صفحه 1:

صفحه 2:
Welcome to SWI-Prolog (Version 4.0.9) Copyright (c) 1990-2000 University of Amsterdam. Copy policy: GPL-2 (see www.gnu.org) For help, use ?- help(Topic). or ?- apropos(Word). You nta Prolog now.

صفحه 3:
?- append([abc,def],[ghi,Imn],L). L = [abe, def, ghi, Imn] Yes ?- append([abc,def],L, [abc,def,ghi,Imn]). L = [ghi, Imn]

صفحه 4:
06 You can enter consult mode by typing in “[user]” at the “?-” 3 9 AtCcm-vCOMey Mm ilteen br ysitiemy-\ anal omes ns , type in what you want entered into your database. ale(john). male(mary). ther(john,mary). ‘eat(massey). 1s_a_job(mary). 1e last fact is entered and at the “|:” prompt, enter a « > consult mode. An example is shown on the next slide

صفحه 5:

صفحه 6:
Listing your predicates = x 00000 irra

صفحه 7:
?- listing(likes/2). /* we could have said “listing(likes).” in this case*/ likes(tom, jerry). likes(mary, john). likes(tom, mouse). likes(tom, jerry). likes(jerry, cheeze). likes(Gjohn,book). knows(tom,john).

صفحه 8:
Tracing your program trace. notrace. Or simply n. spy(likes/2). nospy

صفحه 9:
?- trace. Yes [trace] ?- likes(X,Y). Call: (7) likes(_G332, _G333) ? | creep | Exit: (7) likes(tom, jerry) ? creep X= tom Y = jerry; Redo: (7) likes(_G332, _G333) ? | creep Exit: (7) likes(mary, john) ? creep =X = mary Y =john; = Redo: (7) likes(_G332, G333) ? creep Exit: (7) likes(tom, mouse) ? creep X= tom 5 Y = mouse ; Redo: (7) likes(_G332, _G333) ? creep Exit: (7) likes(tom, jerry) ? creep X= tom

صفحه 10:
x = jerry Y = cheeze ; Redo: (7) likes(_G332, - _G333) ? creep ' Exit: (7) likes(mary, fruit) ? creep X = mary LY = fruit ; Redo: (7) likes(_G332, 1 _G333) ? creep Exit: (7) likes(john, book) ? creep X = john Y = book; Fail: (7) likes(_G332, G333) ?

صفحه 11:

صفحه 12:
owns(john, book). owns(victoria, book), owns(george, book), owns(john,book(prolog,clocksin_and_meéllish)y- 2 ‏ی‎ ‎owns(victoria, book(prolog,bratko)). a — 5 5 a — = ‏يي يي‎ = > = = ‏کل‎ owns(john,book(prolog,author(clocksin_and_mellish),year(1994 owns(victoria, book(prolog,author(bratko),year(2001), edit} 2 = = = 4

صفحه 13:

صفحه 14:
rithmetic Operators 2 ‏+ع‎ ‎i" ubtr eens * multiplication NEN i] fivision — RRs

صفحه 15:

صفحه 16:
?- concen(X,Y). X=us Y = 91.6667 Yes ?- concen(X,Y). X=us Y = 91.6667 ; X = china Y= 315.5; X=nz Y=16;

صفحه 17:

صفحه 18:
‎ot‏ يم ‎Nee ‏ی‎ ‎ple: ‎two positive integers X and Y, their greatest common ‎yr “D” is found according to the following: ‎<= YthenD=X < < Y then D = greatest common devisor of X and Y - X < > Y then D = do the same as above with X and Y interché ‎ ‎0 is 5 ae a a ee

صفحه 19:
gced(X,X,X). gcd(X,Y,D) :-X <Y, Zis Y -X, gcd(X, Z, D). gcd(X,Y,D) :- Y<X, gcd(Y, X, D). gcd(X,Y,D) :- Y<X, ZisX-Y, 2- gcd(20,15,D). D=5 Yes 2 gcd(0,15,D). ERROR: Out of local stack

صفحه 20:
?- edit(fact). % d:/prolog/fact.pl compiled 0.00 sec, 64 bytes Yes ?- fact(6,X). X= 720 Yes ?- fact(3,X). X=6 Yes

صفحه 21:

صفحه 22:
The list is the main data structure in Prolog. A list may be empty: 11 or it may contain one or more terms (constants, variables or structures). [a,b,c,d,e] [5,8,3,9,7] [the, boy, run] A list can be split into a head and a tail: [H|T]. grades(john, [70,87,90,58]). ?- grades(john, [H|T]). H=70 T= [87,90,58

صفحه 23:
[©,0,6] [[سحاصر حصصب] ,صاط ,لج ] ‎DY, wb]‏ fhe, [bev nn] {s].b.2.<] 1

صفحه 24:
?- [a, b, c] = [Head | Tail]. Head =a Tail = [b, c] ?- [the, [boy,run]]=[Head| Tail]. Head = the Tail = [[boy, run]] ?- [a, b, c] = [X, Y | Tail].

صفحه 25:
Converting a structure to a list ?- likes(john,mary) =.. X. X = [likes, john, mary] Anything in double is equivalent to a list of ASCII values: ?- "abc X = [97, 98, 99]

صفحه 26:
Recursion and Lists member(X,[Y|_]) :-X =Y. member(X, [ _ | Y]) :- member(X, Y). It would be easier to write this as: member(X,[X| _ ]). member(X, [ _ | Y]) :- member(X, Y). ?- member(1, [3,4,5,8,1,9]). Yes ?- member(X, [prolog, c, ada, haskell)). X= prolog;

صفحه 27:
ther Examples lange(you, i). lange(are, [am, not]). ange(french, australian). lange(do, no). ۱21206), 6(۰ /* catchall */ ter([ 1, [ ]). ter([H|T], [X|Y]) :- change(H, X), alter(T,Y). ?- alter([you,are,french],R). R = [i, [am, not], australian] Yes ?- alter([you,are,a,computer],R). R= [i, [am, not], a, computer] Yes 2

صفحه 28:
asserta/1. assertz/1 assert/1 retract/1 retractall/1 Example: assertz(fib(N,F)).

صفحه 29:
:-dynamic fib fib(1,1). fib(2,1). fib(N,F) :- N>2, N1 is N-1, fib(N1,F1), N2 is N-2, fib(N2,F2), Fis Fl + F2, asserta(fib(N,F)).

صفحه 30:

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