صفحه 1:
HOW CDs WORK ? 3 Attapon Ashinetongkhum 48057053) Payveen Suwannawat 48050275 Surawut Suntalodom 48057692) Pipat Shutishupibul 48057478 Pipatpong Tuntivaranon 48050249

صفحه 2:
Introduction of CDs 60056 " ‎Cea iraa aaa is‏ رز ‎el Briere‏ ات زد تست ببس زد 0 ‎comethestandardme‏ ‏00071101511017 ‏1 كع رد تم 06

صفحه 3:
017075010018 Tofitmorethan 783meg es(MB)ontoa disco 711748 1771611845 Cease 510 tameter requiresthatth ‏ترس نیزر وت‎ . 1۷ ‎i‏ انهه كا 26 6 9 0 fis (4/700) aminch(7.2mm) thick. 7 ‎J‏ الور ‎ ‎

صفحه 4:
"010750100118 16 0 ‏ل زا ا‎ anaes ingfromtheinsideof the disctothe outside. Thefact that thespiraltrackstartsat thec esata ‏ا‎ Le De aa as eee aaa CD ‏ال ل‎ ereare now plastic baseball cardsandbust nesscardsthat youcanputina CD player.

صفحه 5:
"011 0875]0:1100118 0621 1115 Tab pans ea enn cs ares eee areeacho.5 microns wide,aminimum of 0.8 amicronslongand725 nanometers high. (A ‏ی‎ Ost wees pn assets ca ‏)وله جا م‎ ] oma ca aly ‏ك6 و ی ری ریا‎ LE ERTS

صفحه 6:
)21( ۹۷ ۶ 1۲۷ 61۱۵۲۵۲ ۹911۱5 ۲۲۱۵ 1156, 1115 ert ese ‏ار ی تال متس تین‎ a nto epending on whichtrackis being read A 2051 andalenssystemfocusinonandreadthebumps, * Ktrackingmechanismmoves thelaser assembly sot fat thelaser sheamcan follow thespiraltrack. Thet ‎ey ne ame nen Tne‏ ی دیدرت و ‎Ce mea ues‏

صفحه 7:
WhattheCD Player Does: La Soa prea Inside the CD player, thereia good bit of computer Dero LMT NR OC LOR RM Ce OM Ra CC OT derstandable data blocksandsending themeithe ۲۱0۵/۵۵ <09<

صفحه 8:
0” ‏تا رتست‎ eping thelaser beamc ‏مت ید‎ b eae rack, This centering? aaa tS gsystem. Thetrackin ۲ ‏رت درد‎ eCD,hastocontinual ‏علانكء 1716077 زا‎ 05 muta ۷۵۶

صفحه 9:
CDEncodingissues: Bre ease ‏یر‎ PD) ۲ Maa eae ce sara aaa Leama) ل ل ‎earenobumpsinthedata track‏ = Becausethelaser wants to heabletomove between so CY aaa Tae CU Berea ae ana ABA GLY fe hedrive whereitis onthedisc. = Because thelaser maymisreada bump, thereneedito 6 ‏6517ل ثم 6 كصفمء وشاع ومع - هوهو‎ 0]6-617 se

صفحه 10:

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