صفحه 1:
The “Russian Farmer” Problem Continued Lecture 24 Farmer, Cabba:

صفحه 2:
(F,W,G,C) x 3 x (tL) (LL) 6 1) ‏اام‎ ‎QLLy (Ayr, 1 | @ 17,1) (Lr) (r (rr) Gril) Gln) QLrr (irate ie) 1, Lr, 1) (rr, 7,1) ‏رای راردا‎ (Lr ey Lyn) (aren aed ‏با یدیم ابا ب‎ ( ۳ Q@LLn dir ۳ rL) on (ony eee ‏با رد‎ Lecture 24 Farmer, Goat, 2 Cabbage and Wolf Problem 0 ۳

صفحه 3:
(F,W,G,C) 121 G 1 ۲, 1( Gin 0 ‏كا ا‎ 1-2 Ca 1 ‏و‎ 7 (Coes el else) ‏و‎ 0 lr)

صفحه 4:
?- go( state(left,left,left,left), state(right,right,right,right) ). A solution is: The farmer takes the Goat from left of the river to right The farmer crosses the river from right to left The farmer takes the Wolf from left of the river to right The farmer takes the Goat from right of the river to left The farmer takes the cabbage from left of the river to right The farmer crosses the river from right to left The farmer takes the Goat from left of the river to right A solution is: The farmer takes the Goat from left of the river to right The farmer crosses the river from right to left The farmer takes the cabbage from left of the river to right The farmer takes the Goat from right of the river to left The farmer takes the Wolf from left of the river to right The farmer crosses the river from right to left The farmer takes the Goat from left of the river to right No Lecture 24 Farmer, Goat, 4 Cabbage and Wolf Problem 7 ‏رجي‎

صفحه 5:
go(Start,Target):- path(Start, Target,[Start],Path), write(‘A solution is:’),nl, write_path(Path). path(Start, Target, Visited, Path):- move(Start, NextNode), % Generate a move not( unsafe(NextNode) ), % Check that it is safe not( member(NextNode, Visited) ), % Check for recurrence path(NextNode, Target,[NextNode |Visited],Path),!.

صفحه 6:
move(state(X,X,G,C),state(Y,Y,G,C)):-opposite(X,Y). % move(state(X,W,X,C),state(Y,W,Y,C)):-opposite(X,Y). ۵ FARMER &GOAT move(state(X,W,G,X),state(Y,W,G,Y)):-opposite(X,Y). » FARMER & Cbg. move(state(X,W,G,C),state(Y,W,G,C)):-opposite(X,Y). % FARMER alone unsafe( state(F,X,X,_) ):- opposite(F,X),!. % The wolf eats the goat Other unsafe clauses opposite(left,right). opposite(right, left). Lecture 24 Farmer, Goat, 6

صفحه 7:
write_path( [] ). write_path( [H1,H2|T] ) :- write_move(H1,H2), write_path({H2|T]). write_move( state(X,W,G,C), state(Y,W,G,C) ) :-!, write(‘The farmer crosses the river from ‘), write(X),write(‘ to ‘),write(Y),nl. WILLE IMUVEL SLALELA,A,U, LU), SLALEL 1, 1,0,U) J 1, write(‘The farmer takes the Wolf from the ‘), write(X),write(‘side of the river to ‘),write(Y),nl. Lecture 24 Farmer, Goat,

صفحه 8:
?-go(X,Y). ?-go(state (left, left,left,left),Y). Lecture 24 Farmer, Goat, Cabbage and Problem

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