صفحه 1:

صفحه 2:
Chole @. ODM. Oreertzatred Dekeurer. Daversay of Petre.

صفحه 3:
Sociological Criteria of a group *Two or more freely interacting people (Interdependent -interact and influence each other); * Mutually accountable for achieving common goals; *Common Identity; *Collective Norms. Chelpow @. ODL. Orertzared Bekaver. Daversay of Toker.

صفحه 4:
sroups versus Teams All teams are groups Teams have task interdependence whereas some groups do not (e.g., group of employees enjoying lunch together) Teams have a positive synergy ۱ Skills in teams are complementary 11 Chole @. ODM. Oreertzatred Dekeurer. Daversay of Petre.

صفحه 5:

صفحه 6:
Theories of Group Formation * Propinquity * Needs, Functions and Goals ٠: * Balance Theory * Exchange Theory * Five-Stage Theory * Punctuated Equilibrium Model Chole @. ODM. Oreertzatred Dekeurer. Daversay of Petre.

صفحه 7:
uckman’s Five-Stage Theory of Group and team Development Adjourning Return to Independence Dependence/ interdependence Independence Chelpow @. ODL. Orertzared Bekaver. Daversay of Toker.

صفحه 8:
ON Stages of Group and Team Development Existing ber eet teams might ears regress back to an earlier stage of development Adjourning

صفحه 9:
111011112131 5 ۲۱۷۵-۰۰۵۲۵06 ۷ of Group Development (continued) Individual Bane me to do?” Group on roles and ‏عماوو]‎ work asa team?” Chelpow @. ODL. Orertzared Bekaver. Daversay of Toker.

صفحه 10:
Forming stage FOrm ing: weeters wet ocanicted, (Cow ten purpose & brauxnkries, Cotubboh inet ‏سا(‎ chwty of ‏مس‎ Questions: Tasks: 1. -Who is everyone? 1, orient members 2.- What will happen? 2. Get comfortable 3. - What is expected? 3. Establish trust 4 . - Where are we 4. Establish going? relationships with 5. - Who is the leader? leaders 6. - What are our 5. Establish clarity ‎Orkaer, ODE-PULPOSE‏ سين 000 هس 9و0

صفحه 11:
Storming stage Storming: members “fight” to stay together, Learn to disagreements and manage conflict, Improve processes, Recognizing team achievements, Learn to achieve win/win relationships. Questions: Tasks: 1. How do we handle 1. Manage conflict disagreements, 2. Allow individuals 2. How to communicate to have negative information, legitimate and make decisions? expression 3. Should the team 3. Examine key change? work processes 4. Do wé"havetheninnt =~ oof the.team

صفحه 12:
Norming / Conforming Conforming: create cohesion & unity, Differentiate roles, Identify expectations, Enhance commitment, Provide supportive feedback and foster commitment. Questions: Tasks: 1. What are the norms _‘!. Maintain unity & ۳ vision 9 & expectations? 2. Differentiate 2. How to conform? roles 3. What are the roles to _3- Determine levels of personal play? investment 4. What about support? 4. Clarify the 5. Where are we future 5. Decide on levels headed? 0. 00 ‏م0 همجن‎ nora eee mitment

صفحه 13:
Performing stage Performing: accomplish goals, Achieve continuous improvement, innovation, speed, flexibility and competence, Encourage, sponsor and facilitate implementation of new ideas, extraordinary performance. Questions: Tasks: - How can we 1. Capitalize on core 1. improve continuously? competence 2. innovate & be creative? 2. Improve 3. build on our core continuously Competency? 3. Anticipate ‎customer needs &‏ ص اودع ده وم ۱ ‎- How caves maintain respond high energy & 4. Enhance speed & commitment? timeliness ‏۵0 ۷۷۷5 20۷ .© عسوا

صفحه 14:
‎and Out-Groups‏ ی ‎° In-group ‎— “group with which people identify and have a sense of belonging” ‎— pronoun “WE” ‎Out-group ‎— “group that people do not identify with — pronoun “THEY” ‎— Loyalty to INGROUP — OpposikiOn dOnMSTEGRQL BS on ct ‏مج‎

صفحه 15:
Reference Groups * In-groups can be secondary or primary groups, but in either case, they are always reference groups, real or imaginary * astandard to evaluate ourselves * normative function * comparative function Chole @. ODM. Oreertzatred Dekeurer. Daversay of Petre.

صفحه 16:
Group Dynamics * Leadership * Roles * Norms * Status * Size * Composition * Cohesiveness * Socio-emotional * Instrumental Chelpow @. ODL. Orertzared Bekaver. Daversay of Toker.

صفحه 17:
“What is needed is not well balanced individuals, but individuals who” § balance well with each other.” Belbin 2003 keke @. OOM. Orcgrezcaerd Bi

صفحه 18:
Team Roles (Belbin) “A tendency to behave, contribute and interrelate with others in a particular way.” Roles * Action-oriented roles — Shaper, Implementer, and Completer-Finisher * People-oriented roles — Co-ordinator, Team-worker and Resource Investigator * Cerebral roles — Plant, Monitor-Evaluator and Specialist (Dr Meredith Belbin, Henley Management College) kolo @. OD. Orcertzatond Betaser. Daversyy of Petron.

صفحه 19:
Pear-Roke Desoripiow: te Parts Pevple Phy ‏ور‎ GPRevive Tea ‏امن‎ Ignores Incidents. Too pre-occupied to communicate effectively Over-optimistic. Loses interest once initial enthusiasm has passed. Can be seen as manipulative. Offloads personal work. Chane ©. ODT. Orearectennd Doar, Doaereny oF Toke Creative, imaginative, unorthodox. Solves difficult problems. Extrovert, enthusiastic, communicative. Explores opportunities. Develops contacts. Mature, confident, a good chairperson. Clarifies goals, promotes decision-making, delegates well. 6 تا ‎Investig: 5‏

صفحه 20:
DearRok Orsoriptow: the Pats People Phy tr CPPevive Pou Operations Prone to provocation. Offends people’s feelings. Lacks drive and ability to inspire others. Indecisive in crunch situations. Challenging, dynamic, thrives on pressure. The drive and courage to overcome obstacles. Sober, strategic and discerning. Sees all options. Judges accurately. Co-operative, mild, perceptive and diplomatic. Listens, builds, averts friction. Shaper ws Monitor Evaluator Team- Chotpour 0. OOM. Orgucizaicad Oekator. Ovversiy of Mehran.

صفحه 21:
Peauv-Rolke Descriptio: the Pats ‏و۳‎ Play to @PRevive Tea Operuiow Somewhat inflexible. Slow to respond to new possibilities. Inclined to worry unduly. Reluctant to delegate. Contributes on only a narrow front. Dwells on technicalities. Disciplined, reliable, conservative and efficient. Turns ideas into practical actions. Painstaking, conscientious, anxious. Searches out errors and omissions. Delivers on time. Single-minded, self-starting, dedicated. Provides knowledge and skills in rare supply. Implementor 5 Oz Completi Finisher Specialist ‎ork, Outerwori-Lerewana, Oxford, (O68‏ ف ‎R.0. Teaw Robs‏ ماه سوق ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎

صفحه 22:
عاد 1“ اممرمن<) - ملو) ۱ Belcan. Daversay oP Petras.

صفحه 23:
Each team member contributes towards achieving the team’s objectives by performing: A functional role: (determined by their professional and/or technical knowledge) A team role (determined by their characteristic pattern of team interaction). The effectiveness of the team will be promoted by the extent to which members correctly recognise and adjust themselves to the relative strengths of the team, both in expertise and ability to engage in specific team roles.

صفحه 24:
‎Wed Trad‏ تساو ‎One Co-ordinator or one Shaper One Innovator ‎One Monitor-Evaluator ‎One or more ‎—Implementer ‎— Team worker ‎— Resource Investigator ‎— One Finisher-Completer ‎Chelpow @. ODL. Orertzared Bekaver. Daversay of Toker. ‎

صفحه 25:
Role Identity Role Perception Role Expectations Role Conflict Role Overload Role Ambiguity Chelpow @. ODL. Orertzared Bekaver. Daversay of Toker.

صفحه 26:
موم Producer |

صفحه 27:
Tgnores details. Too preoccupied to communicate effectivel; ‘Over-optimistic. Loses interest once initial enthusiasm has passed. Can be seen as manipulative. Delegates personal work. Can provoke others. Hurts people’s feelings. Lacks drive and ability to inspire others. Overly critical. Indecisive in crunch situations. Can be easily influenced. Somewhat inflexible. Slow to respond to new possibilities Inclined to worry unduly. Reluctant to delegate. Can be a nit picker. Contributes on only a Creative, imaginative, unorthodox. Solves difficult problems Extrovert, enthusiastic, communicative. Explores opportunities. Develops contacts Mature, confident, a good chairperson. Clarifies goals, promotes decision making, delegates well Challenging. Dynamic, thrives on pressure. Has the drive and courage to overcome obstacles. Sober, strategic and discerning. Sees all options. Judges accurately Cooperative, mild, perceptive, diplomatic. Listens, builds, averts friction, calms the waters Disciplined, reliable, conservative and efficient. Turns ideas into practical actions. Painstaking, conscientious, anxious. Searches out errors and omissions. Delivers on time. Single -mifided; selfstarting, Plant Resource Investigate Coordinator Shaper Monitor-evaluator Team worker Tmplementer Completer مده اسم جد سوا 9 W909), Tw Ts

صفحه 28:
‎thevrists‏ اه روا الط حواهر ممو ‎Team Management Wheel and Team Management Index - indicates work preferences as well as behavioural preferences and show then on a wheel ‎Analyses a_ person’s’ key personality traits, identifying whether extrovert or introvert and assigning other characteristics to that main category ‎Team player styles which include Challenger, Contributor, Communicator and Collaborator. ‎Have adapted Belbin’s Roles ‎Have adapted Belbin’s Roles in ‎a manner that they believe is ‎a ‏ا‎ ‎ ‎Margerison and McCann ‎Myers-Briggs Personality Test ‎Glenn Parker ‎Stott and Walker Francis and Young ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎

صفحه 29:
Task Roles Roles Description Initiator Suggests new goals or ideas Information seeker/giver Clarifies key pinemn seeker/giver Clarifies pertinent 884Gtator Promote greater ۱ ding Pulls together key ideas and suggestions Orienter Keeps group headed toward its statec Evaluator Tests group’s accomplishments Energizer Prods group to move along or to accomplish 1 Procedural Technician Performs routine duties Recorder Performs a “group memory” function Gholipour A. 2011. Organizational Behavior. University of Tehran.

صفحه 30:
aintenance Roles oles Description Encourager Fosters group solidarity Harmonizer Mediates conflict through reconciliation or humor ۲ ۱ Compromiser Helps resolve conflict by meeting others ' way” Gate Keeper Encourages all group members to participate Standard setter Evaluates the quality of group processes Commentator Records comments on group processes/dynami Follower Serves as a passive audience Gholipour A. 2011. Organizational Behavior. University of Tehran.

صفحه 31:
BOs coup Dysfunctions * Conformity (Sharif, Asch, Milgram, Hofling) * Groupthink * Social loafing * Risky shift Chole @. ODM. Oreertzatred Dekeurer. Daversay of Petre.

صفحه 32:
SCH’S LINE EXPERIMEN Card 1 Card 2 Chol @. OOM. Orgprtzatoad Betator. Daversiy of Token.

صفحه 33:
‎Pete‏ خر روموت مهو 00 0 ات6

صفحه 34:
XXX (435-450) Results Moderate —_Stiong Very Intense xtreme Danger severe 75-420) (75-120) (135-180) strong (255-300) intensity (195-240), 815-360 8 ‘Shock levels in valts Chelpow @. ODM. Oreertzatred ‏معاد‎ Daversay of Toker. =e 8 8 Percentage of subjects 2 who obeyed experimenter 3 7 Sight (15-60)

صفحه 35:
Invulnerability Inherent morality Rationalization Stereotyped views of opposition Self-censorship Illusion of unanimity Peer pressure Mindguards Chole @. ODM. Oreertzatred Dekeurer. Daversay of Petre.

صفحه 36:
۷ ‏ها‎ Prevent Groupthink Every group member a critical evaluator Avoid rubber-stamp decisions Different groups explore same problems Rely on subgroup debates and outside experts Assign role of devil’s advocate o£ 99 9 9 Rethink a consensus ١ ۳ Chole @. ODM. Oreertzatred Dekeurer. Daversay of Petre. IB Go) Bo ‏ع‎ 92

صفحه 37:
Social Loafing The tendency for individuals to expend less effort when working collectively than when working ingividpally. ] a rope puto tok Poured that fhe wenne prodwotiy dropped ce ore people ioed he row. جومم وتو Grou Gre

صفحه 38:
Conditions for Social Loafing Low task interdependence Individual output not visible Routine, uninteresting tasks Low task significance Low collectivist values Chelpow @. ODL. Orertzared Bekaver. Daversay of Toker.

صفحه 39:
Types of Teams Chole @. ODM. Oreertzatred Dekeurer. Daversay of Petre.

صفحه 40:
Comparing Work Groups and Work Teams Work groups Work teams 8 @ fa ae Share information —>——- Goal > Collective performance Neutral (sometimes negative] a Positive Individual ee ‏ع‎ Individual and mutual Random and varied [+ skills ——> Complementary Chelpow @. ODL. Orertzared Bekaver. Daversay of Toker.

صفحه 41:
Types of Teams Problem-solving Teams 7 Groups of 5 to 12 employees from ‏©--ه©‎ ‎the same department who meet fora é ١ few hours each week to discuss ways of improving quality, efficiency, and the work environment Problem-solving Self-Managed Work Teams Groups of 10 to 15 people who take on the responsibilities of their former supervisors Self-managed Chelpow @. ODL. Orertzared Bekaver. Daversay of Toker.

صفحه 42:
es of Teams (cont’d) Cross-Functional Teams Employees from about the same hierarchical level, but from different work areas, who come together to accomplish a task * Task forces * Committe es Cross-functional Chelpow @. ODL. Orertzared Bekaver. Daversay of Toker.

صفحه 43:
es of Teams (cont’d) Virtual Teams Teams that use computer technology to tie together physically dispersed members A in order to achieve a common “8 goal Virtual Chelpow @. ODL. Orertzared Bekaver. Daversay of Toker.

صفحه 44:
Survey Evidence: What f-Managing Teams Manage Percentage of Companies Saying Their Self-Managin: ms Perform These Traditional Management Functio: by Themselves. Schedule work assignments Work with outside customers Conduct training Set production goals/quotas Work with suppliers/vendors Purchase equipment/services Develop budgets Do performance appraisals Hire co-workers Fire co-workers 14 “Taining, October 1996, p. 69 Source: Adapted from "1996 industry Report: What Self-Managing Teams Manage, Chelpow @. ODL. Orertzared Bekaver. Daversay of Toker.

صفحه 45:
omogeneous vs. Heterogeneous Teams Homogeneous Teams Heterogeneous teams * Higher satisfaction More conflict * Slower team development -takes longer to agree on norms and goals * Less conflict ° Faster team development 4 * Better knowledge and * More efficient resources for complex coordination tasks ۰ * Tend to be more Performs better on simple tasks creative * Higher potential for support outside the Deka B. ODM. Orertzaared Debra, Deron oP Pobre

صفحه 46:
Team Norms Norm: “An attitude, opinion, feeling, or action -- shared by two or more people -- that guides their behavior.” * Informal rules and expectations team establishes to regulate member behaviors Norms develop through: Explicit statements Critical events in team’s history Primacy Beliefs/values members bring to the team and team experiences Poe Nie Why Norms Are Enforced Help the group or organization survive Clarify or simplify behavioral expectations Help individuals avoid embarrassing situations Clarify the greuptsororganizations central walues and/or

صفحه 47:
eam Norms (cont’d) Deviant Workplace Behavior Antisocial actions by organizational members that intentionally violate established norms and result in negative consequences for the organization, its members, or both. Chole @. ODM. Oreertzatred Dekeurer. Daversay of Petre.

صفحه 48:
Typology of Deviant Workplace Behavior Category Examples Production Leaving early Intentionally working slowly Wasting resources Property Sabotage Lying about hours worked Stealing from the organization Political Showing favoritism Gossiping and spreading rumors Blaming coworkers Personal Aggression Sexual harassment Verbal abuse Stealing from coworkers Chelpow @. ODL. Orertzared Bekaver. Daversay of Toker.

صفحه 49:
ses of Team Cohesiveness Team Cohesiveness Somewhat Difficult Entry Gholipour A. 2011. Organizational Behavior. University of Tehran.

صفحه 50:
m Cohesiveness Outcomes Aembers of cohesive teams: * Want to remain members ° Willing to share informatio * Strong interpersonal bonds * Want to support each other4 * Resolve conflict effectively * More satisfied and experience less stress Chelpow @. ODL. Orertzared Bekaver. Daversay of Toker.

صفحه 51:
Chole @. ODM. Oreertzatred Dekeurer. Daversay of Petre. $ é i 51906 +170 ۲۳۳۲۵ 0۵8 10 ۷ 0

صفحه 52:
Shaping Team Players Rewards Chelpow @. ODL. Orertzared Bekaver. Daversay of Toker.

صفحه 53:
ffective Teamwork Through Trust Trust: “Reciprocal faith in others’ intentions and ۳01 Build Trust Communication (keep everyone informed; give feedback; tell the truth). * Support (be available and approachable). * Respect (delegate; be an active listener). Fairness (give credit where due; objectively evaluate performance). * Predictability (be consistent; keep your promises). * Competence (demonstrate good business sense and FHS work Through Cooperation * Cooperation * Competition Chelpow @. ODL. Orertzared Bekaver. Daversay of Toker.

صفحه 54:
ffective Teamwork Through Cohesiveness Cohesiveness: “A sense of we-ness helps team stick tegather-inhance Cohesiveness * Socio-Emotional Cohesiveness 1. Keep the team relatively small. 2. Increase the status and prestige of belonging. 3. Encourage interaction and cooperation. 4, Emphasize member,s common characteristics and interests. 5. Point out environmental threats to rally the team. Instrumental Cohesiveness . Regularly update and clarify the team,s goals. . Give every team member a vital “piece of the action”. 3 Channel each team member;s special talents to the common goals. . Recognize and equitably reinforce every member;s contributions. . Frequently remind team members they need each other to get the job done. © Ghehmw ®. 006, ‏وس م6 تسج‎ oP Poko. OF wNRe

صفحه 55:
Individual versus Group Decision Making Okeke ®. ODM. Orcerezctexrd ‏خر روموت‎ Pete

صفحه 56:
igh-performance Teams Participative 5 Leadership Aligned on Purpose Rapid Response 0۳۵۵ Talents Chelpow @. ODL. Orertzared Bekaver. Daversay of Toker.

صفحه 57:
Reward systems Communication ‏سر‎ Physical space Organizational environment Organizational structure Organizational leaders Chelpow @. ODL. Orertzared Bekaver. Daversay of Toker.

صفحه 58:
Cae A Team- * Adequate resources 1 Effectiveness = Clint cis ‏ماه مهو‎ ‏ما‎ Sie ‘Composition * Abilities of members * Porsonality| * Allocating roles = Diversity * Size of leams ** Member flexibility “= Member prelerences Work design ۰۸ 7 ‘Task identity ‏وم‎ significance Process * Common purpose + Specie gools * Team efficacy ۰ ‏مها اامی‎ Social loofing helper @. ODM, Orrgctzterd Dekaron, Doareroay ob Vehror

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