صفحه 1:
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صفحه 2:
ONS ad exe) Died ‏رصن عجه عوتص لد‎ ۳ ۹ Oe cal ra (ol re VAR OP CaN NS CASCAU CLES Oe Onterbury, CT

صفحه 3:
Orvise 1222-2-00 O.O. Picci? == GELE-POOOED ۱۹ at a Se AA a PEN Cn a eas ccd Vex Olea (cerca kOe nc rad Oresizeivcd: Crater Por Cllerxy, @sthywa, ord Iolo CF nS cas cd

صفحه 4:
Define COM 9/۹2 میت ون ON Ean Ua aN acco esl OL COD Eras acl =

صفحه 5:
(0 ۳ ۳۹ Covplewestary ond uhercaive wedivice (COM) iz “OCCOO cehices COO us a yrvup oP dverse eae ae ROE at DMCA ace unre an ea 06 vane 5 5 A ‏مس مار‎ Ne A a ahd 0 5 ‏ی‎ 5 ‏اس هط یساس یا‎

صفحه 6:
ON ae ea Oe anes MN ea eae cMRS Tone ea MMT Per i cred oe Loan oe ea Doce ea wedvice and COO Por whick there is sve highk-quatiy PU ee Rea ot Pm ce Pics ee (a cara ca] ‏عمجت مدز‎ 0۳۹۳۵۵۱۹۹۹۱۹ Oedivice is DEM ee eg cee as eae ۱ erat Rl ‏بامجقوم لجه عجوصةااصمام ججوسفوطا وكاعوص فاصم هاا ووس‎ ee ee ea a Ee a ao NO AN RUN a ee es RS a ead TEL ead ANS CARS NS NS RS oad od Nie Pak cans coed can Boal nD

صفحه 7:

صفحه 8:
* COO kus beru develpped pver vecturies it vorious vultures, bused va teacher uppreaice NaN coe ۱ PMN on cg can ioe PCO, waved ٠ )1( ‏مصوج‎ ۱ CS Roe a aT 3 ۹ eee NE NM NN PC aL aR

صفحه 9:
Grats va COM use Prow this pauper * COO Oost ud Gpeadkry, COOP (DOCBO Prow te OW1IG COO’) Seid Rea ree Oa RC ROL ME ara ‏هت‎ 1 ‏”ا‎ en ac as ae (ee Rcd ۱۶ A cA CAD - 1 600۳, arr AU eR aa ‏ال‎ ‎۱۷ poms acacia ae A ar en ae a ‏حطس‎ — WweOO?, 0.6. adits spect $99.9 bilica vureP-porket ey OO ee a ‏ل ا‎ ۱ cea Za ao ] OS Me er RG melo

صفحه 10:
‎Pa eac Da NS Pt AST Pad Guvev‏ رم کز(۱۹ ‎ ‎oeek nonce) eaten en ee ae a)

صفحه 11:
Sex (8) سح foun ‘Pea oh سونو | ‎Chiropractic‏ RCM ee tC Ted ‏ل‎ LC

صفحه 12:
ON Nene rd tv COMO BN MR com Ec Ran mono Coe OOO) PEN rar ee Ron as Mg oat ec Ov POO rexptaiog اي شي ناكا ‎eed ace‏ ل اا ‎NN CPt‏ ‎Pes Brera es asd ‎Oe vPted do wt use these opiives bevouse the data is at ‏ا هب‎ crac eae eae rede oe BO EU id NN cara aa ae oc (LO ‏ل‎

صفحه 13:
‎cee‏ ريل تس همم ‎Be gE aon‏ دصناماطاوم "ممم جص" جامصاط كاعم لج ‎Bi a oe Cac‏ ‎Diddle Oyes use‏ ‎-—SOO? OW1G (Oatiogd Wealth Ioterview Survey)‏ 0 ۱ ‎see eeeeteon ent 5)‏ ‎OC eek nee)‏

صفحه 14:
‎an Ba‏ ا ا لك ‎CN OWN eect ok pl aan ran cd ‎۱ Carr ‎۱ RRS ‏ا ا‎ VU 2 3 0

صفحه 15:
كدج دهان 8) ا ‎Pri‏ ل ۱ م ا 1 ا يي م ل ‎Red‏ يي ا ‎eR‏ ‎RE td‏ ل ل يي ‎Ned‏ ‎product Por coy clic.‏ SE Ce (elem an eae Me Nd Ae eA RRR eo RNC aa ee cs aE eh ea ‏مس مهم و مت رورت‎ Fe eR A a heel a ae SE ea coo ePPicagy ‏مس وه‎ ‏م۱‎ no ee on iam ‏ا ا‎ CCA Oke U ee ta tates Oe ate

صفحه 16:
COT oe A aC ‏ا‎ cea a RCC Can a Ma LUE ac ‏و وه‎ ar MRS NE aN Ovst uppropriate Por? whole, Presk versus dried Na Ngo ‏ا‎ ae ae DAE RS a a ROE ABS aan oat oe a oR ce Pca Da ‏ل‎ cme RN ca] ‏ل‎ eA Be Beas DAoC caus ed SCC Va OReUe Rte ates Oa

صفحه 17:
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صفحه 18:
۹ voteyories vbP OO QOvaipuhive wed body based provices: Gpicl NCA ‏يل 0 ل‎ | ‏رو‎ Qovewedt herupies: Pektechruis wethod, (lexcader techuique, Pitates, (RoPiag, racer ۱ ‏رم‎ ins eal aa ۱۱3 eas rs RE SE as PAS RAN ۱ ‏مر ما وت‎ SCL nas ۱۱۱ ‏ب‎ gD PA OLS cecacd NAN CP CANCEL ANN AIR CML ASL

صفحه 19:
Wow do use COM? 0 ead OO Ne 71 Wicd CAs an ea eae ۱۹ CA PAN cand Oddiizas to nePractory voodiivas

صفحه 20:
0 ‏ما‎ ‎OK sie Mein awe! Nd ra RON UP Rr ce DANN NSAP Ee Stk LOA ‏و‎ UL NOS ce IAS CE Ca oO Ne RN) Cea 00 RS oR a OU ccd ‏و‎ SOCOM arial poe at errs ca OO ee ee PC ‏داع‎ ما ۱۳ 32 ‎aNd‏ یمس ات ‎CL eae‏ و 2002 ‎۱ ci cana ae Bao Ae EERO Ca Na ce ces PA a ns cased

صفحه 21:
CON eal CNC eae ‏ل‎ ae ara DN ila Pd * Reve study showiery 10% vP SO vowwervidky wall AS ES Ca CASS) CAS CLEA NSS A ‏ا‎ NCLCA ۱ ‏جلسحلكماه‎ ‎(Or Ocalan) Oe Ol acc ct ARN arom (Oph Rare] CG @urpured kerb Por chrowiv respiraory ivPeviives, aN a een 1۱۳900 ۱ 0 ۱ em rer iven cia

صفحه 22:
CON eal (ON a LO a RC Ar ee eee re od ۱ ree cs caret a Eearae art a a mi positive tras were published privr to COO but 9 revect higher Oa CN eA a ae ea a ۲ esc oe aca i rem! 1 RO eons cece eel aan ora ee OOO Ore a EN he A aE Nee ced Ds aces aac DN ae Cee ed ON rant ‏ره‎ oe NCL ل ۰۹۹ ۲۰ ۰۳۸ 6/۰ . 0-82: 96 سم

صفحه 23:
مر ی ‎Cr‏ ‏لداع اناه 1 يي لل لل 0 ا ا ل 0 512 7 ,وصاماطاوام عورف" وا ووصوصو عرو ‎SN RUN ue‏ أأمن 9 جم Nee ES ence Uae 0 car a UR me MLC ee ec an ed ۱ ao coe ass co ON Orr ache NS VAC me acc ee oe cs CAR coe ed Bene ceca ae Ne a co Cc eat Rat ci oad lg Nas ea ec ome 0 تطح 00006054 006/00050666ن. :00 Ore ee Rosen ‏سس مات‎ 0006 ۵۵ 6۰ ۵۵:۵۸

صفحه 24:
مل eR ‏يا لل‎ ara aS 0002. 250: 4 0 ۱4 A Meee mE a Come) Lea ea cA MLL developed ic icPacts ut high risk oP olerxp COOOS. Skee a0 Ca ‏ی‎ Peco Pac ca cord ۱ hed Smee eed = (ewe Ge eee ee i ‏ی ای 0 ی اي اس با سییر‎ 1 ‏وکا م۱‎ Cd فق ايد اطي ار ی وا ‎ee SOS)‏ اليه ذا علارد ی ‎eke‏ هط ما اي لا هن ‎OR ‏ی‎ ‎ee Gc Ns a ccc GO)‏ ل ل لل ه00 ‎chia) oP? probiviic strac wixture versus plavebo Povoroble ‎(COO ‏لل‎

صفحه 25:
4 ‏اسر‎ ‎SO ‏ها‎ ‎AUS ELCs gOS ASA cae a CaS CNS ‏وه ره وولو تحص لو مد‎ ed ۱ AC ee ee Rea ۱ AC Ad UNE EASA oa 0 6006 سان 00 0000020

صفحه 26:
aa 9 polucscturcted Paty acids Prow week CS to O-F Sa eee oP Pood lerxp (© vera 16%) onl ig(B ussvcicied” eozews (0 veras CP%) duriag peur vor it 2 ۱3۹ ‏مه رت رس رم‎ ۱ ead ‏را رل ول خن امن کاب ومیل‎ eda CR ‏اك‎ Ret ele a (Coded =. OL Ord Oe ww 199.

صفحه 27:
Oitacvia (D ۱) reviews ia past G pears Por vitasics ۱ at eas Se a Osteo ‎et‏ سای ‎eae‏ مه ‎— Orcrewed wheeze to chides ages 9 ond G whose wothers were aes ‏هی‎ ‎۱٩۱2۳ cA et IRCA anc eo are Cand Deca eco AL ‏رم‎ ‎Neat a a ana ne ac RON Maat Na Reno) oe ae ee ‎Te ‏و‎ _ ‏توس سیم از( ] ‎Sas‏

صفحه 28:
Oitawia O (RePereuves Gubertrod ER etd. Bor U Respir Ort Care Ord. COID pri d; dEa(?): 999-۰ ‎el UO aA cei ORCC sii ac ac Rect‏ ل زرا ‏206-۰ :900182:09 ه<) و6 ل و() و ‎۱ ‏اس مت‎ BO, Nurser GO, Cray LO, OcVeil G, Darterckdte G, et Sek a a re Ow Cla Our. COO? ;OS:6S9-9. ‏زر هر رک ] ‏ا ا ل تا ره ره ۱ 4 ره مس مس ۱

صفحه 29:
6 SO eer RE Em Aeon ma oe ON Oe en IN ar A RR reece Ne NN PAS AN) 21 DAMN ‏م‎ ‏رلیجه ای :ریت ادنویه لت رنه‎ VU ‏هر‎ ‎۱ ‏وه‎ ‏ال ووم حاص‎ PAN CREAN PA | aS ۱ elt Mee Se kas ‏لب سیب(‎

صفحه 30:
‎the vaset of‏ تم وا درم م۱3 ل ‎aS eS‏ مت ‎aac‏ برط ‎Se a ee ee Re ea NENG aa Cas RA cnn oO ce aN Pt a aA ‏ی‎ usetvickohae), qustevictestical dispowPon is the ody reported adverse ePPert. ‎0 an rae PA Ne De a I La Ca ol RL od ASA SAA Siod CASEI ENC NM AR Cent SR LSS oe mc cd ‎etre eke gS ‏دنه‎ ‎00 ‎|۱۳ ere a

صفحه 31:
۱۹۳۸ Cee ert ARN AU ‏7ك‎ S studies showed decrewsed casd repro ty BOP ‎RUG) Rec]‏ سم وه ام مس ‎a‏ تا ‎pole), var study showed GP-‏ کت ۱ ‎Ree Orr ane ache cas racers acc an cara es acd‏ ‎i vetirazice (GOwy ud to gd), vor study showed ow ef Pica‏ ‎URI asec a ata‏ ‎Oiqratae prophase‏ ‎]0 Noe ea Ee as eve a PPT ‏هت‎ ‎ ‎ ‏6 :۵9 ۵00 رسمه اه مه 0 ‎er nor ere)‏ 0

صفحه 32:
(Burdlpptus ۱) an oN eet ar a rar naa mT ee ae TSN Re ea ok CN Me ‏ل ا‎ ۱ a Re Re eRe ae _ NCR an BR NaS ao eer aN Rs rire ol RNS OPA ‏ل‎ ‎۱ RD RAN Cod Mn cme SR CAS ea ۱ 0 ‏ل ل يي‎ paca me aes ce ao رس مت ‎OOO‏ 000 as eae cd ۱ DMN Ca RO el a ‏مه له ,و اه رت موه راومه تحص عددا ررنممه اماطا‎ poour wil fobdaic us well. Bll utes oF udvisistratica should be Re REN SaaS Over tose

صفحه 33:
Others ا ‎rn NR DS‏ ا ‎AARNE NS CASCAS CACM ad at a Ne PRCA acs Di cane anf‏ بت ] او حا اتسوا یا RRs cd 0 viscosity oF wun: PPP eciive NCA DARN ae ‏جات عونا‎ CAS ca cP Uo CRN ENA Oca SC ‏تام‎ De a en * Ottis O: Por P@RC: © week rondowized tral oP totracasal ۱۱ ac SN at ca CPR, UN CPA ACCA DEAS Ne MCR ord Cas LN a CeCe aN BOL ha Od Sd a ‏الل‎ Rae Coe eee nu en aero ‏سای تسوت‎ ‏رل سس سح‎ 690۰۵۵

صفحه 34:
۱ هک( ‎POO wey‏ مه مر ره ‎Rae‏ ل ‎Ce‏ ‎Ouestuc work up to GOO wy day‏ ‎day‏ ۱۱ وا فا مار مهس 0 يي ا ‎DR‏ CO a Rea)

صفحه 35:
| The role of alternative and complementary treatments of asthma. Pretorius. Depanert of Aton, Schod of Nedchre, Fecuy of Heath Stones, Unverstyof Prelori, Soth Kia. resi rearsfup ‏نه‎ Abstract Asthma is one ofthe lating chranie dseases of our times wth millon of suferers wardeids and can be deine as a chuovi infarmatory disease of the atways that is terpraiy eersible etre scartaneousty or by teatmet, though thare are mary alocattic treatments ncludng bronchodilators and cofcosterds, which ether focuses on longtem contol or immediate relet, there is no siryle med cation tet is efetve against both the inlaratory and banc camponent of estima. Therefore, meny suferers tum ia aerate or complementary therapies, typical ula alogathic medications, The eunen shat communication bef revs the cisesse and vestiges the types of alervae and comalementary treatments salable to asta sues. tis canclued that heaces lke acupuncture, yo Tai Chi Chuan and hypnosis ave used by many asta patients but sezms as f many patients do nt cammunicale the use af such therapies tothe ecical fom docurened esearch, rove, show atemativetherap needed to document efiesey and populations

صفحه 36:
۲0 ۱9 ‏هه‎ ‏ا ال‎ Can 000 ‏ا ل‎ Leno ec ۱ ‏ل‎ ny ‏جكلا جا ودام بمص دوك لصوصروع‎ et ceca ‏عادصب‎ ‎Na ARS RS ‏ا‎ a ae ara as Ad gr NOM NR Rea oem POAT at aca CUA a CRC CaN aes CMAN Ca ۲) ka ase RCA Re sar ‏رو سا‎ Relea

صفحه 37:
۲۲0 SA oe ‏ل‎ RNS ms cance 0 a cee ar ae Pa as Daa NS See NS SSP CANS ace ۱ CAS aN aa oe Do ce a LAMM CNA eer Re oe od Rr MA Sens cd awe ePPevive usta’: Dkat hicd

صفحه 38:
۱ na Aes Ae eR SCA aac UN ined IAN ‏هو‎ وف ف © نكن ‎٠ ot 0‏ ‎ed‏ بت ره ۱ ‎FON AC CBee a a Lc oe ca‏ . 7 ‎ae‏ ا و۱ ‎DO1:‏ ل ‎am‏ ا ل كك اللي ‎Ce aA aU‏

صفحه 39:
۱ SI ic as oa (SLO) ‏له اس‎ woderdely severe usikwa Da Ra nal and ia aod ۱ CS Carer ACN a ۱ PAN RN mE NACL Lad Dene ‏الوم عامست ۸ وه‎ ۱۳ Ra a - )۳0۵6 ‏و تمه‎ 99.996 9 ۵ SO ee RE aera ‏ا يي‎ od ۱ CaN oe NS BAN ges cae ead reveiiny. ۱۱ 0966 060:05006<.

صفحه 40:
۱۹3 aad مها فا ‎ee OKO‏ مرس اك تصفاعك ذا وطهذا لوى تووم موصت أووب خان (020 ‎em Rei en‏ ۱۸ ی ‎aa‏ ام را را کت ‏همست م۳( ‎Octurd Oediciaes Cowpreheusive Outbasr ‎Oe A ea eS a a ‏ا يي مس اس سم‎ ee ‏ا ل ل‎

صفحه 41:
۱4۱/۸۱۱۲۱۱2۹ Ceater Por Cowplewweutary ued CF) aan om OD can rane cd Using Dietary Supplements Wisely

صفحه 42:
See National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine (NCCAM) Evidence-Based Medicine: Literature Reviews

صفحه 43:
Natural Standard The Authority on Integrative Medicine AbuutUs Databases checkers -—Tocls-—«—Cantnuing Education News & Events Testimonials Jon Bowe, PAD, CH ‘ait, The 40 ‏ام‎ Foose cn Natural Standard vas unded by neatneare posers ar researchers to poi iq, 00 ‏مسحت ص‎ 0 ‏سيم د يي يي‎ Melia Center atemaive medicine clang etary spleens and ‏سعد هی‎ es, ieee ltegrane merapes. races erect me eve! ot 1 ‏سس‎ oe avalible sclenitedaa fora agate cf wach 0 ‏سس‎ ee ie sneranytor a speane necks! conden Stone Scout Ene ‏لا‎ 0 Mare > Natural Standard provides Decision-suppott Taos fr: Providers Insurers Manufacturers ‏وود‎

صفحه 44:
۱۹۱2 Gtocrcard studies vo cotucd products ۱۱2 ‏هم و‎ oe ‏مرس مس و رز اك‎ ‏ول مت ر تمس ردو وت‎ OT ‏ره‎ ‎studies iP avaliable

صفحه 45:
Welcome! Colleagues Interact

صفحه 46:
‘Welcame Denise ساسم سمس مق 0 (search) / SORSUIMEIEAB: com’ ‘Our tssion: Te Kent the best quality heath and nuttional products through Independent testing. Type Search Tem Have @ bx. wart arimore, Awana. © Winning Medical owas Jonumen, CO “coneumerLah com's Indeperient testing of natal Imeatcanons (eth rams, Read Mors Testimonials >> 51 3 9 Recent ConsumerLab.com Reviews Probl Review is Wht Over 30% of Fish Oil ;Omega-3 Supplements Fu Wrong Amounts of Vitamin D and Pills That Dont Break Apart Now Report Roviows Cale Supplomonts and Facts Fish Oi, Krill Oi, Alga Oil and Calamari Oil Supplements Pemememeceem Reviewed Most Popular Reviews Other RecentReviews Brands ‘Mako Suro You Mutha Passo Check Rests Tor 60 ‏لماه‎ ‎Mutietamins Putts he Test Detects Fours in Over 30%, Learn How to Choose aProbiti That's Best fr You: 29 Tested Nota Prasces Cora ised greens Fa OurwWhien Deer 0010 and Ubiunot Supplements Roviowod lf Tests of 31 Praduds;Carpatisons eiCost, Dose, end ] Found in B Complex Prodts; Moto Caffe Than Expoctod “Enotay ‘Sho Oris ] amin Supplements ‘void Magnesium Supplements wi Misleaving Labels! ‏ا‎ as is toes ied aS A: Warnings 2l Supoiemenl Company lesues ral Oe To Pate ier dion Dns Resales Due Ta ‏وهی مس‎ nthe News Usa TODAY, + USA Today's stile amin D Laval, su Saye" mortions ‘Consume as co's ests Lor Menonet 2 nd Be Toa ‘Cooperman ecentydsausse6 ‘Consumers cons hinge fan concer regain senergy thine on The Dr Ge Show. ما ماع موه رسمه ده ید

صفحه 47:
۰ ‏حور(‎ ۲ al ra ae Pa UNREAD canara ate aay aU ae MEN cat an Boa Raat ae ‏جمسوجحااوجكا لجه جعصودص جهوت جراجكا صا وصااد دورو انز‎ | ‏تا تا یم بت‎ RO ۱ aca ead © Dke “Okiste ia a a aad nc an race eae carat

صفحه 48:
Ow FC% vf adults who wed CBO ia pust IC wo disclosed this to ot DD or OO; vf those who kod ever wed OM, 50% discussed OOO wi vay health care proPessivcdl (Ge) OT re ire ee ROC en hee call Dkose who did ont discuss west thely due t WOR cever Na RCE One a Ea keh Manic Na aaa cal OO da cr ae ee al Sneak) ] NU a LOL Oe aa ae ] Re eas oC Ret

صفحه 49:

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