صفحه 1:
ely ‘oy Mrs. Chapman, 2095 Great Serido), ‏روز وبا‎

صفحه 2:
Introduction A Healthy Diet and Our Body Healthy Eating Pyramid The Main Food Groups Fruit and Vegetables Grains and Pulses Dairy Products Starches, Sugars and Fats Vitamins and Minerals Reading the Labels on Foods Healthy Eating Myths Links for further study

صفحه 3:
A rlealeny Diet erel Ouir ۲ If our bodies are human machines food is our fuel. How well we eat, affects how well our bodies work, and how long we live. It is especially important that we eat heathily as children, as we are still growing and developing; a young plant not given proper nutrients grows up to be a poor specimen ®. A healthy diet is sometimes called a balance diet as it needs to consist of different types ه١ ‏لبا لايك‎ on eat foods. breakfast get ۵۲۲۵۲ 560۲65 0 Eating properly and regularly is really ‏مقط 5غوعع‎ important; what we eat and drink now, affects 1 our health in the future. تاسلصسها سا ‎ack‏

صفحه 4:
rlealeny Eatine Pyrelrnicl

صفحه 5:
rlealeny Eating Pyrernicl (Prat nnd veyetabke! the porto xt chy Prow thy aro Ourbokydrates: take cost Pood Proc hte enw (re, peta, bread, roxio)

صفحه 6:
‎Eating PYrelrnicl‏ 22۱۲ ار ‎ ‎ ‎Pok onl dary hae‏ رفس ‎re‏ نا ما روم ‎he G portoce 9‏ :وساب تيجب لحن مت سبحي يها محا بوك ‎Curbuhyalnies! he wart Boral Prony ti arn (ree, puts, bread, ponte)

صفحه 7:
rlealeny Eatine Pyrelrnicl (Pownbs hich i Peter ued puggare! thes ody paral nanny Brow hes ‏وم‎ Des, Prob onl dary taba soother Proc they grou ‎he G portoce 9‏ :وساب تيجب لحن جرت سبحي يها محا بوك ‎Curbuhyalnies! he wart Boral Prony ti arn (ree, puts, bread, ponte)

صفحه 8:
Tre Mein Food 6۶9۱۱ ‏کر‎ تاسلصسها سا ‎ack‏

صفحه 9:
Pruic ariel Vageteolas Fruits and vegetables grow on plants: underground, on the ground or in trees. Every day we should eat at least 5 portions of fruit and vegetables. (A portion is about a handful.) Fruit and vegetables give us fibre and vitamins and minerals. @ock ty Oo Pood Crows

صفحه 10:
rains ene) Pulses This food group includes wheat, corn, barley, rice, lentils, beans etc. These are all from plants and ‏و ترا‎ Tl form a staple part of the diet ‏ا جاح‎ ely for people all over the world. en at tee : ۰ Ce ‏اک‎ eyVy? Grains and pulses give us ‏لل‎ ٍ carbohydrates and proteins. Nuts are another source of protein. @ock ty Oo Pood Crows

صفحه 11:
rains ene) Pulses This food group includes wheat, corn, barley, rice, lentils, beans etc. These are all from plants and Wheat. We eat it form a staple part of the dict ‏اتید لیا‎ cereals, cakes, for people all over the world. ۳ ‏لك اوفط‎ Grains and pulses give us ‎a‏ يكن ‎carbohydrates and proteins.‏ ‎ ‎Nuts are another source of protein. ‎@ock ty Oo Pood Crows ‎

صفحه 12:
Deiry Procucts Dairy foods are made from milk (usually 5 milk, but can be from other animals like goats or sheep). Dairy foods give us proteins and fats. They are also a good source of calcium which is good for bones and teeth. These foods include: *Cheese (hard, soft, cottage); *Yogurt; *Food high in milk or milk products™ @ock ty Oo Pood Crows

صفحه 13:
Meee, Fisn ane Eee The main nutrients derived from meat are proteins, but it also gives us fats and some minerals. The meat and fish group includes: *Chicken and all poultry; 5 5 3 TV Ce Nm ey *Fish and shellfish; LL) Spencer’s best- *Beef, pork and lamb. elling lunchti *Eggs are included in this group too. Athletes eat lots of protein; they help to build*~ muscles. 0 @ock ty Oo Pood ‏تحت‎

صفحه 14:
Sterenes, Sucers ec ree Sometimes foods are classified into starches, sugars and fats. Starches includes foods like potatoes and provide mainly carbohydrates. Carbohydrates give us the energy to carry on with our day-to-day lives. Foods high in sugars include those naturally occurring as in fruit, and those containing refined/processed sugars such as sweets, chocolates, cakes etc. We need to limit our intake of refined sugars - these are empty calories which give an immediate ‘boost’. Asmall amount of fat is important for health, but eating too much fat is unhealthy. It leads to clogged arteries (restricted blood supply), high cholesterol and becoming overweight. تاسلصسها سا ‎ack‏

صفحه 15:
Vitarnins ancl Minerals Our bodies need all sorts of chemicals (vitamins and minerals) to be healthy. The most common are: Vitamin A Helps maintain | Sweet eyesight potatoes, carrots Vitamin B Help body’ Green leafy make protein | vegetables Vitamin 6 Healing skin, | Citrus fruit, preventing tomatoes colds Vitamin D) Strengthen Milk bones Sunlight Vitamin E Helps Vegetable oils, strengthen cells | nuts Iron Healthy blood — | Green leafy vegetables تاسلصسها سا ‎ack‏

صفحه 16:
Reading tre Lagels On Foods Food labelling is confusing. The front of packaging often tells a different story to the back. یت هن ییاز Products that claim to be Low in fat PEON aes rer on the front, may be loaded with ‏عاعهم‎ - sugar, and sometimes, products eee ee saying things like ‘Less than 5% ‏اما قط ف‎ fat’ have more fat tha similar products! Look at example food labels. ack to ‏لها‎

صفحه 17:
rlealeny Eating Myers It doesn’t matter what | eat as long as | do lots of exercise. تاسلصسها سا ‎ack‏

صفحه 18:
rlealiny Eating ‏و۶‎ LZ It doesn’t matter what | eat as long as | do lots of exercise.

صفحه 19:
rlealeny Eacing Myers Chocolate is bad for you! تاسلصسها سا ‎ack‏

صفحه 20:
1S rig) MY Er) Chocolate is bad for you!

صفحه 21:
rlealeny Eating Myers Chewing and digesting a stick of celery uses up more energy than تاسلصسها سا ‎ack‏

صفحه 22:
‎and‏ سم ‎digesting a stick‏ ‎of celery uses up more energy than ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎

صفحه 23:
Links for bbe: ‏سای‎ _0 ‎Pebyes.<ov.dteackersllb_trackers-out hic‏ سانجا ‎bedi extey cad wired Por hells sites by the yoverccedt — hohe to appropriate ceo! ‏م8 6 هب تولخ رم جهن سنا‎ 01© Pood Orradards Oyeuy, S a doy he Ook Otreet Day akved of P=: ‏ااا‎ ‏|صاتجطةجوخالحك .نجي منهج د بمدم | /نجهها‎ ۱ ‏ممه 7ط وسو 3 0 وال00 مه وله تا سنا ب ‎ated at pear‏ اتف ,همه ‎qauwe ‘heathy the Prout’,‏ اب ‎Kip hw.elle.orylpeatwolesd Piha Pr ahi‏ ‎5 ‎Ey ‎0 ‎mal ‎0 ‏ته‎ ‎ ‎ ‏له سا ‎ack‏ ‎

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