صفحه 1:
صفحه 2:
Oka ۶ #9
keozards sad thetr رای ول
karwAul efieote (aoutelokrrate)
ما هس
جات ععی ی
0 سا
حتفم امامت 6
ايه سو 0ك
eke to GL ORF? ۱ 9[ و
تیاه سس تمسق
iaiercrato ما
صفحه 3:
صفحه 4:
The selection and expertise of the Health
Risk Assessment Team will be dictated
Osize and complexity of the Assessment Unit or
activity being assessed e.g. Platform, Gas Plant
ONature and severity of of the hazards and risks
OFamiliarity of the activities
صفحه 5:
© Getevios oP tea
* Team Leader / Asset owner-Line manager such as OIM,
plant manager or representative of facility being assessed
* Team Member - Individuals such as operational staff,
line supervisor familiar with plant operation and process
* Local Advisor - Individuals such as medic/OH nurse, HSE
advisor, who can advise on the HRA process and exposure
¢ Specialist Staff - Occupational hygienist, OH physician,
toxicologist, ergonomist
صفحه 6:
© Getevios oP tea
To gather necessary information team members
must be able to:
* Observe the activity being performed
* Predict any potential departure from observed practice
* Ask supervisors, staff etc. the relevant questions
* Undertake simple diagnostic tests
* Identify and review relevant technical literature
* Gather the information systematically
* Form valid, justifiable conclusions about exposures and risks
صفحه 7:
© Getevios oP tea
To gather necessary information team
members must be able to:
٠ Follow up fundamental questions about any exposures
to occur.
* Appreciate the range and limitations of possible
control measures and their relative reliability
* Look critically at existing arrangements
* Specify the type of control measures needed
۰ ۸۵ for specialist assistance if required
صفحه 8:
Vhe required level oP chil gad evel oP موی Por
the teu:
Peav bewer Qworevess - Oorkiag howled
Teav Oewber QOorkicy haowledye - لصا
bord @duiewr Ghiled
Gpevtatet سوه(
صفحه 9:
۷ Cowpeteat Perso
QO! awen who hos the koowledye to keow wat ke ts
fooktag Por aed the experteure to revoysise t wheo ke
Sees tt...
:خإم ی( هه O) Opxopeteure
OF (etek
داه لا
حوور لا
صفحه 10:
۷ Guhertay 1۱۳۵۲۰
ه() مج ججییه() سوه تا رروراك لا
صفحه 11:
02 Wow to select Ossessweet Outs
OD be wesessuedt vil is what ty wihic the bourdartes oP te
Od@ssesserd vats shoud be seP-ppotaeed, ether: physiodly pr
5د ۰ ۳۳
وروی باون وا ۴و وروت چورون الیو 4۱
OD be coture oad the severiy oP the hazards odd rshs twobed,
the Pocvitartiy oP the tusk, wouluble rescues und pour
صفحه 12:
۷ من م۵ Prepordica
Ov wt Porset to!
OSet a realistic time frame to actually carry out
an HRA
Oconduct an HRA according to a mutually
agreed program
Ouse standardized HRA formats
Oprovide sufficient time for report writing,
sharing comments and feedback
OKeep ownership of HRA with the Business Unit
6 ده 4و
صفحه 13:
۷ من م۵ Prepordica
ready woterta dod rePereuses suck us: عم بطاون
Optians and drawings for plant specifications
A Ipcident ( injury reports (incl. occupational
illnesses) and incident investigations
Optant and equipment fault reports
QOMaintenance records for control measures
Records of health surveillance and sickness
QOccupational hygiene surveys, health and safety
OMinutes of health and safety committee meetings
6 ده مه
صفحه 14:
وطا و۱ ان Oxkiticod sources 7
Colevt pre reuday woertd un rePerewes suck uw!
ORelevant Shell HSE publications
OBusiness Health Hazard Inventories
Ocompany standards
ONational legal standards
OLocal health regulations
epanal guidelines and standards 1ل
industry standards, manufacturers/suppliers
صفحه 15:
7 Oke oe Wed Wazards
OO ‘edk Varad ker te pout vase how t hedlk
Mbedis hazards way be divided toy the Polowiegy youps:
صفحه 16:
وی رو oP طسوت لور 02
Cause Putultes ta hee short pr bay era للا
a Lie discuss (short terw), varckoypur substrues (looy
روت کون لته موف the cowpuep ty substodtd موق لا
repetive struc kury, poyolobded روا روموت | ال پیت وی لا
Q Ouse wir keds ePPevis whick could couse severe boskess
له رسیم eg. eonpr Pood
صفحه 17:
7 Wow ty tdewiPy Weds Wazerds
OOdk troudk surveys
لا bookie, screen, tokio, bsteck جف pour sewers!
ORePer to Weds Wazed ‘wedbries
OOse WRO Yelow ی رطف
مورا ot Records
Qhakkra/Paudt reports, kepeviowy, رت اه و
hyudieu surveys, pperdicy procedures
OOse expeverax Prow ebewlere
صفحه 18:
صفحه 19:
7 ‘WealPy WarnPul GPRects
OMe روم ونان الاو roused by a hazard weed to be
صفحه 20:
۷ Types oF CPPRevis
Dre, teed
* Luc, shia or eye docvage Prow corrosive bquid
O@rue, hie vse
* Gick builder; syodrowe
OOhrs, tterwttent / reo
* Repetive Ctratc Tory
OO be ver perwaaect
و ور
صفحه 21:
witert, ey Weds Wazerd Iawedbries عولض 6 لا
isons هلمج حون لا
oad rePereure fercture یرل لا
ADeiced cowpeten bodies ced fastives
O@overnwecta bodes
صفحه 22:
Wels Wozards und ther Warn رادجل“
صفحه 23:
ام وا uc متا الوا" رزامیل»
RePrecemy bricks
Carpe of
roves woe hove
(Phot het
pry cook were سل
Dorkpkee desig (hoe 0 prt oP boxy
صفحه 24:
صفحه 25:
02 لا بو Rute
Lazard Rutay OrPraticc Orwequeae Ourwpry (kaw ty perp)
kk hou ePPevts: Dot Pocky work perPoromee or masteg docbiiy, 2.
0 (لمصيي! حفجه من حه) طصك صا دج
Dray kerk oPPove: Oyrus urbe oP orur نوات ماه بل ow
6 reversble, 2.x. irrtc cad dePutey aqeus, نو موم لت( نویه
] keds ePPRevis: Cyeut capable oP reversble hei dawane wihou bos
oP Pe, 9.x). ter, poor wand kaadiay the, hoodia vbraioa, اه
casey spi oho, stirs
dip 9 Pachter or Perumed Tord Odbliy: Byeuis capcbk oP rreversbe
ما سا ,وه برد ط و طسو بات وود
porkener (swdl expored popuaios), hed, cok, وه لصوم
chews: ریت رتیت( to vawe wnlipl تام با لت ی( تست( بط(
صفحه 26:
@ Wazed Ruts
Covetder Ware tv:
OP evpte
ik the highest pee ری ما م6
صفحه 27:
02 Crotod @xercer - Osstmicn Wazad
Al Ossie hazard ratces to the seleciiva oP لد
سل سوم
QO @srss tapped Porc
صفحه 28:
Qtck Ossesswedt Dutrtx
OD ke Risk Ossesswect Datrbc (RO) is the tool whick
hows assess weet oP the risk to the bustcess Proow cack
4 wl csstet pow to priortiziog poteutal hedlks risks cod
rishs ue ussessed property by tabicy تا ما میج )لا
تاه foto acco acute cod chroooic hare heal
صفحه 29:
02 اس Risk = Conequewes X Probably (Vikelkood)
صفحه 30:
Qtck Ossesswedt Dutrtx
Probability 7 سوب
3 9 9
میت | هتم
سم | tothe | سسا
Chel! | مت
ا الت
ek Manage for continuous I — اه
الع 3 سا
2 د Incorporate risk reduction
Oar ‘Growin
eal fer —
‘alo a eer Intolerable - investigate
Fale امم alternatives ]
اه ام مسق 0ج
"Note: Environment consequence column omitted
صفحه 31:
Likelih_| RAM Risk
ood-L | Rating (C
5B - Medium
4B - Medium
36 - Medium
5C- High
(harm to
people) - C
Sensitiser: 3
asphyxiant: 5
Geveric ROO WRO vucowes
Harmful health
effects from over
‘Acute: Mildly Irritating to
feyes and respiratory tract
Chronic: Category 1
‘Acute; Irritant to eyes and
respiratory tract; narcotic
to CNS
‘Chronic: Category 1
‘Acute: cold burns to skin
and eyes. Shortness of
breath, dizziness and
drowsiness on inhalation,
May cause pulmonary
Chronic: Catogory 2
‘Chronic: skin sensitiser
‘Acute: Chemical asphyxiant
‘causing respiratory
Chronic: na
Health Hazard | Examples of situations or
activities in which the
health hazard may occur
Chemical Hazards
Asbestos Materials containing asbestos, for
example, gaskets, ceiling tiles,
partitians, insulation
Benzene Processing, handling and
distribution of benzene containing
process streams and products, 2.
raphthas, platformate, condensate,
Ethylene oxide Shell chemicals marketed product
and process material
Epoxy Resins Contained in some adhesives
Hydrogen sulphide | Waste gas stream: sour crude oil
condensates; bitumen and fuel oil
tankc head spaces
صفحه 32:
000 تن رون صن( لا
Quite standard procedures cod poupeieares ta
Ose Oxpoews Livts اموجن وان ليب
standards ar wet
صفحه 33:
© Deda ond Wik ROO Raters
QO Detaled review oP controls
OGisackeds of coured
وال te exceed cord aches
موه یحو مه بیج لا
wet ond 66 )سل اوه مه موه و0 لا
robs Os Low Or Rewoubh Prato - PLORP?)
calf beats مات جروت و بط له سین لا
عدم رسد
O Cor risks wssessed us Wick
Oque servis cousteruisn مهت كن وريس جرش نحط نا oul ie
صفحه 34:
۷ Cortrol wad Qevovery
Oded) exposure
ای oP رورا لا
OO catrot stocrcdards
Ose oP coutrol chat Por tadividud risk
Opp ®LORE pricvipte
یر[ ۲721۷۲۵
موی جرا لا
صفحه 35:
۷ Oket ts exposure?
Expose ts dePiced ws!
The acu of the kozard to whick « perso kes beeo
exposed(dosr). This & 0 powbicaiod oP te wagquituce,
یل له همه( oP exposure
صفحه 36:
0 9
طلى نميه 00لا (exteat oP exposure) te oPPevted by:
OCperruruvaltcteusiy oP te aprct
ST 8
یمه رم مه
صفحه 37:
‘Whole body
صفحه 38:
routes سوم لب ط ویر
Cxposure route
htc (he ouck uptche oP the shia, or teva
frawPerred Prow head to woul tages
wee, woul, age — tohotatio
trapped ta the wee ond tevd, or
frousP erred Prow oad to woouk, beady to
whole body or specPic ports 2g. bocrds,
wustobsheltd systew
صفحه 39:
igestive tract
Mervous syst
صفحه 40:
صفحه 41:
صفحه 42:
۷ Wow to dediPy exposure
O4dediPy who te exposed:
QO wide workPorce tao aroups (lob Types) wit exerted stator
Osta he exposure bevel:
OddewtPy oad review tasks imelviey poteutdl exposure
Ose اوه و من عون oP رصن اون قاط
sess weds OF exposure, us weeded
صفحه 43:
۷ WediPy who t& exposed
Oped lob Types
وا لا Operators - ditded by opercicad gry
O Qoad Packer Drivers - dutded by product your
QO Qactecouse GtehP - ,لاه رین vehicle ee.
مان لا 2 - plant سوه موجه
رورا لا Peckoirtoes - sub-divide us upproprive
QO Odkotistruors - oPRice bosed wih cocked plot exposure
O eld Gta - هام
صفحه 44:
:صاصم للحلا
QO se workplace experewe
OQ Review historicd records
QO seuss wil stcPP evolved ta dota the fost:
QO st work oulwak trou survey
O4feckide tosks tovoled ta:
ورن لو(
مسبت 00[
Poreseruble ewer puntes لجت موه ان وال
@sivvde exposure level
صفحه 45:
Gstwute exposure fevel
O Okt te a ‘kesh’ ?
و و perce coe be festrusted to de جاو موصت و لكايب شاه و ل
یه siije
QD phat pperainr could be osked to toke a process sireaw supe
QO plot clecoer oould be asked to deal wit o spice
0 0 Piter could be used to toe o pusop put oP service
QO © beboratoy techuted could be ushed to wadyse o suvple Por
صفحه 46:
صفحه 47:
Oxposure wy be uvephble wheu! لا
مد بلطم لا
لمح Lis supplers’ ول یت OO ppereces are kr
stile. or worst rose ون جیوه وم لا
vowdlives todicde low exposure
ی اس th ول ره ۰ لسن OO proves
وصاصمم لوبي وم
صفحه 48:
02 Gsitvde exposure levebwikou exposure
725 7ج
a Gxposure wy be ucuveptble whea:
لا here is ۳و مره ۳ dhst deposits
QO Ree or particles are visible ta teht bec
O there oe brokeu, dePevive or poorly wortaced poor
ون ام نت له و ool opened جز جور ke
pa qod provice
Ure wade oP sooo! or excessive dur هاپس لا
decid ج موجن و hind السو ا لا
صفحه 49:
۱ vf pours
See ee
keuly hazards pot
صفحه 50:
۷ Vppes oF سس
OElimination and substitution
OEngineering (plant and
OEquipment/processes designed to
prevent or minimize release of the
OExamples: containment (enclosure),
exhaust ventilation, remote
venting/vapor recovery systems
صفحه 51:
تیلب لا
O Safe systems of work / Permit to work
Q Record systems
Q Staff Instruction, Information & training
Q Supervision, Emergency arrangements
O@ersvad Proevive Cqupwed (PPC):
Q Respiratory & Skin Protection as a
کر line of defence or as the onl
صفحه 52:
7 CPPeciveuss of Ovo
The types of control vary in their
effectiveness according to the
control hierarchy:
Elimination Most Effective
PPE Least Effective
صفحه 53:
Cowtrol selevica
Control selection to achieve
ALARP must consider the control
effectiveness and cost:
Oconsider the most effective controls
Olimit PPE to:
-infrequent tasks
-temporary use until more effective
controls are in place
سب 4و2
صفحه 54:
7 Quttecause oP codices
QOswob ae ody oPRevive P hey work
1 6 اه بمنوصپه
OO revedive او هه بو
اون اما لا
Oecord systews, KPorwaica oad roti
O@PRectiue superuser
Deus woktecnee, لت موه
OGwernpay wees
Odespertiocs ued reubsir exercises
صفحه 55:
2 اسموی
QOccupational Exposure Limits (OELs)
OSpecifications for control:
OEngineering Control Standards (SES, DEP)
OPprocedural (manufacturer’s/supplier’s
info/industry good practice)
OPersonal Protective Equipment
National, Company, Group, Industry and
International Standards
صفحه 56:
۷ Oket we exposure lets?
OChemical agents
SO peuratesd! Bxppsure Lisois are وان وی وان ۲و ور oP
مت کج لاسر احا مس powkbrod edi اسان
جح وه تسه بو روط و تلم مب لب و رانا
23 وح سس وا ایا ای راب ی ی زاوج
حت المح اوه من تسا سا وی سا xed Ror?
يا هنا
صفحه 57:
]0 (7 exposure iis
OPhysical Agents, e.g.
OShell ‘Noise Guide’ recommended
Daily Noise Dose - 85 dB(A) L,,
Design Limit - 85 dB(A) at 1 meter
Qcold stress
Olonising radiation
QHeat stress
صفحه 58:
]0 (7 exposure iis
OBiological agents
Acontro} to as low as reasonably
p e
Olnclude ergonomic principles to all
work activities
Refer to specialist for evaluation
and treatment
صفحه 59:
ع 20 ای مسمبه6 ۷
OFace velocities of Lab Hoods should meet
recognized design standards
ORotating equipment mechanical seals that
do not leak
OTransfer lines/hoses with disconnect
fittings that do not lea
Ocapture velocities for welding hoods meet
recognized ventilation standards
OEngineering controls are inspected
OEngineering controls are on a PM
(preventive maintenance) schedule
صفحه 60:
7 Crocedurd standards
hotties provedwes Por tosks tvolvieg exposure (perv t
work systew)
Oprosedures techie work procices frat «hikes exposure
vadersiord (e.y. trakckry & voldated by و هو ول
festag) ord Pollpwed by exopbyees (superubirn, vdtdated by
صفحه 61:
صفحه 62:
۷ @ersocd protevive equiped
Adequate use of PPE includes an assessment of:
* PPE requirement for each task
* PPE selection to match the hazard
* PPE is practical & functional for the task
PPE requirements are understood by employees (e.g. training
& validated by testing)
PPE is used correctly (e.g. training & validated by audit))
PPE is used when required (validated by audit)
PPE is inspected and maintained regularly (validated by audit)
صفحه 63:
02 شم Cxeroee
Gelevtay Cocirot سل
= تمرم ,له و راو bole) eed cers bee)
O Ostag qwulible rePerewes, dediPy onterta Por cack hazard
pelevied, :بیس
صفحه 64:
ی 42
QO Gack gow shoud que <ه توس واه و |
they decided vo euck onieria ond whot exéco tcPor<vdicd
they wiht require to do the tosk better.
صفحه 65:
© Ose oP Cocrol Chat
Ire wwatrels له امه سا موی
Ocul chart tol Por جد وی
Ose ووووبه بن ومس بوتلوز خإن cod purple
موه لجه مش لته بوتاو لا ۳
صفحه 66:
ات بل لور
DEFINITION (Consequence Category: Harm to People)
Slight health effects: Not affecting work performance or causing
disability, e.g. non toxic dusts (as an acute hazard)
Minor health effects: Agents capable of minor health effects which are
reversible, e.g. irritant agents, defatting agents, many food poisoning
Major health effects: Agents capable of irreversible health damage
without loss of life, e.g. noise, poor manual handling tasks, hand/arm
vibration, chemicals causing systemic effects, sensitisers
‘One to three fatalities or Permanent Total Disability: Agents capable of
irreversible damage with serious disability or death, e.g. corrosives,
known human carcinogens (small exposed population), sensitisers,
where the onset of sensitisation threatens continuing employment,
heat, cold, psychological stress
Multiple fatalities: Agents with the potential to cause multiple
fatalities, e.g. chemicals with acute toxic effects (hydrogen sulphide,
carbon monoxide), known human carcinogens (large exposed
صفحه 67:
Oxposures we vediibe
Gxposure ae vowed wel bebw OBL and we
موه لاب وولو و مج ولو وا راما
Cxposures ore vurrediy vouroled bebw OCD م
weet stordards bu courot way be retadt oo feos
rob weasures suck w persoud proevive
Oxporure we wi equity vourvled to weet
standards wad pukwellrecnady exceed OCL
Oxposures we exveseive oad wil dope! perio
ves to hed cou to perso exposed
Exposure QRuttag
صفحه 68:
O.5*OEL - ۵۲
(O.1*OEL -
Exposure Band
1. reference to exposure bands is a qualitative estimate only where no exposure data are available
2. OEL: Occupational Exposure Limit
صفحه 69:
۷ Cudude the Odequacy oP Ovdiros
the woture of the hazed to heals ? دا( لا
Q Ose Wazad Rutery (ROD Ovrsequewe Ouewry)
the onture ond deer oP exposure Por the toh ? با لا
Cxposure Rutag موی لا
0۳ ات0 وا اون لا
صفحه 70:
© Rewedd Critica Phra
O Dke Qewedd Critica Pla wust cover:
Pour bul oP wots (Pest, وج تور ولمم ل
seco, third prop ced op teoxediate urtiva required)
موم Respowsible لا
the 0 لا
صفحه 71:
02 امه موه ۵۲۵ )٩(
Do oh priory seta
O ction O* priory
J سود موی راد موه وا موق
قط لا di sources
مومطی1 لا tewedis oor! Koproveweds By. PPE
O) Oousider weed Por exposure weusurewedt
ل (de چم موس میج لب سس بسن سپس لب
اجه بل ا
صفحه 72:
(©) دان مم0 عومد © 02
باه رم لو Do
رهم 0۵ ميدق لا
O Reduce exposure to bebw OCD (Lazard Rut )6(
OF Opnekder reduckny 7 bebw 0.9 x OBL (Wazad Rut O-S)
deci) ced koplewed work provice wd coool koproveweus (*)
OF Opnetder ceed Por exposure weerurewed (*)
O Review WRO, techy wewrureweds (*)
prionty "9 مس لا
O Colones wk wierish ueder O~! priory
O @ctes — Ov ‘kewedkte Brios Required
Por feeds ontioa to toprove conics. Deep Por لبجب ب ايه( ل
ous koprovewerdt
صفحه 73:
OcePraticas vb CBLORP
“ bakraptoy fe reduction to risk uquiost the toe, dPPicaiy
wed post oP "لا هارمه
Wh level represeds the pota, obievively wsessed, of
صفحه 74:
LORE ts teRluewed by the Polowtag Pastors:
isk to be wotded
wold the risk و0 عیسو بل ا رورم وص وی
(عاطحم لجه ع5 ,تصدوب)
Dowpoisvn oF the tw
صفحه 75:
© @L@ORC- rue vP truco
Obst he weusures thot hove bees toed to reduce the risk
Ce pete وله مه ول option whisk coight be
و لس reduce the risk Putter
مودي ام جا ممت لدجم كلمن جد Ge reser why
صفحه 76:
Wierabitity level
Oost ۴
| | 4
Leqal Liability @LORP Ousiehil
صفحه 77:
dt 3-0 ع حدس ولا
aa كنت کم ود ا 2
Jose oF موه بط مس سور لح
ol Gdhertay i و موه لمه موه preston wilt referee by post
O@ppleuve oP eadeesrtog tudqewed aad sredPr prices
له لت و0 لا
تسود 60۱0۲0۰ ١ پیت و O@pptcaica PF LOL ad LOLOP
امه لاس اجو0) خن متام( لا
صفحه 78:
7اه لور ما 7
7 عفادا جز علطم 112لا
وه و لت ام وا مر او و OVes, whee poly
اه وه رش( ,صط ,عو و امه سس
OO terwise
O Geet wproprice uckdiicad cosirubslbaters powstdertex
herachy oP podiols tokidey recovery prepares weuues
DO ter وص حت the: wewwrewes, wrutorii, hedk suvellars,
مسبت یی ۲و بصن 6 troy
سارت ۳ م۳
صفحه 79:
۷ Cxposuwe هجوج
OddewPy who way be exposed to heuls risks
relevodl exposures to todvicuaks to the ول رل لا
O@ssess pour work eovirvaved to deterwiee whea
pow weed io do exposure woulortoy/ جه 27205
صفحه 80:
صفحه 81:
۷ Q@urpose oP exposure 0۵ جنك 77015
weusures ام جهن ره اجه لبون لا
سوه ای له بو سول
exposure و و ور لسوت موس لب باسطرلبوی و[
fevels Por dl workers
Op ewsure cad dewrstrue cowphe wi requdory
wed her exposure quel
| Grider shales or tvesiqeiny reperied hells
سمت جور عايج برس ۳[
صفحه 82:
tp deP ee reap oad detibuica oP exposure Por - یی )لا
deed jobs
OQorst pose — tb ideal y poteutdly kids exposure
Detaled — wheo becke sid) proudes له dat
periods exposure wouloricy to check tot oocicol - )لا
WEemwes rewun
co a a a a
انب ساره
صفحه 83:
صفحه 84:
۷ QOvutortay wetods
O@pbycd Ovuioricy
hela وی همم سوه رختسا سول لب
svbstawwe Brow dl svuces
OOsarue choager to he powpoetion oP body Plud,
وه وج expired «ir
Oey be weed ty todrated tradequate conrol, toproper
work procedure
اوه با موه موه سوه لزق لب
dose DP a substaove ta the body
BLO (blood وس لاو و dl substaaces have /0(5 لا
Licot Orkss)
صفحه 85:
صفحه 86:
۷ Gqup weet Por weesurtay chewiod exposure
لصن جا ووس 2 لا
«نشعطناه باهولا
ادساميوات خان ued chew churuterttoe ارت
oP ver chevelle) موم ول
Oyequined wruray
رامیت ان تسیل
صفحه 87:
A@ppropriae valdaed wetuds should be used
O@cveptdble wethods we publsked by D6 00108141,
OCxposure records wust be cowplete, fropeuble ud
stoad up to وشوو لها
صفحه 88:
صفحه 89:
صفحه 90:
)66 ۲,۵, ۵0,(
صفحه 91:
صفحه 92:
Wedk Gurveilace
QOvuitortey ced keds survelloare ones to (periodical)
weess exposures und hedlis to order i
CoxPirey te ePReviveusss of extstay pool wees: لا
Q) Colect data Por the detevios ord evdudiog of kazerds te heals
0 Or Pine cowphoue wil predeterwied meri
لا Required by kw
صفحه 93:
۷ QOvatortag cord Guvetrue
4a order to perPors ,ی لو رو the
Polloutey tusks ure wevesswy:
O OeP ee vbevives
2 هه ری wehods (seweiviy, speoPbly, ehicd, wri)
OW idewtPy cores! مل صما امجح ذا سمحت
سوج ها رو hes ord @ 0
مد باون لا
تم پمپ لمی ورب 9
2 بسچ wiows
2 وله سوت لاب عون oP suveiknee chit were
صفحه 94:
© Ordod Gurveikrae
Qedod اه شاوی موی
O4s there u risk to keulls (bused va RO)
OD ne preveuiodinervedioa أدالمصاصم (“cea we do
sowetktay ubout #2")
OCua we detent 0?
Ore the detection wetkods sutdbbe?
صفحه 95:
Review oP Cows
Progesses etc}
Review drills
صفحه 96:
صفحه 97:
یی ویو ریا وه ام الیو موجوو و اوه لوب با لا
O dw traseubliy Brow tedvidud coe vie dob Type to tosh
لج رم وت موه یلآ howls meee
صفحه 98:
هر لح لاب علهزرا 7
to اه ان ریا Oxposure profiles! exawple oP لا
O Requires take between WR vad weded record
Osage itewiRer seeded per امس
OOupebliy to record choages ta Usb type per terdvidvel
یی( لا
orchiviey tokes place whe phat shuts dow لا
صفحه 99:
حبج نج خم 2۳0۳ ePorcotay ۷
جوعدصام ©7:0)را/ جا “لالد جوراورد1 لأ
OC Gower tt!
O Aes risks ore urderstood
Q Opto! wewwes we wed
Q GroPP poo dent wesess wed feuvs po choos
O Ow be a leyd requreweu
صفحه 100:
© Orchivtay oP Records
Qs required by bool bw vader proctice نا
O90 - 60 peas we ppd
QO Ohaus Por restarts oF ووم لاد
صفحه 101:
۷ Reviewtay MROs
sate ba wich LCR Frings LS en فص ت39
Tews موی(
A Chon ere reviews of wt tes
Fl Ott tare doce ued repo: prev
it proves, hazard, leyshiion ot ما0 لا
اوه ۲ م0۲ لا
انام O Qew iPorwuton oo the
لسن ارت رل رل
QO On wa peed oye
D@rtwern 1 ond S pros dopeadedt oa risk
صفحه 102:
© Osswuwe
O Okere hed risks ore high, powder vr LOG audi devoted to
the adequacy oP WRB
:طیلب لا
مارا بر سره بسا رت میرن لت
OD Respuves wokbe
تلعج لح رصيق لا
stared فصت علانن جماربب oP 9 لا
اه يجو مواجنا مهام مسيم بلسي ل
oP poster's and recovery wens تمسح هه (]) ل
0 ۲و مس 2
OD Qaktecawe oP ewpbyer work history