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ee raditions ۱ ot 2 ‏و‎ ‎Throughout the te Tere numerous strands of medical — traditions however, we will focus on three. . Ayurveda 2 2. Traditional Chinese Mel ۷۲ . African Medical Traditi|}

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موه ‎Originates ; fromIndia ۲‏ ِ ‎Comes from the words‏ * ‎Ayus (life) and Veda‏ ‎(knowledge or Seen‏ forces called Doshas ۰ Your health, character and appearance are inlfuenced by the dominant Doshas

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۰ The go: medicin to bring the Doshas into a balance. * The pulse and the physical appearance can provide clues as to what is causing the imbalance. * Some therapies are designed to purge symptoms (vomiting,enemas), other to - smooth symptoms — * Concerned with preventing illness =

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_ Traditional Chinese | “Medicine + Weather, spirits and the 1 a time of day-can all affect — ۱ you according to TCM. 7 ٠ A cosmic energy force called qi (chi) connects everything in the universe and allows the surroundings to influence you. * Qi must flow freely through the body to promote harmony. * The qi is divided into 2 ying and yang wi ۱ i }

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- ; TEM as a Therapy * Illness is a symptom of a imbalance of ying and yang * Qi may be blocked, areal or imbalanced ¢ Ying and yang influence appearance, pulse, sound)» and smells of your body |‘ ¢ Acupuncture, drugs or moxibustion are common treatments ¢ Don’t have to be ill before treatment

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Af ican Traditional Medicine — Varied ۲ ‏اب‎ ۲1۵ ۳ 3 continent, t, several a similar features ' Community based, holistic approach to medicine Physical and spiritual aspects are equally Some illnesses are related specifically to one or the other important

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7 "tet ne re] afl po ۳ to en e the source of the ‘problem * Massage and herbalist remedies are common * Communal song and dance are also prescribed ~ frequently as remedies x 51

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5 6۳ Teditions - Ancie: 5 Lm Greece 3 char the body is composed of four basic substances (4 humours) in harmony when the body is healthy * Black bile, yellow bile, phlegm and blood "| * Treatments include bleeding and application of hot cups

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Andreas Vesalius * Prior to Vesalius learning anatomy wa consisted of reading the texts of ancient Greek physicians * First to use hands on dissections to teach about anatomy * Instead of digging up bodies in the dark he started to be allowed to do dissections on executed criminals ٠ Produced fantastic diagrams based on human experimentation (Galen’s drawings were from apes)

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ANDREAE 17 8 5 ‏له‎ 11 ‏و‎ DE KYMANL corPe- 1۱ FAREICA CLER sereinvs, Cemeses ANE ‘i Lach fd Shoe opp dee X ren no omen ‏ی‎ ‎PRIMA SEPTIMI ۱8۸۲ ‏م۵۵‎ مج

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De Humani Corporis 3 a : .ِ ۱ ۱

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0۵0۵ 11۳00111 19[ 3 حعتط ۲۷2"

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‎ni Corporis‏ وا ‎۱ ‏ید‎ 3 PRIMA FIGY- SECVNDA. TERTIA- ‎RA Vy CAPITIS: ‎ ‎QVARTA: 3 2

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tes e Pare 0 ‏و‎ ny surgical tments ~_ and specialized in the treatment of wounds ° Used a mixture a including turpentine to | heal wounds (cleaned the wound) ۰ Used ligatures of ‏ب‎ ‎arteries to reduce ~ blood flow and slow_ bleeding ۱

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Ambroise Pare * Used cauterization techniques.-prior to amputation Hypothesized that phantom pain after amputation arose in the brain Revived the practice of podalic versiori to deliver babies not coming out safely

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Bezoar Stone Experiment * The Bezoar stone was — - reputed to be able to cure © the effects of any poison * Pare’s cook was caught steeling silverware * The cook agreed to be poisoned to determine if the stone infact worked * The cook died days later proving that the Bezoar stone had no miraculous healing properties —

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illiam Harvey f blood being pumped around Described 1 7055 the body bs heart Discovere! valves‘in the vi Postulated that the circulatory system wi that the heart re-circulated tl roughout'th 3 Clashed with Galen’s concept that ‏هقاط‎ as created in the liver and that there were two 5 of blood

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William Harvey ۰ Theorized ‘that there = re are two separate loops gl of the circulatory system, one to the lungs and the other to the rest of the body Carried out dissections showing that embryos do not possess characteristics of adults

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2-0 تب ات ‎Science-and Medicine |‏ ‎Science, with its focus on/obsérvation — |‏ ‎and experimentation has lead to great.‏ ‎advances in medicine» 1‏ The following have all improved the efficacy of medicinal practice: _ Germ theory Bacteriology Chemical analysis Diagnostic technolog Drug therapies aS

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Ge Theory * The sour of ssa illness is biological ‏ب ب‎ ¥ stemming from virulent we 1 bacteria and viruses * Prevention of disease by sanitation and ‏تن‎

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"Bacteriology * The study of 0 yielded = numerous anti-biotics and an understanding about the positive

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Chemical Analysis * Chemical analysis of body fluids can lead to a better understanding of how the body works and how

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Diagn stic - ‏و‎ * Ultras LX ae 7 1 MRI Mee number of other ther a technologies can diagnose » diseases easily 9 oe the

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Drug Therapies ۰ Using scientific experimentation a number of drugs have been developed for a wide array of

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