کسب و کارفروش و بازاریابی

How to do business with CIS States

123 صفحه
714 بازدید
02 شهریور 1401

صفحه 1:
rue GOLDEX Fred Ludolph 0 ] of Independent ‘States (CIS)

صفحه 2:
G@LDEX GROUP Fred Ludolph

صفحه 3:
RR GOLDEX DMAN Gewicar me Fred Ludolph Flag Name Area Population 2019 - ۳ Russia 17,098,242 km* 143,895,551 = Uzbekistan 447,400 km? 32,807,368 = Kazakhstan 2,724,900 km? 18,592,970 5 Azerbaijan £86,600 ke? 10,014,575 31 Belarus 207,600 km? 9,433,874 = Tajikistan 143,100 ۲ 19,292,000 a kyroyzstan 199,951 km? 6.218.616 03 Moldova 33,846 km? 4,029,750 — Armenia 29,743 km 2,936,708 = —_Tukmeristan isan ssc member ste sige he ape nthe CiSin 18 but hast red he hare. Toghit was afondng mene, ithas ner been full mabe and was cesinld as an assoate member stn 205,

صفحه 4:
we. FR x* D DMAN Russia Past und Piqures G@LDEX Fred Ludolph 4% Population Population pyramid > Population: 144,495,000 > Population per km2: 8.451 > Life expectancy males: © 66.5 years Life expectancy females: 2 76.9 years Birthrate: 12.9 %o Deathrate: 12.9 %o Males/Females: 46.5% : 53.5%

صفحه 5:
۰ GOLDEX DMAN Russia Pact ond Piqures GROUP Fred Ludolph The currency in Russia is Russian Rube! (RUB). 1 Rubel is divided into 100 Kopeken. Status: 01/06/2019 1 US Dollar = 67.19 Rubel 1000 Rubel = 14.88 US Dollar

صفحه 6:
G@LDEX DMAN Russia Pat und Piqures GRour GROUP Fred Ludolph Russia is a country in Eastern Europe and North Asia. The Capital of Russia is Moscow. are direct national borders with 14 neighbor countr aijan, Belarus, China, Estonia, Finland, Georgia, khstan, North Korea, Latvia, Lithuania, Mongolia, Norwa d and Ukraine.

صفحه 7:
G@LDEX GROUP Fred Ludolph distribution 0.6% 79.0% 0.3% 0.3% 4.0% 7.0% 8.8% DMAN Russia Pact aed Piqures Religions Branch Buddhists Russian Orthodoxes Roman Catholics Protestants Muslims nondenominational other Most important cities in Russia

صفحه 8:
— GOLDEX DMAN Qs Poot ued ‏سب‎ GROUP Fred Ludolph 5 Economy ‏عم‎ (per year) GDP: 1,396.41 bn € Exportations: 363.63 bn € Importations: 289.37 bn€ > Tourism receipts: 11.58 ‏مط‎ > > Unemployment rate 5.2% > Inflation rate 3.68 % > corruption ‏از‎ 29 (very bad) > Energy consum; 890.1 bn kWh

صفحه 9:
۰ GOLDEX DMAN Russia Pact ond Piqures 7 Fred Ludolph ‎Land use‏ ا ‎Urban areas: 187,538 km?‏ 1% ‎Agricultural areas: 2,176,486 km?‏ 13% ‎Forest: 8,149,131 km?‏ 48% ‎Water areas: 721,380 km?‏ 4% ‎34% Others: 5,863,715 ۶ ‎

صفحه 10:
‎GOLDEX‏ هم ‎DMAN Russia Pact aed Piqures Grou‏ ‎Fred Ludolph ‎Alliances ‎+ APEC - Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation + EEU - Eurasian Economic Union ‎+ G20 - Group of Twenty ‎+ G8 - Group of Eight ‎ ‎+ ‏ك5‎ Mmonwealth of Independent States + OSZE ‎+ UN = United Nations ‎+ UNESCO ‎+ WTO - World Trade Organization ‎

صفحه 11:
RR 5 DMAN QRevwvery oF Qussta’s evowwy G@LDEX Fred Ludolph Figure 2a: Russia’s economy continued its recovery 2017 (GDP growth, percent, y/y, TOT, percent, y/y) as 3.7 5 -30 =a 3 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 = GDP growth (RHS) Terms of trade Source: Rosstat, Haver Analytics.

صفحه 12:
GOP per ‏ون‎ G@LDEX Fred Ludolph Real GDP Per Capita in Russia 1989-2017 Fallot Putin Soviet Union Takes Over $12,000 $10,000 $8,000 $6,000 $4,000 $2,000 $0 4 کر ور کي ‎a0"‏ مر کي کي ‎so‏ تور اي ‎cH 68° a8"‏ DMAN

صفحه 13:
‎GOLDEX‏ موه ‎HEE 0 DE‏ ‎Fred Ludolph ‎i ussia recorded a government debt equivalent to 12,6 % f the country’s GDP in 2017. ‎ ‎Historical Data API Alerts

صفحه 14:
ی ‎G@LDEX‏ اسط بر مور و من م۳ ‎DMAN‏ Fred Ludolph Russia - Inflation Data Inflation Rate (CPI, annual variation in %) 68 78 155 7.4 37 Russia Inflation Gnart

صفحه 15:
۰ GOLDEX DMAN Ook reserves ar Fred Ludolph Central Bank of Russia Gold Reserves June 2015 - April 2018 Tons 2000 9 اراک اس 5

صفحه 16:
601226 بصام صصص *ه سدم — Fred Ludolph

صفحه 17:
rn oP GOLDEX AG ‘koport oP scactows policy DE Fred Ludolph sanction policy of the EU and US against Russia startec 014 due to the Ukraine and Crimea conflict. sia responded with counter-sanctions. a result, Russia developed a policy of localization and ort substitution. The goal is the development of a dern industrial infrastructure and the promotion of lovative industries.

صفحه 18:
Skopart oP ‏رام موی‎ G@LDEX ‘GROUP Fred Ludolph Dke dowestic produoiivg is prowoted by yuernvect سوام جما خام وجاح امصفممه ‎case oP yoversnved pooicacts, the‏ بو ‎reduction‏ وکا جیوه و اص انمه مدتدوص 019 ۰ 49 اه راومه Therefore, Poreiga ‏لوب لاه بلج‎ about ‏پجس سر‎ | popperdico wit: (Russica porkers ta Ruse.

صفحه 19:
beer Production G@LDEX GROUP Fred Ludolph This oPPevts yods ia werkodicd ond cutowotive ‏,ساعن لمم أو الوصو ليج‎ light tochustqy ood wedical 2 Qesides the wo production ood the productia ict the vottest oP a jpiat vecture ft (Russia could be the Iicewe productos. ‎to 3 Russicn portoer is 30‏ ها هه جوم ‎The‏ ‏و رو وی موه و ‎inpportent tool‏

صفحه 20:
‎GOLDEX‏ همهم ‎Fred Ludolph ‎

صفحه 21:
Fm HEE 1800 ۳ wits Dorkd ‏ات‎ Fred Ludolph Total Goods: Top trading partners 2017 seu Total trade poner poner se Mo ۵ ‏سم‎ Value oe % Word ‎Wet Wo sé 1000 | Word 1203 1000‏ ‎os |1 Ge nan 195‏ مود م د ‎Unted rab‏ 1 عمد مود تس و 170 هو ده و ‎a2‏ 2 مد وود هد نید مه ‎cna 3 nda‏ 3 وه ‎nda‏ ما من دم ‎Tey © South Keren‏ 4 و3 دو «سد كانس هدم مد 5 ممصم و ‎90s 4‏ مهد واد وود سد 6 ماسو 6 هد مسد 67د هيد عضوم 7 ‎sla‏ 7 مر هرد سصعت ‏ ۵ جر هه هه سس و ‎nda‏ و كز 194 ‎swe‏ وان وه مومت و شمه و ‎Singapore ioe aa‏ 10| 5111 موز 0 3 روز له 703 و ‎ioe we‏ 2 ‎ ‎0 ‎Top panes: excluding region member states Growth: eave variation between cure and prewous period ‎ ‎ ‎

صفحه 22:
Foe arm AR®O Prove wtk Reon — COLDEX Fred Ludolph Retticgs betters (Russia und dro hove ‏اجه‎ ‎9) isthe best pews os bok vowiries wre udder (D.G. ‏عم لوا ره تیوه وه له زو‎ Qussia ged Iroc siqued o historic OG$CO ‏مسلط‎ ‎euerp ded ic COUP. Ovtor vehicles, Pros, veuetubles, «lass, textiles, plostic, chewicds, hondbwoved carpet, sivae ord ۱ the woe decor 8 oosrol yoods exported to (Russia.

صفحه 23:
RA ۹ G@LDEX Fred Ludolph

صفحه 24:
۰ GOLDEX DMAN Osbekistaa aoe Fred Ludolph 3 By »< KAZAKHSTAN ‘agpian TAJIKISTAN:

صفحه 25:
ran GOLDEX DMAN Osbekistad 2 Fred Ludolph 4 Population Population pyramid 5 pocilation? 2287/00 nale ‏لعج‎ > Population per km? 72.39 > Life expectancy males: ‘68.6 years Life expectancy females: 74.1 years — Birthrate: 22.8 %o = =m Deathrate: 4,9 ۰ |} Males/Females: 49.8% : 50.2% ۶ ٩ ‏گرگ‎

صفحه 26:
rn GOLDEX somes ‏جيه‎ DE Fred Ludolph The currency in Uzbekistan is Uzbekistan Sum (UZS). 1 Sum is divided into 100 Tiyin. Status: 01/06/2019 1 US Dollar = 8,340.00 Sum 10.000 Sum = 1.20 US Dollar

صفحه 27:
rn GOLDEX DMAN Osbekistad aor Fred Ludolph Uzbekistan is a landlocked country in Central Asia. The land has a total area of 447,400 km2, This area is approximately 0% of the area of California. There is no access to the open sea. There are direct national borders with the 5 neighbouring countries Afghanistan, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan and Turkmenistan. The distance between New York City and the Capital ‘Tashkent is about 10,190 km. Alliances + ADB - Asian Development Bank + Non-Aligned Movement + CIS - Commonwealth of Independent States + OIC - Organization of Islamic Cooperation + OSZE + UN - United Nations 1 + UNESCO

صفحه 28:
An GOLDEX DMAN Osbekistaa ar Fred Ludolph Religions Branch distribution ‏هنن‎ 90% ‏شتا‎ 88.0% other 3.0%

صفحه 29:
G@LDEX GROUP Fred Ludolph Economy more... (per year) GDP: 43,124.45M€ Exportations: 10,073.5M€ Importations: 10,126.6M€ > Tourism receipts: 91.27 > Unemployment rat: 7.2% > corruption index 22 (very bad) > Energy consumption: 48.0 bn kWh DMAN

صفحه 30:
G@LDEX GROUP Fred Ludolph 267,704 km? 32,203 km? 22,000 km? 125,493 km? Land use 60% Agricultural areas: 7% Forest: 5% Water areas: 28% Others: DMAN

صفحه 31:
RR DMAN Cxpori!Teoport Gtructure G@LDEX Fred Ludolph ke top exports of Oabehistad ure! Gok, O#, Gas, Pure Onttoa Gara, RePiced Oupper. Top export desiccation Guvitzertoad, Chica, Russia, Murkey od ‏سیم‎ Dke top teoport ore! Obkicle ports, puched wedicaeds, Ivo, sau wood

صفحه 32:
‎G@LDEX‏ ویس وی لفلف ‎DMAN CKazackstect ۰‏ ‎Fred Ludolph ‎

صفحه 33:
GOLDEX Fred Ludolph لته

صفحه 34:
« G@LDEX Fred Ludolph Population pyramid 18,038,000 6.620 ‎years‏ 68.1 و ‎9 76.6 years 22.5 %0 ‎7.4 %0 ‎48.4% : ‎ ‎Population ‎> Population: ‎> Population per km?: ‎> Life expectancy males: Life expectancy females: ‎Birthrate: ‎Deathrate: ‎Males/Females: ‎DMAN ‎

صفحه 35:
rn GOLDEX DMAN Qazackstecd 7 Fred Ludolph The currency in Kazakhstan is Tenge (KZT). 1 Tenge is divided into 100 Tyin. Status: 01/08/2019 1 US Dollar = 375.09 Tenge 1000 Tenge = 2.67 US Dollar

صفحه 36:
۰ GOLDEX DMAN Qazackstecd oe Fred Ludolph Kazakhstan is a landlocked country east of the Caspian Sea on the border with Europe. The land has a total area of 2,724,902 km?. This area is approximately 0% of the area of Texas. “There is no access to the open sea. There are direct national borders with the 5 neighbouring countries China, Kyrayzstan, Russia, Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan. The distance between New York City and the Capital Astana is about 9,270 km. Alliances + ADB - Asian Development Bank + EEU - Eurasian Economic Union + CIS - Commonwealth of Independent States + OIC - Oraanization of Islamic Cooperation + OSZE + Turkic Council + UN - United Nations + UNESCO

صفحه 37:
G@LDEX Fred faecal distribution 26.2% 70.2% 2.8% 0.8% Religions Branch Christs| Muslims ‘nondenominational other تسس سسکا

صفحه 38:
rn GOLDEX DMAN Qazackstecd oe Fred Ludolph ie Economy © more. (per year) GDP: 141.11 bn € Exportations: 49,332.0 ME Importations: 37,797.0 ME > Tourism receipts: 1.55 bn€ >» Unemployment rate: 4.9 % > Inflation rate: 7.44 % > corruption index: 31 (bad) > Energy consumption: 97.6 bn kWh

صفحه 39:
G@LDEX GROUP Fred Ludolph 2,170,019 km2 33,206 km? 25,202 km? 496,475 ۶ Qazackstea Land use 80% Agricultural areas: 1% Forest: 1% Water areas: 18% Others: DMAN

صفحه 40:
DMAN ‏مسج یه‎ 900 ۰. GOLDEX ‘GROUP Fred Ludolph Economic performance 2017 oe 75941 9 ‏معن 63746ب معن‎ 7,2777010 055 33.715.136 ‘ross national ‏عم‎ 142.27 n USO 7,887.67 uso 16,797.26 uso 32,777.62 USD Development of the Grose domestic product in bilion US Dollar 1990 - 2017

صفحه 41:
DMAN 4Iko- ard Cxports COUP G@LDEX Fred Ludolph Im- and Exports 2017 "Foal ‏امد سیم‎ per capita Boor ‏معن و57‎ 3089.67 us0 7949.35 us 153512.10 uso Imports 42709 uso 2.36723 050 7,297.87 ‏مه‎ USD 1424082 Uso Development of imports and exports in billion US dollars 1998 - 2017

صفحه 42:
Fm HEE Dop ‏سوه‎ COUP ‏ی هت‎ Fred Ludolph Mineral fuels including oil: US$30.7 billion (63.5% of total exports) Iron, steel: $4.2 billion (8.7%) Copper: $2.5 billion (5.2%)Inorganic chemicals: $2.2 billion (4.5%) Ores, slag, ash: $2.1 billion (4.3%)Zinc: $837.7 million (1.7%) Cereals: $829.4 million (1.7%) Gems, precious metals: $595.4 million (1.2%) Aluminum: $533.4 million (1.1%)

صفحه 43:
DMAN ۰۰۱۱ ٩۱۳۲ ۴ G@LDEX Fred Ludolph Top Imports are: Refined Petroleum, Packed Medicaments, Broadcasting Equipment, Cars, Valves

صفحه 44:
Orkne G@LBEX Fred Ludolph DMAN

صفحه 45:
GOLDEX Fred Ludolph

صفحه 46:
RA GOLDEX DMAN Orns aan Fred Ludolph 4% Population Population pyramid > Population: 9,508,000 » Population per km? 45.80 > Life expectancy male ‏و‎ 68.9 years Life expectancy females: @ 79.0 years Birthrate: 12.4 460 SH SSS سح 5 Deathrate: 12.6 %60 Ss Males/Femates: 46.5% : 53.5% 7 خم : تت Oe kom

صفحه 47:
۰ GOLDEX DMAN Orkrne ord Fred Ludolph The currency in Belarus is Belarus Rubel (BYR). 1 Rubel is divided into 100 Kapejek. Status: 01/05/2019 1 US Dollar = 19,600 Rubel 100.000 Rubel = 5.10 US Dollar

صفحه 48:
۰ GOLDEX DMAN Orkrne aan Fred Ludolph Belarus is a landlocked country at the border with Russia. The land has a total area of ‘207,600 km2. This area is approximately 0% of the area of Minnesota. There is no access to the open sea. There are direct national borders with the 5 neighbouring countries Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Russia and Ukraine. The distance between New York City and the Capital Minsk is about 7,130 km. Alliances + Non-Aligned Movement + EEU - Eurasian Economic Union + CIS - Commonwealth of Independent States + OSZE

صفحه 49:
G@LDEX Fred faecal @rkns Most important cities in Belarus ity Region Population nsk / Capital ۳۹ 1.922,000, come! ‏وه‎ 481,000 Maniyow Mealew 369,000 ‏تس‎ Vitebsk 343,000 000 ‏ععوصوومه‎ 317,000 Brest 301,000 Babruysk 221,000 ‏هوجو‎ Brest 169,000 Pins Brest 131,000, ra iebsk 125,000 Novoye Medveznino sk 120,000 Mazye Somel 122,000 uae rosnensiaye 98,000 Novolukom! 34,000 Berézovka 32,000 DMAN

صفحه 50:
۰ GOLDEX DMAN Orkrne ord Fred Ludolph ۳ ۳26۵۵۲۳۷ mor: (per year) GDP: 48,191.89 M€ Exportations: 32,283.7 6 Importations: 32,225.3M€ > Tourism receipts: 920.59 ‏ل‎ © > Unemployment rate: 0.5 % > Inflation rate: 6.03 % > corruption index: 44 (bad) > Energy consumption: 31.8 bn kwh

صفحه 51:
G@LDEX GROUP Fred Ludolph 7,783 km2 85,811 km? 86,338 km? 4,690 km? 22,978 km? Land use 4% Urban areas: 41% Agricultural areas: 42% Forest: 2% Water areas: 11% Others: DMAN

صفحه 52:
Ar DMAN C@oowwir perPornawe 00۳۶ G@LDEX Fred Ludolph ELARUS ECONOMIC UPDATE FALL 2018 am cpp GROWTH لامع عوج هس ‎PROJECTIONS‏ 17 POSITIVES: Economic recovery has continued. RISKS: The current recovery is based on cyclical factors. External demand volatilities and structural weaknesses of the SOE sector continue to undermine the growth potential. OPPORTUNITIES: Structural changes are needed to improve external competitiveness and to convert the ongoing recovery into structural growth. THE WORLD BANK Find out more: www.worldbank.org/belarus

صفحه 53:
RR DMAN 4Ieo- ord Oxports 2 G@LDEX Fred Ludolph Among the major export commodities are: oil and oil products, potash and nitrogen fertilizers, metal products, trucks and cars, tractors, tires, dairy and meat products, furniture. Belarusian import is mainly composed of energy resources (oil and natural gas), raw materials and components (metals and metal products, raw materials for chemical industry, machine parts) manufacturing equipment.

صفحه 54:
RP 5 GOLDEX DMAN ‏ات‎ coe Fred Ludolph

صفحه 55:
An GOLDEX DMAN ‏مس‎ oon Fred Ludolph Caspian ont BL sorters Owe S28 =Mingacevir 4 one Sumaayit.

صفحه 56:
‎G@LDEX‏ سوه ‎Fred Ludolph ‎Population pyramid ‏منز 9,862,000 ‎113.9 a aa. ‎9 69.0 years 975.0 years 16.3 %o ‎5.8 %o ‎49.8% : 50.2% ‎ ‎ ‎Population ‎> Population: ‎> Population per km?: ‎> Life expectancy males: Life expectancy females: ‎ ‎Males/Females: ‎DMAN

صفحه 57:
An GOLDEX DMAN ‏مس‎ 2-7 Fred Ludolph The Azerbaijan Manat is the currency of Azerbaijan. Top AZN Exchange Rates ‘Add/Change Currency... ¥ a = = = ‏ع‎ 8S GC # 8 fe 050 EUR RUB GBP ‘TRY AED GEL ‘SAR OMR IAZN 058945 052047 387336 0.45729 3.09723 2.16476 1.55614 2.21044 664 Inverse: 1.69649 1.92135 0.02582 2.18678 0.32287 0.46195 064267 0.45240 4.41221 2019-02-13 09:35 UTC

صفحه 58:
۰ GOLDEX DMAN ‏مس‎ 2-7 Fred Ludolph Azerbaijan is a landlocked country north of Iraq on the Caspian Sea. The land has a total area ‘of 86,600 km?. This area is approximately 0% of the area of Maine. There is no access to the ‘open sea. There are direct national borders with the 5 neighbouring countries Armenia, ia, Iran, and Turkey. The distance between New York City and the Capital Baku ut 9,380 Alliances + ADB - Asian Development Bank + Non-Aligned Movement + CIS - Commonwealth of Independent States + OIC - Organization of Islamic Cooperation + OSZE + Turkic Council + UN - United Nations + UNESCO

صفحه 59:
An GOLDEX DMAN ‏امد‎ > Fred Ludolph Largs cies or tos in zebajen fi ‏مسا مها میا هه واه سا تاو و‎ Sts Camis 03 None ‏سوه‎ Pe, ‏لس‎ ne ‏سوت‎ he 1 Bu ‏القع من‎ Madmen tema ‏سس‎ ‎2 Smt ‏تس‎ wm 12 ‏میا‎ ‘what ‏سس‎ ‎3 Gale ‏ماس سمیزه‎ 18 it elo 0 ۱ ‏وا‎ ben ‏ل لك‎ 000 00 00 ‏یا 15 هه مسا سا و‎ en 590 8 Si 3 ‏سس‎ 16 Shama Cain ano 7 Na fae mo 7 Fad ‘ata em 8 Seni (eda ‏سم‎ 8 Sp 03 a0 ‏و‎ Sai ‏شا و اصع نیو‎ ke a0 ‘et hen ‏ل لين‎ 3 ato

صفحه 60:
۰ GOLDEX DMAN ‏سس مس‎ Fred Ludolph ۳ Economy more... (per year) cpp: 36,069.57 M€ Exportations: 17,562.6M€ Importations: 15,141.2M€ > Tourism receipts: 2.58 bn € > Unemployment rate: 5.0 % > Inflation rate: 12.90 % > corruption index 31 (bad) > Energy consumption: 20.3 bn kWh

صفحه 61:
G@LDEX Fred Ludolph 47,697 km? 11,391 km? 3,937 km? 23,575 km? Land use 55% Agricultural areas: 13% Forest: 5% Water areas: 27% Others: DMAN

صفحه 62:
Ar DMAN ‏سم مامت سم ما‎ G@LDEX Fred Ludolph ‎Real GDP growth 2006 200 2008 2009 ۰۰ 2010 ۰۰ 202‏ 22% يك ۷ 936 108% =« 256 345% ۴ = 20168 2015 204 2013 14% ا ا ا 58%

صفحه 63:
rn GOLDEX DMAN Cxports 00 GROUP Fred Ludolph @ Azerbaijan’s exports are dominated by oil and natural gas, which account for around 95 percent of total export revenues. Azerbaijan’s other exports include sugar, fruits, metals and polymers. Azerbaijan’s main exports partners are Italy, the United Kingdom, the United States, Israel, Indonesia, France and Turkey.

صفحه 64:
FH ۱ ‏سس رس‎ 0 G@LDEX Fred Ludolph Azerbaijan mostly imports: sacar ond Ozerbatmn's warn kopors porters a Purkey, Russia, Berany, the Osited Kinder, the Dated Grates ard “aly.

صفحه 65:
‎G@LDEX‏ وف( وله 0 یف مه ‎DAK aon‏ ‎Fred Ludolph ‎ ‎Cor wertay ‏تخت لعف بات تما تلا‎ deed ey veut. ۱ IP pou koow the persou’s Pull ‏له سس اه موه وب ور ‎eenve, tuvadld be oppreviaied‏ ی وخ ‎

صفحه 66:
rn GOLDEX DMAN Oote voulhurd ‏یه(‎ ‘GROUP Fred Ludolph Oress ia Pore, wore couservoive oPPice cles ‏متام‎ ‎utes te). Whe ont of hardy out bstess cards is quite a powroa ord Reporte aria (mr (Russie kroner oa te brack) rien) a scl Pi (Powers Por he wher) when oteadag 3 ‏جرا‎ ‎howe Por deer. Dever Poreet ‏متا ام‎ day Dark 0. Onicha ood toa i oo Reports gad corr ‏ناته‎

صفحه 67:
rn GOLDEX DMAN Oote voulhurd ‏یه(‎ ‘GROUP Fred Ludolph Ont oP ‏مادج وروی‎ ‏و‎ shares peck chou your Kopression or mukure ord history. ‏ماس موه اهاط‎ 0 of your chide. Qussicas ore very ofPectiocate ruvards chide. 3

صفحه 68:
rn GOLDEX DMAN Oote voulhurd ‏یه(‎ ‘GROUP Fred Ludolph Qvetess Orctcliy fie dPPiod i do bstwss 1 O1G states without he help Pro 3 ood ‏).متسر‎ yPts ore ‏ماه‎ a youd kkeu wheo doviey bustiess ia Qwon. OePore a wertey pou ‏,ان روا ملس لاه‎ Patewe is Koportadt ‏و ز‎ con Pied be sw. AP vow hove werten wih boo oP Picts you wall ual a foo eo ‏وا ماه من حول وروت‎ the sauna i Russia |!

صفحه 69:
Fm DMAN ‏.مسج یفدص‎ COLDEX Fred Ludolph Q@vsiess Orta Questa und the vier O1G stiter hove a herachicd soviet!!! ke Becerd Direvir or Presideat a very deta, powerPul Rraure, oad i surrounded by vibe decrosinaions of his/her porate, Geverd Direvior pr Preside. a ‏له رت وه اج مه مه رون‎ by the A 80 ‏هه‎

صفحه 70:
Fm DMAN ‏.مسج یفدص‎ COLDEX Fred Ludolph QOvsicess Orci QRelutcaship bePore Tush? Qektoaship cowbiced wits cevorkin ts he dbeeportcal key ‎directors oP‏ عمجت ‎Ousiaess Wik O18 Gries, pspevily wil‏ وا موه و( ‎phi Puler prises.‏ ‎Ok paneer leaders you wal Prod © greater Porgy a task.

صفحه 71:
Ovte muhurd ‏دب‎ ta ۲۵۵ G@LDEX Fred Ludolph DMAN

صفحه 72:
‎Pactor to success G@LDEX‏ بو ‎Fred Ludolph ‎ ‎> Darket/Darketiny Gtudy bePore warket eciny ‎> Ove Dieu oP potecitdl porters ‎> Retaioaship Decagewet (rebticaship oetork) ‎> Key-Oocoud Qucngewed is 0 woter Por op wooagewedt > Doe ts woop! Gpeed = cowpetiive udvootiee ‎> Devel ‏مها تاموتا و‎ of wolivoted ewopbyerr va site > Quicky buld up rePereures und use thew us udverisioy ‎> Orvelop operciiocd exccticare ‎> boo ‏ات ماه وه‎ bustiess 1 O18 ‎> @lobdl sourvien — wor O18 potewier

صفحه 73:
GOLDEX Fred Ludolph beqd structures Por startiag 0 business in O16 0. Orent sues ©. Optribuer codrat beokessen (axpwies) 9. Represectaive oPPive pr broak: مومس وولو موجه .6 ©, dott Orctere

صفحه 74:
۰ GOLDEX DMAN beg structures ‏و‎ Fred Ludolph 4. Orevt odes ‎Pro WROO thot sels yoods direrty Prow‏ رش طا و ‎dean to Russia would ut be subject to Russia toes‏ ‎coed would ont be required to estublish 0 presveue it‏ ‎Qussit via coy Dorporde structures.‏ ‎Dke Qussica pustiowers ure respousible Por vustows eorag cod Por popiey custows duties ood tee ‏سم‎ OOD). Cousider veriPivaies like ‎GWOGT etc. ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎

صفحه 75:
۰ GOLDEX DMAN beg structures ‏و‎ Fred Ludolph ©. Ostrbuer ‏همم‎ (putes) Iran companies have the right to conclude distributorship contracts with Russian companies allowing the Russian companies to sell the goods from Iran in Russia. The Russian distributor shall be responsible for customs clearing and import VAT. Be careful with agreements on the exlusive basis!

صفحه 76:
۰ GOLDEX DMAN beg structures ‏و‎ Fred Ludolph 9. Represective oPPive or brook Dke Gros powpooy ooo choose tv estoblish 0 preseue through a represeotaive oPPice (RO) or braack. ROs od browhes shoud be acoredied by the Peder! Tox Gervice oP Russia. The ocrediativa costs ure approx. D6O 1,900. ®ve woos cod be opeced. Olhic oH it host O-O weeks to set up oa (RO.

صفحه 77:
۰ GOLDEX DMAN beg structures ‏و‎ Fred Ludolph @. Questa subsidtary vowpay a Tras Cowpony cod estublisk ‏موم و‎ tt Russia by inworporiay a (Russica subsidiary. Dke wost cowed bey Pores Por cowwposies it Russia ore the Licoted Licbiiy Oocpocy (Russica obbrevictiza ,OOO") und doit Giock Company (Russica abbreviation PO").

صفحه 78:
rn GOLDEX somes ‏مان‎ Ouptd DE Fred Ludolph ke whic charter coptd Por ot LLC oad ‏نویه‎ JOO ‏جا‎ ‎Sj | ROOWO OOO (epproricraiey OBO). Por a prble MGC tte ROO(OO,OOO (eproxrvatey OGO,OW). or aa LO, (OO% oF the chatter capil shoud be par wats (Pour) ‏و من‎ the dete oP stair rear, Por WGC, SO% oF the chanter capt cast be pad wikia O (iver) ‏ما بط‎ the cates os stairs respiration, sted dss ‏لمر خط نعمت بحاص‎ Rul wikia the pear Pola icy state recisirotiog.

صفحه 79:
rn GOLDEX DMAN )© ‏لحه عام موه كاده‎ posts 52 Fred Ludolph ۳: eed ‏تست رسای ج13‎ von be ppered Piet he pops reyerroion, hough hey wast و جاوما ات رو وان تیب" A shareholder (participant) in an LLC or JSC must pay a state registration fee of RUB 4,000 (approximately USD65) prior to or at the moment the constituent documents are filed with the registration authority for the company’s incorporation. In addition, when registering a JSC’s issue of shares, there is a registration fee of 0.2% of the nominal value of the issued shares (up to RUB200,000 (approximately USD3,226)).

صفحه 80:
RM ‏تم‎ GOLDEX GROUP Fred Ludolph There are additional fees for translating and notarising the documents. Professional fees for collecting the documents, drafting the constituent documents of the Russian subsidiary, and for then submitting the documents, range from USD 7,000 to USD 9,000 or an LLC and from USD 13,000 to USD 16,000 for a JSC (fees depend on the location (citv) of the company to be incorporated). ‏ع‎ 5 7 9 8

صفحه 81:
RL atm seas GOLDEX Fred Ludolph The maximum profits tax rate for companies is 20 i The statutory income tax for Russian citizens is 13 i The income tax for other income of Non-Russian citizens is 35 %; Health, pension and social insurance is 34 % from salary in total; Property tax max. 2,5 % Aa See Oe bo Eee olan ‏تعن حم ی هر دا‎

صفحه 82:
لفلف DMAN Cwoplop wed ‏له‎ G@LDEX Fred Ludolph Q®ucrudters Por exoplyees: ® Grecdard workiey hours are wl be exveed PO hours per week; FP pod woerworkier dave of publ kolcepe ced cocudl eave oP ot fest OO cotewder days; »Women are entitled to maternity leave for 70 calendar days Prev

صفحه 83:
۰ GOLDEX DMAN ‏سس وله ال(‎ Fred Ludolph (Pvble holidays to be vovetdered ta pour traveliog pho io Questa! +O. Oev./d. damp Dew Year جممطها0 مود ول ۵ ۰ + ۵9, ‏مه‎ - Day of the DePeuder of the Pathertrrd © 0. Marth —Tetercatiord Docea's Day +. Ow —babor Ow +O. May — Oey of the Ortory (stare JOS) * 06. ‏مس - صمل‎ Day of Russia (stare 100) ۰ Dpuewber — Day oP the weity oP the people AP ke hokday Pol vo a weehed (Gdurday,Guaday), te Pollowtery Doaday ts Pree.

صفحه 84:
G@LDEX Fred Ludolph S. Aotct Orcture dresica powpodies coo oredte oo pit Orcture together wits Quesica powpudies Por a Coowwir ۱ Daweh OR? ‏یاهامن‎ ke Poreiqa iwestors rights ure respevied by spevidl bw.

صفحه 85:
RM DMAN Opportunites Por warket eciry G@LDEX Fred Ludolph ۱ ond recurd weeds ir 3 ‏هل‎ sevirs; ۷ Crowry purckorkny power} ۷ ‏سا مصصه له بو‎ ۱ 7 Rekivel bw kbor most;

صفحه 86:
GOLDEX GROUP Fred Ludolph Qisks Por worket eciry هی ۲ هه 09۳ ۷ ۷ ‏عسطلمحبط مسق‎ vo raw wotrtds (of vod voz);

صفحه 87:
G@LDEX DMAN Gwwtrocvect Ocupsts >PEGTEL ‘GROUP Fred Ludolph Poberd © Leyking, 2.x). 00 ‏لمم وطامها‎ لو ری راعش © رال ‎(possibly‏ ممفسلديسه له روت و و وا ها لصو ‎a pod of Puture corporcie straw)‏ بو ‎Crverawed suxershp oF techetry ord‏ © ای لجی امن با لاه ای ‎Deckorlogiodl‏ ‏امومع bexrat

صفحه 88:
a= GOLDEX DMAN Coversvedt ‏له‎ GROUP Fred Ludolph Covernved policies coo have 0 yeoerd input vo porporce qj ‏مد‎ ‎(Germs pyvainer hove odepied ‏وان منت ,مور موم ره لها و‎ ] ‏لطا‎ a dirkiste, wore ceirdly direvied opproack ty teckeirtd developed. Corpordie siraicay ceeds ty be anutely aware oP ke becePis ocd problecos of hese aves, ‏و ال و‎ © Oowpetiiva policy. و © Reynard policy.

صفحه 89:
RR ‏.روم وود مین تست ریرح‎ Fred Ludolph @oticad ‏سس‎ ‎۹ ۱ ‏او‎ ‎Gori © Ooweanver expendiure ond disposable ‏سر‎ ‏پا و‎ ‏ی ۱] ما۳‎ ٠ ‏سساو(‎ ‏رو و‎ rose, ‏ات‎ cost, ۳ ‏موی‎ 1 1 1 ‏سس‎ ‎Lex

صفحه 90:
G@LDEX GROUP Fred Ludolph DMAN Cwirvavedd Busts >PEGTEL Gud © hs to voles ood mtu ‏و‎ Chor te Pepi ‎fete‏ اجه ی وا )و اس اجه منمل() ۰ ‎Orwoqruphic chances‏ © ‎© Ostrbutics of taco ‎ ‎ ‏لكك ‎Govidt ‎Deckorlogiodl ‏امومع ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎

صفحه 91:
‎G@LDEX‏ وه ‎NEwronvectd Ouipsis DPEGCTEL ‘GROUP‏ ‎DMA\ Fred Ludolph‏ مسب" دسا ‎a‏ ‎jy‏ ‎Coowwied‏ ‎Governed weskved poly‏ © ‎cow research kates‏ و ‎Gori © Dew puteuis ued product:‏ ‎of sew‏ موه لو ‎peed of chore‏ © ۳ ‎Decker © Level of expeudire oa REO by‏ ‎ribs‏ هون مجسنم ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎bexrat ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎

صفحه 92:
G@LDEX GROUP Fred Ludolph DMANC@wrrosnvectdl Ontpss D>PEGTEL 5 ‏یه مس‎ iy Cina © Greed teen ta PP ent he ‏سم‎ ‎Devel ord ‏وی و‎ ‏مس وس‎ ‏ره سار‎ 41 © Rubbish, waste ocd tts ‏ام‎ ‏امومع‎ bexrat

صفحه 93:
RR DMAN Cwroavedd Buus >PEGCTEL G@LDEX Fred Ludolph ‏بيبا‎ Cotta Lewd ‏ما نمچ له نوا مین و مسق‎ ۰ ‏و6‎ ad she kw © Proket sey bes © ‏ددم‎ ‏یاوه(‎ ‎Cwircavectd ‎beat

صفحه 94:
RA G@LDEX DMAN G@wirouvedd Crusis wer Fred Ludolph ‎Stages of the industry life cycle‏ مه ‎{Ptroduetion! Growth ! Maturity ! Decline‏ / ‎Industry sales ‎

صفحه 95:
— 555 G@LDEX DMAN Competition 27 Fred Ludolph I siqaPicod existay cod poteutdl cowpetiors wust be ‏![الحصادجه‎ Ose

صفحه 96:
لفلف ی هت مر ‎DMAN‏ Fred Ludolph Porter's Five Forces Model Buyers ‘Source: Crom Competitve Strategy: Tecniques for anabaing nites and Campatrs by Michel E Patt. Sopytgi © 1960 by

صفحه 97:
rn GOLDEX ۵۱۵۱۱ ‏نموه‎ power oP supphers aon Fred Ludolph + OP there ore voy o Pew supphers. +P there ore uw substivies Por the supplies they ‏ان‎ ° 42 supplers’ prices Poren u forge port of the total costs oP the precision. ° [Rasuppter coc poteoitdly uodertoke the volue-odded provess of the ‏الوم‎

صفحه 98:
G@LDEX Barristers power oP buyers Fred Ludolph 0 WP bwers or ‏اجه مس‎ there ore Pew oP thew. ۰ ۱ the produnt Pro the orqanisativg ‏اه خلت و‎ the buyer ooo eusiy switch Prow oor to covther without problews. ‎backword integrative is possible.‏ ۳ و ‎۰ ۱ the seliog price Prow the ‏امعم‎ ‎to the totd posts oF the buwer. ‎rR ‎DMAN

صفحه 99:
‎GOLDEX‏ لفلف ‎DMAN) Whreds of poteutdl cew euros Soe‏ ‎Fred Ludolph ‎tot there were seved wupr sourves oF barter‏ همه و ‎ec:‏ ‎.Crowwer oP srde > cost ‏مت‎ beau ‏او اه‎ ‏ال‎ ‎5: ‏بسل۳‎ dPPercctaica Dbrocdoy, sped level oP service ... 8.Coptd requreweus ‎@.Guatckay costs D> buyer to cew euirots ‎6. ‏ها‎ dsributcd chanets > wopbe cooled by companies 8.0pst deudvactps tedepeaded oP sds 2 rehivuships ... ‎10 ‏وعاصامم امج ج03‎ > proevivcisw ‎

صفحه 100:
LDEX Dhe threus oP subsiiuies oe GROUP Fred Ludolph Crow a siete viewport, the hey truer to be acdyord oe: Othe pombe thers ‏توا تا‎ ‏یه وا موه خر رو با و‎ to he substi, © he costs oF provides soc ‏اه موه و‎ service trol wil prevent swichiny; ‎P prices ore doa or are held.‏ موه تا جز مر راما و ‎DMAN

صفحه 101:
‎G@LDEX‏ لفلف ‎Fred Ludolph ‎

صفحه 102:
26 GOLDEX DMAN 6007 ‏مه‎ - Cxanple io Fred Ludolph Strengths Wealmesses ‏ا‎ * Project is very complex * Political support © Likely to be costly + Funding available + May have environmental ۰ Market experience impact * Strong leadership © Staff resources are already stretched Opportunities ‘Threats * Project may improve local ‘economy * Environmental constraints * Will improve safety * Time delays ‘* Project will boostcompany's ¢ Opposition to change public image

صفحه 103:
G@LDEX GROUP Fred Ludolph Covvpetior udsis Some possible factors Ina SWOT analysis Waakneasas > Share weakness Few core sirengtha and low on key skills ‘Old plant with higher costs than compatition Weak finances and poor oaah flow: Poor record on innowation and nave ica Low quality ane reputation Products not differentiated and dependent on tow products 2 thcrensed compatition + increased proseure from customers and 3 2 Low market grown Economie evele downturn ‘Fesnnologieat threat ‘Change in polltical or economic environment Demographis change New intemational barriers to trace INTERNAL Strenathe = Market dominance Low-cost position Financial snd cash resource Innovation procesaas and results Cifterentiated producte Product or service quality ‘New markets and segments New products Clwersitcation opportunities Market grown Competitor weakness Strategie pace Demoaraphic and eocial chanc: ‘Change in political or economic environment New takeover or partnership opportunitice ‏ی‎ upturn Intemational growth

صفحه 104:
RR GOLDEX DMAN Cowpetior Budpst GROUP Fred Ludolph Ose the Pvteuta aust!

صفحه 105:
a= GOLDEX DMAN Orticd Oowwea oP © Porves Oodel a Fred Ludolph > deassucves thot buwers hove oo yreder inpportoave tho viher uspevis oF ‏شم‎ > emia the huevo resource aspect oP stro > Ouderestcration oP he Recvurcedtbased Oiew

صفحه 106:
a= GOLDEX DMAN ) @roducts ued services GRour Fred Ludolph Qesoribe pour porPolo oP products ond services ‏مامصم‎ < 0 Like ‏مره‎ oP the severdl products rade work protection Patectiogy Corfolo unibsis > BGO Ourix

صفحه 107:
rn GOLDEX DMAN PorPolo Oris: BGO-Durix 57 Fred Ludolph ‘Phe porPobe wotrte exh ‏ميجحت نيا‎ oP prinkets ‏لمستسدسي‎ ‎by era ‏مسج جمحي‎ (to por Poke) ‏ليت صا ابي‎ ‏ملسن بمسار‎ ohare ‏لمي‎ ‏اس لو‎ ‏ال همه‎ ee ‏سای‎ ی

صفحه 108:
rn GOLDEX DMAN Ootetag aon Fred Ludolph Oorkeiay Graew 2 ‏مس نسوس‎ of koited recourses ‏بر‎ he y-rutest ppportualies Corters Gerveric sirtiedes:

صفحه 109:
DMAN = Operctue Oorketay > Oarketay Orc GRour Fred Ludolph — GOLDEX The Pow P's

صفحه 110:
G@LDEX Fred Ludolph Ov-Operaive Cirueyes

صفحه 111:
G@LDEX DMAN Ov-Operdive Gtrotedies oo Fred Ludolph Ubi vediures! oo-pperdive vircieyies where Iwo pr wore ‏حابي د‎ Set Up ‏ره رورا هو و‎ to develop the vovpercion. Proachies: co-operaion sintedes ta which «raster ‏وم‎ (he Frauke) develops o bustaess coacept whick thea shares wits vers (he Proachisers) to their atv bec, Opksive dhoaes! co-pperdive siroeyies to whick Pires seek to ‏مرو وا‎ io order to reduce cowpetion adler rise prices. Vv

صفحه 112:
rn GOLDEX DMAN Gtrotege prictry > Tarcet Prictay GROUP Fred Ludolph ea Re) ee ee Sm | eer | | “erosions |] ‘Acie prom margin [ سس |[ عسسه |[ ‎Becton‏ سح Whitaiion sade costs over ‘Cantiqucus further cost —-— ‘Sha alter mfiavon oo ai cee New even lower marie

صفحه 113:
rn GOLDEX DMAN Gtrotege prictry > Tarcet Prictay GROUP Fred Ludolph ea Re) ee ee Sm | eer | | “erosions |] ‘Acie prom margin [ سس |[ عسسه |[ ‎Becton‏ سح Whitaiion sade costs over ‘Cantiqucus further cost —-— ‘Sha alter mfiavon oo ai cee New even lower marie

صفحه 114:
‎GOLDEX‏ لفلف ‎DMAN O10 @reavework ue‏ ‎Fred Ludolph ‎ ‎ ‎VRIO Framework from Professor Jay Barney: Valuable. An organisation’s resource needs to be \ is x ‎to allow a firm to choose strategies that exploit envirc 1 opportunities or neutralise a competitive threat. ‎@ Rare. An organisation's resource needs to be rare. If the ‎resource is available to competitors then exploiting the resource ‎will not generate competitive advantage and economic ‎performance will not be superior to rivals. ‎@ Cannot be imitated. An organisation's resource needs to be ‎costly to imitate. If it can beeasily imitated then competitors will ‎be able over time to take advantage of the profitsgenerated in the market place to duplicate the rare resource. ‎@ Organising capability. An organisation needs to be able to ‎organise itself to exploit its valuable, rare and inimitable ‎resource. In a sense, this is a balancing factor in relation to the ‎KK‏ ل

صفحه 115:
GOLDEX Fred Ludolph Econo Implications Below Normal Normal ‘Above Normal (atleast for some amount of time) ‘Above Normal Properly? No i OR10 Pravework No Yes Rare? No Yes Yes Valuable? No Yes Yes Yes DMAN

صفحه 116:
RR GOLDEX DMAN Oovre Cowpetewe GROUF Fred Ludolph ۳ Core Ovwpetew es is what ‏و‎ Firs is uble to perPorw wih exceleure powpared tr its poset مسا راون همه( ‎OGEO'’s‏ > ۲

صفحه 117:
a= GOLDEX DMAN = Core Cowpetewies GROUP Fred Ludolph Oore cowpetewes ore 3 ya oP productive skis oad teckubyes tat ‏و‎ robe ‏وا مه و‎ provide a panier beach ‏رو موه و‎ 3 ۳ ‏عونت جمشوجه ی‎ ‏رن مخز‎ Owstower udke. Opwpetaies wnt woke a red kopont oa how the TABtrer perceives the ‏و در سا اوه ما‎ services. 5 ‏وال و6‎ This wast be oxepetivels vaique. ‏جما خلا"‎ whole facksiqy hor the hil, thew oot ore wales the prpatratiras ‏سای‎ ta the area ore really spect.

صفحه 118:
G@LDEX GROUP Fred Ludolph Create Which factors should be created that the industry has never offered? he Ovew Grueqy The Pow ‏و‎ Pravework Reduce Which factors should be reduced well below the industry's standard? Eliminate Which of the factors takes for granted should be eliminated? Which factors should be raised well above the industry's standard?

صفحه 119:
RR DMAN @he Ovews Gruey G@LDEX Fred Ludolph Fred Ludolph -BEUZ ‏ال‎ STRATEGY

صفحه 120:
G@LDEX @he Ovew Gruew ‏مه‎ Fred Ludolph Vke poy wo bed te cowpetiiod is te stop ‏چاه‎ ic beat tke powpeticd! The qesiod &! Wow db pou breck ot of he red ora oF bhody cowpetiicd to wake the powpetiica irrefevodt? Ohue Oveus Girateqy weucs i prea varvubsied ‏سح‎ ‎weet spwr. Oost oP the blue poroos ore oreded Pro witic red porous by expondiog exist iadusiry boundries, oF Cine de Goteit did.

صفحه 121:
‎Fred Ludolph‏ ملرسه1 صلهن) ‎Value innovation is aN Li costs created in the region where a company’s actions favorably affect both its cost structure and its value proposition to buyers. Cost savings are made by eliminating and reducing the factors an industry competes on. Buyer value is lifted by 0 Buyer Value raising and creating ‎‘The Simultaneous Pursuit of Differentiation and Low Cost ¢/ements the industry has never offered. ‎

صفحه 122:
he Ovew Oruew G@LDEX ‘GROUP Crew ‏عون‎ Fred Ludolph The Strategy Canvas of Cirque du Soleil High Ringling Bros. and Bamum & Balloy Valuo Cugo ۳۹ ae Cirque du Soleil Value Curve Regional Greuses 1 > Low ۳ 1 1 1 1 Pace ‘nial ‏مضي‎ | train and | ‏مم‎ Multia shows snow ‏وه‎ productions star ‘Awe genes Fun nave Retined “artic ‏ا ا‎ ond cone pet rae humor enironment andi dance DMAN

صفحه 123:
RK G@LDEX DMAN ۱ Fred Ludolph هدوت هرود لا ‎Coe nea ee a anes‏ تا ‎De ee ena a‏ ‎“NESPRESSO. ‎oily ‎

35,000 تومان