بیماری‌هاپزشکی و سلامتطب سنتی

Integrating Complementary Therapies in the Care of Children with Cancer

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www.t air Children’s Hospital of NewYork-Presbyterian ‏اهوم وا‎ of Columba and Corel

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ساف هیا ار ‎mplementary‏ ‎Thera ies in the Care‏ ‎of Children with‏ ‎Cancer: Research and‏ ‎Clinical Practice‏ Children’s Hospital 7 of NewYork-Presbyterian The Unersty Hostal of columbian corel Kara Kelly, M.D. Inte

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What is CAM? = Group of diverse medical and health care systems, practices and products that are not presently considered to be part of conventional medicine Children’s Hospital of NewYork-Presbyterian The Univers Hostal of Columba and Corel

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Complementary: Used together with conventional medicine Alternative: Used in place of conventional medicine Integrative: Combines mainstream medical therapies and CAM therapies for which there is some high quality scientific evidence of safety and efficacy

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NCCAM Classification Alternative medical systems (Traditional Chinese Medicine, Ayurveda, homeopathy) Mind-body interventions (yoga, imagery, meditation, prayer) Biological based therapies (herbs, high dose vitamins, antioxidants, mushrooms, enzymes ) Body based therapies (chiropractic or osteopathic manipulation, massage) Energy therapies (Reiki, therapeutic touch, magnets) i Children’s Hospital necam.nih.gov of NewYork-Presbyterian The Unersty Hostal of cumbia and corel

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Children with Cancer are using CAM 90 80 70 60 % 50 40 30 20 10 77-3 94-8 00-03 Year of Survey

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Reasons for CAM Use = "to try everything possible” " to reduce stress of illness = improve quality of life = symptom care management ™ sometimes for cure Columbia survey: Perceived effectiveness is high- 86% very or somewhat effective for intended purpose Children’s Hospital of NewYork-Presbyterian The Unersty Hostal of cumbia and corel

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How are Patients Using CAM? Reason Physician Told Build Immune system, No ‘Stop Tumor Promoter with fat Detoxify, Enhance immune system, Wound healing, Antibiotic Enhance immune sytem Detoxty, Build white blood cells, Antil Stop tumor growth, Replace good bacteria in gut Healing, Strengthening Children’s Hospital of NewYork-Presbyterian The Univers Hospital of ClumbiandComel CAM Supplement Diet: Stopped Fried Foods; Vegetables, Juicing Nutrients: Grape seed extract, Pycnogenol, CoenzymeQ10, Colloidal silver, Barley green, mv Herbs: Garlic, Herbal Preparation with Echinacea, Goldenseal, Licorice, Myr, Marshmallow, Black "Walnut, Tumeric, ‘Capsicum, Germanium Supplements: Mataki mushroom, Acidophilus, Royal bee jelly, Blue green algae Mind/ Body: Prayer sTupy ID# 020081

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73% of children were enrolled on clinical trials for treatment of their malignancy 85% were using some form of CAM: Herbs 25% Nutritional supplements 34% J Pediatr Hematol Oncol 22:412,2000

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Why the Controversy? = Few Clinical trials of safety and efficacy, especially in children = Regulation of herbs and dietary supplements varies world wide, although most are not subject to the same regulations that apply to conventional drugs Children’s Hospital of NewYork-Presbyterian The dco

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Adverse Effects =" Pharmacologic therapies: * Direct effect * Contamination * Interactions with conventional medications

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Adverse Effects Laxative Nausea, Gl discomfort Antiplatelet effects Hypotension Gastric irritation Hepatitis, cirrhosis, liver failure Nausea, vomiting, dizziness, diarrhea Amenorrhea, diarrhea, pseudohypoaldosteronism Seizures Hypertension, sudden death Children’s Hospital of NewYork-Presbyterian The University Hospital of Columbia and Corel Aloe vera Evening primrose oil, bovine colostrum Borageseed oil Cat's claw Cayenne capsules Kava Lobelia Glycyrrhizin (licorice root) Star anise Ephedra, ma huang, Sida cordifolia, pinellia

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Contamination of herbs Lead TCM, Surma/kajal, bint al dhahab, Litargirio Arsenic lu Huang Chieh Tu Pien, other TCM Mercury Watermelon frost (TCM) Warfarin, DES |PC-SPES Children’s Hospital York-Presbyterian ty Hostal of lumi and Come Eur J Pediatr 162:72, 2003

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Herb-Drug Interactions: Sources of Information B Animal Studies @ Theoretical Empirical UO Case reports @ Clinical Studies @ Clinical Trials HerbalGram 49:2000.

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SN-38 (ng/mL) Time (h) Fig. 1. Effect of St. John's wort on the lasma concentration of the active irinotecan metabolite SN-38 over time. JNCI 94:1247,2002

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Chemotherapy/Herb Interactions Cordyceps, country mallow, ephedra, marshmallow, fish oils, garlic, grapefruit, L-arginine, red yeast Licorice, alfalfa sprouts, astralagus, cat’s claw, echinacea, St John’s wort, vitamin E, zinc Black cohosh, echinacea, salicylate containing herbs: bilberry, meadow sweet, poplars, red clover, white willow, wintergreen Reduced immunosuppressi on Increased immunosuppressi on Increased hepatotoxicity Corticosteroi d Cyclosporin Methotrexat e

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Oxidative Stress and Chemotherapy Drugs High Anthracyclines Pt-complexes Alkylating agents Epipodophyllotoxins Camptothecins Purine/Pyrimidine Antimetabolites Low Taxanes Vinca alkaloids

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Observational Studies: The Effect of Cancer Therapy on Antioxidant Levels (n=31) ae ao Boo 3 20۵ 6 6 BOGOR 5 ‏هن ۵۵ و م‎ * e © Otawia C Orawia @ Geleaiue ‏سا‎ TERE ‏سای‎ ‎Gatioxtdast JCO 22:517, 2004

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The Effect of Supplementation with Antioxidants in combination with Cancer Therapy on Antioxidant Levels 0 3 i 20۵ 9 ‏ل‎ 00001 % 20۵ 5 8 © Qrawia © Qrawia® Geleaiuw — beta- — TRGP Gottoxtdcat JCO 22:517, 2004

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Immunostimulants " Mistletoe, Asian mushrooms (maitake, reishi, shiitake, coriolus versicolor, PSK), Astralagus = Actions: Increase cytotoxic T-cells or NK cells activity, increase endogenous production of interferon, interleukins, or cytokines e Discourage in patients with: Hematologic malignancies, Stem cell transplants

صفحه 21:
Warning signs of Possible Interactions = Tolerance to conventional drug administration that is better or worse than expected: * Unexpected refractoriness to treatment * Unusual toxic effects from treatment Labriola D, Livingston R. Oncology 13:1999 Children’s Hospital of NewYork-Presbyterian The Unersty Hostal of cumbia and corel

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Non-pharmacologic Therapies ™ Chiropractic * cerebrovascular accidents, acute necrosis of holocord astrocytoma, vertebral artery dissection ™ Acupuncture * cardiac tamponade, epidural abscess formation, HIV infection * overall underlying adverse event rate: 0-1.1 per 10,000 treatments Children’s Hospital of NewYork-Presbyterian The Unersty Hostal of cumbia and corel

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۲ ۷ ۲ ‏,1سا‎ 2۶۷۲5 2 varies from state to state = Chiropractors: every state, Washington DC = Massage therapists: ~25 states = TCM practitioners: ~25 states =" Naturopathic physicians: 12 states =" Homeopathic physicians: 3 states Dermatologic Therapy 16:77,2003 Children’s Hospital ke Presbyte

صفحه 24:
Barriers to Research " Difficulties in conducting studies of complex therapeutic systems " Emotional issues leading to biases in patient recruitment ۶ Lack of standardization of herbs/dietary supplements " Difficulty in determining an adequate placebo =" CAM providers may have little incentive for scientific evaluation of CAM therapies Children’s Hospital of NewYork-Presb The Unversity Hostal of Col rial ja and Cornell

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۸۸۲۱۷ 6 ۳۵۲00۲۱2606 ۱ Trials in Pediatric Cancer and CAM TRAUMEEL S® (Homeopathy) for prevention and treatment of Mucositis in SCT (COG) Electroacupuncture for Chemotherapy induced Delayed Nausea/Vomiting in Pediatric Solid Tumors (NCI) Silymarin in Maintenance therapy in Children with ALL and Abnormal LFTs (Columbia) Aromatherapy for Reduction of Anxiety/Nausea during SCT (Columbia) Massage Therapy and Childhood Cancer (Childrens Minneapolis) Aromatherapy as an Intervention for Nausea and Vomiting in Children receiving Chemotherapy for Cancer (Childrens Minneapolis)

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Nausea/Vomiting " Herbs Ginger, Peppermint, Fennel ™ Chamomile Compresses =" Aromatherapy Citrus (Bergamont, Mandarin, Citrus Mixtures) = Acupressure P-6 Point (Acupressure ban resbyterian ‏ها‎ con

صفحه 28:
Cornel Palliative Care = Alternative medical systems: acupuncture ۴۶ Mind-body medicine: Meditation, prayer, music therapy " Body-based therapies: Massage = Energy therapies: Reiki, Therapeutic touch Children’s Hospital of NewYork Presbyterian The Univers Hostal of Columbia and

صفحه 29:
Screening for child CAM use: Do you give your child any herbal or plant products? Do you give your child any homeopathic products? Do you use any unconventional/alternative types of care or therapies for your child? Do you use any special vitamin therapy for your child? Do you use any unconventional treatments, alternative types of care, or therapies for yourself to stay healthy or to manage a health problem? J Pediatr Health Care 17:58,2003 Questions only identified 24% of parents using CAM

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۵1۵-2 سل صد |6۵ 8 ها 6 6۳ www.integrativetherapiesprogram.org

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The Bottom Line... " Children with cancer are using CAM therapies = Physicians need to inquire about CAM use ™ Biologically active therapies including herbs and dietary supplements are often used " Adverse effects and especially interactions with conventional drugs are possible = CAM therapies may be especially useful for symptom management Children’s Hospital of NewYork-Presb The Unversity Hostal of Col rial ja and Cornell

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