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Group Dynamics and Teamworks

اسلاید 1: Gholipour A. 2011. Organizational Behavior. University of Tehran.

اسلاید 2: Organizational Behavior: Group Dynamics and TeamworkGholipour A. 2011. Organizational Behavior. University of Tehran.

اسلاید 3: Sociological Criteria of a groupTwo or more freely interacting people (Interdependent -interact and influence each other);Mutually accountable for achieving common goals;Common Identity;Collective Norms..Gholipour A. 2011. Organizational Behavior. University of Tehran.

اسلاید 4: .Groups versus TeamsAll teams are groupsTeams have task interdependence whereas some groups do not (e.g., group of employees enjoying lunch together)Teams have a positive synergySkills in teams are complementaryGholipour A. 2011. Organizational Behavior. University of Tehran.

اسلاید 5: WhatMakesPeopleJoin Groups?StatusSecurityPowerGoalAchievementSelf-EsteemAffiliationGholipour A. 2011. Organizational Behavior. University of Tehran.

اسلاید 6: Theories of Group FormationPropinquity Needs, Functions and GoalsInteractionBalance TheoryExchange TheoryFive-Stage TheoryPunctuated Equilibrium ModelGholipour A. 2011. Organizational Behavior. University of Tehran.

اسلاید 7: Tuckman’s Five-Stage Theory of Group and team DevelopmentPerformingAdjourningNormingStormingFormingReturn to IndependenceDependence/ interdependenceIndependenceGholipour A. 2011. Organizational Behavior. University of Tehran.

اسلاید 8: Existing teams might regress back to an earlier stage of developmentFormingStormingNormingPerformingAdjourningStages of Group and Team Development

اسلاید 9: Tuckman’s Five-Stage Theory of Group Development (continued)Individual IssuesFormingStormingNormingPerforming“How do I fit in?”“What’s my role here?”“What do the others expect me to do?”“How can I best perform my role?”Group Issues“Why are we here?”“Why are we fighting over who’s in charge and who does what?”“Can we agree on roles and work as a team?”“Can we do the job properly?”Gholipour A. 2011. Organizational Behavior. University of Tehran.

اسلاید 10: Forming stageQuestions:· Who is everyone?· What will happen?· What is expected?· Where are we going?· Who is the leader?· What are our goals?· How much work is there?Tasks:Orient membersGet comfortableEstablish trustEstablish relationships with leadersEstablish clarity of purposeForming: members get acquainted, Know team purpose & boundaries, Establish trust Achieve clarity of direction.Gholipour A. 2011. Organizational Behavior. University of Tehran.

اسلاید 11: Storming stage Questions:How do we handle disagreements,How to communicate negative information, and make decisions?Should the team change?Do we have the right leader?Tasks:Manage conflictAllow individuals to have legitimate expressionExamine key work processes of the teamInterdependence, not counter-dependenceStorming: members “fight” to stay together, Learn to disagreements and manage conflict, Improve processes, Recognizing team achievements, Learn to achieve win/win relationships.Gholipour A. 2011. Organizational Behavior. University of Tehran.

اسلاید 12: Norming / Conforming stage Questions:What are the norms & expectations?How to conform?What are the roles to play?What about support?Where are we headed?How much to invest & commit? Tasks:Maintain unity & visionDifferentiate rolesDetermine levels of personal investmentClarify the futureDecide on levels of commitment to the team’s futureConforming: create cohesion & unity, Differentiate roles, Identify expectations, Enhance commitment, Provide supportive feedback and foster commitment.Gholipour A. 2011. Organizational Behavior. University of Tehran.

اسلاید 13: Performing stageQuestions:How can weimprove continuously?innovate & be creative?build on our core competence?What improvements can be made?How can we maintain high energy & commitment?Tasks:Capitalize on core competenceImprove continuouslyAnticipate customer needs & respondEnhance speed & timelinessEncourage creative problem solvingPerforming: accomplish goals, Achieve continuous improvement, innovation, speed, flexibility and competence, Encourage, sponsor and facilitate implementation of new ideas, extraordinary performance.Gholipour A. 2011. Organizational Behavior. University of Tehran.

اسلاید 14: In-Groups and Out-GroupsIn-group“group with which people identify and have a sense of belonging” pronoun “WE”Out-group“group that people do not identify withpronoun “THEY”Loyalty to INGROUPOpposition to OUTGROUPSGholipour A. 2011. Organizational Behavior. University of Tehran.

اسلاید 15: Reference Groupsa standard to evaluate ourselvesnormative functioncomparative functionIn-groups can be secondary or primary groups, but in either case, they are always reference groups, real or imaginary .Gholipour A. 2011. Organizational Behavior. University of Tehran.

اسلاید 16: Group DynamicsLeadershipRolesNormsStatusSizeCompositionCohesivenessSocio-emotionalInstrumentalGholipour A. 2011. Organizational Behavior. University of Tehran.

اسلاید 17: Belbin’s Team Roles“What is needed is not well balanced individuals, but individuals who balance well with each other.”Belbin 2003Gholipour A. 2011. Organizational Behavior. University of Tehran.

اسلاید 18: Team Roles (Belbin) “A tendency to behave, contribute and interrelate with others in a particular way.”(Dr Meredith Belbin, Henley Management College)RolesAction-oriented rolesShaper, Implementer, and Completer-FinisherPeople-oriented rolesCo-ordinator, Team-worker and Resource InvestigatorCerebral rolesPlant, Monitor-Evaluator and SpecialistGholipour A. 2011. Organizational Behavior. University of Tehran.

اسلاید 19: Gholipour A. 2011. Organizational Behavior. University of Tehran. Team-Role Descriptions: the Parts People Play in Effective Team operations

اسلاید 20: Team-Role Descriptions: the Parts People Play in Effective Team OperationsGholipour A. 2011. Organizational Behavior. University of Tehran.

اسلاید 21: Source-Belbin, R.M. Team Roles at Work, Butterworth-Heinemann, Oxford, 1993Team-Role Descriptions: the Parts People Play in Effective Team Operations

اسلاید 22: Belbin – Dominant TraitsCerebral RolePlant Monitor EvaluatorSpecialistPeople OrientatedCo-ordinatorResource InvestigatorTeam WorkerAction OrientatedShaperCompleter/FinisherImplementer Gholipour A. 2011. Organizational Behavior. University of Tehran.

اسلاید 23: A functional role: (determined by their professional and/or technical knowledge) A team role (determined by their characteristic pattern of team interaction).According to Belbin …Each team member contributes towards achieving the team’s objectives by performing:The team needs an optimal balance in both functional & team rolesThat balance is dependent on the goals & tasks that the team faces.The effectiveness of the team will be promoted by the extent to which members correctly recognise and adjust themselves to the relative strengths of the team, both in expertise and ability to engage in specific team roles.

اسلاید 24: Belbin’s Ideal TeamOne Co-ordinator or one ShaperOne InnovatorOne Monitor-EvaluatorOne or moreImplementerTeam workerResource InvestigatorOne Finisher-CompleterGholipour A. 2011. Organizational Behavior. University of Tehran.

اسلاید 25: Different Role RequirementsRole IdentityRole PerceptionRole ExpectationsRole ConflictRole OverloadRole AmbiguityGholipour A. 2011. Organizational Behavior. University of Tehran.

اسلاید 26: Gholipour A. 2011. Organizational Behavior. University of Tehran. Key Roles of Teams

اسلاید 27: RoleContribution to teamAllowable weaknessesPlantCreative, imaginative, unorthodox. Solves difficult problemsIgnores details. Too preoccupied to communicate effectivelyResource InvestigateExtrovert, enthusiastic, communicative. Explores opportunities. Develops contactsOver-optimistic. Loses interest once initial enthusiasm has passed.CoordinatorMature, confident, a good chairperson. Clarifies goals, promotes decision making, delegates wellCan be seen as manipulative. Delegates personal work.ShaperChallenging. Dynamic, thrives on pressure. Has the drive and courage to overcome obstacles.Can provoke others. Hurts people’s feelings.Monitor-evaluatorSober, strategic and discerning. Sees all options. Judges accuratelyLacks drive and ability to inspire others. Overly critical.Team workerCooperative, mild, perceptive, diplomatic. Listens, builds, averts friction, calms the watersIndecisive in crunch situations. Can be easily influenced.ImplementerDisciplined, reliable, conservative and efficient. Turns ideas into practical actions.Somewhat inflexible. Slow to respond to new possibilitiesCompleterPainstaking, conscientious, anxious. Searches out errors and omissions. Delivers on time.Inclined to worry unduly. Reluctant to delegate. Can be a nit picker.SpecialistSingle minded, self starting, dedicated. Provides knowledge and skills in rare supply.Contributes on only a narrow front. Dwells on technicalities. Overlooks the ‘big picture’.Team roles identified by BelbinSource: Belbin, M. (1993), Team Roles at Work, Butterworth Heinemann, London, p. 23.

اسلاید 28: OriginatorDescription of frameworkMargerison and McCannTeam Management Wheel and Team Management Index – indicates work preferences as well as behavioural preferences and show then on a wheelMyers-Briggs Personality TestAnalyses a person’s key personality traits, identifying whether extrovert or introvert and assigning other characteristics to that main categoryGlenn ParkerTeam player styles which include Challenger, Contributor, Communicator and Collaborator.Stott and WalkerHave adapted Belbin’s RolesFrancis and YoungHave adapted Belbin’s Roles in a manner that they believe is more realistic, and considers the benefits of team building and a structures approach to problem solving.Team roles identified by other theorists

اسلاید 29: Task RolesRoles Description Initiator Suggests new goals or ideasInformation seeker/giver Clarifies key issuesOpinion seeker/giver Clarifies pertinent issuesElaborator Promote greater understandingCoordinator Pulls together key ideas and suggestions Orienter Keeps group headed toward its stated goal(s)Evaluator Tests group’s accomplishmentsEnergizer Prods group to move along or to accomplish moreProcedural Technician Performs routine dutiesRecorder Performs a “group memory” functionGholipour A. 2011. Organizational Behavior. University of Tehran.

اسلاید 30: Roles Description Encourager Fosters group solidarityHarmonizer Mediates conflict through reconciliation or humorCompromiser Helps resolve conflict by meeting others half way”Gate Keeper Encourages all group members to participateStandard setter Evaluates the quality of group processesCommentator Records comments on group processes/dynamicsFollower Serves as a passive audienceMaintenance Roles Gholipour A. 2011. Organizational Behavior. University of Tehran.

اسلاید 31: Group DysfunctionsConformity (Sharif, Asch, Milgram, Hofling)GroupthinkSocial loafingRisky shiftGholipour A. 2011. Organizational Behavior. University of Tehran.

اسلاید 32: ASCH’S LINE EXPERIMENTGholipour A. 2011. Organizational Behavior. University of Tehran.

اسلاید 33: Gholipour A. 2011. Organizational Behavior. University of Tehran.

اسلاید 34: ResultsGholipour A. 2011. Organizational Behavior. University of Tehran.

اسلاید 35: Symptoms of GroupthinkInvulnerabilityInherent moralityRationalizationStereotyped views of oppositionSelf-censorshipIllusion of unanimityPeer pressureMindguardsGholipour A. 2011. Organizational Behavior. University of Tehran.

اسلاید 36: How to Prevent GroupthinkEvery group member a critical evaluatorAvoid rubber-stamp decisionsDifferent groups explore same problemsRely on subgroup debates and outside expertsAssign role of devil’s advocateRethink a consensusGholipour A. 2011. Organizational Behavior. University of Tehran.

اسلاید 37: Social LoafingGroup SizePerformanceExpectedActual (due to loafing)The tendency for individuals to expend less effort when working collectively than when working individually.“Ringelman effect”. A German psychologist, using a rope pulling task found that the average productivity dropped as more people joined the group.

اسلاید 38: Conditions for Social LoafingLow task interdependenceIndividual output not visibleRoutine, uninteresting tasksLow task significanceLow collectivist valuesGholipour A. 2011. Organizational Behavior. University of Tehran.

اسلاید 39: Types of Teams General Typology of Teams Advice Production Project ActionCommon Forms of Teams Problem solving Self-managed Cross-functional VirtualGholipour A. 2011. Organizational Behavior. University of Tehran.

اسلاید 40: Comparing Work Groups and Work TeamsGholipour A. 2011. Organizational Behavior. University of Tehran.

اسلاید 41: Types of TeamsProblem-solving TeamsGroups of 5 to 12 employees from the same department who meet for a few hours each week to discuss ways of improving quality, efficiency, and the work environmentSelf-Managed Work TeamsGroups of 10 to 15 people who take on the responsibilities of their former supervisorsGholipour A. 2011. Organizational Behavior. University of Tehran.

اسلاید 42: Types of Teams (cont’d)Task forcesCommitteesCross-Functional TeamsEmployees from about the same hierarchical level, but from different work areas, who come together to accomplish a taskGholipour A. 2011. Organizational Behavior. University of Tehran.

اسلاید 43: Types of Teams (cont’d)Characteristics of Virtual TeamsThe absence of paraverbal and nonverbal cuesA limited social contextThe ability to overcome time and space constraintsVirtual TeamsTeams that use computer technology to tie together physically dispersed members in order to achieve a common goalGholipour A. 2011. Organizational Behavior. University of Tehran.

اسلاید 44: Survey Evidence: What Self-Managing Teams ManagePercentage of Companies Saying Their Self-Managing Teams Perform These Traditional Management Functions by Themselves.Schedule work assignments67% Work with outside customers67 Conduct training 59 Set production goals/quotas56 Work with suppliers/vendors44 Purchase equipment/services43 Develop budgets 39 Do performance appraisals 36 Hire co-workers 33 Fire co-workers 14Source: Adapted from “1996 industry Report: What Self-Managing Teams Manage,” Training, October 1996, p. 69Gholipour A. 2011. Organizational Behavior. University of Tehran.

اسلاید 45: Homogeneous vs. Heterogeneous TeamsHigher satisfactionLess conflictFaster team developmentMore efficient coordinationPerforms better on simple tasksMore conflictSlower team development -takes longer to agree on norms and goalsBetter knowledge and resources for complex tasksTend to be more creativeHigher potential for support outside the teamHomogeneous TeamsHeterogeneous teamsGholipour A. 2011. Organizational Behavior. University of Tehran.

اسلاید 46: Team NormsNorm: “An attitude, opinion, feeling, or action -- shared by two or more people -- that guides their behavior.” Informal rules and expectations team establishes to regulate member behaviorsNorms develop through:Explicit statementsCritical events in team’s historyPrimacyBeliefs/values members bring to the team and team experiencesWhy Norms Are Enforced Help the group or organization surviveClarify or simplify behavioral expectationsHelp individuals avoid embarrassing situationsClarify the group’s or organization’s central values and/or unique identityGholipour A. 2011. Organizational Behavior. University of Tehran.

اسلاید 47: Team Norms (cont’d)Deviant Workplace BehaviorAntisocial actions by organizational members that intentionally violate established norms and result in negative consequences for the organization, its members, or both.Gholipour A. 2011. Organizational Behavior. University of Tehran.

اسلاید 48: Typology of Deviant Workplace BehaviorCategory Examples Production Leaving early Intentionally working slowly Wasting resourcesProperty Sabotage Lying about hours worked Stealing from the organization Political Showing favoritism Gossiping and spreading rumors Blaming coworkers Personal Aggression Sexual harassment Verbal abuse Stealing from coworkersGholipour A. 2011. Organizational Behavior. University of Tehran.

اسلاید 49: TeamCohesivenessMemberSimilarityMemberInteractionTeamSizeSomewhatDifficult EntryTeamSuccessExternalChallengesCauses of Team CohesivenessGholipour A. 2011. Organizational Behavior. University of Tehran.

اسلاید 50: Team Cohesiveness OutcomesWant to remain membersWilling to share informationStrong interpersonal bonds Want to support each otherResolve conflict effectivelyMore satisfied and experience less stressMembers of cohesive teams:.Gholipour A. 2011. Organizational Behavior. University of Tehran.

اسلاید 51: Strong IncreaseIn ProductivityModerate IncreaseIn ProductivityNo Significant EffectOn ProductivityDecrease inProductivityCohesivenessAlignment of group and organizational goalsHighLowCohesiveness-Productivity RelationshipHighLowGholipour A. 2011. Organizational Behavior. University of Tehran.

اسلاید 52: SelectionShaping Team PlayersTrainingRewardsGholipour A. 2011. Organizational Behavior. University of Tehran.

اسلاید 53: Effective Teamwork Through TrustHow to Build TrustCommunication (keep everyone informed; give feedback; tell the truth).Support (be available and approachable).Respect (delegate; be an active listener).Fairness (give credit where due; objectively evaluate performance).Predictability (be consistent; keep your promises).Competence (demonstrate good business sense and professionalism).Trust: “Reciprocal faith in others’ intentions and behavior.” Effective Teamwork Through CooperationCooperationCompetitionGholipour A. 2011. Organizational Behavior. University of Tehran.

اسلاید 54: Effective Teamwork Through CohesivenessHow to Enhance CohesivenessSocio-Emotional CohesivenessKeep the team relatively small.Increase the status and prestige of belonging.Encourage interaction and cooperation.Emphasize member,s common characteristics and interests.Point out environmental threats to rally the team.Instrumental CohesivenessRegularly update and clarify the team,s goals.Give every team member a vital “piece of the action”.Channel each team member,s special talents to the common goals.Recognize and equitably reinforce every member,s contributions.Frequently remind team members they need each other to get the job done.Cohesiveness: “A sense of we-ness helps team stick together.” Gholipour A. 2011. Organizational Behavior. University of Tehran.

اسلاید 55: SpeedClear AccountabilityConsistent ValuesKnowledge & DiversityHigh Quality DecisionsIncreased AcceptanceIndividualsGroupsGholipour A. 2011. Organizational Behavior. University of Tehran. Individual versus Group Decision Making

اسلاید 56: Attributes of high-performanceTeamsParticipative LeadershipAligned onPurposeHighCommunicationCreativeTalentsFutureFocusedSharedResponsibilityHigh-performance TeamsRapidResponseFocused onTaskGholipour A. 2011. Organizational Behavior. University of Tehran.

اسلاید 57: Team Effectiveness ModelTask characteristicsTeam sizeTeam compositionTeam Design Achieve organizational goals Satisfy member needs Maintain team survival TeamEffectivenessTeam developmentTeam normsTeam rolesTeam cohesivenessTeam ProcessesOrganizational andTeam Environment Reward systems Communication systems Physical space Organizational environment Organizational structure Organizational leadershipGholipour A. 2011. Organizational Behavior. University of Tehran.

اسلاید 58: A Team-Effectiveness ModelGholipour A. 2011. Organizational Behavior. University of Tehran.

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