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2 ‏طبايع‎ ay

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a © By Natalie Liggett

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Problem TheproblemI haveidentifiedis that EarlyIntervention Specialists seek evidence-basedandnaturalistic intervention methods toencourage familyinvolvement in their child's acquisition of developmental skills. 9

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SoCution The solution] proposeis touseaninfant massageprogramasanintervention strategy for families of young children from birthtothe age of three withspecial needsin their own homesasawaytoteachparent responsivity to their child's cues,facilitate positive developmentalandhealth outcomes, andencourage positive attachment patterns.

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ExpectedOutcomes of Infant Massage Program * Teachparent responsivity to infant's cues Contribute topositive healthoutcomes Contribute toinfant developmental skill acquisition Encourage positive parent-infant attachment patterns

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Philosophy Pragmatic: within the context of thefamily 0

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Psychology Ethological: Emphasizes the child's experiencesand interactions within his environment 9

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Attachment Theory \

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۱ exploring The Strange Situation (Ainsworth)

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Hudson (Huck) enjoys Infant massage fittp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U2wIgRI yPeokfeature=related 9

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\ Research 9

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Infant massage hasanimpact onattachment if continued 9

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Infant massage has been used as therapeuticmethodby hospital staff, occupational and physical therapists

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7716 [0۷5 5۵۹ Infant Massage Numerous studies have found that massage playsa significant rolein promoting the proper growthandhealthy development of Tfant, Poysically, massagestimadates the nerves increases bloodflowand strengthens theimmunesystem.It can relievea host of childhoodcomplaints from colictoconstipation. Adaily rubdownon a baby's belCy,for example, helpsworkout gasandregulatesdigestion. Massaging the chest may easecongestion. Gently عااء بده مهدا اجمء عع 5 711ه ]ارا اكه | 4 كاء وهدكمة ‎ability to suck. Most of all,‏ ‎forparent-childbonding.‏ www .parenthood.com

صفحه 15:
TouchResearchinstitute Researchers at the Touch ResearchInstitute Cocatedat the University of Miami School of Medicine, have conductedmore than 700 trialson the benefits ofmassage therapy. The following isa sampling of the resultspertaining toworkwithinfants children and their parents. (For more results, visitwww6.miami.edu/touch-research.) Touch ResearchInstitute ‘University of Miami School of Medicine .0. Box 016820, Miami Fl, 33707 (Locatedat Mailman Center for Child Development 1607 NW 72th Ave, Miami FL, 33736,7th Floor, Suite7037) Phon 0 5 - 243-6784 Fax: 305-243-6488 iC: tfield@med.miami.edu

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TouchResearchInstitute ‘The Touch ResearchInstitute The Touch ResearchInstituteis dedicated to studying the effects of touch therapy. ‘The TRI has researched the effects of massage therapy at all stages of Cife,from newborns tosenior citizens. In these studies the TRIs have shown that touch therapy hasmany positive effects. For example, massage therapy: 7. Facilitates weight gaininpreterminfants 2.Enhancesattentiveness 3. AlCeviates depressive symptoms 4. Reduces pain 5.'Reduces stress hormones 6.Improvesimmune function

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70 Trials That Highlight How Massage Benefits Children fittp:/ /www.babysfirstmassage.com/User Mods/babymassage.pdf

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Infants of Depressed Mothers Infantswho received'massage therapy comparedtothosewhowere rockedexperienced greater daily weight gain:moreorganized sCeep/wake behaviors: Cess fussiness!improvedsociabilityand Soothability:improvedinteraction behaviors: andlower cortisol andnorepinephrineandincreased serotonin Cevels. (FieldT,Grizzle ‏ی‎ of depressedmothers.” Infant Behavior and Development. 1996:19, 109-114.)

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Cocaine ExposedInfants Cocaine-exposednewbornshad fewer postnatal complications, increasedweight gain, better performanceon the Braze(ton ‘Neonatal Behavior Assessment Scale (particularly on themotor scale),andless stress behaviors following 10 daysof massage. (Scafidi F, Field, Wheeden Act al. Cocaine exposed pretermneonates show behavioratandfiormonat differences. Pediatrics. 1996:97, 851-855.)

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Cocaine ExposedInfants 2 Cocaine-exposedpreterm neonates whoweremassaged averaged 28 percent greater weight gain per day, showed significantly fewer ‘postnatal complicationsandstress behaviors,and demonstrated morematuremotor behaviorson the Brazelton examination (Wheeden A, Scafidi FA, FielET, et al. Massage effects on cocaine- exposedpreterm neonates. Journal of Developmentaland Behavioral Pediatrics. 1993:14,318-322.)

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Infant Attentiveness Depressedmothersincreased their infant's positive affect andattentiveness by providing touchstimulation. (Pelaez-Nogueras M, Fiel LT, Hossain Z, Pickens]. Depressed mothers’ touching increases infants’ positiveaffectand attentioninstill-face interactions. Child Development. 1996:67,1780- 1792.)

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1( 00۲ ۵۹560/01۱ ۹ Teenage mothers who received massage therapy compared to those who received relaxation therapy were less depressedandless anxious Goth by their own report and basedon behavior observations.In addition, their urinary cortisol Cevetswere lower and their serotonin levels werehigher,indicating theywerelessstressedand Cess depressed. (Fiel&T, Grizzle N, Scafidi F, SchanbergS. Massageandre(axation therapies’ effects on depressedadolescent mothers. Adolescence. 1996: 31,903-911.)

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Children with Down Syndrome InfantswithDown Syndrome improvedin muscle toneandin performance on motor tasks following massage therapy. (Hernandez-Reif M,lronsonG, Field T,et al. “Children withDown Syndrome improvedin motor function andmuscle tone following massagetherapy.” Journal of Early Intervention. 2006:176,395- 410.)

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FathersandInfants Fatherswhogavetheirinfants ]۱ 15 minutes prior to bedtime for onemonthshowedmore optimaCinteraction behavior withtheirinfant. (Cullen C Field T,EscaCona A, Hartshorn K. Father-infants interactionsarveenhianced by massage therapy. Early Child Development and Care. 2000: 164, 44-47.)

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Infants Exposedto HIV MTV-exposed newborns whoweregiven massage showed increasedweight gainandimprovedperformanceon the Braze(ton Newborn Scale (motor andstate scales). (Scafidi F, Fiel LT. Massage therapy improves behaviorin neonates born to HIV positive mothers. Journal of Pediatric Psychology. 1997:21,889-897.)

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1 Rheumatoid Arthritis Childrenwithimildtomoderatejuvenilerheumatoidarthritiswho weremassagedby their parents 75minutesa day for 30days saw their anxiety andcortisol Cevelsimmediately decrease. Over the 30-day period their pain also decreased, based on self-reports, parent reportsandphysician’s reports. (Fiel&T, Hernandez-Reif M, Seligman S,et al. Juvenile rheumatoid arthritis: Benefits frommassage therapy. Journal of Pediatric Psychology. 1997 :22,607-617.)

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Children with Cerebral Palsy Massage reduced spasticityand increasedmuscle flexibility, motor function andpositive social imteractionsin children with, cerebral patsy. (Hernande2-Reif M, FieldT, Largie Set al. Cerebral Patsy Symptoms inchildren decreased following massage therapy. Early Child Development and Care. 2005:175, 445-456.)

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Infant Massage with preterminfantsinthe NICU 9

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523000۲ ‏او ماه‎ grower nurseryin NICU

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Benefitsfor parentsand primary caregiversinclude: intimateparent-infant bondingand +Providesalt of theessentialindicators ‘ovement andthermal regulation. attachment :eye-to-eye, touch, voice smel sncourages pre-verbal communication between caregiverandinfant «felpsparents feel moreconfident anccompetent incaring for their children « ietpsparentstocase their stressif theyareaworkingparentandmust Geseparatedfrom ‏ا‎ ering thoaary ee pe *Providesparentswithone-on-one quiet timeorinteractiveplay with their children, *Createsa regular timeofintimacy between parent andefi, smcreases parents self-esteem by reinforcingandenhancing their skil(sasparentsand athe ‏و۳‎ ۴ ۳ “Givesparents the toolsforunderstanding their child’sunique rhythimsandpatterns “Teaches parents how toread their infants cues andrecognize their statesofawareness sGivesparentsa special way tointeract with their children whomayBe hospitalized. Helps parentsfeeta greater part oftehealingprocess «Dailymassage hefpsparentstounwindandretax *Providesa positivewayfor fathers tointeract with their infants children,

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Benefitsfor infants, babiesand childreninclude the following: sPravidesa special timeef communication that fortersCovecompasionandrespect ctmprovesgeneraf wall Seing 001 sImprevesoverallfunctioningofthegastrointestinaCtract Promotes relaxation andl ps babies self regutatecatm which reakucserying Steipstonormatizemutcletone stmprovesciveatation ما مساؤ ص ادوم ع مس مه مق sImprevermidineorientation dteipstaimprovesensoryandbodyawareness Enhances neureogical development آز ز ز ز ‏ 1 1 22111 «مااه زره موم سوت تلف ما مهال جم اجا تكجه جعووصه عم بمو اها مواق ‎dtelpstoimproveyainmanagementican relieve scomfort from teething‏ ‎sstetpswith congestion gasandeatic‏ stmhances elenseofformonesin the body. Te growth formonecan bestimulatedwhichhelpsweight ۳ ‏ماه‎ cortisol thestresshormonesProvidesallfteessentiaCindicatorsofintimate Daven infunt bondingunatiachment eto ty tourhvoncesmaiamavonent anather nal Fegulation: sstimufatesalf of hephysiofopica systems. Massage sparks theneuronsin their Brainstogrowand ‏و موم‎ ere 7

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Infant massage classes

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Infant massage embeddedin daily routine (after a bath)

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Reading Infant’s Cues

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Engagement: Eyecontact

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Early communication skills: asking permission

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Infant Massage

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Regulate sleep patterns 9

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Reducing crying

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Colic routine

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“1 ۶0۷ ۰۱۷0۹ ۵ 2 ِ

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Infant Massage ۶ ‏دوه‎ Feet * Tummy & Chest * arms & Hands ° Back * Head& Face

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( ۰۵ \ S_ Ae -

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Feet \ la

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Tummy & Chest

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Hands & Fingers

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Stretching Exercises 9

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Infant massage Resources

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Evidence-Based Outcomes of Infant Massage Program Teachparent responsivity to infant's cues Contribute topositive healthoutcomes Contribute toinfant developmental skill acquisition Encourage positive parent-infant attachment patterns

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