تاریخ و بیوگرافیعلوم انسانی و علوم اجتماعیپزشکی و سلامت

History of major advances in medicine, social medicine and hygiene

صفحه 1:
۱001۵1 ۱۵۵۱0۱06 [ 4 8 ay www.tabaye.ir

صفحه 2:
Wistory ‏دز وله و و‎ wedivive, sovid ‏هه‎ od hy cfr يان ,600 ,عم سم as

صفحه 3:
Social medicine

صفحه 4:
۱ wedione - ‏كعكلا‎

صفحه 5:
۱ wedione - ‏كعكلا‎ " @ercad de Cordes io (PK ov. ict "Lito ‏چنیا‎ bes 1 ddseuses lke! leprosy, coin, trackowa, anute Pever, scubies, epilepsy, but does ont weetive phage, wwhick wos 0 pordewic kao os “blak ded"

صفحه 6:
Social medicine _| © Plaque poodewir stated in IQ9C in dada, spread thoougk Okioa ood (Russia to Coustactianple ord Tay " othe widde oP UP IK 7.- Whole sia, Curope od aortk Priva "western, extant vies, corps Iie ound, with oo oor to bury thew

صفحه 7:
۱ wedione - ‏كعكلا‎ ® “black death" ost prowicet it Dakota (Spit, Dadar, Dubro) * 40 Oubroveks io IOP’? — Pst quercetar to te world — €O days oP isvlaiod ced pbservative privr to uolvadicry the por ond pevple

صفحه 8:
۱ wedione - ‏كعكلا‎ ۶ ‏ری‎ IP tk ood IGtk pectury — other ‏:مرج‎ vorch, dieectery, ۲

صفحه 9:
۱ pvotact, via vbjevts, ubiliy to spread Par Prov the source " RePutes Galeu's "ciuscw theory”

صفحه 10:

صفحه 11:
۱ wedione - ‏كعكلا‎ " atthe ead oP UGK ‏له تیه‎ ۱۱ - ‏نجه‎ epdewic it Gurope — syphilis * 4a Id, Opa...

صفحه 12:
Wistory oP wediine - highlight ۶ ‏میت موز(‎ * @aow vo beewrchwek ic (OTD Focusing Serew Staiger” Hooke Microscope (circa 1670)

صفحه 13:
Q@xtvoy veo Deewwedkork ® Leewweukvek ucdpzed blood, suiva, boos, ‏,اي‎ kwon eye kw, Bot. " Ockieved waquPivaivd up to PO-dOO fives, hater up to O° O toes

صفحه 14:
Wistory oP ‏لین‎ - hightchts " 410 Ok ‏سل رت‎ Prow Gloves Dartw @uioa Pleats supports the theory ‏ار ات واه‎ muse pow wunirble discuss " Le hypothesized thot dPReredt peeutuee causes dered, ® Oesorbed hued tou, suscepibliy, tocubatoa, deus varters, sows dsewes (svat Pever, varicl), 2

صفحه 15:
۶ 6 ‏و له ع‎ 46 vo. British over Cdivard Uecser wired that wowed who wil cows Pec yet cow pox (wouck wore eet owdlprs, ‏مه و‎

صفحه 16:
‎deacer‏ ومیل ‎* @PRter CO pews ‏موه اه‎ - experkred ot Opre oll boy dawes Phipps ‎۶ decor tock the pus Prove the kod oP a wowed wi cow pox ond upplied it to the boy — oPtier © weeks the boy wos exposed to swallow — dida't yet sezallpo ‎® Published o book ubout ‏تون‎ ۱ POO ‏(سعد>مععص)‎ ‎ ‎

صفحه 17:
لا - یی و رمسطر؟ ۲ ‏و رسمه 19 زرد‎ hove beeo discovered 9 Qoleader discovered vue oP the borqest barteria - ‏عا و اجه‎ blood oP dead ocicvabs

صفحه 18:
Wistory oP ‏لین‎ - hightchts 2 ® Lous Pustew — Pourdativas Por woderc theory ubout causes of powwunivuble diseases ۶ ‏سسوم لولس‎ Por wiee ced oi

صفحه 19:
bous Pusteur ‏م۰‎ 4 ۲ 1 1 " Opticed how oothrox culture bees ‏ججوصان سانا‎ — wheo uppled to keathy ociedl it ida’ mouse the dispose ۶ Creed ‏ون‎ @ Kewaunee nS ‏له لین‎ لمه مه همست ۱:۵۰ "

صفحه 20:
Lous Pusieur " 1000S b. Prsteur ‏ملس‎ ‎veovknice ous rubies ® Oried spicl cord Prow doo tied oF rubies Pasteur applied Por Oprs okt boy losepk Oeistera, who wus bites by ‏لد ه‎ doy — the boy was sed ۶ Dkooks to Pasteur, covcless hives were saved dll over the world

صفحه 21:
Wistory oP wediine - highlight * Durie JOK v. it Goctoad — yeu cholera epides ir ۶ oka Goow — a dovtor penivutory isterested io this epideswivs int 19606 credes kypoikesis thot cholera was troesited vie ater S

صفحه 22:
" 0066© Robert Kock discovered ۰ ‏حالص‎ ‎* (690 discovered tuberculin, Pirst pousidered pure, ‏تا‎ becawe diacastic tool * uberculbsis wus u poodesnic ot the eed bP WOK ov. due to

صفحه 23:

صفحه 24:
Wistory oP ‏لین‎ - hightchts © Bie ead oP Okc. (Kock oud Pasteur Porwed ce ‏و‎ = نيو صاصاحام تا

صفحه 25:
۱ wedione - ‏كعكلا‎ ۶ ‏اه روص - :2 90 و رجنمزیق)‎ vines " (900 - (ed Lacdstetcer - ‏ماو‎ ‎* (906 - Dikeko Cruster — herpes virus

صفحه 26:
۱ wedione - ‏كعكلا‎ * 10 d90° Pad Crick ‏ال‎ ‎vhewoiherupy (chewirds thu selevively destroy wirroor<nnisws, witout roustey ‏عضا عدا ها كول‎ " (969 — systewatir prophylactic BOB vee

صفحه 27:
" (980 ‏بم۳) طلمم9)‎ DP wokds blocked corres ‏نی‎ ® Pruiciive octave - gesivilicr

صفحه 28:
۱ wedione - ‏كعكلا‎ * Ob Pow (OC Os penivilic Was uppled duriery OO apsicst poorus bacteria, O. diphtheriae, othe, tetany * Over Pollowiery years — discoveries oP ‏اه‎ ‎utbinics, wost Keportodt wos sirepiveyoist (Gekvod ®. Dukswon — pviced tere cutbicic)

صفحه 29:

صفحه 30:
۱ wedione - ‏كعكلا‎ ‎Social medicine | " Ounoy wide oP OOtk v. — ioreuse it pordiovas muha diseuses worbidipy ord wortaliy to developed countries

صفحه 31:
50121 0۳ ® started in (OPO in OGO — wost Pacous ued loagest pvkort study oP marcdovesvutor diseases risk Puctors

صفحه 32:
Gwokiery EPP eves i IOP Os?

صفحه 33:
ای نومه مه له سوه ون ۰ تاه ‎doctors beget —‏ ۳) موه رلمو هب۳ 1990 ب " ‎BB‏ ۰۰۱ ۰1<) ) 7 سوه وه با له مور ‎WA)‏ ‎ ‎ ‎

صفحه 34:
Wistory oP wedicice - highlights * Gevowd kof of CO co. research topics: - Ord ctichabetis therapy ‏مها ای ما مها‎ و ما لو ماو اه و1 - او ی اما لو اوه مرو مب - Passe sockien - 0/۵ اه خا وسكا انهف -

صفحه 35:
Top uchteveweds to wedictoe? Social medicine _| © hitp://soteuce.discovery.cowl/pooweryeuce/IOOd ‎OO hoediciae.hieol‏ سا روز ‎© hto://uwww.heulthPiecd coe ‏عي ()1)-صرصا/صصار اوجرب‎ putestwedicdbdiscoveries-vP-al-ieve! ‎ ‎ ‎

صفحه 36:
‎Oredkircudh!: Wow te IO Gredest‏ :ص0۵ دول ‎Oscovertes 6 Ordo Gwed Dillons ond Okoed Our‏ لاو ‎Otew oP tke‏ ‎ ‎" Chopter 0. The Oork!’s Pirst Physician: Wippoorates oad the Discovery of Dedicice "Chapter ©. Wow Okolera Gaved Oivitzutca: The Discovery ‏ماوت اه‎ ‎Vevisible Iovaders: The Discovery of Bere ond Wow They Ouse‏ 9۰ و( 5-5-7 ‎|! ‏میت‎ @. Por the Rete of Ocbeardle Para: Phe Oscovery of @uerhests ‎arte © . Ver Lookin Pronk Vou! De Discovery of X-Ray ‎karte © . The Gorcck tra Gaved ‏د‎ Dion Lies! Phe Discovery of Ouwker ‎karte ?. Pro ‏مه(‎ Ook ty Doders Dirks: Phe Derovery of Bubitce ‎= Ober ©. Brechin Bod's Orde! The Drrvery of ered, Georios, ont 008 ‎Okt 9. Dedores Por he Ort: The Oscovery of Onnp Por Onkese, Cuckoo, ond Pra ‎+ Ober (0. ® ‏و مج‎ Pradiva! The Redecovery of Plercate Dedcke ‏و ۵ ‎"Ff ‎۰ 8 # 2 ‎

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