Logic Programming Prolog 9
اسلاید 1: Parsing
اسلاید 2: Language A set of strings from an alphabet which may be empty, finite or infinite. A language is defined by a grammar and we may also say that a grammer generates a language.Basic DefinitionsSymbol A symbol is an entity that has no meaning by itself (A character).Alphabet An alphabet is a finite set of symbols. Examples:B = {0, 1} C = {a, b, c} E = {a,b,…,z,A,B,…,Z,1,2,…,9,…}String (Sentence) A finite sequence of symbols from an alphabet. Examples:0, 1, 111, 10110101abc, cbba, bbc, aaabbbcccEnglish, Mary, school, John plays football.
اسلاید 3: GrammarA grammar G is defined as a four tuple (V, T, P, S), where: V={S}T={a,b}P:S->aSbS->abThis grammer generates strings containing an equal number of a’s and b’s starting with a’s at the beginning of the string and b’s following the a’s. To Generate the string aaaaabbbbb:S => aaSbb => aaaSbbb => aaaaSbbbb => aaaaabbbbbV is a set of symbols called variables (S, A, B, …) T is a set of symbols called terminal ( 0, 1, a, b, …) S is the start variable (an element of V) P is a set of grammer rulesAn example grammer:
اسلاید 4: Scanning(Lexical Analysis)Phases of compilationParsing(Syntax Analysis)Intermediate Code Gen.(Semantics Analysis)OptimizationCodeGenerationTokens ([x, +, ‘(’, y, *, x, ‘)’] )Parse treeIntermediate codeOptimizedcodeObjectCodex+(y*x)
اسلاید 5: A parser is a program which embodies the rules of a grammar. Parsing is the task of showing whether or not a string of symbols conforms to the syntactic rules (grammer) of a language. If the string conforms to the rules we say that the grammar generates the string. Scannerwhile A > = B Do[while, A, > =, B, Do]ParserYes, this conforms to the syntactic rules
اسلاید 6: A simple grammar for expressionsexpr ::= term | term addop expr term ::= factor | factor multop termfactor ::= ‘x’ | ‘y’ | lbr expr rbraddop ::= ‘+’ | ‘-’multop ::= ‘*’ | ‘/’lbr ::= ‘(’ rbr ::= ‘)’ E -> TE -> T A ET -> FT -> F M T…Parsing ExpressionsArithmetic Expressions x x+y x+(y*x)
اسلاید 7: Representing this grammar in PrologWe should write a relation expr, such that expr(E) succeeds if E can be parsed as an expression. Suppose we represent an expression as a list of symbols as follows: [x, +, ‘(’, y, *, x, ‘)’] How can we parse this as an expression? The grammar tells us that there are 2 ways that a list of symbols can represent an expression. expr ::= term | term addop exprThe first clause is simple:expr(E) :- term(E). % E is an expression if it is a term
اسلاید 8: The second clause says that a list of symbols is an expression if it starts with a term followed by an addop and ends with an expression. So we must write code to find the first part of the list which can be parsed as a term. We will use append(L1, L2, L3) to split the list up and find all the possible first parts of the list: ?- append([a,b],[c,d],L).L = [a, b, c, d] ?- append(L1,L2,[a,b,c,d]).L1 = []L2 = [a, b, c, d] ;L1 = [a]L2 = [b, c, d] ;L1 = [a, b]L2 = [c, d] ;L1 = [a, b, c]L2 = [d] ;L1 = [a, b, c, d]L2 = [] ;No
اسلاید 9: append(Start, Finish, [x, +, (, y, *, x, )]) Start = [], Finish = [x, +, (, y, *, x, )];Start = [x], Finish = [+, (, y, *, x, )];Start = [x, +], Finish = [(, y, *, x, )];Start = [x, +, (], Finish = [y, *, x, )];Start = [x, +, (, y], Finish = [*, x, )];Start = [x, +, (, y, *], Finish = [x, )];Start = [x, +, (, y, *, x], Finish = [)];Start = [x, +, (, y, *, x, )], Finish = [];No[x, +, ‘(’, y, *, x, ‘)’]
اسلاید 10: expr(L) :- append(First, Rest, L), % Split the list up term(First), % find a term at the start append(L1, L2, Rest), %split the Rest up addop(L1), %find an addop expr(L2). %find an expr expr ::= term | term addop expr
اسلاید 11: term(L) :- append(First, Rest, L), % Split the list up factor(First), % find a factor at the start append(L1, L2, Rest), %split the Rest up multop(L1), %find a multop term(L2). %find a term Term term ::= factor | factor multop termClause 1term(L):- factor(L). Clause 2
اسلاید 12: factor([x]). factor([y]). factor(L) :- append(First, Rest, L), lbr(First), append(L1, L2, Rest), expr(L1), rbr(L2). Factorsfactor ::= ‘x’ | ‘y’ | lbr expr rbrA list of symbols is a factor if it is ‘x’ or ‘y’
اسلاید 13: Parsing operators and brackets addop ::= ‘+’ | ‘-’ multop ::= ‘*’ | ‘/’ lbr ::= ‘(’ rbr ::= ‘)’ Defining operators and the bracketsaddop([+]). addop([-]). multop([*]). multop([-]). lbr([(]). rbr([)]).
اسلاید 14: ?- expr([x, +, (, y, *, x, )]).Yes?- expr([y, -, (, x, +, y, )]).Yes?- expr([y, -, (, x, +, y]).No?- expr([y,/, (, x, +, y,)]).Yes?- expr([y,/, (, x, +, y,)]).ERROR: Syntax error: Operator expectedERROR: expr([y,/, (, ERROR: ** here **ERROR: x, +, y,)]) . ?- Now we can user expr to parse strings of symbols as expressions:x+(y*x)x-(x+y)y-(x+yy/(x+y)
اسلاید 15: It is possible with most Prolog implementations to write a grammar directly in Prolog and use a special predicate to parse strings. we have seen that we can construct a parser in Prolog from a grammar.It is even possible to write a Prolog program which takes a grammar and produces a parser. Such a program is called a parser generators.
اسلاید 16: expr --> term. expr --> term, addop, expr. term --> factor. term --> factor, multop, term. factor -->[x]. factor -->[y]. factor --> lbr, expr, rbr. addop -->[+]. addop -->[-]. multop -->[*]. multop -->[/]. lbr -->[(]. rbr -->[)]. Here is the grammar that we presented earlier rewritten using Prolog grammer rules:
اسلاید 17: The Prolog grammar rules are just a bunch of facts, like any others we might have in our database. To use them for parsing we need to give Prolog the query: phrase(P, List) ?- phrase(expr, [y, *, (, x, +, x, )]) Yes ?- phrase(factor, [y]) Yes ?- phrase(rbr, [)]) Yes ?- phrase(factor, [y , *, x]) No ?- phrase(expr, [y , *, x]) .Yes?- phrase(factor, [(,y , *, x,)]). Yes?- ?- phrase(expr, L).L = [x] ;L = [y] ;L = [(, x, )] ;L = [(, y, )] ;
اسلاید 18: A Grammar for a very small fragment of Englishsentence --> noun_phrase, verb_phrase. noun_phrase --> determiner, noun. noun_phrase --> proper_noun. determiner -->[the]. determiner -->[a]. proper_noun -->[pedro]. noun -->[man]. noun -->[apple]. verb_phrase --> verb, noun_phrase. verb_phrase --> verb. verb -->[eats]. verb -->[sings].
اسلاید 19: ?- phrase(sentence, [the, man, eats]). yes ?- phrase(sentence, [the, man, eats, the, apple]). yes ?- phrase(sentence, [the, apple, eats, a, man]). yes ?- phrase(sentence, [pedro, sings, the, pedro]). no ?- phrase(sentence,[eats, apple, man]). no ?- phrase(sentence,L).
اسلاید 20: L = [the, man, eats, the, man] ;L = [the, man, eats, the, apple] ;L = [the, man, eats, a, man] ;L = [the, man, eats, a, apple] ;L = [the, man, eats, pedro] ;L = [the, man, sings, the, man] ;L = [the, man, sings, the, apple] ;L = [the, man, sings, a, man] ;L = [the, man, sings, a, apple] ;L = [the, man, sings, pedro] ;L = [the, man, eats] ;L = [the, man, sings] ;L = [the, apple, eats, the, man] ;L = [the, apple, eats, the, apple] ;L = [the, apple, eats, a, man] ;L = [the, apple, eats, a, apple] ;L = [the, apple, eats, pedro] ;L = [the, apple, sings, the, man] ;L = [the, apple, sings, the, apple] ;L = [the, apple, sings, a, man] ;
اسلاید 21: L = [the, apple, sings, a, apple] ;L = [the, apple, sings, pedro] ;L = [the, man, sings, pedro] ;L = [the, man, eats] ;L = [the, man, sings] ;L = [the, apple, eats, the, man] ;L = [the, apple, eats, the, apple] ;L = [the, apple, eats, a, man] ;L = [the, apple, eats, a, apple] ;L = [the, apple, eats, pedro] ;L = [the, apple, sings, the, man] ;L = [the, apple, sings, the, apple] ;L = [the, apple, sings, a, man] ;L = [the, apple, sings, a, apple] ;L = [the, apple, sings, pedro] ;L = [a, apple, eats, the, man] ;L = [a, apple, eats, the, apple] ;L = [a, apple, eats, a, man] ;L = [a, apple, eats, a, apple] ;L = [a, apple, eats, pedro] ;L = [a, apple, sings, the, man] ;
اسلاید 22: L = [a, apple, sings, the, apple] ;L = [a, apple, sings, a, man] ;L = [a, apple, sings, a, apple] ;L = [a, apple, sings, pedro] ;L = [a, apple, eats] ;L = [a, apple, sings] ;L = [pedro, eats, the, man] ;L = [pedro, eats, the, apple] ;L = [pedro, eats, a, man] ;L = [pedro, eats, a, apple] ;L = [pedro, eats, pedro] ;L = [pedro, sings, the, man] ;L = [pedro, sings, the, apple] ;L = [pedro, sings, a, man] ;L = [pedro, sings, a, apple] ;L = [pedro, sings, pedro] ;L = [pedro, eats] ;L = [pedro, sings] ;No?-
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