صفحه 1:
۴ طبايع www.tabaye.ir

صفحه 2:
Infrastructure Status, Regulation & Quality Conrol Of Indian Medicine OR. C.K. CLOROE, 0.0. (OY.), Pk. ۰ 2OO1COR (@YOROO®) Onrertors oP Oreck, Yous & Desrordty, Deva, Orkke, Lowery (BYOOL) Onan oP Lark & Pros OoPore, overcome oP eck ۳ obo: DA ‏بت‎

صفحه 3:
01١ ‏ا للارلاكا‎ ١ ROAD RR ‏ما‎ es CKDOOLEOGE ۰ Rick bio=dersiy oP Teka. 2 ورن 009 9 ۰ ‏طل(‎ rece oP wedictod phot ‏وه‎ © Lowy Ketory oP use ‏ن‎ wediciod plots ood kelly * CodPed, oryuaized, domuveded und ‏اديص نام‎ revovized kedls spstexos © Qpuvede-Giddho- Ooo & Youn.

صفحه 4:
OPPIOCIOLLY 00 Es GYGTEODG ٠ paved oor * Oxtuvpahy * Out ٠ Grddka تسس * * Yous & ‏انوا حور هو رولیت(‎ Wowvevpdhy ts oP Gerwad ۰

صفحه 5:
لد The Antiquity dates back to 1000-500 BC. It is believed that Lord Brahma created Ayurveda along with the creation of mankind and universe Vedas (5000 B.C.) describe about 100 plants and treatment of various diseases Since the 1000-500 BC, Ashtang Ayurveda (eight specialities of Ayurveda) are in practice in one or the other way Official Recognition by Government 2: ‏ما آم‎ < Moadiring hac alen 3a lana hictarv nt

صفحه 6:
2۶ ۵ © Reystered Pruvtiocers: 6,906,066 © ‏:مك اكد بمبانوو‎ 99 ° Postgradvate testhuiocs: 009 ° Ouversites: © Wedk Onversites und 9 ®punveds Ouversites. © @ooud udwissicn popu 96966 Por dewer purses © Bocud ukvissivd copay Por 9 Coskpaduae ‏اوعقوت‎ ‎۰ ‏تیور‎ 00 ۰ Wospitd bed capaci: 99,99 0 60,0 QOrug waoPacturtay units! 999۶

صفحه 7:
0۵ 0 1۵۴6۵۵۲۵۵0۲۵۸۵ ۵۳۵۵-166 ی ۶ 06 65۷۵/8۵ Medical Colleges Registered Pharmacies Systems Under Post Practitioners Licensed Graduate Graduate by Drug Control Authorities Ayurveda 232 60 4,30,890 8,386 Unani 38 08 43,108 453 Siddha 06 02+1 N.Instt. 17,097 384 Homoeopathy 185 32 1,97,252 609 Yoga & Naturopathy 06 455 TOTAL: 466 103 6,88,802 9,832

صفحه 8:
0010015071000 GET OP (Cevtrd Level) ۰ ‏وین‎ Orpartved under Otasiry oP Weds & Pay OerPar.Cout oP Tada * Opcrd ‏.سیون سم‎ * Ceara Reyquuory Brdes. ۰ ‏مت(‎ Iesttutes. * Dated Dedeicd Plat Coad. * Ceard @hacvusopven buborupries. © DanPaturiay Oat. * ‏میور‎ & dspecsuies.

صفحه 9:
pOREOO1IGOMOVOGL GET OP (Grete level) ٠ CYOCW Departed or Dictetry. * Grote Oreviories ٠ Grote @oards/Counrls Por revstruioe oF proviiiccers. © Grote bicessiey/Orgy Ovairot Buborites. ۰ Grote coleyes/icsttuices. * Grote Prowutes .وص لها موه ‎Grote Ore‏ * ٠ Grate Deditad Plot @oards

صفحه 10:
٠ Iedependect Policy Por BYOGW -COOS. * Gustews ‏مهو رم‎ support shoe ‏مس هت بت‎ ٠ ‏حور ابص لممطمی ۳1909 لور‎ @YOCW tc keulk delivery. ۰ ‏لو(‎ Popuaics Policy provides Por ‏شاف‎ oP CYOGL ‏عدص ادام‎ > tt ‏لس سر رت نم‎ Crowuwwes. ۰ Oxtoad poboy ta vo<Por<niy wits OWO sirctew Por ‏ال للم‎

صفحه 11:
۵ 0۶۹۲۳۹۱۵۵( عت * ‏ییا‎ oP Postyraducte ie & Reseack ۰ paved, Guard Qyuveds Ouversiy daccagar. * ‏لبون‎ Teste oP Oct Dede, Ouaquore © ‏مش(‎ Testtue oP Outurpahy, Puce © Doret Desa Outord Testu oP Yoga, Dew Ort مهن رم[ ‎Testtue oP‏ مش( Outed @oudewy oP paved, Dew Delt ‎Testtute oP Woevevpaby, Ouruttt‏ موس( ‎*Oll Verda Teste DP @yurveda, Dew Ort

صفحه 12:
CEOTREL 01 Ss 00۵0000 ۰ ‏مسیون مسیون‎ ۳ Reseack ta 5ه( 26 (6۰)006۲۵۵ 6 ملس جا اسه صوص ۳ اه میم Wowvevpaby (CORN) 0 Cpu Cound Por Reseach ta Overt Dede (CORO) 26 Onis Cour Cound Por Reseach ta Yous & Oxtevpahy (CORY)

صفحه 13:
85410200 06 مت ىو عا ۰ (5 ‏سس وصب‎ 2 0۵ ٠ Poskrudude course 40.00. ):(///٩ ٠ Post doctorde cowse- Pk. O. * Dewbership vowse oP Outood @yuveds @radewp. ٠ Chort & wid ter ‏وه‎ * Oiplowa, deer ond postqradude courses Por Choro educdivs.

صفحه 14:
cs OBTERIGL GOORCE OP OGO1IC1ID@L ROO OOTERIGLG ° 98% raw wotertds oP phat ۰ * Chow 1,000 wedicied phos cowed used. ۰ 66 dPPerect pes oP wets vod wierd. ° SE products oP ward ‏كج عوتب لمت‎

صفحه 15:
PTIODO®L OEOICID®L ۲ 020200 86 7۳/۲۶ 08 ام میت <ه مره 6 مرن ۰ © Ossesswrd of dewer 6 ‏ام بپاموچه‎ ۰ Groodordzuivd & qualip coil oP ‏وم مسج‎ ٠ ‏ماه ,موی‎ and ‏موه‎ reseuck va wedi phate. * Oevebpwedt cP owroteckwbwy wd hovesing, sew Provesstoy und volue ‏ولت‎ teckoques. ۰ Drade aad export oP wedited plot products.

صفحه 16:
‎REGOLOTORY LOOG‏ ی ‎° Aedtod Oedctar Orda Orval Ori, (OT O. ‎5 0۳ 8 Coswetics Ort, 0 ‎٠ ‏یس‎ & Ougic Rewedes (Objeviocable OWvertsewveds) Prt ‎* Oo-dversiy Ort. ‎° Olt Le Proevios @rt. ‎۰ ecko Porests rt.

صفحه 17:
0۷۵۵۵۵۵۵ ۵ ۵۵۵0۵۲۵۵ 2۵6 و 1 ۵100 ©601١ ۵ ۰ ‏ون‎ CGoveruved te vested wi powers wont perwesion Por opeday oP usw oolews, teoreuse oF ‏سول‎ Dupuy ued 5۳۲۸ DE ww vr tyr ٠ Ceard Goveruved quar perwisivd vo the bots oe

صفحه 18:
ES Lew cor ۵ 6001١ 0 * QudPicdios woaded by waversiies ‏لطلى امه عه‎ tu the rt wis the upprovd oP Cerard @overaved.

صفحه 19:
POR REGOL®T1OO OP OROGG 9 08 ۰ Gepwue chupter uid rdes Por ‏له م0 ,لح‎ Ova drugs ta & Coswetrs Ont, (OPO. ٠ Oro ‏وود مرو‎ @vurd Por wuters rete tv ‏تلور له ام ری‎ و دن كاسع ‎One Covsulaive Cowrnitiee Por‏ ° .وعاماع محص ]لل جا جوطاط صم أديصا ‎oP the‏ سل هلو

صفحه 20:
لو ‎droge ta public toterest.‏ وی ‎;wePucture und sue oP‏ ‎Opporiwedt oP Drug tespeviors.‏ @ecdiy Por wonPotue, sde ei. OF dnp in 7 ‏هه‎ ۱)

صفحه 21:
cen Ont. © Distay oP schedule © dace —prispws wuterids. ۰ Oehratica oP wisbramded, uduberdied und spurns dice Por puriiive wioc. Good OanPacturtay Pracices (BOR). Good buborupry Pruvices. Lebetcny/Packiagy provisions. QRevvyuiiva oP privde ved public drug testa ‏له‎

صفحه 22:
۳٩00۵ ‏وت‎ )(01()1()(613)(711/)77۳71000( )0« 8۶ (+72۵۶ * @konvopvent buboratory Por Ted Oedicine (PL10) cokbisked in OTRO. SO Grate Drug ‏.واد هرا موه‎ ۰ bebordones oP wiversiies an researck cous.

صفحه 23:
0 OORK ۰ Coeur tottuices/bordories undertake busic work oF stoadardzuiicg. * Cxperts oP pueda, Ouaat, Giddka Phytockesvistry, pronvereuiicd sciewr, phoanvurvyarsy wed wediciod ‏ومصوحم وم‎ ‏هروه‎ © Chowoupvet Oow-iier uiPied by the Governed approves the ‏تس مه ی‎ standards.

صفحه 24:
Se OROGCOPOE 1G, FOROOLORIG & EGECOMEOL ۵۵ ۵ اجب 6۳46 :اوج )ورس ۰ © Qpuveds Corwuary: 899 Porwukiiows * Oued Phocwwopvet! ES wowwuhs * Oct Porwulary: PPS Porwuaioes ٠ Gtddko Porter: SCO Porwuktioes ٠ Gsseatd drug bets publshed.

صفحه 25:
COMPONENTS OF AYURVEDIC MEDICINES ¢ Plants : 90-95 % ¢ Minerals 4 1-2 % * Metals 4 1-2 % ¢ Animal Products : 1-2 % ¢ Marine Products : 1-2 % These are used in single and multiple ingredients forms

صفحه 26:
Concept of Shodhana of a Drug (Purification & Detoxification of the Raw Drugs) Objects to ensure Safety: 1. To remove the un desirous effect of raw drugs. . To remove the toxic effect of raw drug 3. To make the drug _ suitable as medicine 4. The purification is done by various processes of mixing, boiling of the raw drug with other substances with specific properties, Drying etc. N

صفحه 27:
DOSAGE FORMS OF AYURVEDIC FORMULATIONS (Multiple Ingredients) عت SI. No. Dosage Form No. of ingredients Dose 1. Swarasa (Expressed Juice) 1-3 10 ml. 2. Churna (Powder of the combinations) 3-20 3-5 gm. 3. Kwath Churna (Coarse power for 3-15 0-30 gm. making decoction) 4. Pravahi Kwath (Preserved decoction 3.20 10-20 ml. ‎ES‏ لت ‎

صفحه 28:
DOSAGE FORMS OF AYURVEDIC Ss FORMULATIONS SI.No. Dosage Form No. of ingredients Dose 8. Paka Khand (Confectionary 10-25 5-10 gm. like formulation) 9. Guggulu (Guggulu base formulation 5-20 1-3 gm. in tab./pill form) 10. Ghrita (Classified butter based 5-20 5-10 gm. formulations) 11. Taila (Meadicatad/nil haced 10.90

صفحه 29:
۵۵ 6 6066۵ 096666 جح CORDOLOMODG (crttipte ‏نت (صاایه‎ 5۱.۱10. Dosage Form No. of Single ingredients dose 46 GavdChasdve - tid wor exrat = 1-9 4/9 - 4 ‏سب‎ ‎AS. Ocal Busiva (tabtet/pil) 9-80 0/6 - 0 ۰ 06. ‏.اد 040 وه (عمسج) ادوم‎ 4۵. Cupsues 940 © 0. @csckatara (Bye dope) es ‏حص لس‎ 16: Kern birds (Bar dope) 940 ‏عى سا‎ C0. Owqa Oed dopa) 0 ‏دص اسر‎

صفحه 30:
2۳6۵20۵688 ۳۵6/۵ 0 0000020010 fat ee (xeuliple ieprdiccts) roe SI.No. Dosage Form No. of Single Ingredients dose 21. Bhasma - (Calcinated ash); 1-3 50-100 mg. ۳ (i) Mineral based ash-Compounds of Minerals) (ii) Metal based ash-Compounds of Metals) 22. Lauh & Mandora- 5-20 1gm. (Iron ash based formulations); 23. Ras Yoga - (Herbo-mineral formulations) = (i) Kupipakva 2-5 50-100 mg. 2 Metallic compounds (ii) Rasayoga - Herbo-mineral 5-20 125-250 -metallic formulations

صفحه 31:
Contaminant Matter Heavy Metal ۳ Foreign | \ / 5 Organoleptic Microbial Cow Evaluation Pesticide | STANDARDIZATION ‏و‎ ‎OF AYURVEDA DRUGS =‏ تکاس ‎Marker Volatile‏ ‎Compone Matter‏ ‏۳ د 7 لك ‎Chromatogra 1 Ash |‏ ‎phic Profile Value‏ ‎Extractive Value | ‎Authentication and Standardization of Herbal Raw Material

صفحه 32:
0-١ ‏یس نج‎ of Herbal yuivddl babyy titiveness: 3 Raw materials Process = Authentication " Material/energy inputs * Physico, chemical, biological " Operational uniformity limits " Safety and occupational " Storage conditions health * Size/shape/right quality "Intermediate quality [in Chromat hi process quality control 5 matographi ‏ممه‎ ‎١ Chromatographic Organolepthic fiPigebeénthemical properties =" Chromatographic fingerprint = Assay [Chemical / biological] " Storage stability " User safety

صفحه 33:
3 Chromatograph-finger-print markers for Herbal Drugs “Markers are chemically defined constituents of a herbal drug which are of interest for control purposes independent of whether they have any therapeutic activity or not ** Markers may serve to calculate the quantity of herbal drug or preparation in the finished product if that marker has been quantitatively determined in the herbal drug or preparation when

صفحه 34:
me A HNO.-Potassium Rca (UV 365 nm) B Sodium metaperiodate reagent (UV 365 ‎Doter : o. ueiir wid (POF0:29:1)‏ : اب( : مت موه سدق ‎Sennae fructus (methanol ext. 20 uL)‏ 1 ‎Sennae folium (methanol ext. 20 uL)‏ 2 ‎T1 Sennoside A ۰. ۲2 8‏ ‎

صفحه 35:
THIN LAYER CHROMATOGRAM OF GHITRAKADI VATI ۲ 3 2: ۳: 23 3 ۷ ۷ Tracks 1 T)— Alameda (aprum graveorens) ‏ی‎ — Pippall (Piper fongum) ‏سید‎ Chitraka (Plumbago zeylanica) ‘Te Chitrakadl vatl (RRL, BAU) Ts Chitrakadi Vati (Baldyanatn) ۱ ) ‏زمضوده ممص‎ T,— Suntni (Zingiber orricmare) Ty— Pippali mula (Piper fongum- Root) T,—Manieha (Piper nigrum) Tw = Hingu (Feruta assatocticiay Solvent System ; n-Hexane: Acetone 75: 25 Anisaldehyde - Sulphuric acid Reagent Visualisation

صفحه 36:
HPTLC Fingerprinting of Chitrakadi Vati (RRL, Bhu) at 254 nm

صفحه 37:
THIN LAYER CHROMATOGRAM OF LASUNADI VATI Tracks 7, Lasunadt vatl, RRL(BRU) 7, — Hingu (Feruia assafoetida) T, ~ Safeda jeeraka (Cummum cyminum) = Maricha (Piper nigrum) 7, — Pippali (Piper fongum) 7, ~ Sunthi (Zingiber offic inate) 7, — Lasunaai vat, Baidyanath Solvent System ; n-Hexane: Acetone 7 0: 24 Spray ! Anisaldenyde - sulphuric acid reagent

صفحه 38:
HPTLC Fingerprinting of Lasunadi Vati (RRL, Bhu) at 254 nm

صفحه 39:
THIN LAYER CHROMATOGRAM OF MARICHYADI VATI Tracks 2 T)-Mariehyadi vat, RRL(BRU) T, — Marichyadi vati, Baidyanath 7, — Marichyadi vati, Without Jaggery, T= Mancha (Piper nigrum) 5 - Pippali (Piper iongum) 1, — Dadima (Punsea granatim) Solvent System ; Ethyl acetate : n-Hexane : Formic acid oa Visualisation Uv 254 nm

صفحه 40:
India HPTLC Fingerprinting of Marichyadi Vati (RRL, Bhu) at 254nm

صفحه 41:
THIN LAYER CHROMATOGRAM OF SANJEEVANI VATI Tracks :Ty— Sanjeevani vad, RRL(BHU) T, ~ vacha (Aconus calamus) 7, — Vidanga (Embitia rifos) 1,— Guducht (Tinespora cordifotia) 7, Bhaltataka (Semicarpus anacaraium) 7, Suntht (Zingiber ofriemate) 1, ~ Pippali (Piper fongum) Solvent system : MHexane : Acetone 76 2 — sulphuric acid reagent Spray

صفحه 42:
India سا فى ا HPTLC Fingerprinting of Sanjeevani vati (RRLBhu) at310 nm

صفحه 43:
THIN LAYER CHROMATOGRAM OF SANKHA VATI Tracks 2 T)—Sankha vati, RRL(BRU) 7, —Hingu (Ferula assafoetida) 1, — Sunthi (Zingiber omcinete) ,—Maricha (Piper nigrum) 1, - Pippali (Piper fongum) 7, — Sankha vati, Baldyanatn Solvent system : (Hexane : Acetene 75 1 28 Spray Anisaldehyde— sulphuric acid reagent

صفحه 44:
India HPTLC Fingerprinting of Sankha Vati (RRL, Bhu) at 422 nm

صفحه 45:

صفحه 46:
eS: Phorwurepeets oP ents (PPT) Monograph 1. Official - name of the drug - Sanskrit/Ayurvedic) 2. General Introduction: Eh Synonyms e.g., Regional names etc. 4. Description : (a) Macroscopic, description (b) Microscopic (Pharmacognostic), description - Root -Flower - Stem -Fruit - Leaf -Seed 5 Powder - diaganoctic features

صفحه 47:
‎Phanvwpvetd Gtardards oP Oyurvedo Onn‏ رم ‎Es. Refercue : Pharwuropoet of Indo(PP1) Monograph‏ ‎«contd. ‎Grorrdards oP Wdectiy, Pury cad Gtrecgs ‎ ‎Foreign matter - not more than.....% Total Ash : not more than Acid insoluble ash - not more than....% Alcohol soluble extraction : not less than....% ‎T.L.C. (IDENTITY TEST) (with method & description) Assay method of major chemical constituent Properties and Action: ‎(i) Rasa (Taste) ‎(ii) Guna (Properties) ‎(iii) = Virya (Predominant action) ‎MPSS ‏عن‎ TRA Ike eee ‏او‎ ‎

صفحه 48:
لیر اممپسو() ... Test for Heavy Metals Microbial Load Important Formulations: Therapeutic Uses: Dose: Authentic/Textual References

صفحه 49:

صفحه 50:
Es. Q@puvedic, Siddha & Ova Oris Oudertoked by Oritish (Pkonvuvvpoem Covwwwissiva Gt @onnicd Oawe Gustot Cave Ov. 4 ‏مه سا لا مج موه‎ 6 ‏واه ماج‎ Barris. Dried Prot ‏یه‎ dred Pra ©. ‏هط‎ D oad @ stew bork rivers @. | Drwspora cordPoka (Dikd.) Dies. stew ‏طسب‎ 6 ‏موی مق‎ (Liew) Dettt., whole phat Brak (lal broker) ©. Perot cheba Retz. Prot Lorch 70. ‏مه مطل‎ (Lia) Darra. Root ‏موه‎ ‎6. ‏ما رعصل .0 له همق‎ ©. Rubra cordPota Linc, root Danish 16 ripra dba, Wessk, whole ‏ددا‎ @hrenparcia

صفحه 51:
0۳ با مت( ۳ سس وگ ‎@hkarvusppoen ۵000‏ Gl © ‏ندا © عه © ادصدام‎ Dawe Ov. 00. Gootakier ‏)لو متا ماه‎ 49. Piper trouser Lice. Pruitt ood root Pippat/Pippatcoocts 09. Dercnicrata beterica. Roxb. Prat Oibkitckt 46 riba terrestris Cokshura 49. Cools phetcouls ‏ما6‎ ‎9. Cwbeta rbes Bur. P., Prat ‏مرن‎ ‎CP. Phytases crud O@kuxviccta (0. Odlertocra walichi OO, ‏تیه تن‎ 19. ‏لو صمولحنمم صصطولو)‎ pots watt SO. Cywews sylvester, bee CurworlDeskusricng

صفحه 52:
(00) اجه روا تسس کت ®ovk ‏اه مه و۳ یی صامزانیی ۳و‎ powwouy used by te Physictas 5 Two Obvluwes ‏واه‎ DOO Porwulkaions - Ovotates trp edcct Droge wits @vtacicd Ouves, pot wed i QOethods oP Preparciod - Ovsne Porw & Ose میم 6 سل -

صفحه 53:
ج+داله ل وسو *ا) عدر سر © ربا Vo develop GOP's oP wanPacturtry process oP Porculatios: Dp develop stoadards pP ideally, ‏اجب <ه موه له شیم‎ & powpourd Porwukiod Phowarnqustc & chewicd stardacdzuica OkeP Pe studies CPRers bobordories & woouPacturtey powpoies ure worktey oo GOP's Ckawarpvetd Gtandads oP JOO Porwutics have boro worked out. Ounce Target ie (OO Porwuktiogs per peur to pover OOO- POO wost widely wed tc O-P pews. دم هه © ©

صفحه 54:
‎GOVERNMENT‏ فقت ‎INITIATIVES‏ ع ‎> Setting up of Department of ISM&H in 1995 renamed as Department of AYUSH in 2003. ‎>Setting up of National Medicinal Plants Board (NMPB) in 2000 to make available raw material of quality, efficacy and_ safety to AYUSH industries/pharmacies and promote exports through value addition. ‎> Pharmacopoeial laboratories of Indian medicines for laying down SOPs and pharmacopoeial standards. ‎Contd.

صفحه 55:
iia GUVERNMEN Es. INITIATIVES... >Preparation of pharmacopoeias of Ayurveda- so far five volumes of API containing standards for 418 drugs. >» Separate chapter for ASU medicines in Drugs & Cosmetics Act, 1940. > Good Manufacturing Practices (GMPs), non GMP units to be delicensed. >Provisions regarding mandatory testing for heavy metals made mandatory from 1* January, 2006.

صفحه 56:
‎LABS &‏ اطاع 050 1118م ييه ‎TESTING FACILITIES FOR‏ ‎AYURVEDIC DRUGS‏ ‎1. Pharmacopoeial Laboratory for Indian Medicine (PLIM) established in 1970 & 20 other laboratories (For evolving ‎Pharmacopoeial Standards Ayurveda drugs) ‎2. University/Council for Scientific & Industrial Research and other National Laboratories are associated ‎for pharmacopoeial work ‎98. 26 State Drug Testing Laboratories ‏ات سس یت کت و ی ی مس ی ی هت و اس هر ‎fa‏

صفحه 57:
‎FOR AYURVEDIC MEDICINES‏ ۰ص ‎Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP) for Ayurvedic, Unani and Siddha drugs have been implemented on 23rd June, 2000. WHO guidelines have been kept in mind while preparing the document. ‎۰ 5500 Units are GMP compliant 5 2500 Non-GMP compliant units stopped production

صفحه 58:
emer. FOR AYURVEDIC MEDICINES Standards laid down for: * Storage of raw material/proper authentication ٠ Manufacturing area, machines & processing * Record keeping, SOPs ¢ In-house quality control & quality assurance ¢ Finished goods store ee, ah 7 eae ee

صفحه 59:
es GMP for Ayurveda/Siddha/Unani Drug: *GMP certificate is a must if you are going to produce any Ayurveda products GMP Requirement} - Raw Materials-prescribed quality and free from contamination - Manufacturing process-infrastructure, staff ‘o achieve the objectives listed above, each licensee shall evolve methodology and procedures for following the prescribed process of manufacturing of drugs which should be documented as a manual and kept for reference and inspection

صفحه 60:
: INDIAN DRUGS & COSMETIC ACT, ES. 1940 REGULATION OF AYURVEDIC DRUGS * Gepwde ‏مان‎ 41006 Por @yveds, Gro & Onc ‏لیب‎ deus wil the Gevios 99-0 of the Onn & Ovswetcs ‏,بو‎ 1960 ۰ ۰ ۰ ‏موق‎ Drug Teckacd @dieory ‏ما ی لو‎ © ‏سب 6860 ۳ 1960 ,۲۰۶) سیون‎ ty aise Governed vo ‏هه‎ rekited to qualiy cod) oad drug; stamderdizaica. * Gepade Ons Cowie Ovwwiters set up Por sevurtcy ‏هلت رولیت‎ oP te Ort throughout Toda, © Gre wise Ons Licevstcy/Ovcrolicacy Buboriies.

صفحه 61:
Ss IMPORTANT PROVISIONS OF INDIAN DRUGS & COSMETICS ACT 5 QRegutaicg oP woouPactune Por sue oP Bpurvedic dans tho ‏مضو امد ابجوب بعصا‎ lines 5 @rokbiica oP weouPuctune ond sole oP ‏مهت‎ ‎dans. 7 Power ‏شون خام‎ Goverceoedt tz_prokibit ‏واه وان جز فص خاص اه نموت‎ ‏عونا مموارورة)‎ Bovereevest Dry ‏صصلوط‎ ‎۱۹ Por espeviors to visit Pavtory.

صفحه 62:
Es. IMPORTOOT PROOTE100G6 OF 0 DROGCGE & COGDEMOG GOT RELOMOG TO BYOROEO10 06 @ewdly Por wonPuctue, sue ei. oP dane to ‏محر هت‎ oF ie Ort (Gevion OOS U). * @eguly Por subsequed ‏وان‎ ‎٠ Cresornbe qudPicdioes und dutes of ie Goveraved Guus. 9 Cresonbe wetods of testag ued ocdpsis. Vo estublisk Luborupries Por Testa ocd Oxnipsis oP One. . Gchedue - © oP Oroy rt presortbe bt oP posvws werd ued ic OGO dics require spect scPequards *

صفحه 63:
1002۳006۲۲۳۵۵۲ ۵60۵0۵181008 0 00 )060608 8 0060267108 07 TO ®YOROEGO1C 68 + Lebetoy/puchiay proves Por dowestc we us wel we export - Rue (00-0 Revownize publy, pride Orvs Testy Leboruries Por suwple ‏راجت‎ - Qradeher oP ood ‏رورا‎ Prater (BLP)

صفحه 64:
Indian Drugs & aon Cosmetic Act - Spurious Drugs (ASU) 0. Gevtior 99 E — Ot-broaded drugs 9. ‏مسق‎ 99 EGE — Oduleruted drugs 9. Gevioa O99 CCE — Gpuwins Ons Peudly: Gevion 99 J ‘kpprisvaved up i six wouks and (Piae aot bss thaa Rs. DOO)

صفحه 65:
pao Labeling provisions (Rule- 161) Dubetl wust kave the Pollowicg: Oxnoe oP Porwulaios Tree bt oP togredieds used to the Porxuation toyether wil the quectiy DP rack ‏اسب‎ ‎. IP the bet ts loo 0 seporde bet be sucbosed wi he pocktoy ood rePereue be wade oc ‏ال‎ ‎1۴ ‏مه طسب‎ Prow schedule (1) - te word “Ouuton! ‏ها‎ ‎be toe wader weeded supervision” shoud be pricted bots to Bartok & ۰ 0 02 3 Ooutd..

صفحه 66:
‎Labeling provisions (Rule-‏ وگ )161 ‎©. Ouwe und address oP the ‏ص م یمه(‎ ©. Buck ‏,رای(‎ ‎9 ‎dd. “ROR GXTPEROOL OCC OOLY” (whewever ees) ‎6. Testay Por Wewy Oetd fevits Por export ts ‏ولو‎ ‎w.eF, d.d.8008 Por Export.

صفحه 67:
Ss Reseuck to Qpuveda 4. COR®GC- Ord Onuad Por Reseack tt ‏لیم‎ ‏تست‎ + ICOR-Tectas Cound Por Ordo Reseach . OGIR- Onc Por Gredhic & Iedusttd Qeseack . Ov. oF @lopahic Dedod ‏یاون‎ ‎. BLO, ۳۳, ۷۵ . Bollea Triccnje Tattaive (BTR) oF BYOCL, OGIR & 1COR ۱ ۱

صفحه 68:
s&s Onw ‏رنه اه‎ كصاووام 200 ووه !ن) جحجر مر 97۵8۵1 .4 ‎Trice Proprts [8.1.0] to udder ®purveds‏ ج9015 ‎Produ‏ ‎» Gracdardzaica DP Bpuveds Gducaica , Pubhicatca oP who Gtondads of ‏مس(‎ ‎. Cupp tp ‏اه‎ One Techoiries ‎. Dore Cones oa Ovluboraive Qeseack to Oyaveda. . Ieitaive Por Clobd prowotca oP Bpurveda ‎. Ooviavaicd oP TOOL Project to soPe quad putes ‎0 ‎oO ‎2202 2

صفحه 69:
pie QOOLITY 0۵۵ DEGSORES ٠ @ubloaiva oP Pranvusppvetd stardards. ٠ @ublcaiog oP Poraukries. ٠ Publication oP Csseuta Drury Lists. * CPorcewed ve COP. ٠ Gohedded bst oP posows wuterids. .جمدم دحا وريله الب شاه & ‎Crokbttos va welewday‏ © * Goewhic vokdaicd oP chssicd/iradicody wed wedicies Por oP vad ef Pico.

صفحه 70:
se Ovatt..... ° Gokedde Por wardatory boeostay oP drug wanPacturers. ° Oisbranded, spurious ond udulerced drug dePiced, ۰ ‏مپسا‎ provisica Por punitive uctica Por untey fo poorovecion oP Onkp & Ovswetcs Ort. ° Oedatory testag oP exported drugs Por kewy wetds. ۰ GeP-certPcaica oP qualiy by ‏ا‎ © Crrooctd wsesisteore to wooPacturtay volts cod Drug Testy Luboruries Por teprovieny structurd dad Puccio cau.

صفحه 71:
IhProstruwture oP @puvedr, Giddko ord ‏اه(‎ ‎@harwureuicds oP Ted 60 06 50600 صصلام 990 0۵63 (606) ماه همطل بماد لجو (41- Ovoperdive vevbr = =) ۰ - rite dry wanPaturtay vats cout = 9 - overnced Orug tevtay kbordpries -Grte ‏وماصحصا‎ suhorties & Drug voutvlers = eo * Oowerte woke oP Oyuwvedr, Orddka & Ouad Dedoter work oo (®r. QDOO crorev) Bagot wort: (Re.1800 ererer) This bes ot tockide the wedotus prepared by puede dbvtors Por depewwtay i thet pw putes * OonPatrtay Outs: ‏سر‎ meee): Ouca (PEO), Orddka (GOP) & = (6,998)

صفحه 72:
POCEWLE GRE® OF es ADTEROOMOOOL CO-OPEROMOO تا( ادن 3 ‎tcosttuiocs.‏ رن و را سول ٠ Ispport unt export oP raw woertds & Picked TO Products us per wutudl ap eewed. * Gwe & Qomnveciod pe tradiccdy wed wedivicd phe, rewedes und prucices.

صفحه 73:
esi Ovutd..... ساود رجهم , بو>صاصج حاصو كج 75س جام ودام !]1 5 ‎R&D uct‏ فد له 6 یه لعج رال ۰ 7 یات من لت عرش مهاب ٠ ‏لصا من و‎ und ‏عوجر موی‎ oo the wes ‏موی ۲و‎ interest Por develbppwedt ‏اه‎ ۰ 9 ‏جصلادان حورن‎ oP ‏رو وه میت‎ Por proevion oP TO 00 = ‏و بو اداج تكاج‎ = worket wukorizaica oP Tradiccd Werbd Ordicicd Product.

صفحه 74:

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