صفحه 1:
صفحه 2:
Werbd Oediciae
صفحه 3:
gcse سم ام امه ناسوت th
صفحه 4:
(Poco quidquePotus
* @Osicc Bioseuy is votive oP sia! Chica ond Koren
Oatay used Por
- pwerdt heath iprovewed espevidy Por people nevoveriacy
Prow tess
— Ieeprovien جه اموجه عامط physicd perPorwode od
- Do trecing erevile dysPuartivg, ood syxopiows reboted tv
جص جمدي
- Vo tect hepatitis CO
glucose ood oooirclicn blood pressure لا رورا
صفحه 5:
© (loot اه
— Oried ged wade iniy tublets
— Cxtrants ia the Pore oP tea ced prec
* @otve vowpoud
— Ginseursides or pasmosides — titerpeuid supocid
صفحه 6:
G-Ro,, G-Aby, Acidic hydrolysis,
G-Ribs, G-Re, G-Rd Panaxadiol| Secondary
Gre og, ل مه
Protopanaxadiol (R = Hi) Panaxadiol (R= H)
Protopanaxatriol (Rl = OH) Panaxatriol (R = OH)
صفحه 7:
© Ow lower blood qhuoese ced dso help build
howe Syste
© RQeseuck — wit eovudk to coi of wedivicl
٠ تاج ل
- Weeduckes, sleep ood وممصأاطاصصم أدجتوعاهاتصاجيي
له اجه اوه ,وله سور -
blood pressure
صفحه 8:
اج ۱)
جا حاومداه و ۱
صفحه 9:
* Oses
= Ondergroudd stew ocd rovt
- Presk or dry icPusion
— biquid tortures, cod capsules
* Osed Por با
— OP rheuvatisw
= Deusirud inequities, preweustrud مرو ced to ionhuce
عم ها
ام us kot Rashes, اس مج ۲و مرو -
جیوه اه له ,رد
صفحه 10:
۰ روص <yooside,
wien, OP -derxvaricia ( ict the resin),
- صل توص خ اواج
٠ زاون dhubids, opstce, wet opstice
* Phewhropuce derivatives iochudioy isoP eric
صفحه 11:
5 مرو موجه و ار
Ont eoough vo مه نحل
Reseuck is vo-ypiegy ج27 كم
Gide ePP ects
— Ory wouk ond الم
سم همم تا
صفحه 12:
معدو واد 2
صفحه 13:
(Bokicaced purpured
۰ Ontve to Ovited Grates god Cuca
٠ Osed Por
— prevediiog cold, Pho ced other icPevtions
— PRought to siwuhate none syetew
— Less cow oly used Por acce ond other shia
صفحه 14:
۰ مها لبم موق ure wed
— ives, or squerzed liquids
© CoPPeic uid, evhiavside, wed vickoriv uid
صفحه 15:
* Gtodies do wt support the oP
voll or Pho
respirdiory جدصاد لو
۰ مسر وا
= لايد( do oot show side PP
— Oowe kwe واه ۲
صفحه 16:
عمط لاه وود تیرررن hip ©
صفحه 17:
Giokye bilpba
* Obest tppe oP tree
* Osed ia Chinese tretiticcal wedicice
* Oses
— Geeds und ewes
=~ (Por variety oP ol _ ۱ iis, Pt
صنن له
— V0 noprove wewwory, preved Dibheiwer, رک
sexu dysPuantiva, wuliple sclerosis
صفحه 18:
۰ Coctoies diterpeur - حصلبزايطدن
* Binkypolide © is the wost utive powpournd
صفحه 19:
Gower studies show prowistay results
— Ovsrdicticg
= Teorewes peripheral blood Pow
Good studies show woderde toreuse it wewory but wore
studies ure required
Large oleic trict wit QOOO موس vader way.
Gide ePPect:
= Deutch, anseu, qstontesiod upset, dorrheu, od shia clerwy
= Teoreused bleedin pspenidly peuple tobiey blood دسم
— Ouwocked seeds hove toxic causes وه
صفحه 20:
(va (va
اما مدوجو سس انوا ۰
صفحه 21:
Piper بحاص
۰ مت رای( souk PaniPic tropical iskacrds,
popevidy Wow
* Oses: Root und rhizowe
- ررللز() corciic — relieves port ocd induces sleep
— Ovesthetic, voisepic, coti-icPocwatory ord
— 40 OG used wad Por توت ood short tera
صفحه 22:
Olkabid, Kavaice Oethy-stiocuy pooyroic
hove hoctoaes - Patsvluble od derived Proc kava nesta
CS howtos Kove ber isvlated io the Kava Rovt
= wehpstinne
rhiowe cowpours ure او ia structure ها
~wpristicia, whick is Pour ia cute
صفحه 23:
© Reved reports Prow keuth cuthorifies ict
Cercvouw, Suitzertond, Proave, Cocada, ood
the Ouited (Geedow لها هم kava use t7 ut
feast OS muses oP liver toxicity, ,همه رید
virrkosis, und Iver Pature. (DCC@O)
* POO is advising جاجد صصص oP the potecttal risk
oP fiver
صفحه 24:
(St. Uokd’s Oort
07 “ناا />امجامر و7 جاخاصح لسدزابص.دلص. عصدام//:م! ٠
صفحه 25:
* Osed by vocied Greeve, onl Ouive Owerions
٠ Whe Mower exteocts us capsules or tea.
٠ Oses:
= wordy odwwicistered fotercdly as oo ubortPiccat cord extercety
us wn وه له هنوت ,امامت
= weed disorders und عم سوه
— Os sedoive ocd to reat wolwria
= Dow wed worl red depression, umtety, مه ول
صفحه 26:
۰ یت هی ۲ باب 4
* Gtodies kas show thot the Plower extract show ePPect
und coo be used us uoli-depressudt مرو موه نز
Gide ePP ects: *
— Geusiiviy to suctight
— Ouatety, dry woutk, dizzicess, Poticpue
— IoterPeres wits other drug ord stow dewas their brecdout