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ی ۲ 8 19

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EIDEEROOLEG COO OLOT TPLEY REOECSL يي ۱۹۶ ‎a‏ کرت رم رم رازه

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Dis ees ۱ eae ie PAS ee ا را( ‎ye ee Nese ceneice acer ince OlemUar‏ 000 UPUREA ‏ل ل ی‎ ANS Ea Beer es eA cee NS Pe ‏ا‎ PSL oe poeusoota, or Pever. Dhese toes ewerge Pow ude UU EARSNSL ‏ل ان‎ e N cad 00 ا ل 0

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مر( ‎arcem ome‏ ا ليد من ره ‎Une‏ ‏با را ما درا زر رز( يي مر 00 ‎Ounce howevputhic newedy= (rs aly

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6 ‏رم‎ rides 2 ۱12 ‏رد‎ PANS ‏ل‎ ‏دص رح‎ acl ۱ Ds PAS ca ASN cas eA aD 3 OW ‏وا لا ی‎ a ao Ae SOPWG; rougkoess Pragercails; ribbed: tog. 0 ‏ل‎ ee ae A ee a ee ‏ا‎ ee Ce

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‎ed‏ دز( ‎06000007 esa ined bse = ge SNe es eed EERO ‏ری‎ ‏.لومم‎ De oe en ence cys) ‏حصصمم رت در‎ moves. Proxazdl cal Pot Peels sprog. Caused by ‏ل ل‎ LER CaS ‏”أ‎ > ‎TAPAS AS ‏ل ا‎ eS ceca AOS ‎disease fs preset i OO percent oP people who hove ‎Za CANS eZ EAS GCA SCA CaS ez Ease‏ رگ مر ‎Te hair‏ ا 0 ‎ae ee‏ ‏0 حول با 9 ‎PQ,‏ ‎00 ‎he nen ‏ان‎ ee eet ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎

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صفحه 14:
Pitting = Small pits or depressions. Most common nail problem seen in 25 percent to 50 percent of people with psoriasis. " Extremities; NAILS; holes in: ars. tan discoloration “oil spot” lesion.

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صفحه 16:
Spoon nails > Soft nails that look scooped) out. Depression is usually large enough to hold a drop of liquid. Often indicates iron deficiency anemia. » Extremities; NAILS; complaints of; ۰۱292222 ‏ست زر‎

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صفحه 18:
0 Wa = Lifting of the nail from the nail bed. Causes: trauma, psoriasis, drug reactions, bacterial/fungal infection, contact dermatitis from using nail hardeners, thyroid disease, iron deficiency anemia or syphilis. = Looseness fingernails: apis., med., pyrog., ust.

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» 2 3 4 لل 7۰ 4 ۶

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Nail growth * Onl hypertrophy ND cane A csme ANCL Cea cel cane ca ull (cae OD Ines QOrteds) or arguined - The call beoowes dePored wits chow tise appeaccove. Causes: (rt mutters the ‏بعاهه‎ frava7g, | Desa ees Pass aS es ‏رو‎ ‏ال > تا‎ ne A eA et 0” 4) ‏ی‎ CAA eee EAU a Fre AE CA cae ac A Cr ‏ا‎ me ce ae 2 ‏ا ا‎ 2 le Ca A ‏رت‎

صفحه 23:
Figure 3: Courtesy of Richard K. Scher, MD Figure 3. Transverse ridging in the left hallux of a soccer player. Such a deformity can occur when the nail matrixis damaged by repeated impacts of kicking the ball, resulting in pernanent changes in the nail plate.

صفحه 24:
مار ۱ roel NR ‏ل‎ PARC NAN ci * DOUG; aophic: vA, * DOUG; wow, & wt witv., ptra., rabhr.,

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Nas ACR atc Can cre ca poours it © .© put oP every (DO OOO pevple Oe Cn ease mE Ne ‏ا‎ ‏سم يان‎ ON aa ha (OM crea cd ‎pep ae peer ea hd‏ مسر ‎

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صفحه 29:
اک هت 6۱ Half-and-Half (Lindsay's nails) — Look for an arc of brownish discoloration. May occur in a small percentage of people who have kidney failure. Internal diseases and nutritional deficits can cause changes in the appearance of the lates

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16۲۲۷ 5 ۵5 * The nail looks opaque and white, but the nail tip has a dark pink to brown band. May accompany cirrhosis, congestive heart failure, adult-onset diabetes, cancer or ageing.

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صفحه 34:
Cyanosis = A bluish discoloration visible at the nail bases in select patient with severe hypoxemia or hypoperfusion. As with clubbing, it is not at all sensitive for either of these conditions. = H; Hands; NAILS, fingers, general; discoloration, nails; blueness (59) : acon., aesc., agar., apis, apoc., arg-n., arn., ars., asaf., aur., cact., camph., carbn-s., carb-v., chel., chin., chin-ar., chin-s., chlf., cic., cocc., colch., con., ‏لت‎ dig., dros., eup-pur., ferr., ferr-ar., ferr-p., gels., gins., graph., ip., manc., merc., merc- Set rail loa ies eT Tele TT ae Op., Ox-ac., ‏,ام‎ ۲ 36 006۰, plb., ‘thus- t., Sang., Sars., Sep., ‏زنط و۱۳۰ ,اک و2۳0‎ Verat., Naas

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صفحه 36:
Paronychia (felon) = Inflammation of the nail folds, ratte appear red, ۱ tenet iitel may not be ‏انوا‎ ‎Causes: fungal infection, secondary bacterial infection, people who’s hands are |۱۹ elie susceptible, = H; Hands; NAILS, fingers, general; panaritium, nails (۰ ‏یت کیت ییات ییا رساات فا‎ 0) i= am., aSaf., bar-c., benz-ac., berb., bov., bufo, calc., caust., chin., cist., con., cur., Dios., eug., ferr., Fl-ac., gins., Hep., hyper., iod., iris, kali-c., kalm., lach., led., lyc., merc., Myris., nat-c., nat-h., nat-m., nat-s., Nit-ac., par., petr., phyt., plb., puls., rhus-t., sang., sep., Sil., sulph., Tarent-c., teucr.

صفحه 37:
NAILS; pulp, of; nails recede, leave raw 5 redness; fingernails: apis, ars., cortiso., crot-c., lepi., lith-c., ozone, upa., x-ray inflammation, fingernails; around: con., hell., kola., nat-m., nat-s., ph-ac., sil. H; Hands; NAILS, fingers, general; fungus, under (4) : ant-c., graph., petr., thuj. H; Hands; NAILS, fingers, general; inflammation, fingernails (1) : kali-c. H; Hands; NAILS, fingers, general; ‎ae ee fingernails; root of (2) : hep.,‏ یل ‎stict.‏

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Figure 6: Courtesy of Richard K. Scher, MD Figure 6. The split nail of the right thumb. of a wrestler, whose nail matrix was scarred by recurrent staphylococcal paronychia. If this condition is diagnosed early, treatment is with systemic antibiotics; otherwise, partial removal of the proxirnal nail plate may be necessary.

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دمم رای ره رش Peres PAOLO) ی رد ‎ere‏ ۳ ‎(GOCE).‏ اک ‎el eae a‏ ی 2 ‎Corea ais‏ ‎ ‎ ‎Or mise ead eases eR cc esta aS ici CAST AE) Iii ‏.جاعروذ) لجمادمجمصلين عرص ببدم‎ ‏اه واه ل ل لك ۶ ‎a a‏ ا ا ا لك ‎CS‏ ا ا ا ا ا 6ك ‏ا ا ا ا ‎vies‏ ا ا يا ل ل ل لك وا

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0 ‏اي ل ا‎ ‏اجام‎ ANS CA ‏با‎ OCA a Nice ‏ا‎ At CARY A

صفحه 45:
BON ic amc bl Wc ene ica ca cM PAN CA Des P| A lee ea ce

صفحه 46:
Yellow nail syndrome = Yellow nail syndrome is characterized by yellow or green nails that lack a cuticle, grow slowly, and are loose or detache: (onycholysis). May be associated with swelling of the hands and feet (lymphoedema), or a lung diseases e.g. chronic bronchitis. Yellow nails can indicate internal disorders long before other symptoms ‏و‎ Some of these are problems with the en al ‏رن‎ ‎respiratory disorders, diabetes, and liver 0 = NAILS: discoloration; yellowish: am-c., ambr., ant-c., ars., aur, bell., 2 calc., canth., carb- v., caust., cham., chel., chin., Con., fer, hep., ign., lyc., merc., nit-ac., nux-v., op., plb., puls., ep., Sil, spig., sulph.

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Ohare spots (Ledwayohia)

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Melanonychia “عصامم؟ انب عن علحوحطا لصامع ونام اموور ‎bd‏ ‏و مر با ‎eel PA‏ ل 0 ا ۱6 ۳ مر

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صفحه 54:
عر تتا = Hypothyroidism: brittle nails - which separate easily from the nail bed (Onycholysis) ‏یه و نی هچ‎ ef 0۳۷, ۱۷۵۱۱۵۸۱5 50, ۲۵۱96, slow pulse, chilly, coarse hair that falls out. = Hyperthyroidism: brittle nails - which separate easily from the nail bed (Onycholysis) and are concave (spoon nails) = Brittle nails - may also suggest iron deficiency anemia, kidney and circulatory problems. = NAILS; brittle: a/um., alum-sil., ambr., anan., ant-c., ars., but-ac., calc., Calc-f, peg ‏,اولاق‎ 6160۰, cupr., dios., fl-ac., Graph., hep., hydrog., lept., lyc., med., merc., morg., nat-m., nit-ac., ozone, phos., Psor., rad-br., ruta, sabad., sec., sel., senec., sep., sil., spig., squil., sulph., syc-co., thuj., tub., x-ray

صفحه 55:
Nails that chip, peel, crack, or break easily - suggest a nutritional deficiency, lacking hydrochloric acid, protein or minerals. NAILS: cracked: ant-c., ars., lach., nat-m., sil. Crumbling away of fingernails: but-ac. {Butyric acid: a volatile acid obtained from 9 NAILS; scatter like powder when cut: sil.

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صفحه 58:
(0 = Liver Diseases: White Nails =" Kidney Diseases: Half of nail is pink, half is white = Heart Conditions: Nail bed is red = Lung Diseases: Yellowing and thickening of the nail, slowed growth rate = Anemia: Pale nail beds = Diabetes: Yellowish nails, with a slight blush at the base

صفحه 59:
(ON a ease fae eer oa eae ead = Vitamin A and calcium deficiencies - dry brittle nails. = Vitamin B deficiency - horizontal and vertical ridges, that break easily. = Vitamin B12 deficiency- dry, darkened nails with rounded and curved nail ends. = Protein deficiency- white bands

صفحه 60:
:طاو اكه علصرصمر©) = Ayurveda considers nails as the waste product of the bones. = Dry, crooked, rough nails that break easily indicates a predominance of the Vata constitution. = Soft, pink, tender nails that are easily bent are indication of a Pitta constitution. = Thick, strong, soft and shiny nails indicate a Kapha constitution.

صفحه 61:
‎acest:‏ کی راو( ‎Longitudinal lines: indicate inability of‏ ل ‎the digestive system to absorb food‏ 01017 ‎= Transverse grooves: may indicate the presence of long-standing illness or malnutrition. ‎= Yellow nails; alert us to liver problems or jaundice. ‎= Blue nails: indicate a weak heart. ‎= ‏اد‎ shows an excess of red blood 3

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