ریاضیعلوم پایه

Fuzzy Inference systems

صفحه 1:
‎Gpstews‏ م۳( رس ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎

صفحه 2:
© The Architecture of Fuzzy Inference Systems ° Fuzzy Models: Mamdani Fuzzy models Sugeno Fuzzy Models Tsukamoto Fuzzy models © Partition Styles for Fuzzy Models

صفحه 3:
‎Gpstews‏ م۳( رس ‎۱۳ ‏ل‎ ‏روص"‎ IePereue Gystews

صفحه 4:

صفحه 5:

صفحه 6:
Converts thecrispinput toa linguistic variableusing themembership functions storedin the fuzzy knowledge base.

صفحه 7:
Converts thecrispinput toa linguistic variableusing themembership functions storedin the fuzzy knowledge base.

صفحه 8:

صفحه 9:
Converts thefuzzy output of theinference engine tocrispusing membership functions analogous to the ones used by the fuzzifier.

صفحه 10:
مدب ال رامع را ره ,مرن عک دموا رما موم ۲6۵ 111 ‎implementsa nonlinear mapping fromitsinput space to‏ ‎output space.‏ ۳ = aggregator| defuzzifier

صفحه 11:
‎Gpstews‏ م۳( رس ‏اكد دوه( ‎(Puzgp wodels‏

صفحه 12:
® Original Goal:Controfasteamengine & boiler combination by a set of Linguistic control rules obtainedfromexperienced human operators.

صفحه 13:
Max-Min Composition isused. The Reusvuny Grokewe

صفحه 14:
0ع اک که موه ‎Max-Product‏ The Reusvuny Grokewe

صفحه 15:
© Converts thefuzzy output of theinferenceengine to crispusing membership functions analogous tothe ones used by thefuzzifier. © Fivecommonly used defuzzifying methods: Centroidofarea (COA) Bisector ofarea (BOA) Mean of maximum (MOM) SmalCest of maximum (SOM) Largest of maximum (LOM)

صفحه 16:
smallest of max. centroid of area bisecter of area largest of max. mean of max.

صفحه 17:
2 هار 2)< 2 ۲82 2 ۲۳۳۳۳ > ‏مش وير سمو‎ 5-5 bisecter of area \— mean of max. = - fuade= fund, = Zo04

صفحه 18:
Ra if Xis small then Vis small R2iIf Xismediumthen Yismed Railf XisCargethen Vislarge Gxavple ‏ع ی‎ Y= output € [0, 10] Max-min compositionandcentroiddefuzzification wereused. Overall input-output curve

صفحه 19:
‘Ra1:if Xissmall & Vissmall then Zis negative! ‘RaiIf Xissmall & YisCarge then Zis negatives Ratlf Xislarge& Yis small then Zis positive sm ‏تنم‎ Xislarge& Vislargethen Zispositivela X,Y, Ze[-5, 5] Max-min compositionandcentroiddefuzzification wereused. Overall input-output curve 1 موس

صفحه 20:
‎Gpstews‏ م۳( رس ‎Guyew ‎(Puzay Oodels

صفحه 21:
© Alsoknownas TSK fuzzy model ~ Takagi, Sugeno & Kang, 7985 * Goal: Generation of fuzzy rules froma giveninput-output dataset.

صفحه 22:
‎Ques oP TGC Oodet‏ رد۳ ‎If xis dyis nz = f(x, y) ‎Fuzzy Sets Crisp Function ‎fx, yisvery oftena polynomial functionw.r.t. x ‎andy,

صفحه 23:
2: ‏)ام که ]ام و2‎ ۲0۵02 < -x +y +1 R2:if Xissmalland Yislargethen z = -y +3 R3:if XisCargeand Yissmall then Z = -x +3 R4:if Xislargeand Yislargethenz=x+t+yt2

صفحه 24:
+ لاو + رم > و2 ۲ + لا + لايم - و2 weighted average| W424+WeZ2 ۷, ze

صفحه 25:
RaiIfXissmall then Y= 0.1X+ 6.4 22:11 Xismediumthen Y= -0.5X + 4 Railf Xislargethen Y = X- 2 X=input €[-10, 10] (0) Overall ¥O Curve far Crisp Rules (a) Antecedent MFs for Crisp Rules 5 medium ‏اقا‎ ‎08 { £08 { eo ۱ 2 ‏اوه‎ | 0 1 2 3 80 6 10 10 3 a 3 18 2 x

صفحه 26:
RaiIfXissmall then Y= 0.1X+ 6.4 22:11 Xismediumthen Y= -0.5X + 4 Railf Xislargethen Y = X- 2 X=input > ]-10, 10[ (0) Overall VO Curve for Fuzzy Rules (c) Antecedent MFs for Fuzzy Rules small medium large 5 مصاع 3 8 2 3 4> 208 بو 2 2 02 7 ip aes 8 oh Ifwe have smoothmembership functions (fuzzy rules) the overall input-output curve becomes a smoother one.

صفحه 27:
‘Xis small and Yissmall then z ‘Raxif Xissmalland YisCarge then ‘Rarif XisCargeand Yissmall then ‏رام‎ Xislargeand Yislargethen X, YeL5, 5] “x+y 41 “y +3 =-x43 xty+2

صفحه 28:
‎Gpstews‏ م۳( رس ‎Tsuboi ‎(Puzay wodels

صفحه 29:
The consequent of eachfuzzy if-then- ruleis represented by a fuzzy set witha monotonical MF.

صفحه 30:
weighted average Wy * We

صفحه 31:
Ra: If Xissmall then Yis C, R2:If Xismediumthen Vis C, R3:if XisCargethen Yis C; سم اسهم پم اجه ‎osm‏ تست و ‎oo‏ ۰ ۲۳۰ ‎Gos, ۲ 1 doe‏ ‎Bos \ Fos‏ ‎soe‏ ۱ 202 ذخام 3 5 5 صب ۳ 0 1 ا ‘ 2

صفحه 32:
‎Gpstews‏ م۳( رس ‎(Puntitiocr Otptes Por Puzay Oodels

صفحه 33:
If <antecedence> then <consequence>. ——— ye Thesamestylefor Different stylesfor Mamdani Fuzzy models Mamdani Fuzzy models Sugeno Fuzzy Models * Sugeno Fuzzy Models * Tsukamoto Fuzzy models * Tsukamoto Fuzzy models

صفحه 34:
Tree Scatter Partition Partition 1 2 Grid Partition (a)

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