بیماری‌هاپزشکی و سلامت

Inter country Workshop on Pesticide Management in the context of Stockholm Convention

صفحه 1:
بسح۳ = = ‎es‏ ‎SS‏ ‏= ‏= ‏= ‏= ‏3 ‎Se‏ ‏سح ‏= ‎a‏ ‏== ‏= ‎Pe‏ ‏5 ‏= ‏= ‏= ‏۳5 ‏= 7 to, 11 December 2003 Amman. - Jordan Dr, Raeisi National Program, Manager for Malaria. Control Ministry of Health & Medical Education Centre for Disease Control & Management Department of Malaria

صفحه 2:
History >» Malaria and Leishmaniasis are still the most important parasitic diseases in Iran. “Before establishment of malaria control program (1950): " 60 % of population of the country were inhabited in malarious area. = 4-5 million annual malaria cases were reported " 30-40% of deaths were attributed to malaria.

صفحه 3:
> One third of the annual budget of the Ministry of Health was being allocated for malaria control . "Current situation of Vector Borne Diseases >15558 Malaria,13941 Cutaneous Leishmaniasis, 197 Kala-azar and 95 CCHF cases are reported in 2002.

صفحه 4:
There are some constrains regarding to V.B.D in Iran that should be addressed : High Burden of Vector Borne Diseases in neighboring countries ¥ Socio - economic impact Infected areas are mainly located in less developed areas Y Variety of vectors Y Political instability (crisis) in some neighboring countries

صفحه 5:
” Current Vector Control >General apSliG¥h is based "National s?Pat¥Odc plan for malaria control has special focus : 5 1-Evidence based decision making » Entomological surveys

صفحه 6:
» Epidemiological data ectio ‎of insecticide‏ و ‎resistance ‎»Vector control plan of action in peripheral levels

صفحه 7:
2-Integrated vector control activities as ews esource mobilization , use of all available resources & comprehensive activities to all vector borne diseases 3-Prioritisation > Bnwngumenhel cnpeagenaent protection ( through community awareness effort )

صفحه 8:
»Promotion of using ITN’s » Biological control : * Bacillus thuringiensis H-14 ¢ Larvivorus fish

صفحه 9:
Pesticides reystraivg ta Trad. ve OP Perec oryeazutceshwristies based va thet vespousiblites are twolved ‏,مشاه با‎ providiag, distributer ccd .wiey oF pesticides «

صفحه 10:
4-۳ 0۳۴ oP Pood , Orug ond Ooswete Wed care Out oP Otistry oP Wells ©- Ortertcary Orqucizuios 3-Orpertced oP Guvircarrod ond Orrupaiond Wed, Orsi oF Weds. 4-1( ‏مومهم‎ of Osewe Court (DCO), Onisiry oF Weds. طحیی) جهن ‎Orastry‏ -5

صفحه 11:
It should be mention that: The five above organizations are supervised by a Higher committee at the ministerial level called “Higher Committee on Supervision of Pesticide The committee consists : 1) The Minister/representative of Ministry of Health 2) Minister of Agriculture 3) Ministry of Industry 4) Environmental Protection Organization. Any change in pesticide regulation law or any new decision needs to confirm by the Higher Committee.

صفحه 12:
The Plant Protection Organization has a legislation issued by Higher Committee (HCSP) and approved by the Parliament.

صفحه 13:
The committee members are: 1) the representative of School of Public Health (MOH&ME) 2) Representative of Institute of Pest and Agricultural Research (Ministry of Agriculture) 3) Representative of Institute of Nutrition( Ministry of Science& Higher Education) 4) A Senior Expert in pest control, nominated by the Ministry of Agriculture (PPO). 5) The Director General for PPO

صفحه 14:
The Procedure for Registration of Public Health pesticide Registration is through PPO ,there is a pesticide Board on which the MOH has a permanent Rep.&Efficacy study where necessary are carried out by the School of Public Health on behalf of MOH.

صفحه 15:
In first step the compound will be nominated to be tested in the field. The compound will be referred to related research organization for laboratory and field biological tests. The field tests should be carried out in two successive years in two different geographical situations.

صفحه 16:
After biological test, the result will be reviewed by the committee. In the case of positive effect of biological tests and reliability of results, the pesticide will be registered for three years.

صفحه 17:
After the temporary registration, the pesticide will be put in the list of proposed pesticide for pest control in the country. The information of registered pesticide will also put ina booklet, prepared by PPO, includes short notes on specification and formulation , target pest, toxicity, packaging and chemical properties ...

صفحه 18:
Different group of Pesticides used in agriculture in Iran (year'2002) لح ‎YS‏ 0 ل ‎red‏ 7 Rodenticide Tnsecticide+ tenets [۱-7 Pere ‏ملف ممعم‎ renee Reseed ۱0 reeset 6 [ ۱ 17 3 Fre) Pesticide Group OP 9 ۰3 oy نا 5 7 ۳0 ‏ممه‎ 516 ‘OP [1 eer 2 ecg eee oes ‏ات1‎ ادص 10 Sena) ۱ ار ‎orc‏ pT renee) resis

صفحه 19:
used for Malaria control in Iran (year 1998) تن ‎(kg/liter)‏ ‏525554 ‏2732 ‏770 ‏09 ‏138 341567 0 ‏لمهم‎ ‎5 ‎‘Adulticia ‎0 ‎۳۳ ‎۳ عل تضم 20000 وود 2۹ ‎cA‏ ‎oP‏ ‎oP‏ ‏3 موه ان Insecticide ened Lesser 102 Posy ross ۹۹ 161 ‏مه‎ عندطة له (معمزط ‎Peet‏

صفحه 20:
Insecticide used for Malaria control in Iran (1999) (uci ۹ ‏تن ما6۵‎ ‏تن‎ ۱ 1202 24 ees 17443 3 aes oN eer) 2258 04 ‏عتالتاعم‎ 95 erect) 775 ‏هفلم‎ 95 Pera) 1800 et oP ۳9 16 eel Oil Larvicid | 56268 8 0 compound 0

صفحه 21:
Insecticide used for Malaria control in Iran (ent ores 0 ‏عناملا‎ ‏كنا‎ (kafliter) 1602 23 Adulticid | 15506 8 eos 33 1 9 8 ‏عتللتاعم‎ op ۳ 843 ‏هلم‎ 0 erate 2549 et op 11 16 ‏مم‎ 00000 erst 300 Ec 3 Kerosene | Oilcompound | Larvicid 55 Diesel oil | Oilcompound | TLarvicid | 26490

صفحه 22:
Insecticide used for Malaria control in Iran (ent ores 0 ‏عناملا‎ ‏كنا‎ (kafliter) 1602 23 Adulticid | 15506 8 eos 33 1 9 8 ‏عتللتاعم‎ op ۳ 843 ‏هلم‎ 0 erate 2549 et op 11 16 ‏مم‎ 00000 erst 300 Ec 3 Kerosene | Oilcompound | Larvicid 55 Diesel oil | Oilcompound | TLarvicid | 26490

صفحه 23:
Insecticide used for Malaria control in Iran (2002) Name of Class ‏ميمت‎ enor ister (kgfliter) ‏«0ع1‎ PY emits) 8288 de eects 3 ‏تالمهم‎ 905 3 ‏عتلتاعة‎ 3 ۳ 265 ‏سملم‎ 068 ۳9 2146 ‏وطق‎ 068 ۳9 75 Penner 9 ae meeatet) 82 Diesel oil | Oilcompound | Larvicid | 15000

صفحه 24:
Insecticide used for Veterinary pests control in Iran (200: Pesticide name | Pesticide Group ne WMBRticiae | oP ne 1 ۳۹ ۱ ‏ا ا‎ 00 Insecticide- | OP Acaricide ۱ | ۱ Insecticide | ۶ oun Insecticide | Teriazin Cyhalothrin ‏لاط | -ملنع مع عفمة‎ ۳ Cyfluthrin ecto Coan Acaricide ‏ستعط ةصحو م رن‎ Insecticide | PY ۱ ۱۳ 29 Acaricide eee Insecticide- | OP ‏حیحص یرام‎ Acaricide ۱ 00 | ۱ 0 000 caricide

صفحه 25:

34,000 تومان