کسب و کاربرنامه‌ریزی

ERP implementation life cycle

صفحه 1:
ERP ‏را‎ ‎LIFE CYCLE مج سي 0 0[

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CRC covers the ‏عبصا راومه موه مه عمنطهه‎ the inteqroted wocdgewerd oF busicess us u whole, CRE packages we inteyroted svPtiwarre puckages thot support the ubpue (BRP cowepts.

صفحه 3:
GRP LARC CYOLE CRC tRevpole is it whick highlights the dPPeredt ‏یاه‎ ‎۱ oP Da BRP.

صفحه 4:
OPPeredt phuses vP CRP Ore euctooticd Gorercicgy Cudvoticd Package Project Phocraiccy COP ‏تراهم‎ امس بت ۱ Dea ‏نا‎ Desticr ost noplewweutica

صفحه 5:
بش6 ot user ۳۷ مت مب 1 مره ‎(Packer‏ ‏1 ‏ما سس 0 سم هه به ‎Peasp 2‏ لو ‎eon‏ 41 ¥ ‎orn Live‏

صفحه 6:
لاجم اراك مرو ظ۳) لبي ل اك ‎oP CR vecdors‏ عصحاصى() Gorervioy elivicates the pachayes thot ure ot of of suituble Por the pospoap’s busicess provesses. Geteviiva is door oo best Pew package wuitabhe.

صفحه 7:
(uckuye is selected oo the busis oP diPPerecct pornveter. Dest ond verify the package ood uso check the | ‏دا اون مس‎ Gelevied package will detercvieg the success or Puiu DF the project.

صفحه 8:
Cont. Package wust be user Pico (Requtar up yrodetica should available.

صفحه 9:
تم امسزسط) ‎inwplewectaiva process.‏ عا عوپ‌نوور) ‎QResvurves ure ideuiPied.‏ ‎Iooplewerctaivd tea is selected ced tusk located.‏ Gpevid aranngeweu Por pootesyeuvies.

صفحه 10:
Oost crucial phase. rovess through ‏و مور روم ای‎ a wodel DP where they ure stoodiag uo ond where they woot 17 ۳. Oodel kelp the powpoopy ‏صا‎ Dover the Puorticcd yap

صفحه 11:
زسهظ) ی وت لت ام توت Process bevowe wore cutowoted ced ePPiciedt.

صفحه 12:
Deere ‏ودس‎ ‏موه تام ولو‎ wi the process oP isoplewerctatios. Cowpuny trois its exoplopers ‏,اه لعج تام ما‎ rw the spstew. Cwplover bevowe selP suPPiviedt to icoplesped the svP ware oPter the vecdors ond poosultcat have tePt.

صفحه 13:
۳ Dhis phuse is perPorewed to Pied the Wweuk tok so thot if

صفحه 14:
(Boiery Live Dke work is vowwplete, dota powersivd is dou, vowplete & testiacy is doce. De is DPR ict ۲ ۲ ‎the systesn is live the old systew is rewoved‏ ون

صفحه 15:
(bud Oser Proiciacy Vhe ewplover who is ypiey to use the syste ure ‏ات نیت لین‎

صفحه 16:
(Post Ieoplewectaive This is the woicteucuse phuse. Cwployers who ‏وی لحم چاه‎ to kode problews those crops up fico to fie. Vke post isoplespectaicg wil aged a diPRercat set oP roles oon shils thoo those with bess ioteqrated brad oP 5/۳۰

صفحه 17:
‎bP‏ دوه ویو عا نم ‎coo‏ اتمه وظ) اه ] ‎EPP evively uses the systew.‏

صفحه 18:
۱5510190 ۱۷ ۱۱۵ ۹00۶ 5 2007 Stampin’ Wat “lk

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