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Werbd Oediciae 5 Okick oP these ploats do pou nevoysise? 9 Okick did pou ‏له تن‎ be used os wedivice?

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صفحه 4:
صا Ove oP the wost ‏امم ۲اه همم(‎ rewedies wos usta willow bark to relieve po. @ chewicd cowpucy,coled Buyer, thea ‏لو‎ uspiria Prow these impedieuts ic the bark. Ospina is wow wade onPicidly but kos the sawe ingredient os Dilow bods SAY HAYEW ASME

صفحه 5:
Corte kos Carte kas beeo used ‏اما وه‎ Pood ood ‏تلو‎ io wor ‏اه‎ Por thousaads oP years, ‏دتمل‎ of least us Por bark us the feve thot the Gxpptica pyronids were built. Gantic is choied to hele ‎used yaric Por koorsevess ond cous,‏ ۲و۲ ط۳) الم ‎bots as a syrup ced feo solve code oF godic ord lard, which wos‏ ‎rubbed oa the chest ond back.‏ ‎Ouivod studies, ued sowe eon ivestiqaiocd studies it hus, hove sunuesied possible cardiovascular beaehits oP garlic. (B Ozerk study Poured yee supplewectaivg reduced accucmutaticg oP cholesterol vo vascular wos DP anikwds. (ucther study showed thot supplespeotatice with garlic extract iohibited vascular ‏ای‎ io huooe potects wits high blood pressure. ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎

صفحه 6:
Comer Te QOexiciaes Por the heat were wade Prow Poxoves to the post. Oowedays extracts Prow Poxioves are cated Dicitatis. his reared oP ‏له نمیا‎ was First desorbed by ‏مدنلا(‎ ‎Oikeriagy i 0126©. i oootaics chesicds whick woke the heat beat ‏ولو‎ ood ot be daqaosed Por people who hove a Post, inequtar heart beat or hove ‎heart Pohure.‏ کلب حول یا[ ‎

صفحه 7:
- یی ولا ورن اوه اوه وه لد ولمم ‎us Inetoed) 0 prescription is‏ اصسه) مه و و صووا ‎required.‏ له موه و موه له رو( نوی ‎Cxtrants ore usury fo tablet or‏ fractures.

صفحه 8:
@eppercont ۳ Pepperwint, ike woop spices ond herbs, is believed to have ‏لین‎ propenies whe poosnnved. ‘It is suid thot it helps ‏وه او یه‎ iuhibits the ‏اس‎ oP ‏وه‎ badterta, ood coo kelp sovike ood ‏مرب اجه ماو‎ fooled or uppled to the shic. Other heals beuePits ore ottdbuted to the high woogqueesr, vittevic O ‏وش لو‎ (B poate. Creeze-dried ewes موه م1 ,6006018 19 ‎the poiieuts‏ 9۴ 1۳96 ما سور vit capsules Por Pour weeks kod > ‏زو‎ neduotiva ta irritable bowel syatowe (OG) sywpiows, powpored wits just QO % oF those who took « phoebe pill.

صفحه 9:
‎wus used, Piciocraly, ia The Dizard oP O2 to create wagicd poppy‏ موجه ‎Bells, docgercus beruuse they coused those who possed through thew to sleep‏ ‎Porever‏ ‎Phe troy opiucr is produced by “wilsieg" hater Prove the worpe Pruits ("seed pods") but oll parts of the ploot co ovotata or cory the opiuce ubvalvids, espevidly worphice ond oodeioe. his weocs thot puta Foods) thot cata poppy seeds coc result ica Pals positive Por opiates ina drug test.

صفحه 10:
CowPrey hed a wedlts oP wedicical uses fo byyoor days. Ovutewporary kerbulsts View vowPrey os oa obivoleat ord ‏اه روت ما وا و مور‎ ‎risk‏ ام لا و ما مها شمسا ‎DP fiver toxicity.‏ ‎ ‎Ove oP the old coces Por cocwPrey was ‘koibooe’, os ius trotticchs ved ‏مه وله( ماه و‎ hes proved thot cowPrey cod iePhueue the vourse oP boue vores. The herb ‏,تمه وه‎ a chesvicdl thot speeds up the coturd replacewedt oP body celts. ‎CowPrey wes used to teedt a wide voriety oP ‏واه‎ coogi Pro brouckid problesws, brokeo boos, spros, unkritis, yastic cod various Aivers, severe bures, azar ued ver shic ovedicgs. Wt uwas reputed ty Kuve bowe ord teetk buidiocy properties to chided, cod hove value ‏نودب رها و‎ Peode disorders’.

صفحه 11:
‎tract,‏ موی وا اه مه امه بل لول ‎cand lose oP uppetiie.‏ ‎Other voproved uses fochide tneukeedt oF disturbouves tc bite Plow, ‏رت و اه توملا‎ ‎ ‎° The dondeliva is pousidered to be very sobe ond sowetwes varies the stacy ters, “per to the bed,” nePertoy to its obiliy to tooreasiog, water ict the dae. Ouoodeliva has 0 high potosstuc pootedt cod rephives potasstuc lost it word urice seoretivg whick is better thao cver-the-covaer diuretics. ‎* Oucdelives ure dev thought to be ePPeviive io helpioy to ease the vives oP Gtudes oo bots rots ood hucvoas thot fevolved igievtag theo with ‏لول‎ ‎hove rested to theo testo up 7 OO% vf their body weight.

صفحه 12:
‎one vader research‏ ارت مه لاو ‎a source oP‏ و سم ‎Por possible beuePis to the heart ond ioeuee systes ced os ooli-voaer‏ یره ‎COrneberry ‏اه موم نعونره راومه فز‎ hidaey stows. ])9 9 ‏عجو و و‎ ‏له اجه اه‎ ‎

صفحه 13:
ی )۱ ‎(chicoced is popu beteved to be ot‏ ‎the body's‏ دهان جواك رعصادان يواكم صوص — اه پوت له مرو نج 180 TABLETS

صفحه 14:
Wovwevy Cor dleast OP OO pews, hooey kos bees used to treo 0 variety oP ‏انحا ,ماه‎ voy revediy hove the ootiseptic ord watbuctertal properties oP hooey bee ‏موه مهد‎ QOoudd Gets thot coctaic ‏اتمه‎ ‎wre ww wuiuble to kelp powvectiocd & svedicior io the ‏یه اه‎ drug resistact ‏اه هد‎ bacteria DRGO. Os oo votiiorobid aged hooey way hove J othe pote Por trratiog a variety oP ‏واه‎

صفحه 15:
Qurwern is thought to hove woop wediciod properties ced woop io bedi ‏جه لأ دك‎ oo coisepio Por cuts, buras od bruises. Tis ubso used us ot ‏نومه‎ aged. tis toked ic sowe Osica coudties usu dietary supple edt, whic tilegedy helps wil stowack problews und vier vikeeuts. Wis popular os ated io dope. This curedly bea iovestiqated Por possible bear its it Obhenver's discuse, cower ond liver disorders.

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