keeps track of data and information. O Other Design Factors Storage Costs Processing Costs Communication Costs Retrieval and Processing Reliability Frequency of Updates and Queries 21

صفحه 22:
Data Warehouses and OLAP O Data Warehouse: A large data store, designed from inquiries, that combines details of both current and historical operations, usually drawn from a number of sources. O Online Analytical Processing (OLAP): Database processing that selectively extracts data from different points of view. 22

صفحه 23:
Comparison of Enterprise Databases and Data Warehouses Table 7.1 Comparison of Enterprise Databases and Data Warehouses ENTERPRISE DATABASE DATA WAREHOUSE کر از وه اه اند ‎Dat oe stored wth funtion or ota ae‏ عم میک ‎of functions and poe.‏ ااه تخا Tenporl fous Dolo oe ead os curetnorsoions Dna fle on isi enon soning of et curent evens. seer pais of ime. Vly Updoes to dra re aut od may Dota does ot cong (dete etn). be equ, Howeveyodtian! dato may be aed othe warehouse, relecing ational ime pido ‘reas of intorest, 23

صفحه 24:
Data Warehouse Figure 7.17 Data Warehouses and Data Marts Support Analysis and Decision Making Enterprise databases

صفحه 25:
Data Warehouses and OLAP Definition O Data Mining: Uses software designed to detect information hidden in the data. O Data Marts: Processed to focus on a specific area of activities or isolated scientific or commercial processes. 25

صفحه 26:
Business Intelligence Supporting Managerial Decision Making

صفحه 27:
Issues O MIs: Reporting O Data-Driven DSS: Business Intelligence O Model- -Driven DSS: Models and Modeling OGDSS and ESS O Case Study: MasterCard

صفحه 28:
Decision Levels and Application Systems From R.N. Anthony, Planning and Control Systems: 4g Fi

صفحه 29:
MIS vs. DSS (Data Driven and Model Driven) Onis: ™ Provides reports based on routine flow of data. ™@ Assists in general control of the organization. ™@ Exception reports used to reduce volume and focus on items that require management attention. 29

صفحه 30:
MIS Reports O Paper or online O Can includes text, graphs, or both. O Batch vs. Real-time O Fixed vs. Ad Hoc (a continuum) O Summary vs. Detail O Types include: @ Exception @Trend ® Validation (such as Trial Balance) 30

صفحه 31:
Data-Driven DSS (a.k.a. Business Intelligence) O Also known as. Query/inquiry, Data Mining, and OLAP (Online Analytical Processing). O Goal is to determine where we are or where we've been. O “Business Intelligence” has emerged as common term. O Sometimes also called Datamining, though this generally implies using statistical techniques such as correlation analysis and clustering to find patterns and relationships in large databases. 31

صفحه 32:
Goals of BI O Enables users to identify and understand the key trends and events driving their businesses. O Allows employees to sift through and analyze large amounts of data that the company makes available for them. O Helps business managers at all levels make better decisions quicker. 32

صفحه 33:
What is BI Used For? OTo perform trend analyses on product, sales, event (i.e. promotions and advertising campaigns) and financial information. ™ Sales per office or region and then drill down to lower level details to uncover what is driving the trends. Olt is also used for exception-reporting and for budgeting, planning, and forecasting. 33

صفحه 34:
BI Tool Capabilities O Support large volumes of data and an unlimited number of dimensions O Can aggregate data ™ Sums, averages, maximums, minimums, percentage of total, and user-defined functions or rules. O Can contain analytical engines that perform computations. ™ Rankings, ratios, or variances (i.e., This-year-to-last- year or actual-versus-budget comparisons), Revenue or expense allocations, Currency conversions, etc. 34

صفحه 35:
Most BI Tools also include graphics capabilities عصواه۳) UBD 00076 0 610036 | 006 a 8 a | 6 ۳5 10 ‎Ovtsswuller‏ وب ‎Akkoog = bowgects aber‏ وا ‎ ‏رطا سه ‎Rave pet‏ سه دا سر ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎

صفحه 36:
Data Sources for BI Include O Relational Data Bases (including Data Warehouses) O Data Marts ™Star Schemas ™ Facts and Dimensions O Cubes (Facts and Dimensions) 36

صفحه 37:
Data Warehouse << 1 ال عمس _ االرلعت چگ حيص ح د ۳ = 7 = 5 = ‎Z‏ ود ‎ets -‏ mo ee ‏م‎ 0۵ ‏له‎ Zo 500 ‏سل‎ z لاه

صفحه 38:
Data Warehouses Contain Data from Many Sources (a.k.a. Domains) Figure 11.4 88 for custo

صفحه 39:
Cube Example: Sales Information Sales information can be represented in the cube below. You will be able to derive many measures based on the dimensions below EE Department —. ‎Region —>‏ مم ‎39 ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎

صفحه 40:
Some Leading BI Vendors O Enterprise Query/Reporting (RDBMS Based): ® Actuate ™ Crystal Reports ™ Information Builders / WebFocus O OLAP (Data Mart and Cube Based): ™@ MicroStrategy ® Hyperion ® Oracle ™ Business Objects (also includes reporting tools) ™ Cognos (also includes reporting tools) 40

صفحه 41:
Demo Sites O Cognos PowerPlay: W http://naadeO2.msfc.nasa.gov/workforce/inde xhtml ® http://www.cognosdemo.com/temple/ O Information Builders Web FOCUS: ® www. informationbuilders.com/test_drive/inde x.html ® www.nyc.gov/html/doh/html/rii/index.html| 41

صفحه 42:
For more information... 42 O Bill Inmon: ® http://www. billinmon.com/ O Ralph Kimball: ® http://www. rkimball.com/ O Data Management Review: ® http://www.dmreview.com/ Data Warehouse: @ http://www.datawarehouse.com

صفحه 43:
DSS: Decision Support System Models ces on Bere 0 Output ZA 0 = Ourabose

صفحه 44:
سم Why Build Models? فحهح ب ۳۳ ا Understanding the Process Optimization Prediction Simulation or| “What If" Scenarios 0 Qo ۳ a

صفحه 45:
Prediction ۳ 11 Dover ‏مت(‎ ‎۱

صفحه 46:
Marketing Sales Forecast GOP cod Glee ote he Pour quarter sdles Kop. “Dhe Porecast should pick up this ave.

صفحه 47:
Time Series Components "Collect data over time "identify trends "Identify seasonal effects "Forecast based on patterns er ev Oe Ove ‏اس‎ ‎8. ‏ای‎ ‎9. Cpe ‏م‎ ‎yoke ty okoker io he seeerrd puters, 1 ‏عط‎ bat covers a koe peried kner thoa a pro. 4

صفحه 48:
Forecasting Uses O Marketing O HRM ™ Future sales ™ Labor costs ® Consumer ® Absenteeism preferences/trends @ Turnover @ Sales strategies O Strategy O Finance ® Rivals’ actions ™ Interest rates ™ Technological change ™ Cash flows ™ Market conditions ® Financial market conditions 48

صفحه 49:
Simulation e987 eo Ged or one i Cee rene Pron chore ‏ص۱۳‎ ‎9 ‎© 0 9 و ۶ و و ۰ و 9 1 ‎Arpt bevel‏

صفحه 50:
Group Decision Support Systems (GDSS) O Interactive computer-based system. O Facilitates solution to unstructured problems. O Set of decision makers working together as a group. 50

صفحه 51:
EIS: Enterprise Information System (aka Executive Information System and Executive Support System) 52165 ۱۵0316 ۲۵۲ 06۱۵۳06۲ 17, 5 MTD Sales by Product Catouow, Rankod by % Cha Cha in CD Plvore Sale by ‏موه‎ G WuaterTo Date | ype Month To Date Ta raar > ‏مس‎ ‘rr 2 ‏لمالا‎ a ‏ی‎ Top Lat You ‏امه‎ = Forcast, © Botton © Easy access to data © Graphical interface O Non-intrusive © prill-down capabilities O16 GoPurre Prow ‏الها‎ سوت فطل اما ول ۵ ۱۱ متا [chars chasse ‏امايق‎ A Cusine Didi USA

صفحه 52:
Digital Dashboard Oxcepares hat or (Prot obec = جع أوسجوحح 705259325931 /15057/0595755 0 0

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