بیماری‌هاپزشکی و سلامت

Larynx Inflammatory diseases

صفحه 1:
Larynx Inflammatory diseases

صفحه 2:
+ Larynx Inflammatory diseases croup syndrome Acute Laryngitis chronic Laryngitis

صفحه 3:
Croup (Laryngotracheitis) describes a range of upper respiratory conditions infants and young children: barking cough older children and adults: hoarseness a mild and self-limited illness significant upper airway obstruction, respiratory distress, and, rarely, death can occur

صفحه 4:
Viral croup (also called classic croup) commonly in children six months to three years of age Croup is usually caused by viruses ۳ Bacterial infection may occur secondarily the most common cause: Parainfluenza virus type 1 Spasmodic croup | always occurs at night The onset and cessation of symptoms are abrupt the duration of symptoms is short Fever is typically absent, but mild upper respiratory tract symptoms (eg, coryza) may be present

صفحه 5:
Table 1. Viral Presentations of Croup Etiology Frequency Severity Peak incidence Parainfluenza virus types 1 to Frequent Variable (usually severe Winter and spring 3 (type 1 is most common) with type 3 virus) Enterovirus Occasional to frequent —_ Usually mild Fall Human bocavirus Occasional to frequent —_ Usually mild Spring and fall Influenza A and B viruses Occasional to frequent Variable (severe with Winter influenza A virus) Respiratory syncytial virus Occasional to frequent Mild to moderate Winter Rhinovirus Occasional to frequent Usually mild Fall Adenovirus Occasional Mild to moderate Winter Measles Rare Moderate to severe During measles epidemics Nore: Etiologies listed in approximate order of frequency. Information from references 3, 10, and 11

صفحه 6:
Acute Laryngitis patient has symptoms of laryngitis for less than 3 ‏تت‎ Signs and symptoms of acute laryngitis Odynophonia, Dysphagia, Odynophagia, Dyspnea, Rhinorrhea, Postnasal discharge, Sore throat, Congestion, Fatigue, Malaise etiology : vocal misuse, exposure to noxious agents, or infectious agents leading to upper respiratory tract infections (most viral) small dilated vasculature on the inflamed vocal folds

صفحه 7:
Inhaling humidified air Complete voice rest is suggested Prevailing data do not support the use of antihistamines and corticosteroids A study by Miller et al indicated that a mouth and throat spray containing the osmolyte ectoine is effective against acute pharyngitis and/or laryngitis, demonstrating good to very good tolerability and reducing cervical lymph node swelling to a significantly greater degree than saline lozenge

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Chronic Laryngitis patient has symptoms of laryngitis for more than 3 weeks Hoarse voice and dysphonia Chronic cough is reportedly most marked at night Dysphagia and otalgia: shared innervation between the throat and the pharynx

صفحه 10:
Laboratory studies: 602 Sputum cultures and sensitivities for bacteria, fungi, and viruses Swab of the laryngeal mucosa, culture and sensitivities for bacteria, fungi, and viruses Serologic markers for autoimmune disorders Studies for tuberculosis and syphilis when such conditions are being considered

صفحه 11:
Imaging studies Lateral plain neck radiograph Chest radiograph CT scanning and MRI Barium swallow studies, double-contrast upper gastrointestinal (Gl) series, manometry Videostrobe

صفحه 12:
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