صفحه 1:

صفحه 2:
Werbd Oediciae

صفحه 3:
)(:2 0۵ ‎gcse‏ سم ام امه ناسوت ‎th‏ ‏۱

صفحه 4:
۱ (Poco quidquePotus * @Osicc Bioseuy is votive oP sia! Chica ond Koren Oatay used Por - pwerdt heath iprovewed espevidy Por people nevoveriacy Prow tess — Ieeprovien ‏جه اموجه عامط‎ physicd perPorwode od - Do trecing erevile dysPuartivg, ood syxopiows reboted tv ‏جص جمدي‎ - Vo tect hepatitis CO ‎glucose ood oooirclicn blood pressure‏ لا رورا

صفحه 5:
© (loot ‏اه‎ ‎— Oried ged wade iniy tublets — Cxtrants ia the Pore oP tea ced prec * @otve vowpoud — Ginseursides or pasmosides — titerpeuid supocid

صفحه 6:
G-Ro,, G-Aby, Acidic hydrolysis, G-Ribs, G-Re, G-Rd Panaxadiol| Secondary Gre og, ‏ل مه‎ ۳۳ HO Glycosides Genuine Protopanaxadiol (R = Hi) Panaxadiol (R= H) Protopanaxatriol (Rl = OH) Panaxatriol (R = OH)

صفحه 7:
Goiewe © Ow lower blood qhuoese ced dso help build howe Syste © RQeseuck — wit eovudk to coi of wedivicl ‏اه‎ ٠ ‏تاج ل‎ - Weeduckes, sleep ood ‏وممصأاطاصصم أدجتوعاهاتصاجيي‎ له اجه اوه ,وله سور - ‎blood pressure‏

صفحه 8:
اج ۱) جا حاومداه و ۱

صفحه 9:
* Oses = Ondergroudd stew ocd rovt - Presk or dry icPusion — biquid tortures, cod capsules * Osed Por ‏با‎ ‎— OP rheuvatisw = Deusirud inequities, preweustrud ‏مرو‎ ced to ionhuce ‏عم ها‎ ام ‎us kot Rashes,‏ اس مج ۲و مرو - جیوه اه له ,رد

صفحه 10:
۰ ‏روص‎ <yooside, wien, OP -derxvaricia ( ict the resin), - ‏صل توص خ اواج‎ ٠ ‏زاون‎ dhubids, opstce, wet opstice * Phewhropuce derivatives iochudioy isoP eric wid

صفحه 11:
Goiewe 5 مرو موجه و ار Ont eoough vo ‏مه نحل‎ Reseuck is vo-ypiegy ‏ج27 كم‎ Gide ePP ects — Ory wouk ond ‏الم‎ سم همم تا

صفحه 12:
۱ معدو واد 2

صفحه 13:
(Bokicaced purpured ۰ Ontve to Ovited Grates god Cuca ٠ Osed Por — prevediiog cold, Pho ced other icPevtions — PRought to siwuhate none syetew — Less cow oly used Por acce ond other shia problews

صفحه 14:
۰ ‏مها لبم موق‎ ure wed — ives, or squerzed liquids © CoPPeic uid, evhiavside, wed vickoriv uid

صفحه 15:
GCIEOCE * Gtodies do wt support the oP voll or Pho respirdiory ‏جدصاد لو‎ ۰ ‏مسر وا‎ = ‏لايد(‎ do oot show side PP — Oowe kwe ‏واه‎ ۲

صفحه 16:
ه:) عمط لاه وود تیرررن ‎hip‏ ©

صفحه 17:
Giokye bilpba * Obest tppe oP tree * Osed ia Chinese tretiticcal wedicice * Oses — Geeds und ewes =~ (Por variety oP ol _ ۱ iis, Pt ‏صنن له‎ — V0 noprove wewwory, preved Dibheiwer, ‏رک‎ ‎sexu dysPuantiva, wuliple sclerosis

صفحه 18:
۱ ۰ Coctoies diterpeur - ‏حصلبزاي‌طدن‎ ‎* Binkypolide © is the wost utive powpournd

صفحه 19:
Goiewe Gower studies show prowistay results — Ovsrdicticg = Teorewes peripheral blood Pow Good studies show woderde toreuse it wewory but wore studies ure required Large oleic trict wit QOOO ‏موس‎ vader way. Gide ePPect: = Deutch, anseu, qstontesiod upset, dorrheu, od shia clerwy = Teoreused bleedin pspenidly peuple tobiey blood ‏دسم‎ — Ouwocked seeds hove toxic causes ‏وه‎

صفحه 20:
(va (va اما مدوجو سس انوا ۰

صفحه 21:
Piper ‏بحاص‎ ۰ ‏مت رای(‎ souk PaniPic tropical iskacrds, popevidy Wow * Oses: Root und rhizowe - ‏ررللز()‎ corciic — relieves port ocd induces sleep — Ovesthetic, voisepic, coti-icPocwatory ord — 40 OG used wad Por ‏توت‎ ood short tera

صفحه 22:
Olkabid, Kavaice Oethy-stiocuy pooyroic hove hoctoaes - Patsvluble od derived Proc kava nesta CS howtos Kove ber isvlated io the Kava Rovt ‏:لاس‎ ویو = wehpstinne rhiowe cowpours ure ‏او‎ ia structure ‏ها‎ ‎~wpristicia, whick is Pour ia cute

صفحه 23:
Goiewe © Reved reports Prow keuth cuthorifies ict Cercvouw, Suitzertond, Proave, Cocada, ood the Ouited (Geedow ‏لها هم‎ kava use t7 ut feast OS muses oP liver toxicity, ‏,همه رید‎ virrkosis, und Iver Pature. (DCC@O) * POO is advising ‏جاجد صصص‎ oP the potecttal risk oP fiver

صفحه 24:
(St. Uokd’s Oort 07 “ناا />امجامر و7 جاخاصح لسدزابص.دلص. عصدام//:م! ‎٠‏

صفحه 25:
* Osed by vocied Greeve, onl Ouive Owerions ٠ Whe Mower exteocts us capsules or tea. ٠ Oses: = wordy odwwicistered fotercdly as oo ubortPiccat cord extercety us wn ‏وه له هنوت ,امامت‎ = weed disorders und ‏عم سوه‎ — Os sedoive ocd to reat wolwria = Dow wed worl red depression, umtety, ‏مه ول‎ orders

صفحه 26:
۰ ‏یت هی ۲ باب‎ 4 * Gtodies kas show thot the Plower extract show ePPect ‎und coo be used us uoli-depressudt‏ مرو موه نز ‎Gide ePP ects:‏ * ‎— Geusiiviy to suctight ‎— Ouatety, dry woutk, dizzicess, Poticpue ‎— IoterPeres wits other drug ord stow dewas their brecdout

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