26 صفحه
3804 بازدید
25 بهمن 1396


صفحه 1:

صفحه 2:
Cw uo - Wistory ora va dy CO, (ORS Wis Poker wus u wicister. ‎teuckers, ued‏ را ‎bead pbservier‏ رل سعه او ‎Precds of oo‏ ‎Questoded Christca viewpoicts wad diPPRered Prow kis Putker’s teuckicgs.

صفحه 3:

صفحه 4:
Cw uo - Wistory ®eryac studyiey vader Pred in (OOP. Geparcted Prow Preud ic (O09 aed begac ty neat develop his vue theories, bused va persowd experiewe OPRter his sepurcion, ‏ا سوت وروی‎ discounted kis ideas ood believed he wes tom work ‏رون و لاوز‎ to treat poets cod work oo his Pica vortices Contoured wp wot his deat. ‏رل‎ died va duce ©, 0

صفحه 5:
Cu ua — Wistory oP MRevries We dPP erected betwwerc tuo types oF people uscordiey t7 Loter ke separcied Pour Pucriives of the wid, thickiog, Pert, be wes very interested io the study ood foterpretiiva oP dreuns coed how ‏وام وه له توص سا لاه بو‎ ‏عاامرو اما لصاح مصل‎ Pourd throughout history io retgiost, urs, dbhewy, od stories uso povured io the dreads oP his protien. ‎oF‏ وم ‎cowplexes were his terc Por the‏ مرو ‎thewe.‏ اوه و ولمم

صفحه 6:
Cu ua — Wistory oP MRevries We related this wis his study oP words oad how they que clues to nique psyche wohke-up ia schizophresir potiects ut the ®urghvett Wospitd ia Durick, Guitzertocrd. Gtudied the Christica Retyica ood discovered thot twos port oP ot We dv studied the Dezt revoluiog ond therefore ‏اجه عم‎ oF beta 0 Dazi syxoputhizer. (Boiey bepood reud's basic approack to tasdt aeuroses, due sv lwcorporied the wectdly dercaged, psychotics, ood “coral”

صفحه 7:

صفحه 8:
‎(Pree - Wistory‏ لمبمب۶) ‎* Ow 9, 098-8۰7 99,9 ۰ LQ » ‎© Priebery, Doran

صفحه 9:

صفحه 10:
‎(Pree - Wistory‏ لمبمب۶) ‎* Oeveloped the theory oP kusvod wied ood Ruan behavior os well us cloicdl techoiques Por utte<ptteg ‏صا‎ more psychopathology. ‎© Dke yoo oP Preudicd therapy, or psyohoordipsis, was to briny 17 pousvinusuess, repressed thoughts, ood ‏كاده"‎ ‎۰ Dkeory of Oucvasrious Died: sugested thot suck devlorcivos oP Pree wil are io Poot ‏وه رای امه وه رن تما تلو‎ oP what we thiok ood ‏ما و ۳ نم ماه‎ hove lite tt ‏صل‎ ‎wits pur cousins thoughts. We proposed thot wwvorrurss existed fo hers cod thot soce thoughis cocurred "below the surPuce."

صفحه 11:
Unconscious 0

صفحه 12:
عفص ‎Whe Wd is based va‏ ۰ عت ‎ubout‏ لي لك 0 اه لح لا له ,رزوی رنه عا باه ,عطو موم ‎sutisPurtioa.‏

صفحه 13:
Exp ° Dhe ew is bused vc the ° 4s the eqp's job to weet the meds oP the id, white

صفحه 14:

صفحه 15:
Cowl ua - Orchetpes Orcketppes ure putteras Wwhick exist ut the suboousvivus level Tre Gkadow The Ooi ond Ours The Gyan The ‏بیان‎ Tre Ger

صفحه 16:
The Gkadow ٠ Whe shadow projects the dark side oP purseles ‏واه اه‎ ood ioterprets thew us ‘epoxies’

صفحه 17:
دصو 8 ٠ Dre ‏و وس‎ persvodiiy, os presed ia the ‏جل ادكه ددس‎ oF the wole. ٠ oo be ‏لد" اسك‎ us dl oP the ‏صصاععه حصن‎ ‏روم نمی‎ quotes thot a ool 1775555525. © Dke conve is ‏جه باسك‎ poppy oP a wor’ wotker but wap usv icorporde uspevis oP sisters, cunts, ued teachers.

صفحه 18:
uius * @uakous is cousidered to be thot coturd cred ‏سم رس‎ oP the wied's uvtiviy ond processes ‏ناه متم وكميج‎ dispeustay wis persocd, whic is the “woosk" displped fo interactives with ‏اه‎ ‎ued whick hos beeo shaped by svvintizatiod.

صفحه 19:
صرق ٠ ‏ی و رو مها لالج رل لول‎ wo archetypal puirtay ‏وی اه‎ sexu ppposites, Wwhick spxobolized the poweunivativd oF the ‏ره روموت لو حور‎ Nhe ‏مه مب اه ماو زور‎ without the loss ve ‏راز‎

صفحه 20:
Pke Child * Whoo tobe the Pores oP a child Who disphops ‎quoliies «vie, Por exavple, wise whive‏ نله ‎to their Prieads or viceversa‏

صفحه 21:
Phe GelP * A siqeiPies the cokered whole, uciPied pousvivustess wed waopusvivus oF u perso. The Geb, uccorday to duc, is recized us the proodunt oP iedividuativa, Lhick it Guo view is the provess oP tote qratugy ‏موم و‎

صفحه 22:

صفحه 23:
۱ tocer vpposite oP the Yellow Oulpaper” is the wowed the camuior perceives is bebied the potted oP the uxipuper. Wer shadow wow is 0 persvoivdiod oP her voovusvious desire to be Pree. Gke seve the wowed “skoke” the paper, us ker vasosvivus is prosdicaved. The shadow Pewale soul, io “he Pightiogy to escape her vwower is ds uble to brave the wow, sowethiny the omer is uouble to do. ‏وی و‎ projects ker iccer peurcien to the shadow wowed Por ker to carry out.

صفحه 24:
° Dhis ‏اجه و۳ و لمجا) ۲و عمجم مه وله هط مور ررولجله‎ displace wed. The ‏وه‎ sures the wooo oso tok too place vier thoc thot rood ond displices ker Perks upoo ker, stag heros oo utlet Por behovior (“oreepie by davicht” (Biro 90°? )) she would owt suoru to herselP ‏رجا( سا لت‎ ‏نموه‎ her ithe ead. Repression is oso cacther vor of ‏بط امس‎ werkodsws. She comuor, by projevtiag ker vowniizg to the vow it he woulpaper, represses und decies her ‏ماس(‎ to the potot where she cost hoode it cay ‏جوا‎

صفحه 25:
© Dke comator’s id is repressed throughout the story to the poiat where it ‏هه‎ Prep io a Pit oP spastic ‏مه‎ the oreepioy. Gke strogyes with the betle betweru ker id ced supereyo throughout. Phe superey7 io that she vodts to do wht is wordy acceptable Por a wower>» wit ‏مج و‎ ot thot tficoe, ocd to please her husbued. Dhe id to thot she wodts to vorite ‏لجه‎ wots despite ker husboad’s Porbiddiacgy ker to. 415 represstacy the selPisk ‏وت‎ oP ker id, the ‏حون‎ diwicdes into ‏وولو‎

صفحه 26:
Oorks Oited "DKPoyck." Poyehvbyy Okworvrw ot DKPayrh Ouke. D1 hy COO. A Opr COOP ship ‏<اسس واه‎ ‎oP Orhutord ond Gord Orr. DS Da COO.‏ مس سمو(ا) صاسسیه(4- )۵ "مج یج مس /نوه> 90000۵ ‎Opr‏ 000 ‎@ikows, Charts. “Dhes Yellow Dalpaper.” Dubtey Lierture Dater: Ou Dubolvyy Por Reurbers: ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎od Driers. Od. deka Orhib lobo OlPPard. Devers, ۰ “decry, Cord.” Caryopects Oring. COOP. Beaybopecta Ortaca Oxlke. ID Bprt ‎ ‎BOO? Coc Covey Cowsrriy Ookee: Library, Phra ‏تم‎ ‎hip ://srarvh.eb.evenheblartoke-ODPEISS ‎1 ‏عمط‎ wou. DE hee CDOS. 10 Opr COOP <hipithwurn Mae Divecow>. ‎Okb, Oxeve. aut, “Derry, Oourexe, onal Love”. Onl. OP. OprienPiekl Ovex. Pet 600۰ ‎"۵: ‏سد‎ 7 Bole Lieray Ducbwr. ID Opt COOP. Ova Ooucty Ovexmeay ‏انا‎ ‎Dibra, Phra "1" ‏ساس ا لنصقنا سمج‎ uke yroup cose,

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