صفحه 1:
Kanban system pedram houshangi 8525022 javad hajihoseini 8528007 023

صفحه 2:
Contents 36 0 ‏عه‎ ‎os) ‎= CEE EEE)

صفحه 3:
۱ ۱۷۷۵ ۷۵۷ ۲ 15 ۰ n ‘integrated set of activities designed to achieve high-volume production using minimal inventories of raw materials, finished goods & work in process. E

صفحه 4:
Types of Wast erproduction + Waiting “Transportation Inefficient processing “Inventory “Unnecessary motion “Product defects $124

صفحه 5:
Z kanban 8 ms, System is an information em that harmoniously controls 2 production of the necessary ducts in the necessary quantities at the necessary time in every process of a factory and also among companies, which is known as the JIT production. [Monden] A Kanban is a tool to achieve JIT production. It is simply a card which is usually put in a rectangular vinyl envelope. [Monden]

صفحه 6:
Okt ts ceeded Okes tis ceeded (he coon ceeded ow system to develop JIT system ‘ind of “Pull System”

صفحه 7:
A Key Objective re » ‘Deliver the material just-in-time to ‘the manufacturing workstations ~ Pass information to the preceding stage as to what and how much to produce

صفحه 8:
> A 9 > x 9 5 0 os 0 - 9 or ١ 0 ۱ 5 SS ۳ 8 0 ۳۳ Container with withdrawal kanban —> Flow of work 6 Container with production kanban ===» Flow of kanbans

صفحه 9:
it (aboa (Comepor (Coabuc) Procuction Kooba * Supply Kanban * Procurement Kanban * Subcontract Kanban * Auxiliary Kanban

صفحه 10:
- Primary Kanb: a vels from one stage to another 9 g main manufacturing cells or ction preparation areas سل درل( * موم ملس ۶

صفحه 11:
r\ ivels from a warehouse or storage cility to a manufacturing facility

صفحه 12:
۱ 6 . ۰۲ Other Kanba Pr }curement Kanban ۱ ‏ا ما‎ cust oP o copay he ‏رحج‎ ‎Wed ‎* Subcontract Kanban — Drvels betwers ‏ای و وله‎ * Auxiliary Kanban — Express Koobud, eweryeuy Koabaa, Coober Por event ‏ی‎

صفحه 13:

صفحه 14:
Je, Kanban Contr f \: = leer ve oP vont ۰ Gioxte-hoobod systew * Oud-hoaboa systew * Gewi-dud-hoobod spstew

صفحه 15:

صفحه 16:
5 وه اهاط زر — f ویو

صفحه 17:

صفحه 18:
(3 Large Large Low Slow Not necessary ymparison of three kanba types DKS. Moderate Small Fast Moderate Necessary 9 Parameter SKS Distance between two stages. Small WIP between two stages Small Turnover of kanbans Fast Turnover of WIP Fast Synchronization of production Necessary and movement of WIP

صفحه 19:

صفحه 20:
۰ Kanban rules rh bsequent process should vithd draw the necessary product from the preceding process in the necessary quantities at the necessary point in time.

صفحه 21:
Kanban rules ‎preceding process should product‏ ۲ و ‎of @ quantities withdrawn by the‏ ‎subsequent process.‏ ‎* Defective product should never be convened to the subsequent process. ‎“The number of kanban should be minimized. ‎

صفحه 22:

صفحه 23:
Kanban rules n should be used to adapt to nall fluctuation in demand .

صفحه 24:
سس( ‎A‏ © ‏اس‎ ‎—— > sition fenton 0 Container +kanban Q) Station’ اه اوه مهم سا 0 ‎kanban .‏ ملظ و ‎‘Kanban Post jgooo)‏ ‎‘Withdrawal kanban‏ 1 اه ‎Machine | 0‏ ‏| 68 1 6ق .وض ‎4 5 ‎A ‎Tnput Stock Area. ‘Output Stock ‎Flow of work ———> Flow of kanbon « ~ ‎ ‎A single stage of the production system, ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎

صفحه 25:

صفحه 26:
OUTPUT TECHNIQUE FACTORS | MODEL | INPUT سيستم كانباتى تحیلی ثوری صف هدف تعيين مفاهیم صفهای جفتی تعیین تعداد ‎Soke‏ کانبان ‎plana‏ مدل ریا هزینه آماده قلا تعیین تعداد محصولی و چند ۳ سازی,نگهداری,کم بیان مرحله ای جود محيط توليدى مدل شبیه «الالا-زمان شبيه سازى روش دینامیک ‎by Use‏ تولید تعيين تعداد كانيان سیستم تک مدل مارکوفی هنت برنامه ریزی پوبای گسسته تعبیت ماشينى و دو يبوسقه =« تن عقب افنادهو ‎oes‏ ‏محصولى فروش از دست ‎eens‏ ‏رفتة کانبان ‎Seine Simulated anneling-genetic- as) aug Ua =‏ 6 هزینهرسرعت ‎tabu‏ کانبا ازی همكراين 39 بيستم مدل ریاضی - شبکه های عصبی تعیین پارامتر هان تولیدی با ‎So‏ ‏تغییرات تقاضا ‎a‏ ‏سیستم دارای ‌ معیار کارایی و روش تاگوچی تعیین تعداد عدم قطعيت ‎obj eb‏ کانبان ‎eure‏ وک ا لا 1 5 ا را ل وه ع

صفحه 27:

صفحه 28:
Method 1 A linear programming model for fixed Kanban determination We use an integer linear programming method to Calculate the number of kanban for each stage ,aiming to minimise total inventory cost for a given planning horizon (0

صفحه 29:
Station’ مش و ‎١‏ لعيه سس ‎score‏ ۳ 28۱ 4 ۲ 2 5 سس مص ‎ine | ©‏ ‎cm‏ .ب همه 9 ‎we, 8, ۱ 2 |B Metin‏ ‎we‏ ‎Input Sto Aten pu Sock‏ ‎Pow afk ——> Rawmateril tsi at tonto‏ Flow of kanbon « ~ Finished productatsti A Coutsner+taaban (GQ) A single stage of the production system, (0

صفحه 30:
Desciption Production stages Planing horizon (consisting of production psids) Holding cost for uit of inventory per produetion period at stage‘? Shortage cost (per inventory unit) Production capacity available at stage‘? at each period Capacity required at stage" forthe production of one unit of inventory Units ofthe product at stage required by unit of product at sage +1° Initial inventory at stage °7 Demand for ial product (at stage I) at period“? Description Production quantity at stage ‘at period‘ Number of Kanbras allocated 10 stage"? [Number of Kanbans attached to the containers at stage‘? atthe end of period 9° Positive inventory at stage‘ at the end of period‘? Negative inventory at tage‘ a the end of period‘? Units of product require at stage ‘fat period '? Set of O and 1 variables A big number . Parameters and vari Parameters aod saribles wed in Method 1 \ Parameters 1 1 key Variables Ye Uy 0 i کر ©.

صفحه 31:
۱ رن ۳ ند | 2 2 Subject to: 2) ) tnventory ‏اج > پل‎ consumption at each station for ‏عمط یرل‎ (3) J each period. a ‏ده‎ balance ia = Ug t Xu ~ Ray a relations 5 ‏جنا دبلا‎ Xig— Rl, Ce T AS bel Relation between Kivi ‏ادا‎ ©) Sthe number of Kanbans and the initial inventory, ‏گیل‎ )7( [ Relations between the number of Xin SKi~ Cig, )8( [ kanbans and the production Xi SK — Vir. (9) | quantity at each stage of each

صفحه 32:
Relations between production quantity at each station und the end of the period inventory at the preceding sta. Relation hetween production ‘quantity and total capacity of the station. Relations between the number of | Kanbans und the poduction quantity of each stage for ‘each period Relations between production quantity at each station and the end 7 of the period inventory at the preceding stage Relation between production quantity and total capacity of the < 4 سانا كبوا رسو nak Un aX iB, a — Ki + U2 MU — 1), Nip Kit Vie 2 MOB, — De riX ns — Ucro® MU — 0, )4< سوماق - ویر ی

صفحه 33:
(13) (4) | Relations between “and 1” (15) variables 0 Positive or (17) (negative situations of the inventory. < 4 کل + ال + ر2ل 6+ بل ج رل ۱ رر16+ 12 باه راب6 +ی13 Uy = Uj, Variables limitations Nip Up20, Ups UNRESTRICTED Ky SINTEGER i= |... -1 DB Med 1:0 oF Vth T, (0 as)

صفحه 34:
umber of detached Kanbans available at the start of each period, quivalent quantity of raw material available at the start of each period, = production capacity available at each period.

صفحه 35:
Method 2 a ma. ae" —A linear programming model for flexible Kanban determination In this method, the number of kanbans for each stage can vary between production periods at any given planning horizon. A linear programming method has been developed which determines the number of kanbans for each stage, through minimising total inventory cost for the planning horizon. (0

صفحه 36:
ayy «sy a9) 00 ‘This is subject to those relations given for Method 1 together with the following additional relations: Ki = Kia + Kip Kip ‏سيا‎ ‎Ka = Kit Ky Ky 1 Ku skit Kio, 1 ‏ور جر‎ - 3 Further variable limitations are 0 1-۱ Kio) INTEGER,

صفحه 37:
Software: Numerical exampl Industrial LINGO /pc-release3.0 8000 constraints&16000 variables ‘We consider a production system consisting of 4 stages with the input parameter values as given below. Ky = 26, 26, 56, 42, 22 a=02 32, 20, 14 10, 16, 22, 22, 18, 15 CK=1 B; = 480, 480, 480, 480 1 1 =6 27 12 2

صفحه 38:
Results 3 numerical example using 1 ‏اسر‎ 2 ki \ 11 ممم 1 ایو ‎Ko=‏ | ‎Uo=i6‏ | ‎Stage?‏ ‎Stage‏ ‎Kon‏ ‎Uo= 20‏ ‎Saget‏ Holding cost: Backlog cost: Kanban change cost=9.0

صفحه 39:
جوم« See Stier هد ید ود و و و

صفحه 40:
n for Method 2 at different demand variance situations. 9% cost redetion 43 49 Av. total cost Method 2 a urs 125.7 4 ‎ost Method 1‏ اما و 11886 ‏14994 ‏دوكر ‏وه ‎ ‎3 ‎1۳1 ‎Wis) ‎NilS9) ‎9 ‏ع‎ ‏ع‎ ‎is ‎1 ‎Sas ‎& ‎4 ‏رت ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎

صفحه 41:
\ 1 oy Effect of demand mean variation on total cos! Cost reduction=%6.4 [N(20,3)] Example No. —*-NG59) ME N(I5.3) ‏رمي‎ “2 NIZO.9) Method 2 Method 1 Method 2 Method 1 2200 2000 = 1800 ۳ 1800 & 1400 1200 1000 (0

صفحه 42:
backlog cost -=-holding cost ~ total cost

صفحه 43:
۵-00اهسوت -walfa=0.2 04س اد ۳ مسي جسم 3 1 2 3 4 5 6 Reduction in total cost for Method 2 for different values of alfa 5 165 7 ad ۳ ۳ 7 te a 80 5 Be 7 ie gy pci 2 9 ae o° oz os eet

صفحه 44:
(0,14,2,14,2,14,2,14) ( روش ول -(۲ (,3,10,3,10,3,14,00) (روش‌دوم) -(۱))۱,۲ حالت ایستا 2

صفحه 45:
13 14 15 الكوى تا ‎N(15,3)‏ ‎N(15,3)‏ ‎N(15,3)‏ ‎N(15,3)‏ ‎N(15,3)‏ ‎N(15,6)‏ ‎N(15,6)‏ ‎N(15,6)‏ ‎N(15,6)‏ ‎N(15,6)‏ ‎N(15,9)‏ ‎N(15,9)‏ N(15,9) N(15,9) N(15,9) (0,0,0,11,5,11,5,11) (0,12,0,12,0,12,0,12) (0,12,0,12,0,12,0,12) (0;2;5;11,5,11,5,11) (0,0,4,12,4,12,4,12) (0,7,9,7,9,7,9,7) (16,12,16,12,16,12,16,12) (7,12,7,12,7,12,7,12) (0,3,6,8,8,8,8,8) (0,14,2,14,2,14,2,14) (0,0,0,0,8,8,8,8) (21,12,21,12,21,12,21,12) (9,12,9,12,9,12,9,12) (0,4,6,10,6,10,6,10) )4:15:5,15 515/515 [ 2۷)۱,۲( ()۱,۲( [METHOD 2] [METHOD1] (0,0,0,11,2,11,2,11) (0,14,0,10,0,10,0,10) (0,14,0,10,0,10,0,10) (0,3,4,12,1,12,1,12) (0,0,4,13,0,13,0,13) (1,6,10,6,7,6,7,6) (21,7,21,7,16,7,16,7) (10,12,10,12,4,12,4,12) (0,2,7,8,5,8,5,8) (0,13,6,11,2,11,2,11) (0,0,0,0,8,5,8,5) 22,1 7,2 1۰5,1۰۵, ۰ 17.5) ۱13: 12 713/12, ۱12/۵۱12 (0,6,5,11,2,11,2,11) (4,15,6,14,2,14,2,14)

صفحه 46:
a's 1-در نظر گرفتن هرینه های آماده سازی در تابع هدف 2-سیستم مقدار برداشت ثابت ,برداشت غیر ثابت 3-وارد کردن حداقل سطح سرویس در محدودیت ها برای کنترل سفارشات برگشت خورده 4-بررسی سایر پارامترها در عملکرد مدل(ضرایب مصرق موجودی,موجودی اولیه و..) 5-بررسی اثرات ترکیبی ناشی از تغییرات پارامترها روی عملکرد سیستم) 6-ارزیابی مدل های برنامه ریزی خطی از طریق مقایسه نتایج با نتایج مدل های شبیه سازی 7-تعیین تعداد کانبان در یک سیستم تولید لا محصولی در ایستگاه نهایی) 8-تصحیح تعداد کانبان های ایستگاه در حالتی که مقادیر پیش بینی پارامترها با مقادیر واقعی متفاوت باشند

صفحه 47:

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