صفحه 1:
ay طبا للم
صفحه 2:
Clista Clanton, MSLS, AHIP
June 28 & 29, 2012
صفحه 3:
Today’s topics
* What is EBM?
* Why is it important?
= Complementary/Alternative medicine
= Developing the “well built” clinical
* Searching for evidence
" Evaluating the evidence
صفحه 4:
What is evidence based medicine
(EBM) ?
= “the conscientious, explicit and judicious use
of current best evidence in making decisions
about the care of individual patients.”
The integration of individual clinical expertise with the best
۱ Curent accu ate ige ns
Ns PLM PL WUC Ree <clcere a Reel elt ری
3 ,وأممام0 مأ esis كعؤوو الك ال
ee eee eh ee a ee Rae ا
صفحه 5:
Best available
evidence Environment &
state, needs,
values, &
Adapted from: Sackett D.L., Rosenberg M.C., Gray J.A., Haynes R.B., Richardson W.S. (19¢
2 ea eur as cane 1 es ee eee
صفحه 6:
Why is EBM important?
" New types of evidence are being
generated which can create changes in
the way patients are treated
» How much is actually being applied to
patient care?
Although evidence is needed on a daily
basis, usually physicians don’t get it.
lack of time
out-of-date textbooks, and
the disorganization of the up-to-date journals®
fen lee a une OO a ene en as oe ee)
Bernier are
صفحه 7:
Why is EBM important?
" Up-to-date knowledge and Clinical _
performance can deteriorate with time
There is a statistically and clinically significant negative
correlation between a physician’s knowledge of up to date
care and the years that have elapsed since graduation from
medical school.
Traditional continuing medical education
programs have not been shown to improve
clinical performance
Systematic reviews of the relevant randomized trials have
shown that traditional, instructional CME fails to modify
clinical performance and is ineffective in improving the healtt
outcomes of patients.
Ramsey PG, Carline JD, Inui TS et al: Changes over time in the knowledge base of practicing internists. JAMA
عها اه عبر ناه ا 00
صفحه 8:
Why is EBM important?
1 ا SEL TE
زر روز و
فورت ۱9
ععلك أه مون
0.5 #ماذاء معقاععمدمنا
عا وننوء5
Garlic, mustard and
Genta aera
* Knowledge translation
- increasing the
uptake of the best
available evidence into
practice - has always
been a challenge
Scurvy: use of citrus
ee کت ات روز
and cure scurvy in 1754,
but it was almost 50
۷6۵۲5 2۴۲6۲ ۲۴6 0۵12 ۷۵5
published before lemon
juice was added to
کمنداک طکناز:8
۸66۵5560 6
صفحه 9:
Puerperal fever
Yearly mortality rates
First clinic
* Second clinic
Mee eco ee Ae eRe اه
Me kee ROMAN. a a Ae R@L ed ee!
صفحه 10:
Why is EBM important?
onic Rem He Ey ا ese mCccmcoital
Mate ech mest eer ae Meh Ruri noe Cee)
OSL ار ات
یر scree SMU MM rele emit gr Bs Fete hed a elcell eae acto
Tilsen ل ek see
Table 2. Mortality rates and characteristic of obstetrics clinics in Vienna 1784-1859
Perio | Characteristics of period ۱ 7 Teal
d Cra oa ete cee 0
عطامعه | ۵0۷۵/6
1784- | No routine post-mortems ۸۳ 7 12.5
ا ا 65,35 3,745 7
1839- | Clinic arrangements changed
cease ee ue wa للك 1,989 902
Second clinic: midwives 17,791 co 33.8
Perea ence cnnm ic)
1859 | عأماك عمماع 47,938 1,712 357
566000 عون 40,770 148 30.6
صفحه 11:
Puerperal fever
صفحه 12:
The Translational Continuum
بابل د ب سس _
Dissemination Adoption
aor sey,
ats ovens rat,
> of
‘advance by
02 Provides,
+ Reguitery
0 + Toconmunty
ah ones
> سوه Seema
+ Prshadion & مس
مذه سس
مس اد
+ Pavone
موی ورن
+ Heath services
اه مهم
+ Parmerstis ane
سس |
+ te verti
Basic Science
oka o gene
+ Candia متم مر
بش۳ و
‘esearch Concer Co
Delvermeon th Pose
صفحه 13:
0 ۹۹ and alternative medicine is a group
of diverse medical and health care systems,
practices, and products that are not presently
considered to be part of conventional medicine.
While some scientific evidence exists regarding some
CAM therapies, for most there are key questions that
are yet to be answered through well-designed
scientific studies--such as:
_ Are these therapies safe?
_ Do these therapies work for the diseases or medical
conditions for which they are used?
jenter for Complementary and Alternative Medicine. Understanding complementary and alternative medicine. A
۱ نال
صفحه 14:
Are Complimentary and Alternative
Medicine Interchangeable Terms?
= Complementary medicine is used together with
conventional medicine. Example: Using
aromatherapy to help lessen a patient's discomfort
following surgery.
Alternative medicine is used in place of
conventional medicine. Example: When Suzanne
Somers rejected chemotherapy in favor of a drug
called Iscador (uses extracts of Mistletoe) to treat
her breast cancer.
National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine. Understanding complementary and
Blatt nearer se 17
صفحه 15:
۱0۵) 2000, ۱۵۲/۱1۵۱۳۱ routine mizmmiogram al USC foris Cente. My doctor, We! Sitversiein, told me everthing looked fine. AS! wes geting dressed, he knocked on my door to feE me about anew,
هجاو جلقاة ulescudrstine ea jus putsat a aie las. He suppese. erase ny seas, al potaps shu ae aan os 2 xn seemed
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teas Te sue was mane Seto 95) an NTs WOMAN, MOEN Wes Magnet
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PLEASE PLEASE ال درس hae cs is eine onan bese pc ie sed cy case. |r or anual medal Hone bee lj undesinabe
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50165 تاد
صفحه 16:
Family: Woman Died After
Choosing Herbal Medicine Over
Cancer Surgery
]0 أمععمعم 60 غقطغ عه مرأؤوع 5عغ1أل ند
cancer patients try unconventional
remedies and about 40 percent take
vitamin or dietary supplements
None has turned out to be a cure, although some
show promise for easing symptoms. Touch therapies,
mind-body approaches and acupuncture may reduce
stress and relieve pain, nausea, dry mouth and
possibly hot flashes, and are recommended by many
top cancer experts. A recent study found that ginger
capsules eased nausea if started days before
One quarter of supplements tested by an independent
company over the last decade have had some sort of
problem. Some contained contaminants. Others had
contents that did not match label claims. Some had
ingredients that exceeded safe limits. Some contained
real drugs masquerading as natural supplements.
صفحه 17:
$2.5 billion spent, no alternative cures found
Big, government-funded studies show most work no better than
The Associated Press
updated 11:15 a.m. CT, Wed., June 10, 2009
BETHESDA, Md. - Ten years ago the government set out to test
herbal and other alternative health remedies to find the ones
that work. After spending $2.5 billion, the disappointing answer
seems to be that almost none of them do.
Echinacea for colds. Ginkgo biloba for memory. Glucosamine
and chondroitin for arthritis. Black cohosh for menopausal hot
flashes. Saw palmetto for prostate problems. Shark cartilage for
cancer. All proved no better than dummy pills in big studies
funded by the National Center for Complementary and
Alternative Medicine. The lone exception: ginger capsules may
help chemotherapy nausea.
As for therapies, acupuncture has been shown to help certain
conditions, and yoga, massage, meditation and other relaxation
methods may relieve symptoms like pain, anxiety and fatigue.
صفحه 18:
Major Types of Complementary
and Alternative Medicine
Alternative medicine systems: Built upon complete
systems of theory and practice. Examples:
homeopathic medicine, naturopathic medicine,
traditional Chinese medicine, Ayurveda.
Mind-body interventions: Uses a variety of
techniques designed to enhance the mind's capacity
to affect bodily function and symptoms. Some
techniques that were considered CAM in the past
have become mainstream (patient support groups
and cognitive-behavioral therapy). Other mind-body
techniques are still considered CAM, including
meditation, prayer, mental healing, and therapies
that use creative outlets such as art, music, or
Gee eR Ceca cI ی
ti) httoyinccam nih gow/health/.
5 Za Ves re
صفحه 19:
Major Types of Complementary and
Alternative Medicine cont.
* Biologically Based Therapies: Use
substances found in nature (herbs,
foods, and vitamins). Example: shark
cartilage to treat cancer.
~ Examples of dietary supplements that have
been incorporated into mainstream medicine:
= Folic acid to prevent birth defects
© Regimen of vitamins and zinc to slow the progression
age-related macular degeneration (AMD).
Lee eR ede Meri st eA ی و
Puerta rea Wen ers a
صفحه 20:
Major Types of Complementary and
Alternative Medicine cont.
* Manipulative or Body-Based Methods: Based on
manipulation and/or movement of one or more parts
of the body. Examples: chiropractic or osteopathic
manipulation, massage.
Energy Therapies: Involve the use of energy fields.
- Biofield therapies: intended to affect energy fields that
purportedly surround and penetrate the human body (the
existence of such fields has not yet been scientifically
proven). Examples: qi gong, Reiki, Therapeutic Touch.
_ Bioelectromagnetic-based therapies: unconventional use of
electromagnetic fields, such as pulsed fields, magnetic fields,
or alternating-current or direct-current fields.
National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine. Understanding complementary and
0 raat ragtime Ceti 0 Sennen nee
صفحه 21:
National Center for Complementary and Alternative
Part of NIH, established in 1998
Dedicated to exploring complementary and alternative
healing practices in the context of rigorous science,
training complementary and alternative medicine (CAM)
researchers, and disseminating authoritative information
to the public and professionals.
NCCAM Web site (nccam.nih.gov): publications,
information for researchers, frequently asked questions,
and links to other CAM-related resources.
صفحه 22:
N National Center for Complementary
and Alternative Medicine
At the National Institutes of Health NIH..Tuming Discovery Into Health
stay Connected? BOG
Via emal, RSS, Twitter, or
Teoma Related to
Complementary and
sternative Medicine
Dietary Supplements
‘Adverse Event Reporting
Statistics on Complementary
and Alternate Medione use
Resources for Health Care Providers
‘The evidence-basea resources on tis page, suct as research results and dintal practice
‘uideines, wil help prepare you to discuss CAM approaches wth your patents.
[Hi take a video tour ofthis resource >
Evidence-Based Medicine
study Determines Optimal Dose Lterture Reviews from
‘of Massage for Osteoarthritis of Pubmed®
the Knee Pain Research Esloence Reports trom ARE
Read more > Ccoctvane Reviews cr
جر - en)
اه Practice Guidelines
Fulltext quisaines for encaiogs,
rheumatologists, general medicine
Healt Tsetse AZ pracenaners, and more.
Evidence, from acupuncture to zinc
NCCAM Clinical Digest
Honthly e-newsetter that
summaries the sta of the
soence on complementary heath
pracuces and a neat conation.
For Your Patients >
Printable factsheets and inks to more resources.
Continuing Education
FREE CME/CEU vieeo tures
صفحه 23:
Found 361 studies with search of: Closed Studies | Exclude Unknown | NCCAM
Evaluation of Echinacea for the Common Cold
‘conelion Gammon Cals
Intervention” Drug: Echinacea
(igong Therapy For Heart Device Pationts
Condlitons. Depressive Disc; Cardiac Diseases
Inferveniions. Behavioral Aerobic and Resistance Exercises, Behavioral Qigong
Completed PUFA Augmentation in Treatment of Major Depression
‘Concition: Major Doprossion|
Ioferventions Drug Polyunsaturated Fatty Acids (PUFA), Drug’ Cialoptam
Interactions Between Cranberry Julee and Antibiotics Uses to Treat Urinary Tract infections
‘Conetion. Unnary Trac infections
Interventions Drug. Cranbery ice, Drug. Amoxtciin
Phytocetrogens and Memory Decline in Menopause
Condtions. Memory Loss, Postmenopause
Intervention” Drag: solavones
‘Condition. Fibromyalgia
Intervention, Drug. Active liquid remedy
Using MRI Scans to Evaluate Spinal Manipulation
‘Gonation: Lower Back Pain
Inlervetion Procedure. Lumbar side posture spinal adjusting
Spirituality and Wil to Live in Pationte With HIVIAIDS
‘Coneiion HIV infections
Hawthorn Extract Randomized Blinded Chronic Heart Failure (HERE CHE) Tal
‘Condon. Chronic Hear Faire
Intervention” Drug: Crataegus Special Extract WS 1442
صفحه 24:
{GT Search of (NCCAM) [SPONSOR] (mist |
Found 2 studies with search of: (NCCAM) [SPONSOR] (mistletoe) [TREATMENT]
Hide studies thot are not seeking new volun
Rank statue
1 Active, not recruiting tletoe in Treating Patients With Advanced Soli
Cancer Celeectal Cancer. Lung Cancer
Inveentons Supeement misteos exact, Diug. gemelabine امار
ing Canes
Drag lecar | Oras: ist
sing tis page
search wil be p gain onthe ایو
RSS Feds for studies found by your search that were:
nthe Inst 14 days, Last updated (includes received) in the last 20 days
صفحه 25:
CAM Use by U.S. Adults and Child
صفحه 26:
39.6% © 40.1%
مبسييسي يي Sr
7084 604 5059 40-49 30:39 18-29
صفحه 27:
‘American inion! Asian Black Hispanic
‘Alaska Native ۳
PM, Bloor 8, Nahin RD att Report #712. Complementary and emai Mains Use Among Adit and Cider:
صفحه 28:
10 Most Common CAM Therapies Among Adults - 2007
لم |9
Therapies with significant increases
between 2002 and 2007 are
2002 07
Deep breathing 11.6% 127%
Meditation 76% 98%
Massage 50% 39
Yoga 51 6.1%
# ss & & et, ee & et
fe * ا
صفحه 29:
10 Most Common Natural Products Among Adults* - 2007
fo) ana
113% 1126
صفحه 30:
Diseases/Conditions for Which CAM
lls Most Frequently Used Among Adults - 2007
صفحه 31:
Most Common Natural Products Among Children* - 2007
Echinacea لا Combination
Heeb Pils
ral prods inthe ast 30 das,
Seance: Barnes PA 8 هکم Report ۱2 6۵۳ ع9 مجعالة جه 0/6
Sines 200) Decent
صفحه 32:
What is EBM?
" “Evidenced-based medicine is the concept of
formalizing the
scientific approach to the practice of medicine for
of “evidence” to support our clinical decisions. It requires
understanding of critical appraisal and the basic
principles of study design, point estimates, relative risk,
ratios, confidence intervals, bias, and confounding. By
using this
information, clinicians can categorize evidence, assess
تفه tel Cicer وا رات تفت بات
صفحه 33:
Developing the clinical
= Step 1: Formulate the clinical issue
into a searchable, answerable question.
* Step 2: Distinguish what type of
question you may have.
Experience with Condition
صفحه 34:
Background questions
™Background questions ask for general
information about a condition or thing.
" م question root (who, what, when, etc)
combined with a verb.
What microbial organisms can
cause community-acquired
Background questions are typically answered by
صفحه 35:
Foreground questions
= Foreground questions ask for
specific knowledge about a specific
patient with a specific condition.
Is St. John’s Wort effective in
relieving the symptoms of post-
partum depression?
Foreground questions are typically
answered by databases that access the
research literature
صفحه 36:
Developing the question
= Foreground questions usually have four
P = Patient population
| = Intervention
C = Comparison
O = Outcome
صفحه 37:
تور با 30 04 رت ار ره )۱
The patient population or disease of interest
- gender
- ethnicity
- with certain disorder (e.g., hepatitis)
The intervention or range of interventions of
- Exposure to disease
- Prognostic factor A
- Risk behavior (e.g., smoking)
What you want to compare the intervention
- No disease
- Placebo or no intervention/therapy
- Prognostic factor B
- Absence of risk factor (e.g., non-smoking)
Outcome of interest
- Risk of disease
- Accuracy of diagnosis
- Rate of occurrence of adverse outcome {
صفحه 38:
[Comparis |[Outco
on, if any] |me]
lead toa
,۵ 6۱۲۵۱۱6 ]۷۱ کاصهنهم ۱۱
lessening of pain?
و تیا ریات ایا ریا و نیت عت :۰ یا
posterior vaginal wall prolapse,
In patients with moderate depression,
Veh traditional SSRIs
ل ات۱۱۱ M Lm hile
adverse effects?
صفحه 39:
Types of Questions
™ Diagnosis: How to select a diagnostic test or how
to interpret the results of a particular test.
™ Prognosis: What is the patient's likely course of
disease, or how to screen for or reduCe risk.
™ Therapy: Which treatment is the most effective, or
Shere an effective treatment for a particular
™ Harm or Etiology: Are there harmful effects of a
particular treatment, or how these harmful effects
can be avoided.
™ Prevention: How can the patient's risk factors be
adjusted to help reduce the risk of disease?
™ Cost: Looks at cost effectiveness, cost/benefit
صفحه 40:
۴ 660۲ 6 وا ۷۷۵۲ , In
compared with 9
Are عناقط وحانها at
risk for/of ل
with/without 1
Diagnosis or Diagnostic Test
Are (Is) more accurate in diagnosing
انها 30م ممع 2
ممعم ممم
does the use of reduce the ممع
ave mee aol compared with 9
Does influence in patients who
صفحه 41:
Medical literature
" Secondary - reviews
of original research
Systematic reviews
Practice guidelines
۱9 در ورام مت
Consensus reports
Editorial, commentary
= Primary - original
Experimental (an
Ne oe uC ute)
| rem
Observational (no
۱۳۰۰ سرت
صفحه 42:
Case series/case reports
" Reports on treatment, etc. of
individual patients
ieee eer De Um leet mda)
automatic word processing and self-hypnosis: a case report.
‘Am J Clin Hypn. 2005 Oct-2006 Jan;48(2-3):191-8.
Binge eating frequently is related to emotional stress and mood
problems. In this report, we describe a 16-year-old boy who utilized
automatic word processing (AWP) and self-hypnosis techniques in
treatment of his binge eating, and associated anxiety, insomnia,
migraine headaches, nausea, and stomachaches. He was able to
reduce his anxiety by gaining an understanding that it originated as
a result of fear of failure. He developed a new cognitive strategy
through AWP, after which his binge eating resolved and his other
symptoms improved with the aid of self-hypnosis. Thus, AWP may
have helped achieve resolution of his binge eating by uncovering
the underlvina psvcholoaica! causes of his svmptoms. and self-
صفحه 43:
Case Control Studies
* Studies in which patients who
already have a specific condition are
compared with people who do not
* Rely on medical records and patient
recall for data collection
صفحه 44:
Hepatitis C; a retrospective study, literature review, and
naturopathic protocol Mo,
Alternative Medicine Review. 5(4):355-71, 2000 Aug.
The standard medical treatment of hepatitis C infection is only
associated with sustained efficacy in a minority of patients.
تفا روت نیت ت۱۱
importance. Several natural products and their derivatives have
demonstrated benefit in the treatment of hepatitis C and other
chronic liver conditions. Other herbal and nutritional
supplements have mechanisms of action that make them likely
to be of benefit. This article presents comprehensive protocol,
including diet, lifestyle, and therapeutic interventions. The
در را a retrospective review of 41 consecutive
4 Of the 14 patients with baseline and follow-
up data who had not undergone interferon therapy, seven had a
greater than 25-percent reduction in serum alanine
aminotransferase (ALT) levels after at least one month on the
protocol. For all patients reviewed, the average reduction in ALT
was 35 U/L (p=0.026). These data appear to suggest that a
conservative approach using diet and lifestyle modification,
صفحه 45:
Cohort studies
" From a large population, follows
patients who have a specific
condition or receive a particular
treatment over time and compared
with another group that has not been
affected by the condition or
treatment studies
صفحه 46:
۱ ۱۱۱۹۱۵۱ ۱۱۱ BY 5+
Yoga practice is associated with attenuated weight gain in
ات وت یت ات یی تیا
BACKGROUND: Yoga is promoted or weight maintenance, but there is
little evidence of its efficacy. OBJECTIVE: To examine whether yoga
(a تا Lan ارات طاغأينا لعغواء3550 ذأ ععأغع هم
,6315لا 57 0غ 53 3960 PARTICIPANTS: Participants included == ,
recruited to the Vitamin and Lifestyle (VITAL) cohort study ==
MEASUREMENTS: Physical activity (including yoga) during the ,._.-
past 10 years, diet, height, and weight at recruitment and at ages 30 and
All measures were based on self-reporting, and past weight was .45
retrospectively ascertained. METHODS: Multiple regression analyses were
used to examined covariate-adjusted associations between yoga practice
and weight change from age 45 to recruitment, and polychotomous
logistic regression was used to examine associations of yoga practice
with the relative odds of weight maintenance (within 5%) and weight loss
compared to weight gain. RESULTS: Yoga practice for four or )5% >(
more years was associated with a 3.1-Ib lower weight gain among normal
weight (BMI < 25) participants [9.5 Ibs versus 12.6 Ibs] and an 18.5-Ib
lower weight gain among overweight participants [-5.0 Ibs versus 13.5
Ibs] (both P for trend <.001). Among overweight individuals, 4+ years of
yoga practice was associated with a relative odds of 1.85 (95%
confidence interval [Cl] 0.63-5.42) for weight maintenance (within 5%)
and 3.88 (95% CI 1.30-9 88) for weight loss (> 5%) compared to weight
صفحه 47:
Randomized controlled
" Study effect of therapy on real
* Include methodologies that reduce
the potential for bias
= Intervention group vs control group
= Patients assigned in randomized
= Blinded or non-blinded studies
صفحه 48:
Kumar Sk, Sandesh kK, فده سس را انا اعها HerikunianR,
وت ور یت err iCute
sedative medication during colonoscopy: a randomized,
controlled trial. Indian J Gastroenterol. 2006 Jan-Feb;25(1):3-
BACKGROUND: Music played during endoscopic procedures
may alleviate anxiety and improve patient acceptance of the
prospective randomized, controlled trial ()-— \./ سور
undertaken to determine whether music decreases the
requirement for midazolam during colonoscopy and makes
the procedure more comfortable and acceptable. METHODS:
Patients undergoing elective colonoscopy between October
ضع15! غم معطئاء م6 لم2 أمعهلمصقم فنع يناد 2004 and February 2003
to music (Group 1; n=40) or listen to music of their choice
تسسس وس (Group 2) nse) during the procedures .\) f+
طعقء وم 2 5ه 5غمنوتات دأ لمفتصعل نه نمهامع ه210 كنممع لد اما
The dose of midazolam, duration of procedure, recovery time,
pain and discomfort scores and willingness to undergo a
repeat procedure using the same sedation protocol were
compared. RESULTS: Patients in Group 2 received
significantly less midazolam thanthoseinGroupl ==
The pain score was si rin the two groups, whereas
صفحه 49:
Systematic review
Extensive literature search is
conducted in systematic fashion
Only uses studies with sound
Studies are collected, reviewed,
assessed and the results
summarized according to
predetermined criteria of the review
صفحه 50:
ا 010
Jepson RG, Mihaljevic L, Craig J. Cranberries for preventing
| Database of Systematic Reviews 2004, Issue 2.
ree ee een ate aN an ame ase NUR nC Nae
several decades for the prevention and treatment of urinary tract infections (UTIs). The aim of this
PRS eon ل at CoM tao
/ وا كاعنلممم لمع طمدى ععطاه لمة ععلناز رمع طمدى أن ددع مع عع لاع عط دمعدكة 10 ندع نالى ع زط9
1 rt as
ees cr ale see re reser Rut cae eee en een a eae ay
English language terms; companies involved with the promotion and distribution of cranberry
rite Reel Toc Me ie a Rae te tel eee etter TR tc gaat
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Yee Re eae MMR rato cette cet oem ete Reo
two trials (one study evaluated both juice and tablets). In two good quality RCTs, cranberry
products significantly reduced the incidence of UTIs at twelve months (RR 0.61 95% CI:0.40 to 0.91)
Ree Man tac een a ee RCL eee Ree ل t ae
عبرهو ععطاه عط ,لاحم ee Rese ues eee Met Tae oa مه كقن عمعط؟
etre ic ie ate a ae یی ات ge
(RR 1.11 95% CI:0.49 to 2.50). Five trials were not included in the meta-analyses due to
ای alg
۱ ee rare ie cee ا acorn ia et
Teer Rm ی es
Authors’ conclusions: There is some evidence from two good quality RCTs that cranberry juice
صفحه 51:
" Examines a group of valid studies on
" Combines results using accepted
statistical methodology to reach a
consensus on the overall results
صفحه 52:
Linde K, Berner M, Egger M, Mulrow C.
5 (۵۱8۳5 ۷۵۳۲ ۲۵۲ 060۲655100: ۵۲۵-۵۵۵۱۷5۱5 ۴
randomised controlled trials.
Br J Psychiatry. 2005 Feb;186:99-107.
BACKGROUND: Extracts of Hypericum perforatum (St John's
wort) are widely used to treat depression. Evidence for its
efficacy has been criticised on methodological grounds. AIMS: To
update evidence from randomised trials regarding the
iced Rem abe mangle
Wie fois: We sserrricc| a systematic review and meta-analysis
of 37 double-blind randomised controlled trials ممع
clinical effects of Hypericum monopreparation with either
placebo or a standard antidepressant in adults with depressive
RESULTS: Larger placebo-controlled trials restricted to patients
with major depression showed only minor effects over placebo,
while older and smaller trials not restricted to patients with
major depression showed marked effects. Compared with
standard antidepressants Hypericum extracts had similar
effects. CONCLUSIONS: Current evidence regarding Hypericum
extracts is inconsistent and confusina. In patients who meet
صفحه 53:
Levels of evidence
* Level I: obtained from at least one
properly controlled randomized trial,
considered the gold standard of evidence.
* Level Il-1:derived from controlled trials
without randomization.
~ Level Il-2: well-designed cohort or case-
control studies.
~ Level Il-3: includes studies with external
control groups or ecological studies.
_ Level Ill evidence is derived from reports
of expert committees, not because itis |
weaker than levels | or Il, but because it is
often difficult to ascertain the scientific
origin of the committee opinion.
صفحه 54:
Ae iret ie Lec Lilie
5۷۲6۳۱۵1۱ ۷
Randomized Controlled
Animal Research
صفحه 55:
Suggested Best Type of Study
RCT > cohort > case control >
case series
Prospective, blind comparison to
gold standard
RCT > cohort > case control >
(oT اتب
Cohort study > case control >
00356 5
RCT > cohort study > case
control > case series
Prospective, blind comparison to
gold standard
Economic analysis
لاد نظا
Etiology / Harm
Clinical Exam
مت ممعم ات etiology ۳۱۹۵ 0
صفحه 56:
In patient 105 or affect
اقا [Interventi | [Comparis | [Outco
[Patient/ on] on, if any] |me]
\ Question:
In adult with acute maxillary sinusitis, does a 3-
day course of trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole
yield the same cure rates as a 10-day course,
with fewer adverse effects and costs?
OT emi BBY aN
RCT>cohort>case control>
Se ک case series
صفحه 57:
A 42-year old woman presented at the emergency room of
the hospital complaining of muscle pain and tiredness. She
was found to have hyperventilation and weakness of four
limbs, with muscle power of grade 5
()/5. All her symptoms gradually subsided over the next few
hours. History revealed she was taking maqianzi', a herbal
, if any]
کر ۱ ۱۱ ]۱۱۱۱۱۶2۱۱
Peacoat وا و cle)
In an adult woman, does magianzi cause muscle pain and tiredness?
Type of study:
(_RCT>cohort>case contraol> case series |
Type of question:
صفحه 58:
In patient with | does or
[Patient/ [Intervention | [Comparison
Been (ul ] , [تقصة كأ
In a postmenopausal woman is kidney yin deficiency as effective as
standard tools in diagnosis of vasomotor symptoms?
Type of study:
Prospective blind comparison to gold
:هادع نان 5ه عميا1
صفحه 59:
ee Cur)
وميد مولوعم ف
لاا ل
لاقع بععمع لايع رای
5ع 5م 0 تا
تال یات تا
۳ 5۷۱۲06۶65
fe در
۵۷۱۵۷ ۶
كناممء5 ب الضلقكء ,ل علطيام
صفحه 60:
If an original study is your
best optio: 0
صفحه 61:
IMRAD format
Introduction: why the authors
decided to conduct the research.
Methods: how they conducted the
research and analyzed their results.
Results: what was found.
Discussion: what the authors think
وت ییاتود
صفحه 62:
= Problem
* Patient or population
* Intervention
= Comparison
* Outcome
= Number of subjects
Flaherty, Robert J. A simple mothod for evaluating the clinical literature, Fam Prac Mgt, May 2004:47-52. Available
online at http://www.aafp.org/fpm/20040500/47asim html,
صفحه 63:
* You just saw a nine-year old patient
with common warts on her hands.
She is an ideal candidate for
cryotherapy. Her mother has heard
about treating warts with duct tape
and wants to know if you would
recommend this treatment.
صفحه 64:
Clinical question
" What is your clinical question?
= PICO: Patient,
Intervention/Comparison, Outcome
“In children with warts, is) duct
tape as effective as cryotherapy
Te) 2112۶۱۱۶۱۶۱۱۱۶۱۶ ٩۱۱۶ ۶
صفحه 65:
" After you have your clinical question,
search the appropriate databases:
Dynamed, PIER, UpToDate, Cochrane,
Clinical Evidence
* Focht DR 3rd, Spicer C, Fairchok MP.
The efficacy of duct tape vs
cryotherapy in the treatment of
verruca vulgaris (the common wert).
Arch Pediatr Adolesc Med, 2002
صفحه 66:
0 ou Oe ec sect a ete Rea a
کت ات تزا meee CS
اس لان
SETTING: The general pediatric and adolescent clinics at a military medical center.
PATIENTS: A total of 61 patients (age range, 3-22 years) were enrolled in the study
ا ل ل ea NC RI
EVES cla eis
INTERVENTION: Patients were randomized using computer-generated codes to receive
either cryotherapy (liquid nitrogen applied to each wart for 10 seconds every 2-3 weeks)
ا Cs Ca)
اس یاس Se EUR cal
ONC) aU eer ec cre eee aM Celle et ete
۱ رف SM eRe eer ee Mar CSCO Reece Rak tas
tape, and 25 (49%) were treated with cryotherapy. Twenty-two patients (85%) in the
duct tape arm vs 15 patients (60%) enrolled in the cryotherapy arm had complete
Reece ia rol et ken ON mL ایا
رد کر ecole yg Ron TM Rear OUR Clea
CONCLUSION: Duct tape occlusion therapy was significantly more effective than
Ce تسا
صفحه 67:
Problem (?P-ICONS)
* What is the clinical condition that was
studied in the article?
OBJECTIVE: To determine if
application of duct tape is as effective
as cryotherapy in the treatment of
common warts.
~The problem studied should be
sufficiently similar to your clinical
problem, or the results will not be
Porat Pat Wit at
صفحه 68:
Patient or Population (PP-
" Is the study group similar to your
patient or practice?
SETTING: The general pediatric and
adolescent clinics at a military
medical center.
PATIENTS: A 3 of 61 patients (age
range, 3-22 years)
If the دهدن fn the study are not
similar to your patient (older, sicker,
different gender or more Clinically
complicated), the results may not be
صفحه 69:
Intervention (PP-/CONS)
* Is the intervention the same as what
you are looking for?
* Could be a diagnostic test or a
The patient’s mother has heard
about treating warts with duct
tape and wants to know if you
would recommend this treatment.
صفحه 70:
Comparison (PP-ICONS)
" The comparison is what the
treatment is tested against.
* Could be a different diagnostic test,
another therapy, placebo, or no
treatment at all.
INTERVENTION: Patients were randomized
using computer-generated codes to receive
either cryotherapy (liquid nitrogen applied
to each wart for 10 seconds every 2-3
weeks) for a maximum of 6 treatments or
duct tape occlusion (applied directly to the
wart) for a maximum of 2 months.
صفحه 71:
Outcome (PP-ICONS)
" Disease-oriented outcomes (DOEs): usually
reflect changes in physiologic parameters.
* It has long been assumed that improving
the physiologic parameters of a disease will
result in a better outcome, but this is not
= patieyeé-BHented evidence that matters
(POEMs): look at outcomes such as
morbidity, mortality and cost.
= Therefore, DOEs are interesting but of
questionable relevance, whereas POEMs
are very interesting and very relevant.
resolution of the wart being studied.
صفحه 72:
Number (PP-ICONS)
" Number of subjects in the study is
crucial in whether accurate statistics
can be generated from the data.
* Too few patients may not be enough to
show that a difference really exists between
intervention and comparison groups (power
- Pfanytslidies contain <100 subjects, which
is usually inadequate to provide reliable
ل ا eich
51 patients completed the study
SCR AVC UR Mee rani Run es eee ee ere ce eee Bea aE
eT 1970:30:607-610.
صفحه 73:
Statistics (PP-ICONS)
" Relative risk reduction (RRR): the
percent reduction in events in the
treated group compared to the control
۱9۱۱۱۱۹۹ ری را tees
~ Amplifies small differences and makes
insignificant findings appear significant
~ Doesn’t reflect the baseline risk of the outcome
3 898 weak results look good, therefore
_ Popular and will be reported in almost every
5 1 کل mislead you
RRR would be (85 percent - 60 percent/60 percent x 100
< 42 ۷
le. 42 nercent more effective than crvotherapv in
صفحه 74:
Statistics (PP-ICONS)
* Absolute risk reduction (ARR): the
difference in the outcome event rate
between the control group and the
experimental group.
ARR for the wart study is the outcome event
rate (complete resolution of warts) for duct
tape (85 percent) minus the outcome event
rate for cryotherapy (60 percent) = 25
_ A better statistic to evaluate
outcome, as it does not amplify small
differences, but shows the true
difference between the experimental
and control] interventions.
صفحه 75:
Statistics (PP-ICONS)
Number needed to treat (NNT): number of
patients who must be treated to prevent one
adverse outcome OR the number of patients
who must be treated for one patient to benefit
* Single most clinically useful statistic
* Easy to calculate, simply the inverse of the ARR.
For the wart study, the NNT is 1/25 percent =
1/0.25 - 4
4 patients need to be treated with duct tape for
۱ ره مرف رت ره ار ردیر درز
faeries) ofeSieeia) NNT of 10 or less is good, with less
than 5 being very good
_ For preventive interventions, the NNT willl be
higher. A NNT for prevention of less than 20 might
be particularly good.
صفحه 76:
Intention to Treat Analysis
© Attrition: Were patients lost to follow-up, and
ends acer Clem Nec lacie TaN eset
according to the categories into which they
were originally randomized.
— Benefits of a treatment are more difficult to
demonstrate with intention-to-treat analysis.
— Helps to mitigate differences by including
subjects who are unlikely to have experienced
PCT را وت و
RM ار Cie Mieco Coli OR aes
Worst case scenario: 6 cryotherapy patients had wart
اقنلأوع؟ فقط دوغأمعاغهم عمردغ غعيال 4 عغطاغ مصة صمأءسامدوع,
Weve ater iam Mi Mole: aay eerie
ره اما ۵۸ که
اه اد دا کر و تس Te Se Te 3
صفحه 77:
Type of Study for Your
oe oe
Masa MO ما
ا ا كا ca
لكا ا ar belie od
(arta Or ernie eden ay ele eenes
تس سم MO aks ied oA ae ce
5 00111 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 11
lon) Corre obsis
OMe eae ا الا ل ee COUN
صفحه 78:
Identify a clinical problem with a patient
Formulate a clinical question using PICO
Search the literature for appropriate article(s)
Evaluate the article(s)
Complete the online assignment within two
weeks after date of lecture.