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7 8 طبایح

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Abha Light Foundation Homeopathy and Natural Medicine

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© ‏انر‎ © ‏وام‎ as Ont Foundatio 8 Homeopathy and Natural ۳۳ Affordable Medicine for the People ane Africa

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when they think of Africa

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Yet 60% of Kenyans live below the poverty line i

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barely surviving

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that disease is rampant

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and Conventional medicines too ۳-4 for moct neanle.

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Abha Light started in Kenya in 1998

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conducting mobile clinics Kangemi slum, Nairobi, 1998

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in 919 slums and ۲ ra | Uthiru slum, Nairobi, 5 ۷۱۱۱۵9۵9 1

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2 1

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۱ ‘endu Bay, 2007

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our Clinics ۰ Siaya, 2003 7 ۳ ۲ RST Cee ‏هجو‎ ‎and Oscar with Kibwezi, 2003 ‏رو‎

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1 2 وت ‎grads celebrate with a ۳۳‏ 2007 ‎Homeopathy & Alternative‏ ‎Medicine‏ ‎ara Neal er Aavealoning coimntries‏

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Advantages of Alternative Medicines for Developing Countries > Eventhe poorest people.in the ۳۱۲۵۲5 703 658 Ae) -\ crate seven alternative mediciaes. reason aC sean Veet om ‏رت‎ ASL Ca SOs ۱ aoa 5 ۳1 < ‏عون‎ eae Ae Rc ‏اوی مت‎ 2 ‏ال ل‎ me cee Va Gao a ‏و‎ ‏مت مت‎

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Advantages of Alternative Medicines for Developing Countries. > Alternative medicine benefits from ۱۳۱2۰۳۰۰5 but does not rely upon expensive diagnostic equipment. seven reason > Our Alternativé medicine is established 5 | ‎ca eed ed oa aT‏ | لحا نالا ‎MS or Apc eee een a een ee‏

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۸۶ ۸۴ ۷ orrell from Britain, 2001

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we realized a ‏ق9125‎ ‎need than وت زور ‎dispensing‏ ‎medicine for‏ 9-۸

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3 85 ALF aims to establish a complete infrastructure of Affordable, Accessible & Alternative Medicine Training of Self-Employed Practitioners ET eri) Authorities, Regulation & Legalizaton Accessible: ‏رال لتكت‎ Village & Slum Clinics Affordable: Cheap Pharmacy Popularization & & Supply of Medicines Public Education

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ALF identifies certain systems of medicine will be most effective because these systems » Can be readily taught to anyone » Don’t need expensive equipment

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These systems are *-Horfeopathy وبا تاه ‎Africa Héroal‏ » لاض مرق تورات را ۱۳۱ ۱ 0 ۶ 01 ۷۷۵۳ 6۰ ۱۵5353 رووزا اد درل «

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Kariobangi, 2000 8 ]مالا الالال ۳ / ALF peer 5 first permanent clinic

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Kariobangi,,2003 Ma 35 2 small oasis 0 healin fh 1 ! 0 ‏عط‎ ‎centre ‎of the slums 3

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Ta) Karioban North, Nairobi with the aim of introducing =m arovaat=xe) ey- 1a an"

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35 affordable alternative

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to 97 Western [ ۱ ۱ medicin

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After Students graduate, ALF assists in opening new clinics Juja Rd. clinic in eerie tt opened

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Tala village clinic opened January 2003

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Manyanga village clinic opened March 2003

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5۱۰ Smith, clinic manager with Ruth Nduku, ‏اوه‎

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۳90۸ in 2008 ALF has 11 affiliated clinics & about 25 mobile clinics in Kenya Toru Weds Cruire, Kbweat Toru H. C., Kambi ET NEG TAY, cd ‏ام وم م۱۱‎ 6. ۸ 9. 3 ‎wad‏ فك ‎Oukuru tows‏ .0 ‎Cr ORCC ari]‏ ل ‎PPE ATC MO‏ ‏ریات ‏ل ‎cc‏ اتا

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۳5 ۲۵۵۲۳۹۲ ۷۷۵05۵۲ ۲ South Africa, 2003 ۳

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started in 2000 at our iron- sheeted Kariobangi clinic Bianca Sands from Australia, 2001

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instructors helped teach ‏وت 6ت‎

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Kenyans learning a new ‏0م‎

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۱4 we shifted /* مانااكد اناه لام ‎clinic to our‏ ‎first Buruburu‏ ‎office‏ لبعد ‎ ‎ ‎

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By 2005, we QreW froma training COUFSE into a College ABHA LIGHT COLLEGE OF NATURAL MEDICINE

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And moved again to our present spacious head office premises in Westlands, Nairobi

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۵۵ a Sciences

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Naturopathy Mud Pack Therapy Magnetotherapy Bioxidative Therapy

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1 3 Basic » Acupuncture and Moxa

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Treating HIV/AIDS ee Scr << ‏-<د :8 > << 1 فيح‎ i> 3 5 f~ Lit > Ww hy ۳۰ ‏نه<‎ ۶ ia

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۱۳-1-۱۸ "۲6۲6 ۱5 2 0 among People Living with HIV/AIDS (PLWHAs), ‏م05 لاااوأاععموع‎ living int the slums and villages,

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۱۳-1-۱۸ to learn how they can manage رات رورت ره 2۱0/۸ affordably « naturally.

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مروت 2 are two effective books on HIV and Cancer management

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We train our meron Tal HIV counselling

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Ear ‎ALND)‏ طاغأننا وداناذا عاممعم) [ثلا اكوا زه لكتررتت اذا 6 / ‎

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preparatio n& Pe ele

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Prevention & Treatment of Malaria

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ALF Charity Projects ¢ 2004 Street Childrens Free Clinic * Kariobangi Free HIV Clinic * Korogocho Free HIV Clinic * Kendu Bay Free HIV Clinic & Malaria Prevention Project ¢ Kisumu Free HIV Clinic * 2008 Post-Election Internally Displaced Persons Medical Camps

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Abha Light Products ۳۷۱ a Hospital in a Kit! AL

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Abha Light Products 1-1 210311 1 Treatment

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Abha Light Products Homeopathic HIV medicines | Hypoxis ! Homeopathic Tincture }

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Abha Light Products ۱ Great Health, Naturally!

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ارو Abha A Se Light’s | also known as Founder ‏و۱25‎ ‎& Didi Director Ananda Ruchira

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is a yogic-nun of Ananda Marga Mission

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Didi is active in promoting affordable, accessible alternative medicine Cel aVA TAT) she goes.

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Her work includes guiding staff ana trainees

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Homeopathy, serving the poor'in Kenya

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Abha Light bringing 5 providing ‏یلگ‎ le ~affordabl e health care

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You can help us in different EWES 4018102 TERT

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8 eg are eed od * 4Wosta chao ot pour proect tt Keavo

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* Oork w «whiter to Kequas proevs 9

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۱-1 زا[

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